# more details here: https://pythonhosted.org/Pebble/
    executor = ProcessPool(max_workers=2)

    # This will store the server response
    responses = []
    stage = [9, 10]
    last_call_success = False
    plot_update_time = time()
    last_played = time()

    # data aquisition loop
    # this loop must run fast enough that all operations are completed before
    # the buffer fills up
    while True:

        buffer = server.read_buffer()

        # No more data available
        if buffer is None:

        samples = buffer.shape[1]
        samples_read += samples
        t_now = samples_read / sampling_rate

        # push new data into running_window and remove old data
        running_window[:, 0:length - samples] = running_window[:, samples:]
        running_window[:, length - samples:] = buffer

        # Wait for buffer to fill up
        # We need exactly 60 seconds of data before we can stage