def __init__(self, title, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """IncidentResponseAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

            title (str): The title of the incident, which summarizes what happened.

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            created (datetime): Timestamp when the incident was created.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            customer_impact_duration (int): Length of the incident's customer impact in seconds. Equals the difference between `customer_impact_start` and `customer_impact_end`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            customer_impact_end (datetime, none_type): Timestamp when customers were no longer impacted by the incident.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            customer_impact_scope (str, none_type): A summary of the impact customers experienced during the incident.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            customer_impact_start (datetime, none_type): Timestamp when customers began being impacted by the incident.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            customer_impacted (bool): A flag indicating whether the incident caused customer impact.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            detected (datetime, none_type): Timestamp when the incident was detected.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            fields ({str: (IncidentFieldAttributes,)}): A condensed view of the user-defined fields attached to incidents.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            modified (datetime): Timestamp when the incident was last modified.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            notification_handles ([str]): Notification handles that will be notified of the incident during update.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            postmortem_id (str): The UUID of the postmortem object attached to the incident.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            public_id (int): The monotonically increasing integer ID for the incident.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            resolved (datetime, none_type): Timestamp when the incident's state was set to resolved.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            time_to_detect (int): The amount of time in seconds to detect the incident. Equals the difference between `customer_impact_start` and `detected`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            time_to_internal_response (int): The amount of time in seconds to call incident after detection. Equals the difference of `detected` and `created`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            time_to_repair (int): The amount of time in seconds to resolve customer impact after detecting the issue. Equals the difference between `customer_impact_end` and `detected`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            time_to_resolve (int): The amount of time in seconds to resolve the incident after it was created. Equals the difference between `created` and `resolved`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.title = title
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name not in self.attribute_map
                    and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and self.additional_properties_type is None):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, destination, name, query, *args,
                 **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsArchiveCreateRequestAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

            destination (LogsArchiveCreateRequestDestination):
            name (str): The archive name.
            query (str): The archive query/filter. Logs matching this query are included in the archive.

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            include_tags (bool): To store the tags in the archive, set the value \"true\". If it is set to \"false\", the tags will be deleted when the logs are sent to the archive.. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False  # noqa: E501
            rehydration_tags ([str]): An array of tags to add to rehydrated logs from an archive.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.destination = destination = name
        self.query = query
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, container, integration, storage_account, type, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsArchiveDestinationAzure - a model defined in OpenAPI

            container (str): The container where the archive will be stored.
            integration (LogsArchiveIntegrationAzure):
            storage_account (str): The associated storage account.
            type (LogsArchiveDestinationAzureType):

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            path (str): The archive path.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            region (str): The region where the archive will be stored.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        self.container = container
        self.integration = integration
        self.storage_account = storage_account
        self.type = type
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, cases, is_enabled, message, name, options, queries,
                 *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SecurityMonitoringRuleCreatePayload - a model defined in OpenAPI

            cases ([SecurityMonitoringRuleCaseCreate]): Cases for generating signals.
            is_enabled (bool): Whether the rule is enabled.
            message (str): Message for generated signals.
            name (str): The name of the rule.
            options (SecurityMonitoringRuleOptions):
            queries ([SecurityMonitoringRuleQueryCreate]): Queries for selecting logs which are part of the rule.

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            tags ([str]): Tags for generated signals.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.cases = cases
        self.is_enabled = is_enabled
        self.message = message = name
        self.options = options
        self.queries = queries
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """UsersType - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Note that value can be passed either in args or in kwargs, but not in both.

            args[0] (str): Users resource type.. if omitted defaults to "users", must be one of ["users", ]  # noqa: E501

        Keyword Args:
            value (str): Users resource type.. if omitted defaults to "users", must be one of ["users", ]  # noqa: E501
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
        # required up here when default value is not given
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())

        if "value" in kwargs:
            value = kwargs.pop("value")
        elif args:
            args = list(args)
            value = args.pop(0)
            value = "users"

