def main(args=None): parser = create_parser() ns = parser.parse_args(args) nd = ns.__dict__ if ns.cmd in FACILITY_PARSER_MAP: db = Broker.named(nd['db_name']) db_path = db.get_config()['metadatastore']['config']['directory'] writer = NpyWriter(db.fs, db_path) for n, d in FACILITY_PARSER_MAP[ns.cmd]['cmd'](nd['input_data']): if n == 'descriptor': for k in ['tof', 'intensity', 'error']: d['data_keys'][k]['external'] = True if n == 'event': for k in ['tof', 'intensity', 'error']: d['data'][k] = writer.write(d['data'][k]) d['filled'][k] = False print(n) pprint(d) db.insert(n, d) else: db_config_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/databroker/' '{}.yaml'.format(nd['name'])) path = os.path.expanduser(nd['path']) config = {'description': 'lightweight personal database', 'metadatastore': {'module': 'databroker.headersource.sqlite', 'class': 'MDS', 'config': {'directory': path, 'timezone': 'US/Eastern'}}, 'assets': {'module': 'databroker.assets.sqlite', 'class': 'Registry', 'config': {'dbpath': os.path.join( path, 'database.sql')}}} os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.split(db_config_path)[0], exist_ok=True) with open(db_config_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: yaml.dump(config, f)
# import nslsii # Register bluesky IPython magics. #from bluesky.magics import BlueskyMagics #get_ipython().register_magics(BlueskyMagics) #nslsii.configure_base(get_ipython().user_ns, 'amx') import bluesky.plans as bp from bluesky.run_engine import RunEngine from bluesky.utils import get_history RE = RunEngine(get_history()) beamline = os.environ["BEAMLINE_ID"] from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named(beamline) RE.subscribe(db.insert) # from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback # bec = BestEffortCallback() # RE.subscribe(bec) # convenience imports # from ophyd.commands import * from bluesky.callbacks import * # from bluesky.spec_api import * # from bluesky.global_state import gs, abort, stop, resume # from databroker import (DataBroker as db, get_events, get_images, # get_table, get_fields, restream, process)
from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named("iss") import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/home/xf08id/Repos/workflows') import interpolation data = dict() data['requester'] = "xf08id-ws02" #data['uid'] = "55f14401-8c60-4474-a24e-62b7722c933c" data['uid'] = db[-1].start['uid'] store =data.copy() signal = None context = None interpolation.create_req_func(data, store, signal, context) interpolation.process_run_func(data, store, signal, context)
import h5py from databroker import Broker from databroker._core import register_builtin_handlers db = Broker.named('xfm') register_builtin_handlers(db.reg) # srx detector, to be moved to filestore from databroker.assets.handlers import Xspress3HDF5Handler, HandlerBase class BulkXSPRESS(HandlerBase): HANDLER_NAME = 'XPS3_FLY' def __init__(self, resource_fn): self._handle = h5py.File(resource_fn, 'r') def __call__(self): return self._handle['entry/instrument/detector/data'][:] db.reg.register_handler(BulkXSPRESS.HANDLER_NAME, BulkXSPRESS, overwrite=True) class ZebraHDF5Handler(HandlerBase): HANDLER_NAME = 'ZEBRA_HDF51' def __init__(self, resource_fn): self._handle = h5py.File(resource_fn, 'r') def __call__(self, column): return self._handle[column][:] class SISHDF5Handler(HandlerBase):
from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('hxn') db_analysis = Broker.named('hxn_analysis') from hxntools.handlers.xspress3 import Xspress3HDF5Handler from hxntools.handlers.timepix import TimepixHDF5Handler db.reg.register_handler(Xspress3HDF5Handler.HANDLER_NAME, Xspress3HDF5Handler) db.reg.register_handler(TimepixHDF5Handler._handler_name, TimepixHDF5Handler, overwrite=True)
from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('hxn') #db_analysis = Broker.named('hxn_analysis') from hxntools.handlers.xspress3 import Xspress3HDF5Handler from hxntools.handlers.timepix import TimepixHDF5Handler db.reg.register_handler(Xspress3HDF5Handler.HANDLER_NAME, Xspress3HDF5Handler) db.reg.register_handler(TimepixHDF5Handler._handler_name, TimepixHDF5Handler, overwrite=True)
