Example #1
    def __init__(self, obid=None):

        if obid != None:
            con = databaseModule.getConnection()
            self.initFromDatabase(obid, con)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, obid=None):

        self.MAX_INLINE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 50000
        self.MAX_INLINE_FEATURE_COUNT = 100
        self.AboutMe['default'][0]['heading'] = 'BRDF Sequence Object'
        self.AboutMe['default'][0]['text'] = """
        This page displays a sequence object from the BRDF database. Contents include:

           <li> Basic sequence information - the sequence, length, molecule type
           <li> Blast or other search annotation if available
           <li> A graphical feature display if features have been loaded
           <li> A trace viewer if there is a trace file linked to the sequence. The clipped off ends
                are usually shaded gray in this view, the sequence corresponding to that shown in the basic
                sequence information panel is unshaded. In some cases there may be no shading, if the
                drawing code could not determine where the clipping started. Some ABI files seem to
                adopt a convention of starting the clipped sequence at position zero, and it may be possible to
                identify the start of clipping using this rule, even when we have not shaded the clipped
        In the BRDF database schema, sequence objects are stored in a table called
        biosequenceob. Various types of sequence can be stored in this table - for example,
        nucleotide, protein, mRNA sequence, genomic sequence. Also, various types of
        sequence model can be stored in addition to the common models of nucleic and amino acid symbol strings -
        for example, other models of sequences include regular expressions and HMMs.
        The type of a sequence object is stored in the sequencetype field of this table.
        The current set of types that are supported in this database are recorded in an ontology called
        AGSEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY (you can browse this ontology by selecting ONTOLOGIES from the drop down list
        of search types on the main page, and entering AGSEQUENCE_ONTOLOGY as the search phrase).
        A Sequence Object in the BRDF database may have relationships with other types of object
        in the database. For example, if the sequence is a primary sequence resulting from lab work, then
        there is a relation between the biological sample used in the sequencing experiment and one or more
        lab resources (vectors, primers); a sequence may be the product of a gene and thus related to
        a BRDF geneticob record; if we have searched sequence databases (e.g. via BLAST) and
        found similar sequences and stored these search results in the BRDF schema, then this involves a
        relationship with a database search run and another (hit) biosequence. All of the possible relationships that a
        sequence object may have with other objects in the database are depicted by icons in the information
        map section of the page.
        The icon is composed of the sequenceob symbol connected to the symbols for the related objects
        by horizontal lines. Where the database does not yet contain any related objects for a sequence,
        the icon for that relationship is greyed out.
        We may store various types of facts about a given sequence object - for example, features of the
        sequence; or miscellaneous facts specific to a given project. Each type of fact supported by the
        BRDF is depicted by a line connecting the sequence symbol, to a square box labelled info, with the type of
        fact appearing to the right of the icon. Where the database does not yet contain any facts
        of a given type for a sequence object, the info icon is greyed out.

        if obid != None:
            con = databaseModule.getConnection()
            self.initFromDatabase(obid, con)
Example #3
def processExtracts(args):

    print "in processExtracts"
    config = configs[args["format"]]

    connection = databaseModule.getConnection()
    extractcur = connection.cursor()

    for itemkey in config:
        if re.search("^extract", itemkey) != None:

            sql = config[itemkey] % args

            print "executing %s" % sql

            if args["action"] == "test_extract":
                print "(but only testing)"

            elif args["action"] == "do_extract":
                myrow = extractcur.fetchone()
                outfile = "%s.extract" % myrow[0]
                print "writing %s" % outfile
                mywriter = file(outfile, "w")
                colnames = [item[0] for item in extractcur.description]
                mywriter.write(reduce(lambda x, y: x + '\t' + y, colnames[1:]))
                while myrow != None:
                    if outfile != "%s.extract" % myrow[0]:
                        outfile = "%s.extract" % myrow[0]
                        mywriter = file(outfile, "w")
                            reduce(lambda x, y: x + '\t' + y, colnames[1:]))
                        print "writing %s" % outfile
                        reduce(lambda x, y: str(x) + '\t' + str(y),
                                   True: '',
                                   False: item
                               }[item == None] for item in myrow[1:]]))
                    myrow = extractcur.fetchone()

Example #4
def processUpdates(args):

    print "in processUpdates"
    config = configs[args["format"]]

    connection = databaseModule.getConnection()
    updatecur = connection.cursor()

    for itemkey in config:
        if re.search("^update", itemkey) != None:

            sql = config[itemkey] % args

            print "executing %s" % sql

            if args["action"] == "test_update":
                print "(but only testing)"

            elif args["action"] == "do_update":
                print "rowcount = %s" % updatecur.rowcount