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )
        self.value = value
        if kwargs:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid named arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid named arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """OrganizationAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            created_at (datetime): Creation time of the organization.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            description (str): Description of the organization.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            disabled (bool): Whether or not the organization is disabled.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            modified_at (datetime): Time of last organization modification.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            name (str): Name of the organization.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            public_id (str): Public ID of the organization.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            sharing (str): Sharing type of the organization.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            url (str): URL of the site that this organization exists at.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """SecurityMonitoringRuleMaxSignalDuration - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Note that value can be passed either in args or in kwargs, but not in both.

            args[0] (int): A signal will “close” regardless of the query being matched once the time exceeds the maximum duration. This time is calculated from the first seen timestamp.., must be one of [0, 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 10800, 21600, 43200, 86400, ]  # noqa: E501

        Keyword Args:
            value (int): A signal will “close” regardless of the query being matched once the time exceeds the maximum duration. This time is calculated from the first seen timestamp.., must be one of [0, 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 10800, 21600, 43200, 86400, ]  # noqa: E501
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)

        if 'value' in kwargs:
            value = kwargs.pop('value')
        elif args:
            args = list(args)
            value = args.pop(0)
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "value is required, but not passed in args or kwargs and doesn't have default",
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )
        self.value = value
        if kwargs:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid named arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid named arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """MetricVolumes - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            attributes (MetricIngestedIndexedVolumeAttributes): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            id (str): The metric name for this resource.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            type (MetricIngestedIndexedVolumeType): [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        constant_args = {
            "_check_type": _check_type,
            "_path_to_item": _path_to_item,
            "_spec_property_naming": _spec_property_naming,
            "_configuration": _configuration,
            "_visited_composed_classes": self._visited_composed_classes,
        required_args = {}
        model_args = {}
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, model_args,
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        unused_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in required_args.items():
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name in unused_args and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and not self._additional_properties_model_instances):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, facet, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsGroupBy - a model defined in OpenAPI

            facet (str): The name of the facet to use (required)

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            histogram (LogsGroupByHistogram): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            limit (int): The maximum buckets to return for this group by. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 10  # noqa: E501
            missing (LogsGroupByMissing): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            sort (LogsAggregateSort): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            total (LogsGroupByTotal): [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.facet = facet
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsQueryFilter - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            _from (str): The minimum time for the requested logs, supports date math and regular timestamps. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "now-15m"  # noqa: E501
            indexes ([str]): For customers with multiple indexes, the indexes to search. Defaults to ['*'] which means all indexes.. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of ["*"]  # noqa: E501
            query (str): The search query - following the log search syntax.. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "*"  # noqa: E501
            to (str): The maximum time for the requested logs, supports date math and regular timestamps. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "now"  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, query, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SecurityMonitoringRuleQueryCreate - a model defined in OpenAPI

            query (str): Query to run on logs.

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            agent_rule (SecurityMonitoringRuntimeAgentRule): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            aggregation (SecurityMonitoringRuleQueryAggregation): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            distinct_fields ([str]): Field for which the cardinality is measured. Sent as an array.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            group_by_fields ([str]): Fields to group by.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            metric (str): The target field to aggregate over when using the sum or max aggregations.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            name (str): Name of the query.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.query = query
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name not in self.attribute_map
                    and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and self.additional_properties_type is None):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #12
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SecurityMonitoringRuleCase - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            condition (str): A rule case contains logical operations (`>`,`>=`, `&&`, `||`) to determine if a signal should be generated based on the event counts in the previously defined queries.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            name (str): Name of the case.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            notifications ([str]): Notification targets for each rule case.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (SecurityMonitoringRuleSeverity): [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, customer_impacted, title, *args,
                 **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """IncidentCreateAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

            customer_impacted (bool): A flag indicating whether the incident caused customer impact.
            title (str): The title of the incident, which summarizes what happened.

