Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        """ 1) Inititialise parser options.
        2) Proces options (e.g. turn string lists into pyton lists)
        3) Create dataBaseBackend instance for retrievel of data and info
        4) Initialise variables

        ### Parse options and arguments
        # Create option parser
        parser = OptionParser()
        # Add the option names
        parser.add_option("-t", "--type")
        parser.add_option("-i", "--idlist")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--from_d")
        parser.add_option("-z", "--to_d")
        parser.add_option("-a", "--xmin")
        parser.add_option("-b", "--xmax")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--ymin")
        parser.add_option("-d", "--ymax")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--offset")
        parser.add_option("-e", "--as_function_of_t")
        parser.add_option("-l", "--logscale")
        parser.add_option("-s", "--shift_temp_unit")
        parser.add_option("-j", "--shift_be_ke")
        # Parse the options and arguments
        (self.options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options
        # Fetch idlist
        self.idlist = [int(element) for element in 
        # Turn the offset "key:value," pair string into a dictionary
        self.offsets =  dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]),
                               offset.split(':')[1]] for offset in 
        # Turn booleans into python booleans
        self.as_function_of_t = True if self.options.as_function_of_t ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.shift_temp_unit = True if self.options.shift_temp_unit ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.logscale = True if self.options.logscale == 'checked' else False
        self.shift_be_ke = True if self.options.shift_be_ke ==\
            'checked' else False

        ### Create dataBaseBackend instance for data and info retrievel
        self.from_to = {'from':self.options.from_d, 'to':self.options.to_d}
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(typed=self.options.type, from_to=self.from_to,
                                  id_list=self.idlist, offsets=self.offsets,

        ### Initialise the local data variable to the empty list
        self.data = []
    def __init__(self):
        """ Turn all the input options into appropriate python data
        structures and initiate a few helper objects
        parser = OptionParser()
        # Add the options to the option parser
        # Option help at https://cinfwiki.fysik.dtu.dk/cinfwiki/Software/
        # DataWebPageDeveloperDocumentation#plot.py
        parser.add_option('--type')                  # String option
	parser.add_option('--boolean_options')       # Boolean options
	parser.add_option('--left_plotlist')         # int list
	parser.add_option('--right_plotlist')        # int list
	parser.add_option('--xscale_bounding')       # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--left_yscale_bounding')  # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--right_yscale_bounding') # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--from_to')               # Time stamp pair NOT HANDLED

        # Parse the options
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options into self.o -  all options are given as strings,
        ### and they need to be converted into other data types
        self.o = {}
        # Parse boolean options
        for pair in options.boolean_options.split(',')[1:]:
            key, value = pair.split(':')
            self.o[key] = True if value == 'checked' else False
        # Parse bounds
        bkeys = [s + '_bounding' for s in ['xscale', 'left_yscale', 'right_yscale']]
        for bound in bkeys:
            bounding = [b if b != '' else '0'
                        for b in options.__dict__[bound].split(',')]
            if bounding != ['0', '0']:
                self.o[bound] = tuple(
                    [float(b) for b in bounding]
                self.o[bound] = None
        # Parse lists
        for plotlist in ['left_plotlist', 'right_plotlist']:
            # List comprehension, split list string up and turn into integer
            # and add to new list, but only of > 0
            self.o[plotlist] = [int(a) for a in 
                                if int(a) > 0]
        # Parse string options
        for key in ['type']:
            self.o[key] = options.__dict__[key]
        # From_to
        self.o['from_to'] = options.from_to.split(',')
        ### Done processing options

        # If a dateplot and called without (valid) datetimes fill them in
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][0], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][1], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
        except ValueError:
            # [now-1d, now]
            self.o['from_to'][0] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M',
            self.o['from_to'][1] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')

        # Get a (g)eneral (g)raph (s)ettings object
        # (Is not polulated with data set specific values) 
        self.ggs = graphSettings(self.o['type']).settings

        ### Create database backend object
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(options=self.o, ggs=self.ggs)

        self.defaults = {}
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """

        # Create the option parser for the command line options
        usage = (
            'usage: %prog [options]\n\n'
            'All options are strings. Boolean options are true when they \n'
            'contains a certain specific keywords, which is written in \n'
            'the option description in parantheses.')
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        # Add the options to the option parser
                          help='Type string from '
        parser.add_option('-b', '--idlist', help='List of id\'s to plot')
                          help='From timestamp, format: '
                          'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
                          help='To timestamp, format: '
                          'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
        parser.add_option('-e', '--xmin', help='X-min for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-f', '--xmax', help='X-max for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-g', '--ymin', help='Y-min for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-i', '--ymax', help='Y-max for zoom')
                          help='List of offsets for the '
                          'graphs (for plots that goes on a log scale and has '
                          'negative values)')
            help='Plot the graphs as '
            'a function of temperature (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
                          help='Use a log for the right '
                          'axis (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
                          help='Change between K '
                          'and C when values are plotted as a function of '
                          'temperature (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
                          help='Exchange min and max for the '
                          'x-axis (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
                          help='Shift between binding '
                          'energy and kinetic energy for XPS plots (boolean '
        # -p is availabel from previous options
            help='Image format for the '
            'figure exports, given as the figure extension. Can '
            'be svg, eps, ps, pdf and default. Default means use '
            'the one in graphsettings.xml or internal deaault.')
                          help='Produce a small plot '
                          '(boolean \'checked\'=1)')

        # Parse the options
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options - all options are given as string, and they need to
        ### be converted into other data types
        # Convert idlist
        self.idlist = [
            int(element) for element in options.idlist.split(',')[1:]
        # Turn the offset 'key:value,' pair string into a dictionary
        self.offsets = dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]),
                             for offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
        # Gather from and to in a fictionary
        self.from_to = {'from': options.from_d, 'to': options.to_d}
        # Turn several options into booleans
        self.as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
        self.flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
        self.shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False
        self.small_plot = True if options.small_plot == '1' else False

        ### Create database backend object
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type,

        ### Ask self.db for a measurement count
        measurement_count = self.db.get_data_count()

        # Set the image format to standard, overwite with gs value and again
        # options value if i exits
        if options.image_format:
            if options.image_format == 'default':
                if self.db.global_settings.has_key('image_format'):
                    self.image_format = self.db.global_settings['image_format']
                    self.image_format = 'png'
                self.image_format = options.image_format
            self.image_format = 'png'

        # Create a hash from the measurement_count, options and
        hash = hashlib.md5()
            str(options) + str(self.db.global_settings) +
        # self.namehash is unique for this plot and will form the filename
        self.namehash = ('/var/www/cinfdata/figures/' + hash.hexdigest() +
                         '.' + self.image_format)

        # For use in other methods
        self.options = options

        # object to give first good color, and then random colors
        self.c = Color()

        self.left_color = 'black'
        self.right_color = 'black'
Example #4
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """
        # Create optionparser
        parser = OptionParser()

        # Add the options to the option parser
        # Option help at https://cinfwiki.fysik.dtu.dk/cinfwiki/Software/
        # DataWebPageDeveloperDocumentation#plot.py
        parser.add_option('--type')                  # String option
        parser.add_option('--boolean_options')       # Boolean options
        parser.add_option('--left_plotlist')         # int list
        parser.add_option('--right_plotlist')        # int list
        parser.add_option('--xscale_bounding')       # Float pair
        parser.add_option('--left_yscale_bounding')  # Float pair
        parser.add_option('--right_yscale_bounding') # Float pair
        parser.add_option('--from_to')               # Time stamp pair NOT HANDLED
        parser.add_option('--image_format')          # String options
        parser.add_option('--manual_labels_n_titel') # Manual labels and title for mpl
        parser.add_option('--input_id')              # Database id for plugin input
        parser.add_option('--reference_lines')       # Reference lines
        # KARL TODO To __init__ add command line options to recieve
        # the reference line sets that should be displayed and parse
        # it

        # Parse the options
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options into self.o -  all options are given as strings,
        ### and they need to be converted into other data types
        self.o = {}
        # Parse boolean options
        for pair in options.boolean_options.split(',')[1:]:
            key, value = pair.split(':')
            self.o[key] = True if value == 'checked' else False
        # Parse bounds
        bkeys = [s + '_bounding' for s in ['xscale', 'left_yscale', 'right_yscale']]
        for bound in bkeys:
            bounding = [b if b != '' else '0'
                        for b in options.__dict__[bound].split(',')]
            if bounding != ['0', '0']:
                self.o[bound] = tuple(
                    [float(b) for b in bounding]
                self.o[bound] = None
        # Parse lists
        for plotlist in ['left_plotlist', 'right_plotlist']:
            # List comprehension, split list string up and turn into integer
            # and add to new list, but only of > 0
            self.o[plotlist] = [int(a) for a in 
                                if int(a) > 0]
        # Parse reference lines
        self.o['reference_lines'] = options.reference_lines.strip(',').split(',')
        # Parse string options
        for key in ['type', 'image_format']:
            self.o[key] = options.__dict__[key]
        for opt in options.manual_labels_n_titel.split(','):
            self.o[opt.split('=')[0]] = opt.split('=')[1]
        # From_to
        self.o['from_to'] = options.from_to.split(',')
        # Database ID for plugin input
        self.o['input_id'] = int(options.input_id)
        ### Done processing options