Example #5
def processFiles(args):

    print "in processFiles processing %s" % str(args)
    # create data source object and make it executable

    if "datasourcelsid" not in args or "action" not in args or "format" not in args:
        print "Useage : nutrigenomicsForms logpath=mypath datasourcelsid=mylsid"

    connection = databaseModule.getConnection()

    archive = dataSourceOb()

    archive.initFromDatabase(args["datasourcelsid"], connection)

    print "archive initialised , with fields %s" % str(archive.databaseFields)

    # theoretically the datasourcetype should allow us to work out how to list contents but
    # users may have specified some random type, so work it out from the name
    if re.search("\.zip$", args["datasourcelsid"]) != None:
        print "(looks like a zip archive)"
        print "Sorry , only zip archives currently supported"

    print "getting archive contents using unzip -l  and parsing the output..."

    archive.databaseFields["datasourcetype"] = "Executable"
    #archive.databaseFields["datasourcecontent"] = 'unzip -l "%(physicalsourceuri)s"'%archive.databaseFields
        "datasourcecontent"] = 'unzip -c "%(physicalsourceuri)s" | grep inflating' % archive.databaseFields
    (errorcode, output) = archive.execute(connection, outfile=None)
    print "execute returned %s" % errorcode

    if errorcode != 0:
        print "exiting as execute returned error code"

    print "archive contains : \n%s" % output

    # example :
    #  inflating: Normalized and raw data, reference as CH2, for slide IL-10week7sa75mediumfinal
    #  inflating: Normalized and raw data, reference as CH2, for slide IL-10week7sa77mediumfinal
    #  inflating: Normalized and raw data, reference as CH2, for slide IL-10week7sa78mediumfinal

    # get an array of files
    records = re.split("\r*\n\r*", output)
    files = [re.split("inflating: ", record)[1].strip() for record in records]

    print "processing files : %s" % files

    insertCursor = connection.cursor()

    # for each file in the archive
    for geofile in files:

        # execute the datasource to extract the file contents
        print "processing %s" % geofile
            "datasourcecontent"] = 'unzip -p "%(physicalsourceuri)s" "%(geofile)s"' % {
                "geofile": geofile
        (errorcode, output) = archive.execute(connection, outfile=None)
        print "execute returned %s" % errorcode

        #if args["action"] == "test":
        #    print "file content : \n%s"%output

        # parse contents into records
        records = [
            item.strip() for item in re.split("\r*\n\r*", output)
            if len(item.strip()) > 1
        records = [
            re.split("\t", item) for item in records
            if len(re.split("\t", item)) > 1

        print records[1:5]
        print ".\n.\n.\netc"

        # check the format of the contents  : column headngs
        format = configs[args["format"]]
        headings = [item.upper() for item in records[0]]
        headings = [re.sub('^"', '', item.upper()) for item in headings]
        headings = [re.sub('"$', '', item.upper()) for item in headings]
        print "verifying format %s" % format

        for field in headings:
            if field not in format["columns"]:
                print "error - unsupported column name %s (columns are : %s)" % (
                    field, str(format["columns"]))

        print "data format looks OK"

        insertCount = 0
        filerecnum = 0
        for record in records[1:]:

            filerecnum += 1

            # translate "null" , "NULL" , "NA" etc
            record = [re.sub('^"', '', item) for item in record]
            record = [re.sub('"$', '', item) for item in record]
            record = [{
                True: None,
                False: item
            }[item.lower() in ("null", "na", '"null"', '"na"')]
                      for item in record]

            fieldDict = dict(zip(headings, record))
            fieldDict["geofile"] = geofile
            fieldDict["filerecnum"] = filerecnum
            if args["action"] == "test_import":
                print("will update database with \n%s \n(but only testing)" %
                      format["insert_sql"] % fieldDict)
                insertCount += 1
                if insertCount % 10 == 9:
                insertCursor.execute(format["insert_sql"], fieldDict)
                insertCount += 1
                if insertCount % 50 == 49:
                    print "inserted %s" % insertCount

    if args["action"] == "do_import":
        # set up as a new type in contributed table
        print "installing data as contributed type %(datasetname)s..." % args
        sql = """
           select installContributedTable('GEOSubmissionData','%(datasetname)s','%(datasetname)s')
        """ % args

Example #6
#Script to import the user-friendly field-names from the csv file into the database.

