Example #1
 def __init__(self, indices, features, data_handler=None, data=None):
     self.indices = np.int32(indices)
     self.indices_d = gpu.to_gpu(self.indices)
     self.results_d = gpu.empty_like(self.indices_d)
     if data_handler:
         self.data_handler = data_handler
         self.data_handler = DataHandlerCUDA(data)
Example #2
class SubsetCUDA(SubsetBase):

	def __init__(self, indices, features, data_handler=None, data=None):
		self.indices = np.int32(indices)
		self.indices_d = gpu.to_gpu(self.indices)
		self.results_d = gpu.empty_like(self.indices_d)
		if data_handler:
			self.data_handler = data_handler
			self.data_handler = DataHandlerCUDA(data)

	def pure():
		"""Determine if subset is pure. Returns label of pure item if pure and None otherwise"""

	def majority_label():
		"""Return label of majority item."""

	def split(feature, threshold):
		self.data_handler.split(self.indices_d, self.results_d, feature, threshold)

		#items that are above the threshold are positive, items that are below are negative
		#the number represents the class. if it is -4 then the review has rating 4 and it
		#did was below the threshold
		results_gpu = self.results_d.get()

		#create a new subset object. all those that are
		left_indices = [i for i in self.indices if results_gpu[i] > 0] #items that are above the threshold
		right_indices = [i for i in self.indices if results_gpu[i] < 0]

		#sanity check
		assert len(left_indices) + len(right_indices) == len(results_gpu)

		left_subset = Subset(self.data_handler, left_indices)
		right_subset = Subset(self.data_handler, right_indices)
		return left_subset, right_subset

	def get_subsets(feature, threshold):
		left, right = self.data_handler.split(self.indices, feature, threshold)
		left_subset = Subset(left, data_handler=self.data_handler)
		right_subset = Subset(right, data_handler=self.data_handler)
		return left_subset, right_subset

	def test_purity_on_split(feature, threshold):
		purity = 0
		return purity
Example #3
class SubsetCUDA(SubsetBase):
    def __init__(self, indices, features, data_handler=None, data=None):
        self.indices = np.int32(indices)
        self.indices_d = gpu.to_gpu(self.indices)
        self.results_d = gpu.empty_like(self.indices_d)
        if data_handler:
            self.data_handler = data_handler
            self.data_handler = DataHandlerCUDA(data)

    def pure():
        """Determine if subset is pure. Returns label of pure item if pure and None otherwise"""

    def majority_label():
        """Return label of majority item."""

    def split(feature, threshold):
        self.data_handler.split(self.indices_d, self.results_d, feature,

        #items that are above the threshold are positive, items that are below are negative
        #the number represents the class. if it is -4 then the review has rating 4 and it
        #did was below the threshold
        results_gpu = self.results_d.get()

        #create a new subset object. all those that are
        left_indices = [i for i in self.indices if results_gpu[i] > 0
                        ]  #items that are above the threshold
        right_indices = [i for i in self.indices if results_gpu[i] < 0]

        #sanity check
        assert len(left_indices) + len(right_indices) == len(results_gpu)

        left_subset = Subset(self.data_handler, left_indices)
        right_subset = Subset(self.data_handler, right_indices)
        return left_subset, right_subset

    def get_subsets(feature, threshold):
        left, right = self.data_handler.split(self.indices, feature, threshold)
        left_subset = Subset(left, data_handler=self.data_handler)
        right_subset = Subset(right, data_handler=self.data_handler)
        return left_subset, right_subset

    def test_purity_on_split(feature, threshold):
        purity = 0
        return purity
Example #4
	def __init__(self, indices, features, data_handler=None, data=None):
		self.indices = np.int32(indices)
		self.indices_d = gpu.to_gpu(self.indices)
		self.results_d = gpu.empty_like(self.indices_d)
		if data_handler:
			self.data_handler = data_handler
			self.data_handler = DataHandlerCUDA(data)