def wait_for_service_available(container, url, timeout): """ Wait up to timeout seconds for service at host:port to start. Returns True if service becomes available, False if the container stops or raises ServiceTimeout if timeout is reached. """ start = time.time() remaining = timeout while True: remaining = start + timeout - time.time() if remaining < 0: raise ServiceTimeout try: response = get(url, timeout=min(remaining, REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)) if 500 <= response.status_code < 600: return False return True except (ConnectionError, Timeout): pass if not inspect_container(container)['State']['Running']: return False remaining = start + timeout - time.time() delay = max(0, min(RETRY_DELAY_SECONDS, remaining)) time.sleep(delay) raise ServiceTimeout
def _two_to_one(datadir): """After this command, your environment will be converted to format version {} and will not work with Datacats versions beyond and including 1.0.0. This format version doesn't support multiple sites, and after this only your "primary" site will be usable, though other sites will be maintained if you wish to do a migration back to a version which supports multisite. Would you like to continue the migration? (y/n) [n]:""" _, env_name = _split_path(datadir) print 'Making sure that containers are stopped...' # New-style names remove_container('datacats_web_{}_primary'.format(env_name)) remove_container('datacats_postgres_{}_primary'.format(env_name)) remove_container('datacats_solr_{}_primary'.format(env_name)) print 'Doing conversion...' if exists(path_join(datadir, '.version')): os.remove(path_join(datadir, '.version')) to_move = (['files', 'passwords.ini', 'run', 'solr'] + (['postgres'] if not is_boot2docker() else [])) web_command( command=['/scripts/', '/project/data/sites/primary', '/project/data'] + to_move, ro={scripts.get_script_path(''): '/scripts/'}, rw={datadir: '/project/data'} ) pgdata_name = 'datacats_pgdata_{}_primary'.format(env_name) if is_boot2docker() and inspect_container(pgdata_name): rename_container(pgdata_name, 'datacats_pgdata_{}'.format(env_name)) print 'Doing cleanup...' with open(path_join(datadir, 'project-dir')) as pd: datacats_env_location = path_join(, '.datacats-environment') cp = SafeConfigParser() # We need to move the port OUT of site_primary section and INTO datacats cp.set('datacats', 'port', cp.get('site_primary', 'port')) cp.remove_section('site_primary') with open(datacats_env_location, 'w') as config: cp.write(config) cp = SafeConfigParser(), 'passwords.ini')) # This isn't needed in this version cp.remove_option('passwords', 'beaker_session_secret') with open(path_join(datadir, 'passwords.ini'), 'w') as config: cp.write(config)
def containers_running(get_container_name): """ Return a list of containers tracked by this environment that are running """ running = [] for n in ['web', 'postgres', 'solr', 'datapusher', 'redis']: info = docker.inspect_container(get_container_name(n)) if info and not info['State']['Running']: running.append(n + '(halted)') elif info: running.append(n) return running
def containers_running(get_container_name): """ Return a list of containers tracked by this environment that are running """ running = [] for n in ["web", "postgres", "solr", "datapusher", "redis"]: info = docker.inspect_container(get_container_name(n)) if info and not info["State"]["Running"]: running.append(n + "(halted)") elif info: running.append(n) return running
def containers_running(self): """ Return a list including 0 or more of ['web', 'data', 'search'] for containers tracked by this project that are running """ running = [] for n in ['web', 'postgres', 'solr']: info = inspect_container('datacats_' + n + '_' + if info and not info['State']['Running']: running.append(n + '(halted)') elif info: running.append(n) return running
def data_complete(datadir, sitedir, get_container_name): """ Return True if the directories and containers we're expecting are present in datadir, sitedir and containers """ if any(not path.isdir(sitedir + x) for x in ("/files", "/run", "/solr")): return False if docker.is_boot2docker(): # Inspect returns None if the container doesn't exist. return all(docker.inspect_container(get_container_name(x)) for x in ("pgdata", "venv")) return path.isdir(datadir + "/venv") and path.isdir(sitedir + "/postgres")
def _current_web_port(self): """ return just the port number for the web container, or None if not running """ info = inspect_container(self._get_container_name('web')) if info is None: return None try: if not info['State']['Running']: return None return info['NetworkSettings']['Ports']['5000/tcp'][0]['HostPort'] except TypeError: return None
def data_complete(datadir, sitedir, get_container_name): """ Return True if the directories and containers we're expecting are present in datadir, sitedir and containers """ if any(not path.isdir(sitedir + x) for x in ('/files', '/run', '/solr')): return False if docker.is_boot2docker(): # Inspect returns None if the container doesn't exist. return all( docker.inspect_container(get_container_name(x)) for x in ('pgdata', 'venv')) return path.isdir(datadir + '/venv') and path.isdir(sitedir + '/postgres')