#Import the postgres module
import csv
import databaseModule

connection = databaseModule.getConnection()
queryCursor = connection.cursor()

sql = "select max(obid) from ontologyOb"
print 'Max obid for ontologyOb is: ' + str(queryCursor.fetchall()[0][0])
sql = "select max(obid) from ontologyTermFact"
print 'Max obid for ontologyTermFact is: ' + str(queryCursor.fetchall()[0][0])

reader = csv.reader(open("DatabaseNames.csv"))

for table_name, column_name, user_friendly_name in reader:
    #Rename the "friendly" name when not displayed to NULL...
    if user_friendly_name == '** not displayed **' :
        user_friendly_name = 'NULL'
    else : #...otherwise, put single-quotes around the name, to avoid the NULL being entered as a string
        user_friendly_name = "'" + user_friendly_name + "'"
    #If the table doesn't already have an entry in the ontologyob table, create one
    sql = """ select obid from ontologyOb where ontologyName = 'BRDFTABLE_%s';""" % table_name
    if len(queryCursor.fetchall()) == 0 :
        sql = """
Example #7
    def myHTMLSummary(self, table, width="90%",context='default'):
        summaryFieldNames = ['sequencename','sequencetype','sequencedescription','seqlength','seqcomment','sequencetopology',\
        summaryItems = [(fieldName, self.databaseFields[fieldName]) for fieldName in summaryFieldNames if self.databaseFields[fieldName] != None]
        sequenceItems = [('seqstring',self.databaseFields['seqstring'])]

        # get sequence features
        connection = databaseModule.getConnection()

        # initialise each analysisfunction and test security 
        if self.obState['DYNAMIC_ANALYSES'] > 0:
            accessibleFunctions = []
            for func in self.analysisFunctions:
                sequencemodulelogger.info('initialising analysisfunction %s to test access '%func[9])       
                import analysisModule
                funcOb = analysisModule.analysisFunction()
                funcOb.username = self.username
                if funcOb.runSecurityFunctions(resourcename="analysis procedure menu"):
                    sequencemodulelogger.info('adding accessible function %s'%funcOb.databaseFields['xreflsid'])        

            # create the dynamic data section. Item 11 of each function signature is markup containing
            # elements used to acquire user input for the function. The section uses a div element with
            # id equal to the datasource id
            userInputHTML = ''
            if len(accessibleFunctions)  > 0:
                for func in self.analysisFunctions:
                    myElements = func[11]
                    if myElements == None:
                        myElements = ""
                    myHeading = ""
                    if len(myElements) > 0:
                        myHeading = """
                        <SPAN STYLE="background-color: #ffffcc; color:orange">Specify Parameters for %s</SPAN>
                    myInput = """
                    <div id=%s style="display:none">
                    <form name="form%s" id="form%s">
                    userInputHTML += myInput

            if len(accessibleFunctions)  > 0:
                selectlisttuples = ["<option value=%s> %s : %s </option>"%(item[9], item[3], item[1]) for item in accessibleFunctions ]
                selectlisthtml = """
                <td colspan=2 align=left>
                <script language="JavaScript1.2">
                function showAnalysisUserInput(selectelement) {
                   for(i=0 ; i<selectelement.options.length; i++) {
                      if(selectelement.options[i].selected) {
                         document.getElementById(selectelement.options[i].value).style.display = 'block';
                      else {
                         document.getElementById(selectelement.options[i].value).style.display = 'none';
                <font size="-1"> (to select multiple analyses press the control key and click. To select a block use the shift key and click) </font> <p/>
                <select name="analyses" id="analyses" multiple size=4 onchange=showAnalysisUserInput(this)>
                +reduce(lambda x,y:x+y+'\n',selectlisttuples,'')\
                + """
                + userInputHTML \
                + """
                <input value="Run Analyses" type="button" id="runanalyses" onclick='multipost("%s","analyses","fetchedanalyses","context=%s&amp;obid=%s&amp;functioninstance=","%s","%s",this)'></p>         

                table += """
                    <tr> <td colspan="2" class=tableheading> 
                    """%"Run selected analyses"                    
                table +=   selectlisthtml
                table += """
                        <div id="fetchedanalyses">

