def get_Adr_Match(adrs): '''不良反应匹配''' #adrs = clean_invalid_chars(adrs) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret_lst = [] map = {} adr_lst = adrs.split(",") is_matched = True for adr_name in adr_lst: adr_name = clean_invalid_chars(adr_name) idx = adr_name.find("(") if idx > 0 : adr_name = adr_name[0:idx] cur.execute("select pid,pname,subid,subname,id as clinicstandardid,name from clinicdetail where name='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(adr_name)) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) == 0 : ret_lst.append(u"[%s:非标准]" % adr_name) is_matched = False map[adr_name] = False else: ret_lst.append(adr_name) map[adr_name] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return (is_matched,",".join(ret_lst), map)
def get_Medication_Match(medics): '''用药集合''' #medics = clean_invalid_chars(medics) #medics = clean_invalid_chars(medics) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret_lst = [] map = {} yao_list = medics.split(",") is_matched = True for ymcn in yao_list: ymcn = clean_invalid_chars(ymcn) idx = ymcn.find("(") if idx > 0 : ymcn = ymcn[0:idx] cur.execute("select ylid,ylname,treeid,code,myid,myname,ylyid,ylycn,id as leechdomstandardid,ymcn from ym where ymcn='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(ymcn)) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) == 0 : ret_lst.append(u"[%s:非标准]" % ymcn) is_matched = False else: ret_lst.append(ymcn) map[ymcn] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return (is_matched,",".join(ret_lst), map)
def get_pass_medic(ym_dict): '''判断是否有不合理用药''' my_names = [] my_keys = [] ret = {} for ymcn,d in ym_dict.iteritems(): if d["myname"] not in my_names: my_names.append(d["myname"]) my_keys.append(ymcn) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() llen = len(my_names) if llen < 2: return ret i = 0 while i <= llen-2 : j = i+1 while j < llen: sql = "select id as pass_basic_id,interaction_id,pass_main_used,pass_main,main_code,main_ylname,pass_corres_used,pass_corres,corres_code,corres_ylname,ratelevle,slipsdocument,adverseeffect from pass_basic where pass_main='%s' and pass_corres='%s' limit 1" % (str_to_unicode(my_names[i]),str_to_unicode(my_names[j])) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : ret[my_keys[i]] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) j += 1 i += 1 cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_otc_type(ymcn): '''获取药品说明书''' conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret = None cur.execute("select '化学药品' as descriptiontype, id as descriptionid from drugs_description where ymcn='%s' limit 1" % ymcn.encode('utf-8')) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : row = rows.pop() ret = {"descriptiontype":row[0],"descriptionid" : row[1]} if not ret : cur.execute("select '中药OTC' as descriptiontype, id as descriptionid from drugs_otc_description where ymcn='%s' limit 1" % ymcn.encode('utf-8')) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: row = rows.pop() ret = {"descriptiontype":row[0],"descriptionid" : row[1]} if not ret: cur.execute("select '西药OTC' as descriptiontype, id as descriptionid from drugs_west_otc_description where ymcn='%s' limit 1" % ymcn.encode('utf-8')) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: row = rows.pop() ret = {"descriptiontype":row[0],"descriptionid" : row[1]} cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_import_medic(ym_dict): '''根据母药名称获取重点监控药品信息''' conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret = {} for ymcn,d in ym_dict.iteritems(): cur.execute("select ylname,code,myname from importyaopin where myname='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(d["myname"])) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : #ret[ymcn] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) ret[ymcn] = True cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def delete_by_bianma(bianma): try: conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("delete from business_gather where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from attachments where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olapclinic where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olapleechdom where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olappass where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.close() conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as err:"delete data by bianma(:%s) failture!" % bianma) return False return True
