def getEndemicDataAnalysis():
    The main Endemic data method. Method gather all the required data needed to get analysis of
    Endemic data and output thresholds and alerts into the given file names and directory in
    .env file.

    :return: None

    # Endemic data path
    PATH = str(getEndemicConcatData())

    # Convert data file into Pandas data frame.
    dfAll = dfAllConcat.getDFOfAllConcatCSV(PATH)

    # Get all the appropriate dates.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(dfAll)
    decrementDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, numDaysToGoBack)

    # New data frame consist of 90 days of data and only the columns that need to be analyzed.
    df = dfAllConcat.getDFForSpecificNumDaysData(dfAll, decrementDate, oldestDate, colList)

    # Update the dates with current working data frame.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(df)

    # Segment list from new data frame. I.g. df
    segList = dfAllConcat.getSegmentList(df)

    # Get thresholds from the analysis.
    dfAllThresholds = allThresholds.getThresholds(df, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segList, \
                                                  colList, predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

    # Get the unique data frame from the original data frame which consists of only the first
    # occurrence of duplicate data row.
    dfUnique = dfAllConcat.getUniqueDF(dfAll)
    alertStartDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, defaultAlertsNumDays)

    dataType = "Endemic"

    # Get only given number of days data from unique data frame to check for alerts.
    dfUniqueForAlerts = dfAllConcat.getUniqueDFForAlerts(dfUnique, alertStartDate, latestDate, dataType)

    # New data frame consists of all the data row from unique data frame for alerts that is over one
    # or more thresholds.
    dfAllThresholdsAlerts = alerts.getAlerts(dfAllThresholds, dfUniqueForAlerts, colList, newColList)

    # Save thresholds and alerts into an excel file.

    sendEmail.send_email(dfAllThresholdsAlerts, dataType)
Example #2
def test_getEachColThresholds():
    predIntervalPct = getPredIntervalPct()
    printPlot = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintPlot())
    printMsg = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintMsg())
    numDaysToGoBack = getNumDaysToGoBack()
    colList = getListFromStrByComma(getThresholdsAlertsCol())
    PATH = getOEMConcatData()

    dfAll = dfAllConcat.getDFOfAllConcatCSV(PATH)

    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(dfAll)
    decrementDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, numDaysToGoBack)

    df = dfAllConcat.getDFForSpecificNumDaysData(dfAll, decrementDate,
                                                 oldestDate, colList)

    # Update the dates with current working data frame.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(df)

    segList = dfAllConcat.getSegmentList(df)

    segment = segList[0]
    dfSeg = dfAllConcat.getEachSegData(df, segment)
    col = colList[0]

    dfSegCol = dfSeg[['dateCaptured', col]].dropna(subset=[col])

    thresholdsListU, thresholdsListL = \
        getEachColThresholds(dfSegCol, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segment, col, \
                                               predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

    print("Thresholds upper for ", segment, col)
    print("Thresholds lower for ", segment, col)
Example #3
def test_getThresholds():
    predIntervalPct = getPredIntervalPct()
    printPlot = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintPlot())
    printMsg = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintMsg())
    numDaysToGoBack = getNumDaysToGoBack()
    colList = getListFromStrByComma(getThresholdsAlertsCol())
    PATH = getOEMConcatData()

    dfAll = dfAllConcat.getDFOfAllConcatCSV(PATH)

    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(dfAll)
    decrementDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, numDaysToGoBack)

    df = dfAllConcat.getDFForSpecificNumDaysData(dfAll, decrementDate,
                                                 oldestDate, colList)

    # Update the dates with current working data frame.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(df)

    segList = dfAllConcat.getSegmentList(df)

    dfAllThresholds = getThresholds(df, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segList, colList, \
                  predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

    print("Data frame of all the thresholds: ")
Example #4
def test_getAlerts():
    predIntervalPct = getPredIntervalPct()
    printPlot = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintPlot())
    printMsg = getBooleanFromENV(getPrintMsg())
    numDaysToGoBack = getNumDaysToGoBack()
    defaultAlertsNumDays = getDefaultAlertsNumDays()
    colList = getListFromStrByComma(getThresholdsAlertsCol())
    PATH = getOEMConcatData()

    newColList = allThresholds.getUpperLowerColList(colList)

    dfAll = dfAllConcat.getDFOfAllConcatCSV(PATH)