        #table += getSequenceAnnotationBundle(connection, self.databaseFields['obid'], obtype='biosequenceob', usercontext=context, fetcher=self.fetcher,\
        #            imagepath=self.imagepath, tempimageurl=self.tempimageurl,\
        #            panelTitle1="Database Search Results",panelTitle2="and Gene Ontology Associations",\
        #            bundleType = "DBHITS,GO",databaseSearchList = [ 93588, 93591, 93604, 93650, 93974, 94282], topHits = 3, \
        #            databaseQueryID = self.databaseFields['obid'])
        mydisplayhtml = ''
        if self.obState['DYNAMIC_DISPLAYS'] > 0:
            displayFunctionAccess = True
            if self.obState['SECURITY_POLICIES'] > 0:
                displayFunctionAccess = self.runSecurityFunctions(context,"display functions")
            #mapAccess = False
            if displayFunctionAccess:              
                sequencemodulelogger.info('running non-virtual display functions')
                for displayFunction in self.displayFunctions:
                    # exclude virtual functions - these will be instantiated in specific contexts or subclasses
                    if displayFunction[7] == None:
                        sequencemodulelogger.info('running %s'%displayFunction[0])
                        mydisplayhtml += eval(displayFunction[0])
                        #table += mydisplayhtml  # - now add after summary      

        featureCursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = """
        select bsf.xreflsid,featuretype,featurestrand,featurestart,featurestop,featurecomment,evidence
        biosequencefeaturefact bsf join biosequenceob bso
        bso.obid = %s  and
        bsf.biosequenceob = bso.obid
        order by
        rows = featureCursor.fetchall()
        fieldNames = [item[0].lower() for item in featureCursor.description]

        # get columnAliases for features
        featureHeadings = getColumnAliases(connection,'biosequencefeaturefact')
        if featureHeadings == None:
            featureHeadings = dict(zip(fieldNames,fieldNames))

        for field in fieldNames:
            if field not in featureHeadings:
                featureHeadings[field] = field 
        if featureCursor.rowcount > 0:
            featureRows = """
            <tr> <td colspan="2" class=inside>
            <table class=inside>
            <td class=tableheading colspan="%s"><br/>
            Feature Table
            featureRows += "<tr>" + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<td class=fieldname>'+featureHeadings[fieldName]+'</td>\n' \
                                                   for fieldName in fieldNames ]) + "</tr>"

            if len(rows) <= self.MAX_INLINE_FEATURE_COUNT:
                for feature in rows:
                    featureRow = "<tr>" + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<td class=fieldvalue>'+str(featureAttribute)+'</td>\n' \
                                                       for featureAttribute in feature ]) + "</tr>"
                    featureRows += featureRow
                    featureRow = "<tr><td colspan=%s>"%len(fieldNames) + "( ** Too many features - features only displayed inline if there are less than %s : click the Info icon on the Sequence Feature link below to download features ** )"%self.MAX_INLINE_FEATURE_COUNT  + "</td></tr>"
                    featureRows += featureRow
            featureRows += "</table></td></tr>"
            featureRows = ""

        # get vectors and primers
        labCursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = """
        select lr.xreflsid,lr.resourcename, lr.resourcetype, lr.resourcesequence,lr.obid
        ((biosequenceob bs join sequencingfunction sf
        on bs.obid = %s and sf.biosequenceob = bs.obid)
        join labresourceob lr on lr.obid = sf.labresourceob)
        select lr.xreflsid,lr.resourcename, lr.resourcetype, lr.resourcesequence, lr.obid
        (((biosequenceob bs join sequencingfunction sf
        on bs.obid = %s and sf.biosequenceob = bs.obid) 
        join labresourcelistmembershiplink  lrl on lrl.labresourcelist = sf.labresourcelist) join
        labresourceob lr on lr.obid = lrl.labresourceob)
        rows = labCursor.fetchall()
        fieldNames = [item[0].lower() for item in labCursor.description if item[0].lower() != 'obid']

        # modify the data rows - hyperlink the lsids and get rid of the obid
        rows = [ ('<a href=' + self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,item[4]) + '>%s</a>'%item[0], item[1],item[2], item[3])  for item in rows ]        

        # get column aliases for lab resources
        labHeadings = {
            'xreflsid' : 'LSID',
            'resourcename' : 'Name',
            'resourcetype' : 'Vector/Primer',
            'resourcesequence' : 'Sequence'
        if labCursor.rowcount > 0:
            labRows = """
            <tr> <td colspan="2" class=inside> 
            <table class=inside>
            <td class=tableheading colspan="%s"> <br/>
            Vectors / Primers Table
            labRows += "<tr>" + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<td class=fieldname>'+labHeadings[fieldName]+'</td>\n' \
                                                   for fieldName in fieldNames ]) + "</tr>"
            for resource in rows:
                labRow = "<tr>" + reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<td class=fieldvalue>'+str(resourceAttribute)+'</td>\n' \
                                                   for resourceAttribute in resource ]) + "</tr>"
                labRows += labRow
            labRows += "</table></td></tr>"
            labRows = ""

