def recoverSubtopic(): subtopic_id = int(sys.argv[1]) atn_db = DBHandler('./database/Memex.db') atn_db.cur.execute('UPDATE subtopic SET state=0 WHERE subtopic_id=?', [subtopic_id]) atn_db.cur.execute( ''' UPDATE filter_list SET state=1 WHERE topic_id = (SELECT topic_id FROM subtopic WHERE subtopic_id=?) AND docno IN ( SELECT DISTINCT passage.docno FROM passage WHERE passage.subtopic_id=? AND passage.state=0) AND state!=1 ''',[subtopic_id, subtopic_id]) atn_db.cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO filter_list (topic_id, docno, state) SELECT DISTINCT subtopic.topic_id, passage.docno, 1 FROM subtopic, passage WHERE subtopic.subtopic_id = passage.subtopic_id AND subtopic.subtopic_id=? AND passage.state = 0 AND passage.docno NOT in (SELECT docno FROM filter_list WHERE topic_id = subtopic.topic_id); ''', [subtopic_id]) atn_db.commit() atn_db.close()
def recoverSubtopic(): subtopic_id = int(sys.argv[1]) atn_db = DBHandler('./database/test.db') atn_db.cur.execute('UPDATE subtopic SET state=0 WHERE subtopic_id=?', [subtopic_id]) atn_db.cur.execute( ''' UPDATE filter_list SET state=1 WHERE topic_id = (SELECT topic_id FROM subtopic WHERE subtopic_id=?) AND docno IN ( SELECT DISTINCT passage.docno FROM passage WHERE passage.subtopic_id=? AND passage.state=0) AND state!=1 ''',[subtopic_id, subtopic_id]) atn_db.cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO filter_list (topic_id, docno, state) SELECT DISTINCT subtopic.topic_id, passage.docno, 1 FROM subtopic, passage WHERE subtopic.subtopic_id = passage.subtopic_id AND subtopic.subtopic_id=? AND passage.state = 0 AND passage.docno NOT in (SELECT docno FROM filter_list WHERE topic_id = subtopic.topic_id); ''', [subtopic_id]) atn_db.commit() atn_db.close()
def userAuthentication(username, password): user_db = DBHandler(db_path.user) result = None user_db.cur.execute( 'SELECT userid, username, usercookie FROM user WHERE username = ? AND password = ?',[username, password]) result = user_db.cur.fetchone() user_db.close() return result
def userAuthentication(username, password): user_db = DBHandler(db_path.user) result = None user_db.cur.execute( 'SELECT userid, username, usercookie FROM user WHERE username = ? AND password = ?', [username, password]) result = user_db.cur.fetchone() user_db.close() return result
def cookieAuthentication(env): user_db = DBHandler(db_path.user) result = None if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in env: for pair in env['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(';'): cookie = pair.strip() if cookie.startswith('usercookie'): key, value = cookie.split('=') user_db.cur.execute('SELECT userid, username, usercookie FROM user WHERE usercookie = ?',[value,]) result = user_db.cur.fetchone() break user_db.close() return result
def cookieAuthentication(env): user_db = DBHandler(db_path.user) result = None if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in env: for pair in env['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(';'): cookie = pair.strip() if cookie.startswith('usercookie'): key, value = cookie.split('=') user_db.cur.execute( 'SELECT userid, username, usercookie FROM user WHERE usercookie = ?', [ value, ]) result = user_db.cur.fetchone() break user_db.close() return result
def dupTopic(): userid = 30 topic_id = 391 # copy this topic to this userid atn_db = DBHandler('./database/test.db') atn_db.insert('topic', [ None, "slums and orphans _ debug", None, userid, 1, 'L', 'L', '', '', 0 ]) new_tid = atn_db.cur.lastrowid atn_db.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM subtopic WHERE topic_id=? AND state=0', [topic_id]) subtopics = atn_db.cur.fetchall() for subtopic in subtopics: atn_db.insert('subtopic', [None, subtopic[1] + ' _ debug', new_tid, 0, 0]) new_sid = atn_db.cur.lastrowid atn_db.cur.execute( 'SELECT * FROM passage WHERE subtopic_id=? AND state=0', [subtopic[0]]) passages = atn_db.cur.fetchall() for passage in passages: atn_db.insert( 'passage', [None, passage[1], passage[2], 0, 0, passage[5], new_sid, 0]) atn_db.cur.execute('SELECT docno, state FROM filter_list WHERE topic_id=?', [topic_id]) fdocs = atn_db.cur.fetchall() for fdoc in fdocs: docno, state = fdoc atn_db.insert('filter_list', [new_tid, docno, state]) atn_db.commit() atn_db.close()
def main(): atn_db = DBHandler("../../../database/Memex.db") #database connection topicId = int(sys.argv[1]) #topic id must_list = [] should_list = [] query_dic = getQuery(atn_db,topicId) age_min = 0 age_max = 0 height_min = 0 height_max = 0 query_body = {"size":500,"query":{"bool":{"must":[],"should":[]}} } feature_should_search_map = {"name":"name","hairColor":"hair","eyeColor":"eye","nationality":"nationality","ethnicity":"ethnicity","reviewSite":"review","reviewSiteId":"review","email":"email","phone":"phone","state":"","city":"","price":"","multiple_providers":"","socialMedia":"","socialMediaId":"","services":"","height":"height","weight":"weight","post_date":"posted"} for key in query_dic: if key in ["phone","age","height","hairColor","eyeColor"]: #field search pass else: must_list.append(query_dic[key]) if "age" in query_dic: age_min = int(query_dic["age"][:2]) age_max = int(query_dic["age"][2:]) should_list.append("age") if "height" in query_dic: height_min = int(query_dic["height"][:3]) height_max = int(query_dic["height"][3:]) should_list.append("height") if must_list: #plain text search fields query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match":{"raw_content":" ".join(must_list)}}) else: #field search query_list = [] if "age" in query_dic: query_list.append("age") if "height" in query_dic: query_list.append("height") query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match":{"raw_content":" ".join(query_list)}}) #should_arr = [] # for word in should_list: # dic = {} # dic["match"] = {} # dic["match"]["raw_content"] = word # should_arr.append(dic) #query_body["query"]["bool"]["should"] = should_arr if "phone" in query_dic: phone_number = re.sub("\D","",query_dic["phone"]) query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match":{"phone":phone_number }}) if "age" in query_dic: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"range" : {"age" : {"gte" : age_min,"lte" : age_max}}}) if "height" in query_dic: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"range" : {"height" : {"gte" : height_min,"lte" : height_max}}}) if "hairColor" in query_dic: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match":{"hairColor":" ".join(query_dic["hairColor"].split(","))}}) if "eyeColor" in query_dic: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({"match":{"eyeColor":" ".join(query_dic["eyeColor"].split(","))}}) raw_content_str = query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"][0] if not raw_content_str["match"]["raw_content"]: #occurs when field search(phone,hairColor,eyeColor) is the only field involved query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].pop(0) a = open("test.txt","w") a.write(str(query_body)) a.close() es = Elasticsearch(["localhost:9200/positiongt"],request_timeout=60) response =,request_timeout=60) documents = response["hits"]["hits"] results = [] if not documents: hypoFields = [] if "hairColor" in query_dic: hypoFields.append("hairColor") if "eyeColor" in query_dic: hypoFields.append("eyeColor") is_raw_content = False if hypoFields: #if there is no results and hairColor or eyeColor included, transfer field search(originally hairColro and eyeColor are field search) to plain text search for term in hypoFields: j = -1 for i in range(len(query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"])): if "raw_content" in query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"][i]["match"]: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"][i]["match"]["raw_content"] += " "+" ".join(query_dic[term].split(",")) is_raw_content = True if term in query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"][i]["match"]: j = i if j>=0: query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].pop(j) #remove the field search if not is_raw_content: #this case occurs when field search are the only fields involved. query_body["query"]["bool"]["must"].insert(0,{"match":{"raw_content":" ".join(map(lambda x:" ".join(query_dic[x].split(",")),hypoFields))}}) response =,request_timeout=60) documents = response["hits"]["hits"] if "ethnicity" in query_dic: f = open("nation_continent.txt") ethnicity_dic = yaml.load(f) candidate_countries = ethnicity_dic[query_dic["ethnicity"].lower()]+[query_dic["ethnicity"].capitalize()] for document in documents: if "ethnicity" in document["_source"] and document["_source"]["ethnicity"]: ethnicities = map(lambda x:x.lower(),document["_source"]["ethnicity"]) #print(ethnicities) if query_dic["ethnicity"].capitalize() in ethnicities: print(document["_id"]) results.append(document["_id"]) else: isMatch = False for eth_candi in ethnicities: if isMatch: break for coun_candi in candidate_countries: if fuzz.ratio(eth_candi,coun_candi.lower())>=80: print(document["_id"]) results.append(document["_id"]) isMatch = True break else: for document in documents: print document["_id"] results.append(document["_id"]) atn_db.cur.execute("SELECT round from search_list where topic_id=? ORDER BY round DESC LIMIT 1",[topicId]) res = atn_db.cur.fetchone() round = 0 if res: round, = res round += 1 for documentId in results: #print((None,topicId,round,documentId)) atn_db.cur.execute('INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)' %("search_list", "?,?,?,?"), (None,topicId,round,documentId)) atn_db.commit() atn_db.close()
# initialize the image descriptor cd = ColorDescriptor((8, 12, 3)) # load the query image and describe it query = cv2.imread("query") features = cd.describe(query) # perform the search searcher = Searcher("a.csv") #start = results = #print(( # display the query #cv2.imshow("Query", query) results = map(lambda k:k[1].split(".")[0].split("_")[0],results) cur.execute("SELECT round from search_list where topic_id=? ORDER BY round DESC LIMIT 1",[topicId]) res = cur.fetchone() round = 0 if res: round, = res round += 1 # loop over the results for resultID in list(set(results)): #load the result image and display it print(resultID) cur.execute('INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)' %("search_list", "?,?,?,?"), (None,topicId,round,resultID)) # result = cv2.imread(args["result_path"] + "/" + resultID) # cv2.imshow("Result", result) # cv2.waitKey(0) atn_db.commit() atn_db.close() os.system("rm -f query")