def delete_by_bianma(bianma): try: conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("delete from business_gather where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from attachments where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olapclinic where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olapleechdom where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.execute("delete from olappass where bianma='%s'" % (bianma)) cur.close() conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as err :"delete data by bianma(:%s) failture!" % bianma) return False return True
def get_ror_match(ym_dict): '''获取ROR数据''' my_names = [] ret = {} conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() for ymcn,d in ym_dict.iteritems(): cur.execute("select my_name,code from ror_my_object where my_name='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(d["myname"])) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : ret[ymcn] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_unit_info(unit_name): '''获取报告单位或代报单位的区域信息''' conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret = None if isinstance(unit_name, str): unit_name = unit_name.decode("utf-8") sql = u"select provincename,districttypeid as district,county from unit where name='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(unit_name) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : ret = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_ned_province(my_data): '''获取国药/省药 信息''' my_names = [] ret = {} conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() for ymcn,d in my_data.iteritems(): cur.execute("select name,code,yl, isned from ned_provincebasis where Name='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(d["myname"])) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0 : ret[ymcn] = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_unit_info2(id): '''获取报告单位或代报单位的区域信息''' conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret = None #bianma: 4116271569994201400001 #bianma[0:6]: 411627 id2 = id[0:6] #districttype_hn #sql = u"select provincename,districttypeid as district,county from unit where name='%s'" % str_to_unicode(id2) sql = u"select ProvinceName,Name as district,county from district_code_china where bianma='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(id2) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: ret = dict(zip(cur.column_names,rows.pop())) cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def get_medic_factory(name): '''获取药品生产厂商信息''' #name = clean_invalid_chars(name) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() ret = {} #查询生产厂家的许可证书和药品本位码 try: cur.execute("select distinct licensenumber,basicnumber,workingcompany as standardfactory from homeproduct where workingcompany='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(name)) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: data = dict(zip(cur.column_names, rows.pop())) ret.update(data) except: pass #查询生产厂家的行政区域等 cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT provincial as provincename,city,certificatenumber FROM gmpauthentication WHERE workingcompany = '%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(name)) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: data = dict(zip(cur.column_names, rows.pop())) if not data["city"] : data["city"] = "" if not data["provincename"] : data["provincename"] = "" ret.update(data) cur.close() conn.close() return ret
def checklistauto(t1, t2, t3): # logincounter = 6 while logincounter: print logincounter loginTag = login2.login() print u"login Tag (checklist):", loginTag if loginTag: break elif logincounter == 1: print u"6次login失败,重新尝试此操作" print u"本次任务已经结束" return else: cookieManager.clear() logincounter = logincounter - 1 time.sleep(8) some = timetomonth3(int(t1), int(t2), int(t3)) stack = some _stack = stack[0] stack_l = len(_stack) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() for i in range(stack_l): # print u"正在读取记录条数..." out = _stack.pop() out1 = stack[1].pop() print out, out1 const_time_o = out1.split("-") const_time_o_ = out.split("-") yaer = const_time_o_[0] month = const_time_o_[1] cur.execute( "delete from mdr_checklist where CheckTag='Y' and Year=%s and Month=%s" % (yaer, month)) conn.commit() end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(out1, "%Y-%m-%d") start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(out, "%Y-%m-%d") start_time = start_time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y 00:00:00 GMT+0800") end_time = end_time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y 00:00:00 GMT+0800") filters = {"beginTime": start_time, "endTime": end_time} step = 10 start_pos = 0 batchId = 0 query_data = build_query(filters, start_pos, batchId, step) #print query_data adr_url = '' opt = { "c0-e1": "number:" + str(start_pos), "c0-e2": "number:" + str(step), "c0-e3": "string:123_w_w_w_321_colon", "c0-e4": "string:123_w_w_w_321_comma", "c0-e5": "string:", "c0-param0": "Object_Object:{start:reference:c0-e1, limit:reference:c0-e2, analyticsRuleColon:reference:c0-e3, analyticsRuleComma:reference:c0-e4, queryString:reference:c0-e5}" } out_data = send_post3(adr_url, query_data, opt_headers=opt) if out_data is None: # print u'返回空数据,重新操作本月份数据' else: #print len(out_data) total = out_data.split(";") if len(total) != 683: print u'返回数据长度不够,重新操作本月份数据' else: total_no = total.pop() temp = total[681].split(",")[3].split(":")[1].strip(")") temp2 = temp.split("}")[0] print u"本月条数:", temp2 cur.execute( "insert into mdr_checklist (BeginDate,EndDate,Item,Tag,CheckTag,Year,Month) " "value(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (out, out1, str(temp2), "M", "Y", yaer, month)) conn.commit() print u"本次任务已经结束"