        # get lab resource rows

        #FieldItems = [item for item in self.databaseFields.items() if not isinstance(item[1],ListType)]
        summaryRows =  reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<tr><td class=fieldname>'+self.getColumnAlias(key)+'</td><td class=fieldvalue>'+tidyout(str(value), 80, 1,'<br/>')[0]+'</td></tr>\n' \
                                                   for key,value in summaryItems if self.getColumnAlias(key) != None])
        seqRows =  reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<tr><td class=fieldname>'+self.getColumnAlias(key)+'</td><td class=fieldvalue>'+tidyout(str(value), 80, 1,'<br/>')[0]+'</td></tr>\n' \
                                                   for key,value in sequenceItems if self.getColumnAlias(key) != None])
        summaryRows = '<tr><td class=inside colspan="2"><table class=inside border="0">' + summaryRows + seqRows + featureRows + labRows + '</table></td></tr>'

        # see if there is any expression information available for which we can draw a map
        # Note that there is now a displayProcedure that may be dynamically attached - at soem point
        # we should probably remove the following hard-coded expression display, and use the
        # dnamically attached display procedure
        sql = """
            expressionmapname , 
            expressionmaplocus ,
            biosequenceob = %(obid)s
        order by
        sequencemodulelogger.info("executing %s"%sql%self.databaseFields)
        rows = expressionCursor.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
            if row[0] not in expressionmaps:
                expressionmaps[row[0]] = {}
            expressionmaps[row[0]].update( {
                row[1] : row[2]
        sequencemodulelogger.info("expression maps : %s"%str(expressionmaps))

        myGraphHTML = ""
        # for each map , obtain map information including drawing instructions. To have maps drawn,
        # an update like this is needed :
        #insert into  ontologyfact(ontologyob,factnamespace,attributename,attributevalue)
        #select obid, 'Display Settings','Expression Graph Type','Bar Graph'
        #from ontologyob where ontologyname = 'My Tissue Libaries';

        for expressionmap in expressionmaps.keys():
            sql = """
               ontologyob o join ontologyfact otf on
               o.ontologyname = %(mapname)s and

               otf.ontologyob = o.obid and
               otf.factnamespace = 'Display Settings' and
               otf.attributename = 'Expression Graph Type'
            sequencemodulelogger.info("executing %s"%sql%{ 'mapname' : expressionmap })
            expressionCursor.execute(sql,{ 'mapname' : expressionmap })
            rows = expressionCursor.fetchall()
            if expressionCursor.rowcount != 1:

            sequencemodulelogger.info("Expression map info : %s"%str(rows))
            graphType = rows[0][1]

            # get the expression data
            sql = """
               ontologyob = %s
            sequencemodulelogger.info("executing %s"%sql)
            rows = expressionCursor.fetchall()
            mapDomainDict = dict(zip( [row[0] for row in rows], [(row[1],row[2]) for row in rows] ) )
            sequencemodulelogger.info("map domain :  %s"%str(mapDomainDict))

            # we only support a bar graph at the moment
            # prepare the arguments to the imageModule method for drawing a bar graph
            for mapDomainItem in mapDomainDict.keys():
                dataTuple = [0,mapDomainDict[mapDomainItem][0],self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,mapDomainDict[mapDomainItem][1]),mapDomainItem]
                #sequencemodulelogger.info("checking if %s in %s"%(mapDomainItem,str(expressionmap)))
                if mapDomainItem in expressionmaps[expressionmap]:
                    dataTuple[0] = expressionmaps[expressionmap][mapDomainItem]
                dataTuple = tuple(dataTuple)

            #graphImageFile = makeBarGraph("c:/temp/",mapData,\
            #currenttuple=None,label1="Tissue Expression for",label2=self.databaseFields['sequencename'],\
            (myGraphName,myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(imageDirectory=self.imagepath,datatuples=mapData,currenttuple=None,label1="Tissue Expression for",\
            myGraphHTML= """
                        <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
            myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML%(self.tempimageurl,myGraphName,myGraphName.split('.')[0],myGraphMap)


