Example #1
def test_RBGAMapped_Masking(product_layer_mask_map, style_cfg_map_mask):
    def fake_make_mask(data, **kwargs):
        val = kwargs["bar"]
        return data == val

    band = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
    timarray = [np.datetime64(datetime.date.today())]
    times = DataArray(timarray, coords=[timarray], dims=["time"], name="time")
    da = DataArray(band, name='foo')
    dst = Dataset(data_vars={'foo': da})
    ds = concat([dst], times)

    npmap = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, True])
    damap = DataArray(npmap)

    with patch('datacube_ows.styles.colormap.make_mask',
               new_callable=lambda: fake_make_mask) as fmm:
        style_def = StyleDef(product_layer_mask_map, style_cfg_map_mask)
        data = style_def.transform_data(ds, damap)
        r = data["red"]
        g = data["green"]
        b = data["blue"]
        a = data["alpha"]

        assert (r[2:3:1] == 0)
        assert (g[2:3:1] == 0)
        assert (b[2:3:1] == 0)
        assert (a[2:3:1] == 0)
        assert (r[4:5:1] == 255)
        assert (g[4:5:1] == 255)
        assert (b[4:5:1] == 255)
        assert (a[4:5:1] == 255)
Example #2
def test_alpha_style_map(product_layer_alpha_map, style_cfg_map_alpha_1,
                         style_cfg_map_alpha_2, style_cfg_map_alpha_3):
    def fake_make_mask(data, **kwargs):
        return data

    band = np.array([True, True, True])
    timarray = [np.datetime64(datetime.date.today())]
    times = DataArray(timarray, coords=[timarray], dims=["time"], name="time")
    da = DataArray(band, name='foo')
    dst = Dataset(data_vars={'foo': da})
    ds = concat([dst], times)
    npmap = np.array([True, True, True])
    damap = DataArray(npmap)

    with patch('datacube_ows.styles.colormap.make_mask',
               new_callable=lambda: fake_make_mask) as fmm:
        style_def = StyleDef(product_layer_alpha_map, style_cfg_map_alpha_1)

        result = style_def.transform_data(ds, damap)
        alpha_channel = result["alpha"].values
        assert (alpha_channel == 0).all()

        style_def = StyleDef(product_layer_alpha_map, style_cfg_map_alpha_2)

        result = style_def.transform_data(ds, None)
        alpha_channel = result["alpha"].values
        assert (alpha_channel == 127).all()

        style_def = StyleDef(product_layer_alpha_map, style_cfg_map_alpha_3)

        result = style_def.transform_data(ds, damap)
        alpha_channel = result["alpha"].values
        assert (alpha_channel == 255).all()
Example #3
def test_style_exceptions(product_layer, style_cfg_map: dict):
    style_no_name = dict(style_cfg_map)
    style_no_name.pop('name', None)
    with pytest.raises(ConfigException) as excinfo:
        style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_no_name)

    assert "Required field missing in" in str(excinfo.value)
Example #4
def test_dynamic_range_compression_scale_range(product_layer, style_cfg_lin):
    style_cfg_lin["scale_range"] = [-3000, 3000]

    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_lin)

    assert style_def.scale_min == -3000
    assert style_def.scale_max == 3000

    band = np.zeros(3)
    band[0] = -3000
    band[1] = 0
    band[2] = 3000

    compressed = style_def.compress_band("red", band)

    assert compressed[0] == 0
    assert compressed[1] == 255 / 2
    assert compressed[2] == 255
Example #5
 def parse_styling(self, cfg):
     self.styles = list([StyleDef(self, s) for s in cfg["styles"]])
     self.style_index = {s.name: s for s in self.styles}
     if "default_style" in cfg:
         if cfg["default_style"] not in self.style_index:
             raise ConfigException(
                 "Default style %s is not in the 'styles' for layer %s" %
                 (cfg["default_style"], self.name))
         self.default_style = self.style_index[cfg["default_style"]]
         self.default_style = self.styles[0]
Example #6
def test_dynamic_range_compression_scale_factor(product_layer, style_cfg_lin):
    del style_cfg_lin["scale_range"]
    style_cfg_lin["scale_factor"] = 2.5

    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_lin)

    assert style_def.scale_min == 0.0
    assert style_def.scale_max == 637.5

    band = np.zeros(3)
    band[0] = -3000
    band[1] = 0
    band[2] = 3000
Example #7
def test_correct_style_hybrid(product_layer, style_cfg_lin):
    style_cfg_lin["component_ratio"] = 1.0
    style_cfg_lin["range"] = [1, 2]
    style_cfg_lin["index_function"] = {
        "function": "datacube_ows.band_utils.constant",
        "pass_product_cfg": True,
        "kwargs": {
            "const": "0.1"
    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_lin)

    assert isinstance(style_def, datacube_ows.styles.hybrid.HybridStyleDef)
 def parse_styling(self, cfg):
     self.styles = []
     self.style_index = {}
     for scfg in cfg["styles"]:
         style = StyleDef(self, scfg)
         self.style_index[style.name] = style
     if "default_style" in cfg:
         if cfg["default_style"] not in self.style_index:
             raise ConfigException(
                 f"Default style {cfg['default_style']} is not in the 'styles' for layer {self.name}"
         self.default_style = self.style_index[cfg["default_style"]]
         self.default_style = self.styles[0]
Example #9
def test_correct_style_ramp(product_layer, style_cfg_ramp):
    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_ramp)

    assert isinstance(style_def, datacube_ows.styles.ramp.ColorRampDef)
Example #10
def test_correct_style_map(product_layer, style_cfg_map):
    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_map)

    assert isinstance(style_def, datacube_ows.styles.colormap.ColorMapStyleDef)
Example #11
def test_correct_style_linear(product_layer, style_cfg_lin):
    style_def = StyleDef(product_layer, style_cfg_lin)

    assert isinstance(style_def,