def measurements(deveui): ''' Returns all measurements of a sensor node ''' return jsonify(list_to_dict((, Measurement) .join(Measurement) .where(Sensor.deveuid == deveui) .get()) ))
def weather_data(): ''' Handles data recieved from the weather sensors the payload has the folowing format: ['tt', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xx'] 'tt' is the measurement type mapped via the 'measurement_type_map' the 'xx' values represent a number in the format of 'xxxx.xxxx' (four digits bevore the and four after the dot) ''' # remove namespace for parsing xml = ElementTree.fromstring(re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '',, count=1)) measurement = { 'deveui': None, 'time': None, 'payload_hex': None } measurement_type_map = { '00': 'temparature', '01': 'lumen', '02': 'light' } for child in xml: print(child.tag.lower()) if child.tag.lower() in measurement: print('added {0}'.format(child.text)) measurement[child.tag.lower()] = child.text sensor, created = Sensor.get_or_create( deveuid=measurement['deveui'], position='47.3846794:8.5329564') Measurement.create( timestamp=datetime.datetime.strptime(measurement['time'][:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), type=measurement_type_map[measurement['payload_hex'][:2]], value=measurement['payload_hex'][2:], sensor=sensor).save() return jsonify({'message': str(xml)})
def graph_data(deveui): ''' Get simple csv data for a grap ''' data = (, Measurement) .join(Measurement) .where( Sensor.deveuid == deveui & Measurement.type == 'temparature') .get()) measurements = [] for messung in data.measurements: measurements.append({ 'timestamp': messung.timestamp, 'type': messung.type, 'value': dafuqnumber(messung.value) }) return jsonify({'data': measurements})
def sensors(): ''' Returns all weather nodes ''' return jsonify(list_to_dict(Sensor.get()))