    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(dfAll)
    decrementDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, numDaysToGoBack)

    df = dfAllConcat.getDFForSpecificNumDaysData(dfAll, decrementDate,
                                                 oldestDate, colList)

    # Update the dates with current working data frame.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(df)

    segList = dfAllConcat.getSegmentList(df)

    dfAllThresholds = allThresholds.getThresholds(df, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, \
                                        segList, colList, predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

    dfUnique = dfAllConcat.getUniqueDF(dfAll)
    alertStartDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate,

    dataType = "OEM"

    dfUniqueForAlerts = dfAllConcat.getUniqueDFForAlerts(
        dfUnique, alertStartDate, latestDate, dataType)

    dfAllThresholdsAlerts = getAlerts(dfAllThresholds, dfUniqueForAlerts,
                                      colList, newColList)

    print("Data frame of all the alerts: ")
Example #5
def getEachColThresholds(dfSegCol, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segment, col, \
                                               predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg):
    Takes in a Pandas data frame that consist of only a specific segment and column data.
    Then, the method process the data and outputs the thresholds in lists.

    :param dfSegCol: Pandas data frame consists of all the data that belongs to current working
    segment of current column.
    :param oldestDate: Date object with the oldest date within the data frame given.
    :param latestDate: Date object with the latest date within the data frame given.
    :param dataDates: List of all the dates with data that is available in our data frame that
    being analyzed. Not the data frame given to this method but rather the data frame that was
    used to extract the data to pass to this method.
    :param segment: String, segment name for the data that is being processed.
    :param col: String, column name for the data within the segment that is being processed.
    :param predIntervalPct: Double (Default: 95), What percentage of prediction interval should
    be used to find the upper and lower thresholds.
    :param printPlot: Boolean (Default False), Do the user want to visualize the linear
    regression plot as the data being analyzed. Recommend True only when debugging the debugging
    the software.
    :param printMsg: Boolean (Default False), Do the user want to print messages in Python IDE
    Console while the the program runs. Recommend True only when debugging the debugging the
    :return: Two lists, The upper and lower limit thresholds for the current segment and column.

    if len(dfSegCol) <= 0:
        thresholdsListU = [np.nan for i in range(len(dataDates))]
        thresholdsListL = [np.nan for i in range(len(dataDates))]

        return thresholdsListU, thresholdsListL

    thresholdsListU, thresholdsListL = \
        dfAllConcat.getCBPerSegDF(dfSegCol, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segment, col, \
                                               predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

    return thresholdsListU, thresholdsListL
Example #6
def test_getThresholdsInitDF():
    numDaysToGoBack = getNumDaysToGoBack()
    colList = getListFromStrByComma(getThresholdsAlertsCol())
    PATH = getOEMConcatData()

    dfAll = dfAllConcat.getDFOfAllConcatCSV(PATH)

    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(dfAll)
    decrementDate = dfAllConcat.dateDecrementer(latestDate, numDaysToGoBack)

    df = dfAllConcat.getDFForSpecificNumDaysData(dfAll, decrementDate,
                                                 oldestDate, colList)

    # Update the dates with current working data frame.
    oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates = dfAllConcat.getDates(df)

    segList = dfAllConcat.getSegmentList(df)

    dfAllInitData = getThresholdsInitDF(dataDates, segList)

    print("Initial data frame for thresholds")
Example #7
def getThresholds(df, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segList, colList, \
                                               predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg):
    Takes in the data and all the columns that needs to be analyzed and outputs a Pandas data
    frame of both upper and lower thresholds for all the specified columns. Ex.
      date    |   Segment |   cashBonusUpper
    2019/7/15 | Small Van |   2500
    2019/7/15 |Compact Car|   2000
    2019/7/15 | SUV       |   3850
    2019/7/16 | Small Van |   2300
    2019/7/16 |Compact Car|   1700
    2019/7/16 | SUV       |   4000

    :param df: Pandas data frame that holds all the data that is being analyzed.
    :param oldestDate: Date object with the oldest date within the data frame given.
    :param latestDate: Date object with the latest date within the data frame given.
    :param dataDates: List of all the dates with data that is available in our data frame that
    being analyzed. Not the data frame given to this method but rather the data frame that was
    used to extract the data to pass to this method.
    :param segList: List of all the segment type.
    :param colList: List of all the columns within the data frame that is being analyzed.
    :param predIntervalPct: Double (Default: 95), What percentage of prediction interval should
    be used to find the upper and lower thresholds.
    :param printPlot: Boolean (Default False), Do the user want to visualize the linear
    regression plot as the data being analyzed. Recommend True only when debugging the debugging
    the software.
    :param printMsg: Boolean (Default False), Do the user want to print messages in Python IDE
    Console while the the program runs. Recommend True only when debugging the debugging the
    :return: Pandas data frame consists of all the thresholds.