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            fields ({str: (IncidentFieldAttributes,)}): A condensed view of the user-defined fields for which to create initial selections.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            initial_timeline_cells ([IncidentTimelineCellCreateAttributes]): An array of initial timeline cells to be placed at the beginning of the incident timeline.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            notification_handles ([str]): Notification handles that will be notified of the incident at creation.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        self.customer_impacted = customer_impacted
        self.title = title
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name not in self.attribute_map
                    and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and self.additional_properties_type is None):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsResponseMetadata - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            elapsed (int): The time elapsed in milliseconds. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            page (LogsResponseMetadataPage): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            request_id (str): The identifier of the request. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (LogsAggregateResponseStatus): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            warnings ([LogsWarning]): A list of warnings (non fatal errors) encountered, partial results might be returned if warnings are present in the response.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #15
    def __init__(self, id, type, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """DashboardListItem - a model defined in OpenAPI

            id (str): ID of the dashboard.
            type (DashboardType):

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            author (Creator): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            created (datetime): Date of creation of the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            icon (str): URL to the icon of the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_favorite (bool): Whether or not the dashboard is in the favorites.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_read_only (bool): Whether or not the dashboard is read only.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_shared (bool): Whether the dashboard is publicly shared or not.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            modified (datetime): Date of last edition of the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            popularity (int): Popularity of the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            title (str): Title of the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            url (str): URL path to the dashboard.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, ) = id
        self.type = type
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name not in self.attribute_map
                    and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and self.additional_properties_type is None):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #16
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            attributes ({str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}): JSON object of attributes from your log.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            host (str): Name of the machine from where the logs are being sent.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            message (str): The message [reserved attribute]( of your log. By default, Datadog ingests the value of the message attribute as the body of the log entry. That value is then highlighted and displayed in the Logstream, where it is indexed for full text search.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            service (str): The name of the application or service generating the log events. It is used to switch from Logs to APM, so make sure you define the same value when you use both products.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            status (str): Status of the message associated with your log.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            tags ([bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type]): Array of tags associated with your log.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            timestamp (datetime): Timestamp of your log.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name not in self.attribute_map and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        self.additional_properties_type is None:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #17
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """MetricTagConfigurationAttributes - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            created_at (datetime): Timestamp when the tag configuration was created.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            include_percentiles (bool): Toggle to turn on/off percentile aggregations for distribution metrics. Only present when the `metric_type` is `distribution`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            metric_type (MetricTagConfigurationMetricTypes): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            modified_at (datetime): Timestamp when the tag configuration was last modified.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            tags ([str]): List of tag keys on which to group.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (
                var_name not in self.attribute_map
                and self._configuration is not None
                and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                and self.additional_properties_type is None
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, value, *args, **kwargs):
        """LogsArchiveState - a model defined in OpenAPI

            value (str): The state of the archive.., must be one of ["UNKNOWN", "WORKING", "FAILING", "WORKING_AUTH_LEGACY", ]  # noqa: E501

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)

        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments." % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)
        self.value = value
        if kwargs:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid named arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid named arguments." % (
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """LogsArchiveCreateRequestDestination - a model defined in OpenAPI


        Keyword Args:
            container (str): The container where the archive will be stored.. defaults to nulltype.Null  # noqa: E501
            integration (LogsArchiveIntegrationS3): defaults to nulltype.Null  # noqa: E501
            storage_account (str): The associated storage account.. defaults to nulltype.Null  # noqa: E501
            type (LogsArchiveDestinationS3Type): defaults to nulltype.Null, must be one of ["s3", ]  # noqa: E501
            bucket (str): The bucket where the archive will be stored.. defaults to nulltype.Null  # noqa: E501
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            path (str): The archive path.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            region (str): The region where the archive will be stored.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        container = kwargs.get('container', nulltype.Null)
        integration = kwargs.get('integration', nulltype.Null)
        storage_account = kwargs.get('storage_account', nulltype.Null)
        type = kwargs.get('type', nulltype.Null)
        bucket = kwargs.get('bucket', nulltype.Null)
        _check_type = kwargs.pop('_check_type', True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop('_spec_property_naming', False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop('_path_to_item', ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop('_configuration', None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop('_visited_composed_classes', ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        constant_args = {
            '_check_type': _check_type,
            '_path_to_item': _path_to_item,
            '_spec_property_naming': _spec_property_naming,
            '_configuration': _configuration,
            '_visited_composed_classes': self._visited_composed_classes,
        required_args = {
            'container': container,
            'integration': integration,
            'storage_account': storage_account,
            'type': type,
            'bucket': bucket,
        # remove args whose value is Null because they are unset
        required_arg_names = list(required_args.keys())
        for required_arg_name in required_arg_names:
            if required_args[required_arg_name] is nulltype.Null:
                del required_args[required_arg_name]
        model_args = {}
        composed_info = validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, model_args,
        self._composed_instances = composed_info[0]
        self._var_name_to_model_instances = composed_info[1]
        self._additional_properties_model_instances = composed_info[2]
        unused_args = composed_info[3]