        # Get a (g)eneral (g)raph (s)ettings object
        # (Are not polulated with data set specific values) 
        self.ggs = graphSettings(self.o['type'])

        # If a dateplot and called without (valid) datetimes fill them in
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][0], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][1], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
        except ValueError:
            start = time()-24*3600
            if self.ggs.has_key('default_time'):
                default_time = int(self.ggs['default_time'])
                start = time()-default_time*3600
            # [now-1d, now]
            self.o['from_to'][0] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M',
            self.o['from_to'][1] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')

        ### Create database backend object
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(options=self.o, ggs=self.ggs)

        self.defaults = {}
Example #5
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """

        # Create optionparser
        parser = OptionParser()

        # Add the options to the option parser
        # Option help at https://cinfwiki.fysik.dtu.dk/cinfwiki/Software/
        # DataWebPageDeveloperDocumentation#plot.py
        parser.add_option('--type')                  # String option
	parser.add_option('--boolean_options')       # Boolean options
	parser.add_option('--left_plotlist')         # int list
	parser.add_option('--right_plotlist')        # int list
	parser.add_option('--xscale_bounding')       # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--left_yscale_bounding')  # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--right_yscale_bounding') # Float pair
	parser.add_option('--from_to')               # Time stamp pair NOT HANDLED
	parser.add_option('--image_format')          # String options
	parser.add_option('--manual_labels_n_titel') # Manual labels and title for mpl
	parser.add_option('--input_id')              # Database id for plugin input

        # Parse the options
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options into self.o -  all options are given as strings,
        ### and they need to be converted into other data types
        self.o = {}
        # Parse boolean options
        for pair in options.boolean_options.split(',')[1:]:
            key, value = pair.split(':')
            self.o[key] = True if value == 'checked' else False
        # Parse bounds
        bkeys = [s + '_bounding' for s in ['xscale', 'left_yscale', 'right_yscale']]
        for bound in bkeys:
            bounding = [b if b != '' else '0'
                        for b in options.__dict__[bound].split(',')]
            if bounding != ['0', '0']:
                self.o[bound] = tuple(
                    [float(b) for b in bounding]
                self.o[bound] = None
        # Parse lists
        for plotlist in ['left_plotlist', 'right_plotlist']:
            # List comprehension, split list string up and turn into integer
            # and add to new list, but only of > 0
            self.o[plotlist] = [int(a) for a in 
                                if int(a) > 0]
        # Parse string options
        for key in ['type', 'image_format']:
            self.o[key] = options.__dict__[key]
        for opt in options.manual_labels_n_titel.split(','):
            self.o[opt.split('=')[0]] = opt.split('=')[1]
        # From_to
        self.o['from_to'] = options.from_to.split(',')
        # Database ID for plugin input
        self.o['input_id'] = int(options.input_id)
        ### Done processing options

        # Get a (g)eneral (g)raph (s)ettings object
        # (Are not polulated with data set specific values) 
        self.ggs = graphSettings(self.o['type']).settings

        # If a dateplot and called without (valid) datetimes fill them in
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][0], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
            strptime(self.o['from_to'][1], '%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')
        except ValueError:
            start = time()-24*3600
            if self.ggs.has_key('default_time'):
                default_time = int(self.ggs['default_time'])
                start = time()-default_time*3600
            # [now-1d, now]
            self.o['from_to'][0] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M',
            self.o['from_to'][1] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M')

        ### Create database backend object
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(options=self.o, ggs=self.ggs)

        self.defaults = {}
Example #6
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """

        # Create the option parser for the command line options
        usage = ('usage: %prog [options]\n\n'
                 'All options are strings. Boolean options are true when they \n'
                 'contains a certain specific keywords, which is written in \n'
                 'the option description in parantheses.')
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        # Add the options to the option parser
        parser.add_option('-a', '--type', help='Type string from '
        parser.add_option('-b', '--idlist', help='List of id\'s to plot')
        parser.add_option('-c', '--from_d', help='From timestamp, format: '
                          'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
        parser.add_option('-d', '--to_d', help='To timestamp, format: '
                          'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM')
        parser.add_option('-e', '--xmin', help='X-min for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-f', '--xmax', help='X-max for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-g', '--ymin', help='Y-min for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-i', '--ymax', help='Y-max for zoom')
        parser.add_option('-j', '--offset', help='List of offsets for the '
                          'graphs (for plots that goes on a log scale and has '
                          'negative values)')
        parser.add_option('-k', '--as_function_of_t', help='Plot the graphs as '
                          'a function of temperature (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
        parser.add_option('-l', '--logscale', help='Use a log for the right '
                          'axis (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
        parser.add_option('-m', '--shift_temp_unit', help='Change between K '
                          'and C when values are plotted as a function of '
                          'temperature (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
        parser.add_option('-n', '--flip_x', help='Exchange min and max for the '
                          'x-axis (boolean \'checked\'=True)')
        parser.add_option('-o', '--shift_be_ke', help='Shift between binding '
                          'energy and kinetic energy for XPS plots (boolean '
        # -p is availabel from previous options
        parser.add_option('-q', '--image_format', help='Image format for the '
                          'figure exports, given as the figure extension. Can '
                          'be svg, eps, ps, pdf and default. Default means use '
                          'the one in graphsettings.xml or internal deaault.')
        parser.add_option('-r', '--small_plot', help='Produce a small plot '
                          '(boolean \'checked\'=1)')

        # Parse the options
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        ### Process options - all options are given as string, and they need to
        ### be converted into other data types
        # Convert idlist
        self.idlist = [int(element) for element in options.idlist.split(',')[1:]]
        # Turn the offset 'key:value,' pair string into a dictionary
        self.offsets =  dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]), offset.split(':')[1]]
                              for offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
        # Gather from and to in a fictionary
        self.from_to = {'from':options.from_d, 'to':options.to_d}
        # Turn several options into booleans
        self.as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
        self.flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
        self.shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False
        self.small_plot = True if options.small_plot == '1' else False
        ### Create database backend object
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type, from_to=self.from_to,
                                  id_list=self.idlist, offsets=self.offsets,

        ### Ask self.db for a measurement count
        measurement_count = self.db.get_data_count()

        # Set the image format to standard, overwite with gs value and again
        # options value if i exits
        if options.image_format:
            if options.image_format == 'default':
                if self.db.global_settings.has_key('image_format'):
                    self.image_format = self.db.global_settings['image_format']
                    self.image_format = 'png'
                self.image_format = options.image_format
            self.image_format = 'png'
        # Create a hash from the measurement_count, options and
        hash = hashlib.md5()
        hash.update(str(options) + str(self.db.global_settings) +
        # self.namehash is unique for this plot and will form the filename
        self.namehash = ('/var/www/cinfdata/figures/' + hash.hexdigest() + '.' +
        # For use in other methods
        self.options = options
        # object to give first good color, and then random colors
        self.c = Color()

        self.left_color = 'black'
        self.right_color = 'black'
Example #7
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """

        # Create and parse the options
        parser = OptionParser()
        # Add the option names
        parser.add_option("-a", "--type")
        parser.add_option("-b", "--idlist")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--from_d")
        parser.add_option("-d", "--to_d")
        parser.add_option("-e", "--xmin")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--xmax")
        parser.add_option("-g", "--ymin")
        parser.add_option("-i", "--ymax")
        parser.add_option("-j", "--offset")
        parser.add_option("-k", "--as_function_of_t")
        parser.add_option("-l", "--logscale")
        parser.add_option("-m", "--shift_temp_unit")
        parser.add_option("-n", "--flip_x")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--shift_be_ke")
        parser.add_option("-p", "--size")

        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        # For use in other methods
        self.options = options

        ### Process options
        # Fetch idlist
        self.idlist = [
            int(element) for element in options.idlist.split(',')[1:]
        # Turn the offset "key:value," pair string into a dictionary
        self.offsets = dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]),
                             for offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
        # Turn as_function_of_t into boolean
        self.as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
        self.flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
        self.shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False

        ### Create db object # ADD MORE OPTIONS
        self.from_to = {'from': options.from_d, 'to': options.to_d}
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type,

        self.standard_sizes = {
            'small': '450x300',
            'large': '4500x3000',
            'def_size': '900x600'

        # The 'name' is a string that is unique for this plot
        # Here we add all the information that is entered into the db object
        self.name = self.db.global_settings['chamber_name'] + '_' + options.type

        if options.from_d != '' or options.to_d != '':
            self.name += '_' + options.from_d + '_' + options.to_d

        self.name += ('_' +
                      'as_function_of_t') if self.as_function_of_t else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'shift_temp_unit') if self.shift_temp_unit else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'logscale') if self.logscale else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'flip_x') if self.flip_x else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'shift_be_ke') if self.shift_be_ke else ''

        if len(self.idlist) > 0:
            self.name += '_' + str(self.idlist)

