Example #1
def aggregate_and_save(folders_to_agg, output_path):

    master_tiles = sorted(
        list([p.name for p in folders_to_agg[0].iterdir() if not p.is_dir()]))

    if not output_path.exists():

    for tile_name in master_tiles:
        # Skip merged files generated when `to_submission` job was exectuted on predictions
        if "merged" in tile_name:
        ref_fp = folders_to_agg[0] / tile_name
        assert ref_fp.exists(), f"{ref_fp.as_posix()}"
        img = read_image(ref_fp, dtype='uint8')
        agg_img = np.zeros((len(folders_to_agg), img.shape[0], img.shape[1]),
        agg_img[0, :, :] = img

        for i, f in enumerate(folders_to_agg[1:]):
            fp = f / tile_name
            assert fp.exists(), f"{fp.as_posix()}"
            img = read_image(fp, dtype='uint8')
            agg_img[i + 1, :, :] = img

        agg_img = np.sum(agg_img, axis=0)
        agg_img = (agg_img >= (len(folders_to_agg) - 1)).astype('uint8')

        with rio.open(ref_fp, 'r') as src:
            profile = src.profile
            profile.update(dtype=rio.uint8, count=1)
            filepath = (output_path / tile_name).as_posix()
            with rio.open(filepath, 'w', **profile) as dst:
                dst.write(agg_img.astype(rio.uint8), 1)
Example #2
def read_nimg_sqrt_mask(image, mask, **kwargs):
    img = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')

    mins = img.reshape((-1, img.shape[2])).min(axis=0)[None, None, :]
    maxs = img.reshape((-1, img.shape[2])).max(axis=0)[None, None, :]
    nimg = (img - mins) / (maxs - mins + 1e-15)

    nimg = np.power(nimg, 0.2) - 0.5

    kwargs['image'] = nimg
    kwargs['mask'] = read_image(mask, dtype='uint8')
    return kwargs
Example #3
def read_img_as_5b_with_mask(image, mask, **kwargs):
    """Method to read image and mask, transform image to 5 channels:
    (3 original bands, vv - vh, sqrt(b1^2 + b2^2))
    img3b = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')

    img5b = np.empty((img3b.shape[0], img3b.shape[1], 5), dtype=img3b.dtype)
    img5b[:, :, (0, 1, 2)] = img3b
    img5b[:, :, 3] = img3b[:, :, 1] - img3b[:, :, 0]
    img5b[:, :, 4] = np.linalg.norm(img3b[:, :, (0, 1)], axis=-1)

    kwargs['image'] = img5b
    kwargs['mask'] = read_image(mask, dtype='uint8')
    return kwargs
Example #4
def worker_task(pred_file, gt_path):
    fname = pred_file.name
    parent = pred_file.parent.name
    gt_file = gt_path / parent / fname

    if not gt_file.exists():
        gt_file = gt_path / (parent.replace("_3b_", "_vh_")) / fname

    assert gt_file.exists(), "File is not found {}".format(gt_file.as_posix())

    y_pred = read_image(pred_file, dtype='int')
    y_true = read_image(gt_file, dtype='int')

    return confusion_matrix(y_true.ravel(), y_pred.ravel(), labels=[0, 1])
Example #5
def read_img_5b_in_db(image, **kwargs):
    img = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')
    img = linear_to_decibel(img)
    img5b = np.empty((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 5), dtype=img.dtype)
    img5b[:, :, (0, 1, 2)] = img
    img5b[:, :, 3] = img[:, :, 1] * img[:, :, 0]
    img5b[:, :, 4] = (img[:, :, 1] + 1.0) / (img[:, :, 0] + 1.0)

    kwargs['image'] = img5b
    return kwargs
def aggregate_and_save(folders_to_agg, filepath):
    path = folders_to_agg[0]
    ref_image_fp = path / "merged.tif"
    img = read_image(ref_image_fp, dtype='uint8')

    agg_img = np.zeros((len(folders_to_agg), img.shape[0], img.shape[1]),
    agg_img[0, :, :] = img
    for i, path in enumerate(folders_to_agg[1:]):
        mask_fp = path / "merged.tif"
        img = read_image(mask_fp, dtype='uint8')
        agg_img[i + 1, :, :] = img

    agg_img = np.sum(agg_img, axis=0)
    agg_img = (agg_img >= (len(folders_to_agg) - 1)).astype('uint8')

    with rio.open(ref_image_fp, 'r') as src:
        profile = src.profile
        profile.update(dtype=rio.uint8, count=1)

        with rio.open(filepath, 'w', **profile) as dst:
            dst.write(agg_img.astype(rio.uint8), 1)
def run(input_path, output_path):

    train_dataset = UnoSatTiles(input_path)

    data = [None] * len(train_dataset)

    for i, dp in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(train_dataset), total=len(train_dataset)):
        img = read_image(dp['image'], dtype='float32')
        mask = read_image(dp['mask'], dtype='uint8')

        img_ravel = img.reshape((-1, img.shape[-1]))
        img_min = tuple(img_ravel.min(axis=0))
        img_max = tuple(img_ravel.max(axis=0))
        img_mean = tuple(img_ravel.mean(axis=0))
        img_std = tuple(img_ravel.std(axis=0))

        target_ratio = (mask > 0).sum() / (mask.shape[0] * mask.shape[1])

        fold_index = [f in dp['image'].as_posix() for f in folds].index(True)
        skip = sum(img_min) == sum(img_max)

        if img_min[0] < -10000:
            skip = True

        data[i] = [
            i, img_min, img_max, img_mean, img_std, target_ratio, fold_index,
            skip, dp['image']

    df = pd.DataFrame(data,
                          "index", "img_min", "img_max", "img_mean", "img_std",
                          "target_ratio", "fold_index", "skip", "img_path"
    output_fp = output_path / "tile_stats.csv"
    df.to_csv(output_fp, index=False)
Example #8
def read_img_5b_in_db_with_mask(image, mask, **kwargs):
    kwargs = read_img_5b_in_db(image, **kwargs)
    kwargs['mask'] = read_image(mask, dtype='uint8')
    return kwargs
Example #9
def read_img_in_db(image, **kwargs):
    img = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')
    img = linear_to_decibel(img)
    kwargs['image'] = img
    return kwargs
Example #10
def read_img_mask(image, mask, **kwargs):
    kwargs['image'] = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')
    kwargs['mask'] = read_image(mask, dtype='uint8')
    return kwargs
Example #11
def read_img_only(image, **kwargs):
    kwargs['image'] = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')
    return kwargs
Example #12
def read_img_2log_with_mask(image, mask, **kwargs):
    img = read_image(image.as_posix(), dtype='float32')
    img[img == 0] = np.exp(-5.0)
    kwargs['image'] = np.log(img ** 2)
    kwargs['mask'] = read_image(mask, dtype='uint8')
    return kwargs