        for var_name, var_value in required_args.items():
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if var_name in unused_args and \
                        self._configuration is not None and \
                        self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys and \
                        not self._additional_properties_model_instances:
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
Example #20
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SecurityMonitoringSignalsListResponseMetaPage - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            after (str): The cursor used to get the next results, if any. To make the next request, use the same parameters with the addition of the `page[cursor]`.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (self.__class__,)

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (
                var_name not in self.attribute_map
                and self._configuration is not None
                and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                and self.additional_properties_type is None
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
        """SecurityMonitoringRuleResponse - a model defined in OpenAPI

        Keyword Args:
            _check_type (bool): if True, values for parameters in openapi_types
                                will be type checked and a TypeError will be
                                raised if the wrong type is input.
                                Defaults to True
            _path_to_item (tuple/list): This is a list of keys or values to
                                drill down to the model in received_data
                                when deserializing a response
            _spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input data
                                are serialized names, as specified in the OpenAPI document.
                                False if the variable names in the input data
                                are pythonic names, e.g. snake case (default)
            _configuration (Configuration): the instance to use when
                                deserializing a file_type parameter.
                                If passed, type conversion is attempted
                                If omitted no type conversion is done.
            _visited_composed_classes (tuple): This stores a tuple of
                                classes that we have traveled through so that
                                if we see that class again we will not use its
                                discriminator again.
                                When traveling through a discriminator, the
                                composed schema that is
                                is traveled through is added to this set.
                                For example if Animal has a discriminator
                                petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
                                allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
                                once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
                                Then in Dog, we will make an instance of the
                                Animal class but this time we won't travel
                                through its discriminator because we passed in
                                _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
            cases ([SecurityMonitoringRuleCase]): Cases for generating signals.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            created_at (int): When the rule was created, timestamp in milliseconds.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            creation_author_id (int): User ID of the user who created the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            filters ([SecurityMonitoringFilter]): Additional queries to filter matched events before they are processed.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            has_extended_title (bool): Whether the notifications include the triggering group-by values in their title.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            id (str): The ID of the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_default (bool): Whether the rule is included by default.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_deleted (bool): Whether the rule has been deleted.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            is_enabled (bool): Whether the rule is enabled.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            message (str): Message for generated signals.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            name (str): The name of the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            options (SecurityMonitoringRuleOptions): [optional]  # noqa: E501
            queries ([SecurityMonitoringRuleQuery]): Queries for selecting logs which are part of the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            tags ([str]): Tags for generated signals.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            update_author_id (int): User ID of the user who updated the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501
            version (int): The version of the rule.. [optional]  # noqa: E501

        _check_type = kwargs.pop("_check_type", True)
        _spec_property_naming = kwargs.pop("_spec_property_naming", False)
        _path_to_item = kwargs.pop("_path_to_item", ())
        _configuration = kwargs.pop("_configuration", None)
        _visited_composed_classes = kwargs.pop("_visited_composed_classes", ())

        if args:
            raise ApiTypeError(
                "Invalid positional arguments=%s passed to %s. Remove those invalid positional arguments."
                % (
                valid_classes=(self.__class__, ),

        self._data_store = {}
        self._check_type = _check_type
        self._spec_property_naming = _spec_property_naming
        self._path_to_item = _path_to_item
        self._configuration = _configuration
        self._visited_composed_classes = _visited_composed_classes + (
            self.__class__, )

        for var_name, var_value in kwargs.items():
            if (var_name not in self.attribute_map
                    and self._configuration is not None
                    and self._configuration.discard_unknown_keys
                    and self.additional_properties_type is None):
                # discard variable.
            setattr(self, var_name, var_value)