        # object to give first good color, and then random colors
        self.c = color()
Example #8
    def __init__(self):
        """ Description of init """

        # Create and parse the options
        parser = OptionParser()
        # Add the option names
        parser.add_option("-a", "--type")
        parser.add_option("-b", "--idlist")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--from_d")
        parser.add_option("-d", "--to_d")
        parser.add_option("-e", "--xmin")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--xmax")
        parser.add_option("-g", "--ymin")
        parser.add_option("-i", "--ymax")
        parser.add_option("-j", "--offset")
        parser.add_option("-k", "--as_function_of_t")
        parser.add_option("-l", "--logscale")
        parser.add_option("-m", "--shift_temp_unit")
        parser.add_option("-n", "--flip_x")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--shift_be_ke")
        parser.add_option("-p", "--size")

        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        # For use in other methods
        self.options = options

        ### Process options
        # Fetch idlist
        self.idlist = [int(element) for element in
        # Turn the offset "key:value," pair string into a dictionary
        self.offsets =  dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]), offset.split(':')[1]]
                              for offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
        # Turn as_function_of_t into boolean
        self.as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit ==\
            'checked' else False
        self.logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
        self.flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
        self.shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False

        ### Create db object # ADD MORE OPTIONS
        self.from_to = {'from':options.from_d, 'to':options.to_d}
        self.db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type, from_to=self.from_to,
                                  id_list=self.idlist, offsets=self.offsets,

        self.standard_sizes = {'small':'450x300', 'large':'4500x3000',
        # The 'name' is a string that is unique for this plot
        # Here we add all the information that is entered into the db object
        self.name = self.db.global_settings['chamber_name'] + '_' + options.type

        if options.from_d != '' or options.to_d != '':
            self.name += '_' + options.from_d + '_' + options.to_d

        self.name += ('_' + 'as_function_of_t') if self.as_function_of_t else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'shift_temp_unit') if self.shift_temp_unit else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'logscale') if self.logscale else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'flip_x') if self.flip_x else ''
        self.name += ('_' + 'shift_be_ke') if self.shift_be_ke else ''

        if len(self.idlist) > 0:
            self.name += '_' + str(self.idlist)

        # object to give first good color, and then random colors
        self.c = color()
Example #9
# Fetch idlist
idlist = [int(element) for element in options.idlist.split(',')[1:]]
# Turn the offset "key:value," pair string into a dictionary
offsets =  dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]), offset.split(':')[1]] for
                    offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
# Turn as_function_of_t into boolean
as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t == 'checked' else False
shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit == 'checked' else False
logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False

# Create db object # ADD MORE OPTIONS
from_to = {'from':options.from_d, 'to':options.to_d}
db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type, from_to=from_to, id_list=idlist,
                     offsets=offsets, as_function_of_t=as_function_of_t,
                     shift_temp_unit=shift_temp_unit, shift_be_ke=shift_be_ke)

# The 'name' is a string that is unique for this plot
# Here we add all the information that is entered into the db object
name = db.global_settings['chamber_name'] + '_' + options.type

if options.from_d != '' or options.to_d != '':
    name += '_' + options.from_d + '_' + options.to_d

name += ('_' + 'as_function_of_t') if as_function_of_t else ''
name += ('_' + 'shift_temp_unit') if shift_temp_unit else ''
name += ('_' + 'logscale') if logscale else ''

if len(idlist) > 0:
    name += '_' + str(idlist)
Example #10
offsets = dict([[int(offset.split(':')[0]),
                for offset in options.offset.split(',')[1:]])
# Turn as_function_of_t into boolean
as_function_of_t = True if options.as_function_of_t == 'checked' else False
shift_temp_unit = True if options.shift_temp_unit == 'checked' else False
logscale = True if options.logscale == 'checked' else False
flip_x = True if options.flip_x == 'checked' else False
shift_be_ke = True if options.shift_be_ke == 'checked' else False

# Create db object # ADD MORE OPTIONS
from_to = {'from': options.from_d, 'to': options.to_d}
db = dataBaseBackend(typed=options.type,

# The 'name' is a string that is unique for this plot
# Here we add all the information that is entered into the db object
name = db.global_settings['chamber_name'] + '_' + options.type

if options.from_d != '' or options.to_d != '':
    name += '_' + options.from_d + '_' + options.to_d

name += ('_' + 'as_function_of_t') if as_function_of_t else ''
name += ('_' + 'shift_temp_unit') if shift_temp_unit else ''
name += ('_' + 'logscale') if logscale else ''