def import_from_html(qrow): show_id = qrow["report_id"] bianma = qrow["report_id2"] #编码 fungible_name = qrow["personal_his"] #代报单位 report_unit_name = qrow["report_unit_name"] #报告单位 medic_list = qrow["general_name"] #通用名称,用药集合 adr_list = qrow["adr_name"] #不良反应名称 data_source = qrow["data_source"] #个例来源 report_type = qrow["new_flag"] #报告类型 StateReportDate = qrow["report_date"] #国家中心接收时间 if fungible_name == "null" : fungible_name = "" if report_unit_name == "null" : report_unit_name = "" unit_name = "" if fungible_name != "" : unit_name = fungible_name else : unit_name = report_unit_name #此处应该修改为get_unit_info2(id),id是报表编码 unit_area = get_unit_info(unit_name) #unit_area = get_unit_info2(bianma) #medic_list = clean_invalid_chars(medic_list) #adr_list = clean_invalid_chars(adr_list) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select count(*) from business_gather where show_id='%s'" % show_id) results = cur.fetchall() ret = results[0] generate_id = 0 if ret[0] > 0 :"show_id:%s is repeat!" % (show_id)) return #已经导入过了,不再重复导入 else: cur.execute("insert into business_gather_serial(id) values (null)") cur.execute("select LAST_INSERT_ID()") ids = cur.fetchall().pop() generate_id = ids[0] sql = "" try: show_url = REPORT_SHOW_URL % (show_id) body = login_new_adr.send_adr_url(show_url) if not body: print 'get url:%s body is failure!' % show_url return all_fields = adrparseradr_adr.get_all_fields(body) #业务主表 business_data = adrparseradr_adr.get_business_row(all_fields) if "unittype" not in business_data: business_data["unittype"] = "" #track_date match = if match : business_data["trackdate"] = else: business_data["trackdate"] = "0000-00-00" business_data["id"] = generate_id business_data["show_id"] = show_id business_data["bianma"] = bianma business_data["reporttype"] = report_type business_data["examplesource"] = data_source business_data["statereportdate"] = StateReportDate business_data["fungiblereportunit"] = fungible_name business_data["reportunitname"] = report_unit_name """ if isinstance(unit_area, dict): print "get_unit_info:", unit_area business_data.update(unit_area) else: unit_area = get_unit_info2(bianma) print "get_unit_info2:", unit_area business_data.update(unit_area) """ #患者分类 if not "age" in business_data : print "unknown age! ",show_id business_data["sufferertype"] = "" else : try: age = float(business_data["age"]) if age > 1000 : age = 0 business_data["age"] = age if age < 12 : business_data["sufferertype"] = u"儿童" elif age < 18: business_data["sufferertype"] = u"青少年" elif age < 60: business_data["sufferertype"] = u"成人" else: business_data["sufferertype"] = u"老人" except : business_data["age"] = 0 if "该报告没有上传附件!" in body : business_data["isattachments"] = u"无" else: business_data["isattachments"] = u"是" #重点监控医院标记 business_data["isimporthospital"] = u"否" if business_data["unittype"] == u"医疗机构" : cur.execute("select count(*) from imphospital where hospitalcn='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(business_data["reportunitname"])) result = cur.fetchall().pop() if result[0] > 0 : business_data["isimporthospital"] = u"是" #用药集合 is_matched, medics, my_data = get_Medication_Match(medic_list) if is_matched: business_data["ismedicationmatch"] = u"是" else: business_data["ismedicationmatch"] = u"否" business_data["medicationlist"] = medics #adrlist is_adr_matched, adrs, adr_datas = get_Adr_Match(adr_list) if is_adr_matched: business_data["isadrmatch"] = u"是" else: business_data["isadrmatch"] = u"否" business_data["adrlist"] = adrs if "oldsickness" in business_data: #business_data["oldsickness"] = clean_invalid_chars(business_data["oldsickness"]) business_data["oldsickness"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["oldsickness"]) #公共数据 share_data = {} share_data["id"] = business_data["id"] share_data["bianma"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["bianma"]) share_data["reporttype"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["reporttype"]) share_data["kickbacktype"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["kickbacktype"]) if "kickbacktype" in business_data