        #------------------------- end expression maps section ---------------------------

        sequencemodulelogger.info('listing fields')

        table +="""
        <TH colspan="2" style="BACKGROUND: silver ; color:white; font-size:16pt" align=middle>Basic Sequence Details</TH>

        table += summaryRows
        if len(myGraphHTML) > 0:
            table += """
            <tr> <td colspan="2" class=inside> 
            <table class=inside>
            <td class=tableheading> <br/>
            Expression Maps
        table +=  myGraphHTML + mydisplayhtml

        return table
Example #8
    def myHTMLSummary(self, table, width=800, context='default'):
        """ descendants of the ob class will usually override this method rather than the
        entire asHTMLRows method - this method supplies the contents of the summary
        FieldItems = [
            item for item in self.databaseFields.items()
            if not isinstance(item[1], ListType)
        ListItems = [
            item for item in self.databaseFields.items()
            if isinstance(item[1], ListType) and len(item[1]) > 0
        ListDictionaryItems = [
            item for item in ListItems if isinstance(item[1][0], DictType)
        ListOtherItems = [
            item for item in ListItems if not isinstance(item[1][0], DictType)
        nonSystemFieldRows =  reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<tr><td class=fieldname>'+self.getColumnAlias(key)+'</td><td class=fieldvalue>'+tidyout(str(value), 80, 1,'<br/>')[0]+'</td></tr>\n' \
                                                   for key,value in FieldItems if not key in ( \
                                        'lastupdatedby','checkedout','checkedoutby','checkoutdate','obkeywords','statuscode') and self.getColumnAlias(key) != None])
        nonSystemFieldRows = '<tr><td class=inside colspan="2"><table class=inside border="0">' + nonSystemFieldRows + '</table></td></tr>'
        # Format output for values that are lists of dictionaries
        # in the next line, the inner reduction concatenates the keys and values for a dictionary - e.g. a single
        # function or location , for a gene object.
        # the next reduction out concatnates these for each dictionary in the list (i.e. each location, function or whatever etc)
        # the final reduction concatenates each category name with all the above - e.g function : location : etc
        ListDictionaryRows = ''
        if len(ListDictionaryItems) > 0:
            ListDictionaryRows =  reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<tr><td><b>'+key +'</b></td><td>'+\
                                '<table>'+ \
                                    reduce(lambda x,y:x+y , [ \
                                        reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, ['<tr><td><i>'+nestedkey+'</i></td><td><b>'+\
                                                str(nestedvalue)+'</b></td></tr>\n' \
                                        for nestedkey,nestedvalue in nestedDict.items()]) + '<p/>' \
                                    for nestedDict in value ]) + \
                                '</table>' + \
                                '</td></tr>\n' \
                                  for key,value in ListDictionaryItems])
        ListOtherRows = ''
        if len(ListOtherItems) > 0:
            ListOtherRows = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [
                '<tr><td>' + key + '</td><td>' + str(value) + '</td></tr>\n'
                for key, value in ListOtherItems

        # un  virtual display functions - these are now obtained as part of object initialisation
        #sql = """
        #    df.invocation,
        #    df.functioncomment,
        #    dp.xreflsid,
        #    dp.procedurename,
        #    ds.datasourcename,
        #    ds.physicalsourceuri,
        #    ds.datasourcetype,
        #    df.voptypeid
        #    (displayfunction df join displayprocedureob dp on
        #    df.displayprocedureob = dp.obid) left outer join
        #    datasourceob ds on ds.obid = df.datasourceob
        #    df.ob = %(labresourceob)s and
        #    df.voptypeid is not null
        #labresourcemodulelogger.info('executing SQL to retrieve dynamic display functions : %s'%str(sql%self.databaseFields))
        connection = databaseModule.getConnection()
        #displayCursor = connection.cursor()
        #displayFunctions = displayCursor.fetchall()
        # test code :
        #myGraphHTML = eval('getGenepixThumbnailDisplay(jpegfilename="C:/working/zaneta/9072 ratio 1 mid scan .jpg",xy=re.split("\t",self.databaseFields["rawdatarecord"])[5:7],usercontext=context,fetcher=self.fetcher, imagepath=self.imagepath, tempimageurl=self.tempimageurl, sectionheading="Spot Images" ,pixelsize=10,xyoffset=(780, 12780),thumbcount=3,thumbdimensions=(20,20),zoomincrement=50)')
        #table += myGraphHTML
        for displayFunction in self.virtualDisplayFunctions:
                "executing following display code : %s" % displayFunction[0])
            myGraphHTML = eval(displayFunction[0])
            table += myGraphHTML

            'checking whether graphic can be made of expression values')

        # if the data source type for this microarray experiment is GALFile then we try
        # to graph the logratios and intensities from all observations of this spot. If it is
        # CSV from Affy CEL File the we try to graph Affy stats
        connection = databaseModule.getConnection()
        graphCursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = """
           ((microarrayspotfact msf join labresourceob lr
           on lr.obid = msf.labresourceob ) join
           importfunction if on if.ob = lr.obid ) join
           datasourceob d on d.obid = if.datasourceob
           msf.obid = %s
           """ % self.databaseFields['obid']
        labresourcemodulelogger.info("executing %s" % str(sql))
        record = graphCursor.fetchone()
        if graphCursor.rowcount == 1:
            if record[0] in [
                    'GALFile', 'AgResearchArrayExtract1', 'GALFile_noheader'

