Example #1
def print_checkin_stats():

	dbw = DBWrapper()
	checkins = dbw.get_all_checkins()

	delay = 60*2
	next_check_time = time.time()
	while True:
		while time.time() < next_check_time:
			sleep_dur = next_check_time - time.time()
			time.sleep( sleep_dur )

		print 'unique checkins captured: %d' % len(checkins)
		diff = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
		checked = []
		count = 0
		for checkin1 in checkins:
			for checkin2 in checkins:
				if not checkin2 in checked or checkin1 in checked:
					if checkin1.venue_id == checkin2.venue_id:
						if not checkin1.user_id == checkin2.user_id:
							time1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(checkin1.created_at)
							time2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(checkin2.created_at)
							if time1 - time2 < diff:
								count = count + 1
		print 'matching checkins: %d' % count
		next_check_time = time.time() + delay
Example #2
def print_locations():
	dbw = DBWrapper()
	venues = dbw.get_all_venues()
	for venue in venues:
		statistics = venue.statistics
		location = venue.location
		users = 0
		for statistic in statistics:
			users = max(users, statistic.users)
		print '%s;%.6f;%.6f;%s' % (venue.name,location.latitude,location.longitude,users)
Example #3
def count_venues_in_polygon():
	dbw = DBWrapper()
	venues = dbw.get_all_venues()


	count = 0
	for venue in venues:
		location = venue.location
		point = Point(location.latitude, location.longitude)
		if point_inside_polygon(point,polygon):
			count = count + 1
	print count
Example #4
def print_kml():

	f=open('locations.kml', 'w')

	dbw = DBWrapper()
	venues = dbw.get_all_venues()
	cardiff_polygon = Polygon([(51.4846,-3.2314),(51.4970,-3.2162),(51.5043,-3.1970),(51.5010,-3.1575),(51.4831,-3.1411),(51.4660,-3.1356),(51.4514,-3.1562),(51.4260,-3.1692),(51.4320,-3.1878)])

	f.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' )
	f.write( '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">' )
	f.write( '<Folder>' )
	g.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' )
	g.write( '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">' )
	g.write( '<Folder>' )
	count = 0
	total = dbw.count_venues_in_database()/2
	for venue in venues:
		count = count + 1
		f.write( '<Placemark>' )
		f.write( '<description>"%s"</description>' % venue.name.replace('&','and').replace('<','').encode('utf-8') )
		f.write( '<Point>' )
		f.write( '<coordinates>%.8f,%.8f</coordinates>' % (venue.location.longitude, venue.location.latitude) )
		f.write( '</Point>' )
		f.write( '</Placemark>' )
		location = venue.location
		point = Point(location.latitude, location.longitude)
		if point_inside_polygon(point,cardiff_polygon):
			g.write( '<Placemark>' )
			g.write( '<description>"%s"</description>' % venue.name.replace('&','and').replace('<','').encode('utf-8') )
			g.write( '<Point>' )
			g.write( '<coordinates>%.8f,%.8f</coordinates>' % (venue.location.longitude, venue.location.latitude) )
			g.write( '</Point>' )
			g.write( '</Placemark>' )			

	f.write( '</Folder>' )
	f.write( '</kml>' )
	g.write( '</Folder>' )
	g.write( '</kml>' )
	print count
Example #5

def point_inside_polygon(point,poly):
	return poly.contains(point)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	# Logging
	logging.basicConfig( filename="4sq.log", level=logging.DEBUG, 
		datefmt='%d/%m/%y|%H:%M:%S', format='|%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s| %(message)s'  )
	logging.info( 'checkin monitor initiated' )

	import _credentials
	dbw = DBWrapper()
	# load credentials
	client_id = _credentials.client_id
	client_secret = _credentials.client_secret
	access_tokens = _credentials.access_tokens
	# use venue gateway not normal gateway so can do more than 500 calls an hour
	venues = dbw.get_all_venues()#_with_checkins()
	if len(venues)*3 < 5000:
		calls = len(venues)*3
		calls = 5000
	venue_gateway = VenueAPIGateway( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, token_hourly_query_quota=calls )
	gateway = APIGateway( access_tokens=access_tokens, token_hourly_query_quota=450 )

	api = APIWrapper( gateway )
	venue_api = APIWrapper( venue_gateway )
Example #6
    # Logging
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig( filename="4sq.log", level=logging.DEBUG, 
        datefmt='%d/%m/%y|%H:%M:%S', format='|%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s| %(message)s'  )
    logging.info( 'initiating a friend crawl.' )

    # Prep
    import _credentials
    access_tokens = _credentials.access_tokens
    gateway = APIGateway( access_tokens=access_tokens, token_hourly_query_quota=500 )
    api = APIWrapper( gateway )
    dbw = DBWrapper()
    if True: #~
        from database import Friendship
        if not dbw._get_engine().has_table('friendships'):
    # Begin mining...
    max_crawl_id = dbw.get_friendships_max_crawl_id()
    if max_crawl_id is None:
        logging.debug( 'no previous crawls found.' )
        crawl_id = 1
        crawl_id = max_crawl_id + 1
Example #7
def get_venue_details( id ):
    while True:
        response = ''
        try :
            response = api.query_resource( "venues", id, userless=True, tenacious=True )
            return response, True
        except Exception as e:
            logging.debug( u'STAT_CHK Error (Venue deletion/Foursquare down?), moving on. ' )
            logging.debug( e )
            return response, False

if __name__ == "__main__":

    dbw = DBWrapper()
    # load credentials
    client_id = _credentials.sc_client_id
    client_secret = _credentials.sc_client_secret
    client_tuples = [(client_id, client_secret)]
    access_tokens = _credentials.sc_access_token

    gateway = APIGateway( access_tokens, 500, client_tuples, 5000 )
    api = APIWrapper( gateway )

    venues = dbw.get_all_venues( )

    crawl_string = 'CHECK_STATS'
    dbw.add_crawl_to_database( crawl_string, 'START', now.now( ) )
Example #8
    wrapper routine to call the venues API. 
    while True:
        response = ''
        try :
            response = api.query_resource( "venues", id, aspect=aspect, userless=userless, tenacious=True )
            return response, True
        # anything else, record and try again
        except Exception as e:
            logging.debug( u'CHK_MON Error (Venue deletion/Foursquare down?), moving on. ' )
            return response, False

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import _credentials
    dbw = DBWrapper( )

    # Input & args
    args = sys.argv

    if len(args) is not 2:
        print "Incorrect number of arguments - please supply city_code"
        city_code = args[1]

    logging.info( u'CHK_MON Restarted monitor_checkins.py' )
    logging.info( u'CHK_MON Running with city_code: %s' % city_code )
    setproctitle( u'CHK_MON %s' % city_code )