Example #1
def update_range():
    for i in range(1, 10):
        query = """UPDATE dummy.pistol
					SET rangee = high - low
					WHERE Sr={}""".format(i)

        update_database(query, "Range")
Example #2
def update_msf():
    query = """
	UPDATE dummy.pistol
	SET MSF = ( @msf := CASE WHEN msf IS NULL
	THEN (closed - @msf) * 0.33 + @msf
	ELSE msf
	END )
	ORDER BY Sr;"""

    update_database(query, "MSF")
def update_directors_pattern():
    for i in range(2, 10):

        query = """SELECT JGD, JDW from martha.nifty_excel_data_all
						where Sr = {}""".format(i)

        query_2 = """SELECT JDW FROM martha.nifty_excel_data_all
										WHERE Sr = {}""".format(i - 1)

        result = get_db_data('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'martha', query, 1)

        todays_jgd = result[0]
        todays_jwd = result[1]
        yesterdays_jwd = db_fetch_data('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'martha',
                                       query_2, 1)

            pattern = ''
            if todays_jgd > yesterdays_jwd[0] and todays_jwd > yesterdays_jwd[
                pattern = '2 + 2'

            if todays_jgd > yesterdays_jwd[0] and todays_jwd < yesterdays_jwd[
                pattern = '2 + 1'

            if todays_jgd < yesterdays_jwd[0] and todays_jwd < yesterdays_jwd[
                pattern = '3 + 1'

            query_3 = """UPDATE martha.nifty_excel_data_all
							SET directors_pattern = '{}'
							WHERE Sr = {} AND directors_pattern IS NULL""".format(pattern, i)

            update_database(query_3, "Directors Pattern")

        except Exception as e:
            print("Error in assigning directors pattern : {}".format(e))

# update_fundamentals()
# update_msf()
# update_range()
# update_directors_pattern()
Example #4
def update_fundamentals():
    query = """INSERT INTO dummy.pistol(high, low, opened, closed)
				VALUES (4794.23, 1199.78, 7777.78, 7888.90)"""

    update_database(query, "Fundamentals")