Example #1
    def post(self):
        # One can only delete themselves, if they are logged in and post with a
        # vaild state
        if not self.request.form.get("csrf") == session.get('state'):
            return self.flash_out(
                "The state does not match the session, please try again", 401, url_for("myaccount_view"))

        # Get the user id from session
        uid = session.get('uid')
        if not uid:
            return self.flash_out(
                "No valid login detected", 401, url_for("login_view"))

        # Revoke the access token for the provider
        provider = session.get('provider')
        if provider == "google":
        elif provider == 'facebook':

        # Delete all the items that belong to the user
        Items.delete_by_user(dbs, uid)

        # Delete the user's image
        Images.delete_by_id(dbs, self.user.picture)

        # Delete the user
        User.delete_user(dbs, uid)
        return self.flash_out("The account has been deleted", 200, "/")