else "" share_data["reportunitname"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["reportunitname"]) share_data["unittype"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["unittype"]) share_data["happendate"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["happendate"]) if "happendate" in business_data else str_to_unicode("0000-00-00") share_data["reportdate"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["reportdate"]) if "reportdate" in business_data else str_to_unicode("0000-00-00") share_data["statereportdate"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["statereportdate"]) if "statereportdate" in business_data else str_to_unicode("0000-00-00") share_data["trackdate"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["trackdate"]) if "trackdate" in business_data else str_to_unicode("0000-00-00") share_data["isimporthospital"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["isimporthospital"]) share_data["imphospitalname"] = str_to_unicode(business_data["reportunitname"]) unit_area = get_unit_info(unit_name) if isinstance(unit_area, dict): #print "get_unit_info:", unit_area business_data.update(unit_area) else: #unit_area = get_unit_info2(bianma)[0] unit_area = get_unit_info2(bianma) #print "get_unit_info2:", unit_area #business_data.update(unit_area) if unit_area: business_data.update(unit_area) else: pass #新增逻辑,表明 import mdrsql #重复单位不再插入,2014-11-24 #刘欣毅修改 2015-03-20 #屏蔽单位明细表所有检测和add工作 #cur.execute("select Name FROM unitdetail where Name='%s'" % str_to_unicode(unit_name)) #rows = cur.fetchall() #if len(rows) > 0: # pass #else: # sql_id = u"SELECT max(ID) FROM unitdetail" # cur.execute(sql_id) # mydata = cur.fetchall() # maxId = mydata[0][0] # print maxId # if maxId is None : # maxId = 0 # else : # maxId = int(maxId) # maxId = maxId + 1 # data_ud = (unit_name, share_data["unittype"]) # print data_ud # sql_insert_unitdetail = ( # "insert into unitdetail (Name,UnitType) " # "value(%s,%s)" # ) # mdrsql.mdr_insert_alone(sql_insert_unitdetail, data_ud) #conn = database_adr.getConnection() #cur = conn.cursor() #根据编码查询district_code_china.sql找到行政区域信息->组装核心单位信息->把此上报单位插入unit/Detail表 #bianma: 4116271569994201400001 #bianma[0:6]: 411627 print "bianma:", bianma id2 = bianma[0:6] sql = u"select ProvinceName,Name,County,bianma from district_code_china where bianma='%s' limit 1" % str_to_unicode(id2) cur.execute(sql) rows2 = cur.fetchall() if len(rows2) > 0: # import time insert_today = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time())) sql_id = u"SELECT max(ID) FROM unit" cur.execute(sql_id) mydata_unit = cur.fetchall() #data_u = (str(mydata_unit[0][0]+1), share_data["unittype"], rows[1], unit_name, rows[0], rows[2], rows[3], u"", u"1", insert_today ) #print "rows:", rows2 #print "mydata_unit[0][0]:", mydata_unit[0][0] #print "share_data[unittype]:",share_data["unittype"] #print "insert_today:", insert_today #print "unit_name:", unit_name print "district_code_china:", rows2[0][0],rows2[0][1], rows2[0][2], rows2[0][3] data_u = (str(int(mydata_unit[0][0])+1), share_data["unittype"], rows2[0][1], unit_name, rows2[0][0], rows2[0][2], rows2[0][3], u"1", insert_today, insert_today) sql_insert_unit = ( "insert into unit (ID,UnitTypeID,DistrictTypeID,Name,ProvinceName,County,CodeID,audit,regDate,auditDate)" "value(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" ) mdrsql.mdr_insert_alone(sql_insert_unit,data_u) else: pass #ID, # UnitTypeID, # DistrictTypeID, # Name, # ProvinceName, # # County, # CodeID, # Address, # audit, # auditDate #不合理用药数据 pass_rows = get_pass_medic(my_data) if len(pass_rows) > 0: business_data["ispass"] = u"是" for _ymcn,row in pass_rows.iteritems() : row.update(share_data) database_adr.insert_to_table("olappass", row) else: business_data["ispass"] = u"否" #ROR判断 ror_datas = get_ror_match(my_data) if len(ror_datas) > 0: business_data["isror"] = u"是" else: business_data["isror"] = u"否" #重点监控药品 imp_yaos = get_import_medic(my_data) business_data["isimportmedication"] = u"否" if len(imp_yaos) > 0 : business_data["isimportmedication"] = u"是" #基本药物 ned_data = get_ned_province(my_data) business_data["isned"] = u"无" if len(ned_data) > 0 : business_data["isned"] = u"有" distrust_Rows = adrparseradr_adr.get_distrust_Rows(all_fields,share_data) #怀疑用药明细 auxiliary_rows = adrparseradr_adr.get_auxiliary_rows(all_fields,share_data) #并用药 leepchdom_data_rows = distrust_Rows + auxiliary_rows for row in leepchdom_data_rows: if "tradename" in row : row["tradename"] = str_to_unicode(row["tradename"].replace("*","")) if "reason" in row : row["reason"] = str_to_unicode(row["reason"].replace("*","")) factory_name = None if "standardfactory" in row : #row["standardfactory"] = clean_invalid_chars(str_to_unicode(row["standardfactory"])) row["standardfactory"] = str_to_unicode(row["standardfactory"]) factory_name = str_to_unicode(row["standardfactory"]) if factory_name: factory_data = get_medic_factory(factory_name) if len(factory_data) > 0: if "licensenumber" in row and len(row["licensenumber"]) > 0 and "licensenumber" in factory_data: del factory_data["licensenumber"] row.update(factory_data) row["ismatchingfactory"] = u"是" else: row["ismatchingfactory"] = u"否" row["unmatchfactory"] = factory_name del row["standardfactory"] if "_generalname" in row : #row["_generalname"] = clean_invalid_chars(str_to_unicode(row["_generalname"])) row["_generalname"] = str_to_unicode(row["_generalname"]) general_name = str_to_unicode(row["_generalname"]) general_name = clean_invalid_chars(general_name) iidx = general_name.find("(") if iidx > 0 : general_name = general_name[0:iidx] row["ismatchingmedication"] = u"否" row["unmatchmedication"] = str_to_unicode(general_name) if general_name in my_data: #母药数据 row.update(my_data[general_name]) row["ismatchingmedication"] = u"是" del row["unmatchmedication"] #药品类型,国药、省药 row["isned"] = u"否" if general_name in ned_data: ned = ned_data[general_name] if ned : row["isned"] = u"是" if ned["isned"] == u"1": row["nedtype"] = u"国药" else : row["nedtype"] = u"省药" #ROR标志 row["isror"] = u"否" if general_name in ror_datas: row["isror"] = u"是" #otc otc_data = get_otc_type(general_name) row["isdescription"] = u"无" if otc_data: row.update(otc_data) row["isdescription"] = u"有" #important medic row["isimportmedication"] = u"否" if general_name in imp_yaos: row["isimportmedication"] = u"是" database_adr.insert_to_table("olapleechdom", row) #不良反应表 for adr_name,adr_data in adr_datas.iteritems(): if isinstance(adr_data,dict): adr_data.update(share_data) adr_data["ismatchingclinic"] = "是" else: adr_data = {} adr_data.update(share_data) adr_data["ismatchingclinic"] = "否" adr_data["unmatchclinic"] = adr_name database_adr.insert_to_table("olapclinic", adr_data) #附件表数据 attaches = adrparseradr_adr.get_attachments(body) if len(attaches) > 0: for row in attaches: #row["id"] = business_data["id"] row["bianma"] = business_data["bianma"] database_adr.insert_to_table("attachments", row) #关联性评价 appraise_data = get_appraises(show_id, body) business_data.update(appraise_data) #主表数据入库 database_adr.insert_to_table("business_gather", business_data) print "%s is done!" % (show_id) except Exception as err:"show_id : %s \t" % (show_id)) + ":\n") traceback.print_exc() try: + "\n") except: pass conn.commit() conn.close()
def checklistauto(t1, t2, t3): # logincounter = 6 while logincounter: print logincounter loginTag = login2.login() print u"login Tag (checklist):",loginTag if loginTag: break elif logincounter == 1: print u"6次login失败,重新尝试此操作" print u"本次任务已经结束" return else: cookieManager.clear() logincounter = logincounter -1 time.sleep(8) some = timetomonth3(int(t1), int(t2), int(t3)) stack = some _stack = stack[0] stack_l = len(_stack) conn = database_adr.getConnection() cur = conn.cursor() for i in range(stack_l): # print u"正在读取记录条数..." out = _stack.pop() out1 = stack[1].pop() print out, out1 const_time_o = out1.split("-") const_time_o_ = out.split("-") yaer = const_time_o_[0] month = const_time_o_[1] cur.execute("delete from mdr_checklist where CheckTag='Y' and Year=%s and Month=%s" % (yaer, month)) conn.commit() end_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(out1, "%Y-%m-%d") start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(out, "%Y-%m-%d") start_time = start_time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y 00:00:00 GMT+0800") end_time = end_time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y 00:00:00 GMT+0800") filters = { "beginTime": start_time, "endTime": end_time } step = 10 start_pos = 0 batchId = 0 query_data = build_query(filters, start_pos, batchId, step) #print query_data adr_url = '' opt = { "c0-e1" : "number:" + str(start_pos), "c0-e2" : "number:" + str(step), "c0-e3" : "string:123_w_w_w_321_colon", "c0-e4": "string:123_w_w_w_321_comma", "c0-e5" : "string:", "c0-param0": "Object_Object:{start:reference:c0-e1, limit:reference:c0-e2, analyticsRuleColon:reference:c0-e3, analyticsRuleComma:reference:c0-e4, queryString:reference:c0-e5}" } out_data = send_post3(adr_url,query_data,opt_headers=opt) if out_data is None: # print u'返回空数据,重新操作本月份数据' else: #print len(out_data) total = out_data.split(";") if len(total)!= 683: print u'返回数据长度不够,重新操作本月份数据' else: total_no = total.pop() temp =total[681].split(",")[3].split(":")[1].strip(")") temp2 = temp.split("}")[0] print u"本月条数:",temp2 cur.execute( "insert into mdr_checklist (BeginDate,EndDate,Item,Tag,CheckTag,Year,Month) " "value(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (out, out1, str(temp2), "M", "Y", yaer, month) ) conn.commit() print u"本次任务已经结束"