    dfThresholdListU = []
    dfThresholdListL = []
    allColThresByDateList = []

    for segment in segList:
        # Data frame consists of data for only the current segment.
        dfSeg = dfAllConcat.getEachSegData(df, segment)

        allThresholdsListU = []
        allThresholdsListL = []

        if len(dfSeg) <= 0:
            # Assign a NULL/nan value to all the thresholds whom belong to a segment that does
            # not contain any data within the working data frame for the specific segment.
            allThresholdsListU = [[np.nan for i in range(len(colList))]
                                  for i in range(len(dataDates))]

            allThresholdsListL = [[np.nan for i in range(len(colList))]
                                  for i in range(len(dataDates))]


        # Within each segment, get the thresholds for all the columns specified in column list.
        for col in colList:
            dfSegCol = dfSeg[['dateCaptured', col]].dropna(subset=[col])

            thresholdsListU, thresholdsListL = \
                getEachColThresholds(dfSegCol, oldestDate, latestDate, dataDates, segment, col, \
                                               predIntervalPct, printPlot, printMsg)

            # Append upper and lower thresholds for each column into a list for current segment.

        # Append all columns thresholds for each segment into a list.

    # At this point, we have all the thresholds, however we need to rearrange the thresholds
    # based on given data format. E.g. date column consists of all the dates, cashBonusUpper
    # column column consists of all the thresholds for cash bonus upper limit with respect to
    # dates.
    # Ex. data frame after completing the below nested loop/scripts.

    #   date    |   Segment |   cashBonusUpper
    # ------------------------------------------
    # 2019/7/15 | Small Van |   2500
    # 2019/7/15 |Compact Car|   2000
    # 2019/7/15 | SUV       |   3850
    # 2019/7/16 | Small Van |   2300
    # 2019/7/16 |Compact Car|   1700
    # 2019/7/16 | SUV       |   4000

    # Another reason for arranging thresholds in this format is because it makes easier for
    # data visualization team to take my data into Tableau and output the visualization without
    # making major changes to their existing code since formatting of the thresholds data is
    # same as the original data that was given.

    # Currently thresholds are in multiple-nested lists.
    # [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]],
    #  [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]]]

    # []: The very first list consists of all the segments.
    # [[],[]]: Second nested list consists of all the columns within each segment.
    # [[[],[]], [[],[]]]: Third nested list consists of each columns threshold limits in the
    #                   order of oldest to latest date.

    for j in range(len(dfThresholdListU[0])):
        colThresByDateU = []
        colThresByDateL = []

        for k in range(len(dfThresholdListU[0][0])):
            for i in range(len(dfThresholdListU)):


    # After Rearranging, the data looks like this:
    # [[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4],
    #  [5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8],
    #  [9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12],
    #  [13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16]]

    # Now we have rearranged the data in a format where for each column thresholds we hve
    # segment 1 and segment 2 data.
    # Ex. data frame after completing the below nested loop/scripts.

    #   date    |   Segment | cashBonusUpper |cashBonusLower | downPaymentUpper
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 2019/7/15 | Small Van |    1           |       5       |      9
    # 2019/7/15 | SUV       |    1           |       5       |      9
    # 2019/7/16 | Small Van |    2           |       6       |      10
    # 2019/7/16 | SUV       |    2           |       6       |      10
    # 2019/7/17 | Small Van |    3           |       7       |      11
    # 2019/7/17 | SUV       |    3           |       7       |      11
    # 2019/7/18 | Small Van |    4           |       7       |      12
    # 2019/7/18 | SUV       |    4           |       7       |      12

    newColList = getUpperLowerColList(colList)

    dfOnlyThresholds = pd.DataFrame(allColThresByDateList, index=newColList).T

    initDF = getThresholdsInitDF(dataDates, segList)

    dfAllThresholds = pd.concat([initDF, dfOnlyThresholds], axis=1)

    return dfAllThresholds