                # get and graph the log ratios from all observations related to this spot.
                sql = """
                (mo.gpr_dye1foregroundmean + mo.gpr_dye2foregroundmean)/2.0 as averagefg,
                ges.xreflsid as studylsid,
                substr(ges.studydescription,1,30) as studydescription
                geneexpressionstudy ges join microarrayobservation mo
                ges.obid = mo.microarraystudy
                microarrayspotfact = %s order by
                mo.xreflsid""" % self.databaseFields['obid']
                labresourcemodulelogger.info("executing %s" % str(sql))
                datatuples = graphCursor.fetchall()
                labresourcemodulelogger.info("..done executing have data")

                observationids = [item[2] for item in datatuples]
                # each tuple contain a fetch URL - initialise this
                logratiodatatuples = [ (item[0],item[1], self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,item[2])) \
                                for item in datatuples ]

                #datatuples = [(item[0],item[1]) for item in datatuples]

                if graphCursor.rowcount > 0:

                    # construct a multi-select list that can be used to select thumbnails to display
                    # (if they are available)
                    selectlisttuples = [
                        "<option value=%s> %s %s (%s)</option>" %
                        (item[2], item[4], item[5], item[2])
                        for item in datatuples
                    selectlisthtml = """
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                    <!-- <input value="Go" type="button" onclick='multipost("/cgi-bin/sheepgenomics/simple-ajax-example.py","experiments","fetcheddisplays","displayprocedure=34&amp;option=")'></p> -->
                    <font size="-1"> (to select multiple experiments press the control key and click. To select a block use the shift key and click) </font> <p/>
                    <select name="experiments" id="experiments" multiple size=4>
                    +reduce(lambda x,y:x+y+'\n',selectlisttuples,'')\
                    + """
                    <input value="Retrieve spot thumbnails for selected experiments" type="button" id="getspots" onclick='multipost("%s","experiments","fetcheddisplays","context=%s&amp;displayprocedure=displayProcedures.getGenepixThumbnailDisplay&amp;obid=","%s","%s",this)'></p>         
                    #<input value="Retrieve spot thumbnails for selected experiments" type="button" onclick='multipost("/cgi-bin/sheepgenomics/fetchDisplay.py","experiments","fetcheddisplays","context=%s&amp;displayprocedure=displayProcedures.getGenepixThumbnailDisplay&amp;obid=")'></p>

                     myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(imageDirectory=self.imagepath,
                                                label1="All raw LogRatios",
                                                label2="for this spot",
                    myGraphHTML = """
                        <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
                    myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML % (
                        self.tempimageurl, myGraphName,
                        myGraphName.split('.')[0], myGraphMap)
                    table += """
                <tr> <td colspan="2" class=tableheading> 
                """ % "All observed raw logratios and intensities for this gene, in experiments using this chip"
                    table += myGraphHTML

                # graph the intensities
                intensitydatatuples = [ (int(item[3]),item[1], self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,item[2])) \
                                for item in datatuples ]
                #datatuples = [(item[0],item[1]) for item in datatuples]

                if graphCursor.rowcount > 0:
                    (myGraphName, myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(
                        label1="All average foreground",
                        label2="intensities for this spot",
                    myGraphHTML = """
                        <td colspan=2 align=center>
                        <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
                    myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML % (
                        self.tempimageurl, myGraphName,
                        myGraphName.split('.')[0], myGraphMap)
                    table += myGraphHTML

                    table += """
                <tr> <td colspan="2" class=tableheading> 
                """ % "Review selected experiments"
                    table += selectlisthtml
                    table += """
                    <div id="fetcheddisplays">

                # we now see whether there are any normalised values that we should graph.
                # the available normalised values are stored in an ontology called
                sql = """
                select otf.termName , otf.unitname from
                ontologyob ot join ontologytermfact otf
                on otf.ontologyob = ot.obid
                ot.ontologyname = 'MICROARRAY_NORMALISED_VALUES'
                order by otf.termName
                    "getting normalised data point names using %s" % sql)
                datapoints = graphCursor.fetchall()
                graphHTML = ""
                for (datapoint, datatype) in datapoints:
                    # obtain the data points - we re-use the above array of data tuples, since they
                    # contain the correct tooltips and urls - just change the data point value
                    skipdatapoint = False
                    for iobservation in range(0, len(observationids)):
                        sql = """
                        select case when attributeValue is null then '' else attributeValue end
                        from microarrayobservationfact
                        microarrayobservation = %s and
                        factNameSpace = 'NORMALISED VALUE' and
                        attributeName = '%s'
                        """ % (observationids[iobservation], datapoint)
                            "getting normalised data points using %s" % sql)
                        datapointvalue = graphCursor.fetchone()

