class Scheduler(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, event, queue): # Args: 1. Event object and 2. Queue self.event = event # Event object with which Scheduler is poked by oscillator every min self.dataprovider = Datamanager() # The interface to configurations through sqlite/mysql/python script/xml/json/nagios model self.queue = queue # The Queue super(Scheduler, self).__init__() def run(self): try: while True: self.event.wait() # Wait till oscillator pokes me for task in self.dataprovider.probs_to_run_now(): # Read the configs and check what to do now self.queue.put(task) # If anything is to be monitored now, add to Queue except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
import sys from parameters import Parameters from nsoptcaller import NsoptCaller from gaussfit import Gaussfit from datamanager import Datamanager #from memory_profiler import profile import numpy as np import pickle param = Parameters(interval, samples, center_lecs=lec_center) nsopt = NsoptCaller() gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager(echo=False) gauss.save_fig = save_fig gauss.save_path = save_path if dm.num_matches(training_tags) <= 0 or dm.num_matches(validation_tags) <= 0: sys.exit('Check your tags. No matched found in database.') else: #Set empty arrays with zeros for training and validation data train_obs = np.array([0]) train_energy = np.array([0]) train_lecs = np.array(np.zeros(LEC_LENGTH)) #Read database data with the specified tags for row in train_obs = np.vstack((train_obs, row.observable)) train_energy = np.vstack((train_energy, train_lecs = np.vstack((train_lecs, row.LECs)) # Clean up initialized zeros
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style from matplotlib2tikz import save as tikz_save from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join from shutil import move, copyfile from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style # The kernels we have trained fro kernels = ['RBF', 'Matern52'] gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager(echo=False) def calculate_valid(val_lecs): """Wrapper function to measure time with memory profiler.""" mod_obs, mod_var = gauss.calculate_valid(val_lecs) return mod_obs, mod_var LEC_LENGTH = 16 RBF_error = [] Matern52_error = [] samples = range(250, 3001, 250) # Kernel loop for kernel in kernels:
LEC_LENGTH = 16 #GPy parameters kernel = 'Matern52' lengthscale = 1. multi_dim = True #Use multi-dimensional (16) generate_tags = ['sgt' + str(energy[0]) + '-' + str(energy[1]), 'validation' + str(samples), 'single_lec_E_curve50/50' + str(lec_sampling) + str(lec_index)] # Set up necessary classes) param = Parameters(interval, samples, center_lecs=lec_center) nsopt = NsoptCaller() gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager(echo=False) if dm.num_matches(generate_tags) > 0: answer = raw_input('Matching data for your tags already exist, add new data as well? (y for yes): ') if answer == 'y': continue_generate = True def get_observable(energies, lecs): """Wrapper function to measure time with memory profiler.""" return nsopt.get_nsopt_observable(energies,LECM=lecs) param.nbr_of_samples = samples if lec_sampling == 'lhs': print('lhs') lecs = param.create_lhs_lecs(energy_interval=energy) energies = lecs[:,-1]
from gaussfit import Gaussfit from datamanager import Datamanager from memory_profiler import profile import numpy as np import pickle def train_gp_model(train_obs, train_lecs): """Populate and optimize GP model.""" gauss.populate_gp_model(train_obs, train_lecs, rescale=rescale_data) gauss.optimize() save_params = True gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager(echo=False) kernels = ['RBF', 'Matern52'] samples = range(250, 3001, 250) for kernel in kernels: for training_number in xrange(250, 3001, 250): print("Training kernel {} training_number {}".format( kernel, training_number)) training_tags = [ 'sgt1-150', 'training' + str(training_number), 'E_curvelhs' ] params_save_path = '/net/data1/ml2017/gpyparams/E_curve_gpy_log/' + str( kernel) + '_E_curve_training_' + str( training_number) + '_lhs_sgt1_150_multidim_log.pickle'
def __init__(self, event, queue): # Args: 1. Event object and 2. Queue self.event = event # Event object with which Scheduler is poked by oscillator every min self.dataprovider = Datamanager() # The interface to configurations through sqlite/mysql/python script/xml/json/nagios model self.queue = queue # The Queue super(Scheduler, self).__init__()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Actual code # Training dimension, do we want to train on energy or only lecs? # This is for generation parameter_dim = LEC_LENGTH energy_as_param = False if energy[1] != energy[0]: parameter_dim += 1 energy_as_param = True # Set up necessary classes) param = Parameters(interval, samples, center_lecs=lec_center) nsopt = NsoptCaller() gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager(echo=False) gauss.save_fig = save_fig gauss.save_path = save_fig_path @profile def get_observable(energies, lecs): """Wrapper function to measure time with memory profiler.""" return nsopt.get_nsopt_observable(energies,LECM=lecs) @profile def train_gp_model(train_obs, train_lecs): """Populate and optimize GP model.""" gauss.populate_gp_model(train_obs, train_lecs, rescale=rescale_data) gauss.optimize() @profile
def main(): """Controls the program flow determined by user input""" # Parses arguments supplied by the user. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="store_true", help="Show data output") # Add a group of arguments that can't coexist group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-f", "--function", action="store", help="Use specified function for GP") group.add_argument("-n", "--nsopt", action="store_true", help="Use nsopt calculation for GP") #Add tag handling. Supports multiple arg seperated by space. group.add_argument("-l", "--load", nargs='+', action='append', help="Use stored data for GP") args = parser.parse_args() # Initialize project class objects nsopt = NsoptCaller() gauss = Gaussfit() dm = Datamanager() param = Parameters( 0.1, 100, ) LECS = param.create_lhs_lecs() # Suggestion: X should have a more intuitive name (energy) //Martin # Read input arguments to get input vector X = nsopt.read_ini(args) # Load all data with the right tags and convert to array if args.load: print args.load data_list =[0]) #TODO(Martin) Format data from data objects observables = [] energies = [] LECs = [] for row in data_list: observables.append(row.observable) energies.append( LECs.append(row.LECs) #data = np.asarray(data) return None #Returning None for the moment, when LECs are in database this will work # Do we want to genereate new nsopt values or use specified function. if args.nsopt: Y = nsopt.get_nsopt_observable() Y = np.trim_zeros(Y) Y = Y.reshape(1, len(Y)) else: Y = np.sin(X) + np.random.randn(20, 1) * 0.03 # Set up GP-processes and plot output after optimization. gauss.set_gp_kernel() if args.load: #gauss.populate_gp_model(data) #TODO(rikard, Martin) Check data format. pass else: gauss.populate_gp_model(X, Y) gauss.optimize() gauss.plot()