def open_whatsapp(self): speak("tell number of reciver") if speak_is_on(): reciver = take_input(self) else: reciver = take_input(self) speak("say your context") if speak_is_on(): context = take_input(self) else: context = take_input(self) try: now = hour = int(now.strftime("%H")) minute = int(now.strftime("%M")) print(f"Reciver : {reciver}") print(f"Context : {context}") print(f"{hour}") print(f"{minute}") # sending message to reciever # using pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg(f"+91{reciver}", f"{context}", hour, minute+1) return("Successfully Sent!") except: # handling exception # and printing error message return("An Unexpected Error!")
def output(o): print( + ":" + o) print() if speak_is_on(): speak(o)
def output(o): #command line output print(Fore.RED + + ": " + o + Fore.RESET) if speak_is_on(): speak(o) print()
def speak(usertext): if speak_is_on(): engine.say(usertext) engine.runAndWait() else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle(f"{}") msg.setText(f"{usertext}") x = msg.exec_()
def open_sites(self): speak("say site name with its dot extension") if speak_is_on(): said1 = take_input(self) else: said1 = take_input(self) said = said1.lower().replace(" ","")"https://{said}") return (said)
def open_comsites(self): speak("say com site name") if speak_is_on(): said1 = take_input(self) else: said1 = take_input(self) said = said1.lower().replace(" ","")"https://{said}.com") return (said)
def output(o): #command line output if speak_is_on(): speak(o) print( + ":" + o) print()
def take_input(self): if speak_is_on(): i = speak_module.get_audio() else: text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Get text", "enter your query:", QLineEdit.Normal, "") if okPressed and text != '': i = text else: i = "no query" return i
def give_output(o): if speak_is_on(): if o == "signing off sir": speak(o) os._exit(0) else: speak(o) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle(f"{}") msg.setText(f'{}: {o}') x = msg.exec_() print(f'{}: {o}') print()