# Set up a RunEngine and use metadata backed by a sqlite file. from bluesky import RunEngine from bluesky.utils import get_history RE = RunEngine(get_history()) # Set up a Broker. from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('csx') # Subscribe metadatastore to documents. # If this is removed, data is not saved to metadatastore. RE.subscribe(db.insert) # Set up SupplementalData. from bluesky import SupplementalData sd = SupplementalData() RE.preprocessors.append(sd) # Add a progress bar. from bluesky.utils import ProgressBarManager pbar_manager = ProgressBarManager() RE.waiting_hook = pbar_manager # Register bluesky IPython magics. from bluesky.magics import BlueskyMagics get_ipython().register_magics(BlueskyMagics) # Set up the BestEffortCallback. from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback bec = BestEffortCallback() RE.subscribe(bec)
import os import shutil import tempfile import yaml from databroker import Broker try: db = Broker.named('xpd') except NameError: from xpdsim import db import logging from pkg_resources import resource_filename as rs_fn logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pytest_dir = rs_fn('xpdan', 'tests') def load_configuration(name): """ Load configuration data from a cascading series of locations. The precedence order is (highest priority last): 1. The conda environment - CONDA_ENV/etc/{name}.yaml (if CONDA_ETC_ is defined for the env) 2. The shipped version 3. At the system level - /etc/{name}.yml 4. In the user's home directory - ~/.config/{name}.yml
from bluesky.utils import install_qt_kicker install_qt_kicker() print("Insalling Qt Kicker...") # Make ophyd listen to pyepics. from ophyd import setup_ophyd setup_ophyd() # Set up a RunEngine and use metadata backed by a sqlite file. from bluesky import RunEngine from bluesky.utils import get_history RE = RunEngine(get_history()) # Set up a Broker. from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('amx') # Subscribe metadatastore to documents. # If this is removed, data is not saved to metadatastore. from bluesky import RunEngine RE = RunEngine() abort = RE.abort resume = RE.resume stop = RE.stop RE.subscribe(db.insert) # Set up SupplementalData. from bluesky import SupplementalData
import time import sys from bluesky.simulators import summarize_plan # Set up a RunEngine and use metadata backed by a sqlite file. from bluesky import RunEngine from bluesky.utils import get_history RE = RunEngine({}) # Set up a Broker. from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('iss') db_analysis = Broker.named('iss-analysis') # Subscribe metadatastore to documents. # If this is removed, data is not saved to metadatastore. RE.subscribe(db.insert) # Set up SupplementalData. from bluesky import SupplementalData sd = SupplementalData() RE.preprocessors.append(sd) # Add a progress bar. from timeit import default_timer as timer from bluesky.utils import ProgressBarManager pbar_manager = ProgressBarManager() #RE.waiting_hook = pbar_manager
from bluesky.utils import install_qt_kicker install_qt_kicker() print("Installing Qt Kicker...") # Make ophyd listen to pyepics. from ophyd import setup_ophyd setup_ophyd() # Set up a RunEngine and use metadata backed by a sqlite file. from bluesky import RunEngine from bluesky.utils import get_history RE = RunEngine(get_history()) # Set up a Broker. from databroker import Broker db = Broker.named('fmx') # Subscribe metadatastore to documents. # If this is removed, data is not saved to metadatastore. RE.subscribe(db.insert) # Set up SupplementalData. from bluesky import SupplementalData sd = SupplementalData() RE.preprocessors.append(sd) # Add a progress bar. # from bluesky.utils import ProgressBarManager # pbar_manager = ProgressBarManager() # RE.waiting_hook = pbar_manager
