Example #1
def test_recarrays():
    x = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)])
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))

    x = x.view(np.recarray)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))

    x = np.array([(3, 4)], dtype=[('tmp0', float),
                                  ('tmp1', 'O')]).view(np.recarray)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))
Example #2
def test_recarrays():
    x = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[("x", float), ("y", int)])
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))

    x = x.view(np.recarray)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))

    x = np.array([(3, 4)], dtype=[("tmp0", float),
                                  ("tmp1", "O")]).view(np.recarray)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))
Example #3
def test_pack():
    x = np.random.randn(8, 10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.random.randn(10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.float32(np.random.randn(3, 4, 5))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.int16(np.random.randn(1, 2, 3))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = {'name': 'Anonymous', 'age': 15}
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x), as_dict=True), "Dict do not match!")

    x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)),
                       "List did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x.__iter__())),
                       "Iterator did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = Decimal('1.24')
        float(x) == unpack(pack(x)),
        "Decimal object did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = datetime.now()
        str(x) == unpack(pack(x)),
        "Datetime object did not pack/unpack correctly")
def test_complex():
    z = np.random.randn(8, 10) + 1j*np.random.randn(8,10)
    assert_array_equal(z, unpack(pack(z)), "Arrays do not match!")

    z = np.random.randn(10) + 1j*np.random.randn(10)
    assert_array_equal(z, unpack(pack(z)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.float32(np.random.randn(3, 4, 5)) + 1j*np.float32(np.random.randn(3, 4, 5))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.int16(np.random.randn(1, 2, 3)) + 1j*np.int16(np.random.randn(1, 2, 3))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")
Example #5
def test_pack():
    x = np.random.randn(8, 10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.random.randn(10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.float32(np.random.randn(3, 4, 5))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.int16(np.random.randn(1, 2, 3))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")
Example #6
    def test_remove_object_exception():
        # https://github.com/datajoint/datajoint-python/issues/952

        # Insert some test data and remove it so that the external table is populated
        test = [1, [1, 2, 3]]

        # Save the old external table minio client
        old_client = schema.external['share'].s3.client

        # Apply our new minio client which has a user that does not exist
        schema.external['share'].s3.client = Minio(S3_CONN_INFO['endpoint'],

        # This method returns a list of errors
        error_list = schema.external['share'].delete(
            delete_external_files=True, errors_as_string=False)

        # Teardown
        schema.external['share'].s3.client = old_client

        # Raise the error we want if the error matches the expected uuid
        if str(error_list[0][0]) == str(uuid_from_buffer(pack(test[1]))):
            raise error_list[0][2]
Example #7
def test_external_put():
    external storage put and get and remove
    ext = ExternalTable(schema.connection,
    initial_length = len(ext)
    input_ = np.random.randn(3, 7, 8)
    count = 7
    extra = 3
    for i in range(count):
        hash1 = ext.put(pack(input_))
    for i in range(extra):
        hash2 = ext.put(pack(np.random.randn(4, 3, 2)))

    fetched_hashes = ext.fetch('hash')
    assert_true(all(hash in fetched_hashes for hash in (hash1, hash2)))
    assert_equal(len(ext), initial_length + 1 + extra)

    output_ = unpack(ext.get(hash1))
    assert_array_equal(input_, output_)
Example #8
File: fsck.py Project: ixcat/djwip
def check_table(schema, rel):

    conn = rel.connection
    db = rel.database
    tab = rel.table_name
    hdr = rel.heading
    key = rel.primary_key

    print('checking {}.{}'.format(db, tab))

    ext = [b for b in hdr.blobs if hdr.attributes[b].type == 'external']

    if not ext:
        print('... skipping {}.{} - no external fields', db, tab)

    for e in ext:
        fields = [*key, e]
        q = 'select {} from `{}`.`{}`'.format(','.join(fields), db, tab)
        for r in conn.query(q):
                h = r[len(fields) - 1]
                b = schema.external_table.get(h)

                # can get None in some cases.. not sure when/where why.
                # XXX: slooow.. double pack
                if b is None or h != long_hash(pack(b)):
                    raise IntegrityError('hash mismatch')

                print('... {}: OK!'.format(r))  # todo: verbose flag?
            except AssertionError:
                print('... {}: size mismatch'.format(r))
            except IntegrityError:
                print('... {}: hash mismatch'.format(r))
            except DataJointError as e:
                matched = False
                for m in [re.match('^Lost.*?blob (.*)\.$', str(e))]:
                    print('... {}: missing file {}'.format(r, m.groups()[0]))
                    matched = True
                if not matched:
    def test_complex_matlab_blobs():
        test correct de-serialization of various blob types
        blobs = Blob().fetch('blob', order_by='KEY')

        blob = blobs[0]  # 'simple string'    'character string'
        assert_equal(blob[0], 'character string')

        blob = blobs[1]  # '1D vector'        1:15:180
        assert_array_equal(blob, np.r_[1:180:15][None, :])
        assert_array_equal(blob, unpack(pack(blob)))