                        if graphCursor.rowcount == 1:
                            if datapointvalue[0] == None:
                                datatuples[iobservation] = \
                                    (None, datatuples[iobservation][1], logratiodatatuples[iobservation][2])
                            elif len(datapointvalue[0]) == 0:
                                datatuples[iobservation] = \
                                    (None, datatuples[iobservation][1], logratiodatatuples[iobservation][2])
                                datatuples[iobservation] = \
                                    (float(datapointvalue[0]), datatuples[iobservation][1], logratiodatatuples[iobservation][2])
                            skipdatapoint = True
                                "skipping data point - query returned no rows")
                            break  # we got nothing for this observation - incomplete dataset, give up

                    # if all values missing, skip the whole data point
                    notMissing = [
                        datatuple[0] for datatuple in datatuples
                        if datatuple[0] != None
                    if len(notMissing) == 0:
                        skipdatapoint = True

                    if not skipdatapoint:
                        (myGraphName, myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(
                        myGraphHTML = """
                                <td colspan=2 align=center>
                                <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
                        myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML % (
                            self.tempimageurl, myGraphName,
                            myGraphName.split('.')[0], myGraphMap)
                        graphHTML += myGraphHTML

                table += """
                <tr> <td colspan="2" class=tableheading> 
                    """ % "All normalised values available for this gene, in experiments using this chip"
                table += graphHTML

        # Affy arrays are imported in several steps, and the array itself is not linked to
        # a source file. We can distinguish Affy arrays because the lsid of this spot will begin with
        # affymetrix
        elif re.search('(\.)*Affymetrix\.', self.databaseFields['xreflsid'],
                       re.IGNORECASE) != None:
                "attempting to display Affy experiment results")

            sql = """
            microarrayobservation mo 
            microarrayspotfact = %s order by
            mo.xreflsid""" % self.databaseFields['obid']
            labresourcemodulelogger.info("executing %s" % str(sql))
            datatuples = graphCursor.fetchall()
            labresourcemodulelogger.info("..done executing have data")

            observationids = [item[6] for item in datatuples]
            # each tuple contain a fetch URL - initialise this
            pmdatatuples = [ (item[0],item[5], self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,item[6])) \
                                for item in datatuples ]
            #datatuples = [(item[0],item[1]) for item in datatuples]

            if graphCursor.rowcount > 0:
                # PM means
                 myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(imageDirectory=self.imagepath,
                                            label1="All Probeset mean PM",
                                            label2="for this probeset",
                myGraphHTML = """
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                    <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
                myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML % (self.tempimageurl, myGraphName,
                table += """
                <tr> <td colspan="2" class=tableheading> 
                """ % "All observed probeset means and standard deviations for this probeset, across experiments using this chip"
                table += myGraphHTML

                #PM standard deviations
                pmdatatuples = [ (item[2],item[5], self.fetcher + "?context=%s&obid=%s&target=ob"%(context,item[6])) \
                                for item in datatuples ]
                 myGraphMap) = makeBarGraph(imageDirectory=self.imagepath,
                                            label1="All Probeset stddev PM",
                                            label2="for this probeset",
                myGraphHTML = """
                    <td colspan=2 align=center>
                    <img src="%s%s" halign="center" usemap="#%s" border="0"/>
                myGraphHTML = myGraphHTML % (self.tempimageurl, myGraphName,
                table += myGraphHTML

        if self.obState['DYNAMIC_DISPLAYS'] > 0:
                'running non-virtual display functions')
            for displayFunction in self.displayFunctions:
                # exclude virtual functions - these will be instantiated in specific contexts or subclasses
                if displayFunction[7] == None:
                    labresourcemodulelogger.info('running %s' %
                    myGraphHTML = eval(displayFunction[0])
                    table += myGraphHTML

        labresourcemodulelogger.info('listing dictionaries')
        # if we have formatted dictionaries , output these first , they are usually the most interesting
        # content of the object
        if len(ListDictionaryRows) > 0:
            table += ListDictionaryRows

        labresourcemodulelogger.info('listing fields')
        # next the field rows
        table += nonSystemFieldRows

        labresourcemodulelogger.info('listing lists')
        # next the other lists
        if len(ListOtherRows) > 0:
            table += ListOtherRows

        return table