def interpolate_and_save(db_name, db_analysis_name, uid, mono_name='mono1_enc', pulses_per_degree=None): ''' Interpolate measured data and save to an analysis store. Parameters ---------- # TODO : change to config (don't rely on Broker.named which explores local directory) db_config: str the name the database (in /etc/databroker/name.yml) db_analysis_config : str the name of the analysis database (in /etc/databroker/name.yml) uid : str The uid of the data set mono_name : str the monochromator encoder name. Defaults to 'mono1_enc' pulses_per_degree : float pulses per degree of the encoder from the monochromator defaults to the current setup at QAS Returns ------- interp_df : the interpolated data bin_df : the binned data if e0 is set ''' # the pulses per degree, hard coded for now # TODO : Make a signal to pb1.enc1 # and have it passed at configuration_attrs # (which results in data in descriptor) if pulses_per_degree is None: ppd = 23600 * 400 / 360 else: ppd = pulses_per_degree db = Broker.named(db_name) hdr = db[uid] start = hdr.start if 'e0' not in start: e0 = 8979 print("Warning, e0 not in start, setting to Cu: {}".format(e0)) else: e0 = float(hdr.start['e0']) db_analysis = Broker.named(db_analysis_name) # the important part of Bruno's code that does the interpolation gen_parser = xasdata.XASdataGeneric(ppd, db=db, mono_name='mono1_enc') gen_parser.load(uid) # data saves in gen_parser.interp_df gen_parser.interpolate() # useful command for debugging, looking at energy # this is automatically run by gen_parser #energy = encoder2energy(res[:,3], ppd) PREFIX = "/nsls2/xf07bm/data/interpolated_data" write_path_template = PREFIX + '/%Y/%m/%d/' DIRECTORY = scan_id = hdr.start['scan_id'] md = hdr.start filename = 'xas_' + md.get("name", str(uuid4())[:6]) + "_" + str(scan_id) os.makedirs(DIRECTORY, exist_ok=True) filepath = DIRECTORY # file is exported fileout = gen_parser.export_trace(filename, filepath) call(['chmod', '774', fileout]) bin_df, bin_df_filename = bin_data(gen_parser, fileout, e0, scan_id=scan_id) result = dict(bin_df=bin_df, bin_df_filename=bin_df_filename, interp_df=gen_parser.interp_df, interp_df_filename=fileout, scan_id=scan_id) return result
def run(self): """ Overrides the `run()` function of the `multiprocessing.Process` class. Called by the `start` method. """ logging.basicConfig(level=max(logging.WARNING, self._log_level)) logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(self._log_level) success = True from .profile_tools import set_re_worker_active, clear_re_worker_active # Set the environment variable indicating that RE Worker is active. Status may be # checked using 'is_re_worker_active()' in startup scripts or modules. set_re_worker_active() from .plan_monitoring import RunList, CallbackRegisterRun self._active_run_list = RunList( ) # Initialization should be done before communication is enabled. self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._request_state_handler, "request_state") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._request_plan_report_handler, "request_plan_report") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._request_run_list_handler, "request_run_list") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_close_env_handler, "command_close_env") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_confirm_exit_handler, "command_confirm_exit") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_run_plan_handler, "command_run_plan") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_pause_plan_handler, "command_pause_plan") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_continue_plan_handler, "command_continue_plan") self._comm_to_manager.add_method(self._command_reset_worker_handler, "command_reset_worker") self._comm_to_manager.start() self._exit_event = threading.Event() self._exit_confirmed_event = threading.Event() self._re_report_lock = threading.Lock() from bluesky import RunEngine from bluesky.run_engine import get_bluesky_event_loop from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback from bluesky_kafka import Publisher as kafkaPublisher from bluesky.utils import PersistentDict from .profile_tools import global_user_namespace # TODO: TC - Do you think that the following code may be included in RE.