Example #1
def answer_quiz(quiz_id):
    db_connection = database.create_database_connection()

        body = request.get_json()

        user_id = extract_field_from_body('user_id', body)
        option_id = extract_field_from_body('option_id', body)

        database.answer(db_connection, quiz_id, user_id, option_id)

        database.result(db_connection, quiz_id)

        return Response("Bad request.",

    return Response('Answer added.', status=201, mimetype='application/json')
Example #2
def drupal_is_denied(ip):
   Check to see if an IP address has been blocked.
   Blocked IP addresses are stored in the database by default. However for
   performance reasons we allow an override in settings.php. This allows us
   to avoid querying the database at this critical stage of the bootstrap if
   an administrative interface for IP address blocking is not required.
   @param $ip string
     IP address to check.
   @return bool
     TRUE if access is denied, FALSE if access is allowed.
    # Because this function is called on every page request, we first check
    # for an array of IP addresses in settings.php before querying the
    # database.
    blocked_ips = variable_get('blocked_ips', None)
    if (blocked_ips != None and php.is_array(blocked_ips)):
        return php.in_array(ip, blocked_ips)
        sql = "SELECT 1 FROM {blocked_ips} WHERE ip = '%s'"
        return (lib_database.result(lib_database.query(sql, ip)) != False)
Example #3
def drupal_is_denied(ip):
   Check to see if an IP address has been blocked.
   Blocked IP addresses are stored in the database by default. However for
   performance reasons we allow an override in settings.php. This allows us
   to avoid querying the database at this critical stage of the bootstrap if
   an administrative interface for IP address blocking is not required.
   @param $ip string
     IP address to check.
   @return bool
     TRUE if access is denied, FALSE if access is allowed.
    # Because this function is called on every page request, we first check
    # for an array of IP addresses in settings.php before querying the
    # database.
    blocked_ips = variable_get("blocked_ips", None)
    if blocked_ips != None and php.is_array(blocked_ips):
        return php.in_array(ip, blocked_ips)
        sql = "SELECT 1 FROM {blocked_ips} WHERE ip = '%s'"
        return lib_database.result(lib_database.query(sql, ip)) != False
Example #4
def drupal_get_filename(type_, name, filename=None):
   Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system item (plugin,
   theme, etc.). The filename, whether provided, cached, or retrieved
   from the database, is only returned if the file exists.
   This def plays a key role in allowing Drupal's resources (plugins
   and themes) to be located in different places depending on a site's
   configuration. For example, a plugin 'foo' may legally be be located
   in any of these three places:
   Calling drupal_get_filename('plugin', 'foo') will give you one of
   the above, depending on where the plugin is located.
   @param type
     The type of the item (i.e. theme, theme_engine, plugin).
   @param name
     The name of the item for which the filename is requested.
   @param filename
     The filename of the item if it is to be set explicitly rather
     than by consulting the database.
     The filename of the requested item.
    php.static(drupal_get_filename, 'files', {})
    file = lib_database.result(lib_database.query(\
      "SELECT filename FROM {system} WHERE name = '%s' AND type = '%s'", \
       name, type_))
    if (not php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files, type_)):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_] = {}
    if (filename is not None and php.file_exists(filename)):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = filename
    elif (php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files[type_], name)):
        # nothing
    # Verify that we have an active database connection, before querying
    # the database.  This is required because this def is called both
    # before we have a database connection (i.e. during installation) and
    # when a database connection fails.
    elif (lib_database.is_active() and (file and php.file_exists(file))):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = file
        # Fallback to searching the filesystem if the database connection is
        # not established or the requested file is not found.
        config = conf_path()
        if type_ == 'theme_engine':
            dir_ = 'themes/engines'
            file = "%s.engine" % name
            dir_ = '%ss' % type_
            file = "__init__.py"
        fileVals = {
            'name': name,
            'file': file,
            'dir': dir_,
            'config': config
        fileChecker = (
            # DRUPY: This is not used
            # "%(config)s/%(dir)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            "%(config)s/%(dir)s/%(name)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            # DRUPY: This is not used
            #"%(dir)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            "%(dir)s/%(name)s/%(file)s" % fileVals)
        for file_ in fileChecker:
            if (php.file_exists(file_)):
                drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = file_
    if (php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files[type_], name)):
        return drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name]
import sys
from database import result
from pymongo import MongoClient
from datetime import datetime
import threading
import time

client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
db = client["BTP"]
col1 = db["userInformation"]

result1 = result(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "1")


    {"id": "a"}, {"$set": {
        "queries.$[0].results": result1.get_object_json()

# print result1.get_object_json()

# db.userInformation.update({"id.queries": "a"}, {"$push":

# 	{

# 	"queries[0].result1s":   --> PLACE

# 	result1.get_object_json()  --> WHAT

# 	}
Example #6
def drupal_get_filename(type_, name, filename=None):
   Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system item (plugin,
   theme, etc.). The filename, whether provided, cached, or retrieved
   from the database, is only returned if the file exists.
   This def plays a key role in allowing Drupal's resources (plugins
   and themes) to be located in different places depending on a site's
   configuration. For example, a plugin 'foo' may legally be be located
   in any of these three places:
   Calling drupal_get_filename('plugin', 'foo') will give you one of
   the above, depending on where the plugin is located.
   @param type
     The type of the item (i.e. theme, theme_engine, plugin).
   @param name
     The name of the item for which the filename is requested.
   @param filename
     The filename of the item if it is to be set explicitly rather
     than by consulting the database.
     The filename of the requested item.
    php.static(drupal_get_filename, "files", {})
    file = lib_database.result(
        lib_database.query("SELECT filename FROM {system} WHERE name = '%s' AND type = '%s'", name, type_)
    if not php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files, type_):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_] = {}
    if filename is not None and php.file_exists(filename):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = filename
    elif php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files[type_], name):
        # nothing
    # Verify that we have an active database connection, before querying
    # the database.  This is required because this def is called both
    # before we have a database connection (i.e. during installation) and
    # when a database connection fails.
    elif lib_database.is_active() and (file and php.file_exists(file)):
        drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = file
        # Fallback to searching the filesystem if the database connection is
        # not established or the requested file is not found.
        config = conf_path()
        if type_ == "theme_engine":
            dir_ = "themes/engines"
            file = "%s.engine" % name
            dir_ = "%ss" % type_
            file = "__init__.py"
        fileVals = {"name": name, "file": file, "dir": dir_, "config": config}
        fileChecker = (
            # DRUPY: This is not used
            # "%(config)s/%(dir)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            "%(config)s/%(dir)s/%(name)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            # DRUPY: This is not used
            # "%(dir)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
            "%(dir)s/%(name)s/%(file)s" % fileVals,
        for file_ in fileChecker:
            if php.file_exists(file_):
                drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name] = file_
    if php.isset(drupal_get_filename.files[type_], name):
        return drupal_get_filename.files[type_][name]