Example #1
def _test_bare_git_version_1(host, dspath, store):
    # This test should take a dataset and create a bare repository at the remote
    # end from it.
    # Given, that it is placed correctly within a tree of dataset, that remote
    # thing should then be usable as an ora-remote as well as as a git-type
    # remote.
    # Note: Usability of git remote by annex depends on dataset layout version
    #       (dirhashlower vs. -mixed).
    #       For version 1 (lower) upload and consumption should be
    #       interchangeable. It doesn't matter which remote is used for what
    #       direction.
    ds_path = Path(dspath)
    store = Path(store)
    ds = Dataset(ds_path).create()

    bare_repo_path, _, objdir = get_layout_locations(1, store, ds.id)
    # Use git to make sure the remote end is what git thinks a bare clone of it
    # should look like
        'git', 'clone', '--bare',

    if host:
        url = "ria+ssh://{host}{path}".format(host=host, path=store)
        url = "ria+{}".format(store.as_uri())
    init_opts = common_init_opts + ['url={}'.format(url)]
    # set up store:
    io = SSHRemoteIO(host) if host else LocalIO()
    create_store(io, store, '1')
    # set up the dataset location, too.
    # Note: Dataset layout version 1 (dirhash lower):
    create_ds_in_store(io, store, ds.id, '1', '1')
    # Avoid triggering a git-annex safety check. See gh-5253.
    assert objdir.is_absolute()

    # Now, let's have the bare repo as a git remote and use it with annex
    git_url = "ssh://{host}{path}".format(host=host, path=bare_repo_path) \
        if host else bare_repo_path.as_uri()
    ds.repo.add_remote('bare-git', git_url)

    # copy files to the remote
    ds.repo.copy_to('.', 'bare-git')
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 2)

    # now we can drop all content locally, reobtain it, and survive an
    # fsck
    assert_status('ok', [annexjson2result(r, ds) for r in ds.repo.fsck()])

    # Now, add the ora remote:
    ds.repo.init_remote('ora-remote', options=init_opts)
    # fsck to make availability known
    assert_status('ok', [
        annexjson2result(r, ds)
        for r in ds.repo.fsck(remote='ora-remote', fast=True)
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 3)

    # Now move content from git-remote to local and see it not being available
    # via bare-git anymore.
    ds.repo.call_annex(['move', '--all', '--from=bare-git'])
    # ora-remote doesn't know yet:
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 2)

    # But after fsck it does:
    fsck_res = [
        annexjson2result(r, ds)
        for r in ds.repo.fsck(remote='ora-remote', fast=True)
                        message='** Based on the location log, one.txt\n'
                        '** was expected to be present, '
                        'but its content is missing.')
                        message='** Based on the location log, subdir/two\n'
                        '** was expected to be present, '
                        'but its content is missing.')
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 1)
    # and the other way around: upload via ora-remote and have it available via
    # git-remote:
    ds.repo.copy_to('.', 'ora-remote')
    # fsck to make availability known
    assert_status('ok', [
        annexjson2result(r, ds)
        for r in ds.repo.fsck(remote='bare-git', fast=True)
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 3)
Example #2
def _test_bare_git_version_2(host, dspath, store):
    # Similarly to test_bare_git_version_1, this should ensure a bare git repo
    # at the store location for a dataset doesn't conflict with the ORA remote.
    # Note: Usability of git remote by annex depends on dataset layout version
    #       (dirhashlower vs. -mixed).
    #       For version 2 (mixed) upload via ORA and consumption via git should
    #       work. But not the other way around, since git-annex uses
    #       dirhashlower with bare repos.

    ds_path = Path(dspath)
    store = Path(store)
    ds = Dataset(ds_path).create()

    bare_repo_path, _, objdir = get_layout_locations(1, store, ds.id)
    # Use git to make sure the remote end is what git thinks a bare clone of it
    # should look like
        'git', 'clone', '--bare',

    if host:
        url = "ria+ssh://{host}{path}".format(host=host, path=store)
        url = "ria+{}".format(store.as_uri())
    init_opts = common_init_opts + ['url={}'.format(url)]
    # set up store:
    io = SSHRemoteIO(host) if host else LocalIO()
    create_store(io, store, '1')
    # set up the dataset location, too.
    # Note: Dataset layout version 2 (dirhash mixed):
    create_ds_in_store(io, store, ds.id, '2', '1')
    # Avoid triggering a git-annex safety check. See gh-5253.
    assert objdir.is_absolute()

    # Now, let's have the bare repo as a git remote
    git_url = "ssh://{host}{path}".format(host=host, path=bare_repo_path) \
        if host else bare_repo_path.as_uri()
    ds.repo.add_remote('bare-git', git_url)
    # and the ORA remote in addition:
    ds.repo.init_remote('ora-remote', options=init_opts)
    # upload keys via ORA:
    ds.repo.copy_to('.', 'ora-remote')
    # bare-git doesn't know yet:
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 2)
    # fsck to make availability known
    assert_status('ok', [
        annexjson2result(r, ds)
        for r in ds.repo.fsck(remote='bare-git', fast=True)
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 3)
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 2)
    # actually consumable via git remote:
    ds.repo.call_annex(['move', 'one.txt', '--from', 'bare-git'])
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 2)
    # now, move back via git - shouldn't be consumable via ORA
    ds.repo.call_annex(['move', 'one.txt', '--to', 'bare-git'])
    # fsck to make availability known, but there's nothing from POV of ORA:
    fsck_res = [
        annexjson2result(r, ds)
        for r in ds.repo.fsck(remote='ora-remote', fast=True)
                        message='** Based on the location log, one.txt\n'
                        '** was expected to be present, '
                        'but its content is missing.')
    assert_result_count(fsck_res, 1, status='ok')
    eq_(len(fsck_res), 2)
    eq_(len(ds.repo.whereis('one.txt')), 1)