async def learnmove(message, send): content = getContent(message) if not content: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) try: movename, slot = content.rsplit(' ', 1) slot = int(slot) if slot < 1 or slot > 4: raise UserWarning( "@mention Invalid slot. It has to be between 1–4!") except: movename = content slot = None pokedata = database.loadPokedata( move = pokedex.getMoveByName(movename, pokedata.getPokemon()) oldMove = pokedata.learnMove(move, slot) database.savePokedata(pokedata) if slot and oldMove != None: return await send( '1, 2 and... Poof! @poss @pokemon forgot **{}** and... @pokemon learned {}!' .format(oldMove, move)) else: return await send('@poss @pokemon learned {}!'.format(move))
async def battles(message, send): pokedata = database.loadPokedata( won = pokedata.getStatistic('battlesWon') lost = pokedata.getStatistic('battlesLost') raise UserWarning( "Your @pokemon has won {} and lost {} battles so far!".format( won, lost))
async def whatis(message, send): content = getContent(message) if not content: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) user = findMember(message, content) pokemon = str(database.loadPokedata(user, False)) m = '{} is {} {}!'.format(user.mention, aOrAn(pokemon), pokemon) return await send(m)
async def heal(message, send): pokedata = database.loadPokedata( if pokedata.getHp() != 0: return await send( "Your Pokemon can still fight! Only fainted Pokemon are able to `!heal`." ) pokedata.fullRestore() database.savePokedata(pokedata) hp = pokedata.getHp() m = '@poss @pokemon was fully restored to ({0}/{0}) hp!'.format(hp) return await send(m)
async def trainev(message, send): value, stat = getArgs(message) if not value.isdigit(): return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) value = int(value) stat = pokedex.checkStat(stat) pokedata = database.loadPokedata( result = pokedata.trainEV(value, stat) database.savePokedata(pokedata) return await send( "@poss @pokemon trained and increased its {}-EV by ({})!".format( stat, result))
async def admin(message, send): args = getArgs(message) try: value = int(args[0]) except: raise UserWarning("@mention Invalid stage. It has to be between -6–6!") try: stat = args[1] except: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) pokedata = database.loadPokedata( log = [] pokedex.raiseStage(pokedata, value, stat, log) database.savePokedata(pokedata) log = '\n'.join(log) log = log.replace('@attacker', str(pokedata)) return await send(log)
async def resetev(message, send): pokedata = database.loadPokedata( pokedata.resetEV() database.savePokedata(pokedata) return await send("Your Pokemon's EVs have been reset!")
async def moveset(message, send): pokedata = database.loadPokedata( table = pokedata.getMovesetTable() return await send("@poss @pokemon {}".format(table))
async def stages(message, send): pokedata = database.loadPokedata( stages = pokedata.getStages() table = ['{:>8}: {}'.format(stat, stages[stat]) for stat in stages] return await send("@poss @pokemon```Python\n{}```".format('\n'.join(table)) )
async def attack(message, send): content = getContent(message) if getCommand(message) == 'attack': # !attack USER with MOVE result ='(.*)\swith\s(.*)', content) if not result: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) other = findMember(message, move = pokedex.getMoveByName( elif getCommand(message) == 'use': # !use MOVE on USER result ='(.*)\son\s(.*)', content) if result: move = pokedex.getMoveByName( other = findMember(message, else: result ='(.*)', content) if result: move = pokedex.getMoveByName( other = else: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) else: return await send(commandlist[getCommand(message)][1]) pokeAtk = database.loadPokedata( if == pokeDef = pokeAtk else: pokeDef = database.loadPokedata(other, False) attacker = pokeAtk.getOwner() defender = pokeDef.getOwner() if not pokeAtk.knowsMove(move): raise UserWarning( "Your @pokemon doesn't know that move yet. Use `!learnmove` to learn it!" ) if not pokeAtk.canUseMove(move): raise UserWarning("{} is out of PP!".format(move)) if pokeAtk.getHp() == 0: raise UserWarning( "Your @pokemon is unable to fight. Use `!heal` first!".format()) if pokeDef.getHp() == 0: raise UserWarning( "The opponent's {} is unable to fight.".format(pokeDef)) remaining = attacker.getTimeRemaining('attack', pokeAtk.getAttackCooldown()) if remaining > 0: waitTime = getDurationString(remaining) raise UserWarning( '@mention Your attack refreshes in _{}_.'.format(waitTime)) attacker.setTimestamp('attack') # Attack start try: log = [] channel = database.loadChannel( clearOldWeather(message, send) weather = {'current': channel.getWeather(), 'new': None} pokedex.attack(pokeAtk, pokeDef, log, move, weather) if pokeAtk == pokeDef and pokeAtk.getHp() == 0: log += ["Your @attacker fainted!"] else: if pokeDef.getHp() == 0: won = pokeAtk.incStatistic('battlesWon', 1) pokeDef.incStatistic('battlesLost', 1) log += ["Opponent's @defender fainted!"] if won > 0 and won % 10 == 0: attacker.incCaps(1) log += [ "{} You earned a bottlecap! Use it to `!hypertrain`.". format( ] if pokeAtk.getHp() == 0: won = pokeDef.incStatistic('battlesWon', 1) pokeAtk.incStatistic('battlesLost', 1) log += ["Your @attacker fainted!"] if won > 0 and won % 10 == 0: defender.incCaps(1) log += [ "{} You earned a bottlecap! Use it to `!hypertrain`.". format(other.mention) ] raise pokedex.EndAttack() except pokedex.EndAttack as msg: database.saveUser(attacker) database.saveUser(defender) if str(msg): log += [str(msg)] log = '\n'.join(log) log = log.replace('@attacker', str(pokeAtk)) log = log.replace('@defender', str(pokeDef)) await send(log) if weather['new']: await activateWeather(message, send, weather['new'])