        blob = blobs[2]  # 'string array'     {'string1'  'string2'}
        assert_true(isinstance(blob, dj.MatCell))
        assert_array_equal(blob, np.array([['string1', 'string2']]))
        assert_array_equal(blob, unpack(pack(blob)))

        blob = blobs[
            3]  # 'struct array'     struct('a', {1,2},  'b', {struct('c', magic(3)), struct('C', magic(5))})
        assert_true(isinstance(blob, dj.MatStruct))
        assert_tuple_equal(blob.dtype.names, ('a', 'b'))
        assert_array_equal(blob.a[0, 0], np.array([[1.]]))
        assert_array_equal(blob.a[0, 1], np.array([[2.]]))
        assert_true(isinstance(blob.b[0, 1], dj.MatStruct))
        assert_tuple_equal(blob.b[0, 1].C[0, 0].shape, (5, 5))
        b = unpack(pack(blob))
        assert_array_equal(b[0, 0].b[0, 0].c, blob[0, 0].b[0, 0].c)
        assert_array_equal(b[0, 1].b[0, 0].C, blob[0, 1].b[0, 0].C)

        blob = blobs[4]  # '3D double array'  reshape(1:24, [2,3,4])
        assert_array_equal(blob, np.r_[1:25].reshape((2, 3, 4), order='F'))
        assert_true(blob.dtype == 'float64')
        assert_array_equal(blob, unpack(pack(blob)))

        blob = blobs[5]  # reshape(uint8(1:24), [2,3,4])
            np.array_equal(blob, np.r_[1:25].reshape((2, 3, 4), order='F')))
        assert_true(blob.dtype == 'uint8')
        assert_array_equal(blob, unpack(pack(blob)))

        blob = blobs[6]  # fftn(reshape(1:24, [2,3,4]))
        assert_tuple_equal(blob.shape, (2, 3, 4))
        assert_true(blob.dtype == 'complex128')
        assert_array_equal(blob, unpack(pack(blob)))
Example #10
def test_pack():

    for x in (
        assert_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Scalars don't match!")

    x = np.nan
    assert_true(np.isnan(unpack(pack(x))), "nan scalar did not match!")

    x = np.random.randn(8, 10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.random.randn(10)
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = 7j
    assert_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Complex scalar does not match")

    x = np.float32(np.random.randn(3, 4, 5))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = np.int16(np.random.randn(1, 2, 3))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Arrays do not match!")

    x = None
    assert_true(unpack(pack(x)) is None, "None did not match")

    x = -255
    y = unpack(pack(x))
        x == y and isinstance(y, int) and not isinstance(y, np.ndarray),
        "Scalar int did not match",

    x = -25523987234234287910987234987098245697129798713407812347
    y = unpack(pack(x))
        x == y and isinstance(y, int) and not isinstance(y, np.ndarray),
        "Unbounded int did not match",

    x = 7.0
    y = unpack(pack(x))
        x == y and isinstance(y, float) and not isinstance(y, np.ndarray),
        "Scalar float did not match",

    x = 7j
    y = unpack(pack(x))
        x == y and isinstance(y, complex) and not isinstance(y, np.ndarray),
        "Complex scalar did not match",

    x = True
    assert_true(unpack(pack(x)) is True, "Scalar bool did not match")

    x = [None]
    assert_list_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)))

    x = {
        "name": "Anonymous",
        "age": 15,
        99: datetime.now(),
        "range": [110, 190],
        (11, 12): None,
    y = unpack(pack(x))
    assert_dict_equal(x, y, "Dict do not match!")
    assert_false(isinstance(["range"][0], np.ndarray),
                 "Scalar int was coerced into arrray.")

    x = uuid.uuid4()
    assert_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "UUID did not match")

    x = Decimal("-112122121.000003000")
    assert_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Decimal did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = [1, datetime.now(), {1: "one", "two": 2}, (1, 2)]
    assert_list_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "List did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = (1, datetime.now(), {1: "one", "two": 2}, (uuid.uuid4(), 2))
    assert_tuple_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)),
                       "Tuple did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = (
            datetime.now().date(): "today",
            "now": datetime.now().date()
            "yes!": [1, 2, np.array((3, 4))]
    y = unpack(pack(x))
    assert_dict_equal(x[1], y[1])
    assert_array_equal(x[2]["yes!"][2], y[2]["yes!"][2])

    x = {"elephant"}
    assert_set_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)), "Set did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = tuple(range(10))
    assert_tuple_equal(x, unpack(pack(range(10))),
                       "Iterator did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = Decimal("1.24")
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x)),
                "Decimal object did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = datetime.now()
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x)),
                "Datetime object did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = np.bool_(True)
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x)),
                "Numpy bool object did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = "test"
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x)),
                "String object did not pack/unpack correctly")

    x = np.array(["yes"])
    assert_true(x == unpack(pack(x)),
                "Numpy string array object did not pack/unpack correctly")
Example #11
def test_object_arrays():
    x = np.array(((1, 2, 3), True))
    assert_array_equal(x, unpack(pack(x)),
                       "Object array did not serialize correctly")
Example #12
 def mkone(i):
     one = np.random.random(10)
     hsh = long_hash(pack(one))
     return (i, one, hsh)