__init__() # (for Python 3.8 and above) # Setting the default event loop is needed to make the code work with Python 3.8. loop = get_bluesky_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: keep_re = self._config_dict["keep_re"] startup_dir = self._config_dict.get("startup_dir", None) startup_module_name = self._config_dict.get( "startup_module_name", None) startup_script_path = self._config_dict.get( "startup_script_path", None) self._re_namespace = load_worker_startup_code( startup_dir=startup_dir, startup_module_name=startup_module_name, startup_script_path=startup_script_path, keep_re=keep_re, ) if keep_re and ("RE" not in self._re_namespace): raise RuntimeError( "Run Engine is not created in the startup code and 'keep_re' option is activated." ) self._existing_plans = plans_from_nspace(self._re_namespace) self._existing_devices = devices_from_nspace(self._re_namespace)"Startup code loading was completed") except Exception as ex: logger.exception( "Failed to start RE Worker environment. Error while loading startup code: %s.", str(ex), ) success = False # Load lists of allowed plans and devices"Loading the lists of allowed plans and devices ...") path_pd = self._config_dict["existing_plans_and_devices_path"] path_ug = self._config_dict["user_group_permissions_path"] try: self._allowed_plans, self._allowed_devices = load_allowed_plans_and_devices( path_existing_plans_and_devices=path_pd, path_user_group_permissions=path_ug) except Exception as ex: logger.exception( "Error occurred while loading lists of allowed plans and devices from '%s': %s", path_pd, str(ex)) if success:"Instantiating and configuring Run Engine ...") try: # Make RE namespace available to the plan code. global_user_namespace.set_user_namespace( user_ns=self._re_namespace, use_ipython=False) if self._config_dict["keep_re"]: # Copy references from the namespace self._RE = self._re_namespace["RE"] self._db = self._re_namespace.get("RE", None) else: # Instantiate a new Run Engine and Data Broker (if needed) md = {} if self._config_dict["use_persistent_metadata"]: # This code is temporarily copied from 'nslsii' before better solution for keeping # continuous sequence Run ID is found. TODO: continuous sequence of Run IDs. directory = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/bluesky/md") os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) md = PersistentDict(directory) self._RE = RunEngine(md) self._re_namespace["RE"] = self._RE def factory(name, doc): # Documents from each run are routed to an independent # instance of BestEffortCallback bec = BestEffortCallback() return [bec], [] # Subscribe to Best Effort Callback in the way that works with multi-run plans. rr = RunRouter([factory]) self._RE.subscribe(rr) # Subscribe RE to databroker if config file name is provided self._db = None if "databroker" in self._config_dict: config_name = self._config_dict["databroker"].get( "config", None) if config_name: "Subscribing RE to Data Broker using configuration '%s'.", config_name) from databroker import Broker self._db = Broker.named(config_name) self._re_namespace["db"] = self._db self._RE.subscribe(self._db.insert) # Subscribe Run Engine to 'CallbackRegisterRun'. This callback is used internally # by the worker process to keep track of the runs that are open and closed. run_reg_cb = CallbackRegisterRun( run_list=self._active_run_list) self._RE.subscribe(run_reg_cb) if "kafka" in self._config_dict: "Subscribing to Kafka: topic '%s', servers '%s'", self._config_dict["kafka"]["topic"], self._config_dict["kafka"]["bootstrap"], ) kafka_publisher = kafkaPublisher( topic=self._config_dict["kafka"]["topic"], bootstrap_servers=self._config_dict["kafka"] ["bootstrap"], key="kafka-unit-test-key", # work with a single broker producer_config={ "acks": 1, "enable.idempotence": False, "": 5000 }, serializer=partial(msgpack.dumps, default=mpn.encode), ) self._RE.subscribe(kafka_publisher) if "zmq_data_proxy_addr" in self._config_dict: from bluesky.callbacks.zmq import Publisher publisher = Publisher( self._config_dict["zmq_data_proxy_addr"]) self._RE.subscribe(publisher) self._execution_queue = queue.Queue() self._state["environment_state"] = "ready" except BaseException as ex: success = False logger.exception( "Error occurred while initializing the environment: %s.", str(ex)) if success:"RE Environment is ready") self._execute_in_main_thread() else: self._exit_event.set()"Environment is waiting to be closed ...") self._state["environment_state"] = "closing" # Wait until confirmation is received from RE Manager while not self._exit_confirmed_event.is_set(): ttime.sleep(0.02) # Clear the environment variable indicating that RE Worker is active. It is an optional step # since the process is about to close, but we still do it for consistency. clear_re_worker_active() self._RE = None self._comm_to_manager.stop()"Run Engine environment was closed successfully")