Example #1
def cross_validate():
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    u = train.pca()
    X = train.get_pca_features(u)
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_pca_features(u)
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1)
    model = rf.fit(X, Y)
    print('Cross validation score: %f' % loss(Y2, model.predict(X2)))
def cross_validate():
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    u = train.pca()
    X = train.get_pca_features(u)
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_pca_features(u)
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1)
    model = rf.fit(X, Y)
    print('Cross validation score: %f' % loss(Y2, model.predict(X2)))
Example #3
def cross_validate():
    print('Cross validate bayes model')
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=8)
    clf = kmeans.fit(X, train.get_multi_labels())
    score = check_score(Y, to_labels(clf.predict(X)))
    print("Train dataset score %f" % score)
    score = check_score(Y2, to_labels(clf.predict(X2)))
    print("test dataset score %f" % score)
Example #4
def cross_validate():
    print('Cross validate kmeans model')
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=8)
    clf = kmeans.fit(X, train.get_multi_labels())
    score = check_score(Y, to_labels(clf.predict(X)))
    print("Train dataset score %f" % score)
    score = check_score(Y2, to_labels(clf.predict(X2)))
    print("test dataset score %f" % score)
Example #5
def cross_validate():
    print('Cross validate bayes model')
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    gnb = bayes.MultinomialNB()
    clf = gnb.fit(X, train.get_multi_labels())
    score = check_score(Y, to_labels(clf.predict(X)))
    print("Train dataset score %f" % score)
    score = check_score(Y2, to_labels(clf.predict(X2)))
    print("test dataset score %f" % score)
Example #6
def cross_validate():
    print('Cross validate bayes model')
    train, test = load_cross_validation()
    X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    gnb = bayes.MultinomialNB()
    clf = gnb.fit(X, train.get_multi_labels())
    score = check_score(Y, to_labels(clf.predict(X)))
    print("Train dataset score %f" % score)
    score = check_score(Y2, to_labels(clf.predict(X2)))
    print("test dataset score %f" % score)
Example #7
def cross_validate(params):
    print('Cross validate with params')
    network = NeuralNetwork(params)
    train, test = load_cross_validation(0.8)
    u = train.pca()
    if params.pca:
        X = train.get_pca_features(u)
        X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    if params.pca:
        X2 = test.get_pca_features(u)
        X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    network.fit(X, Y, X2, Y2)
    score = network.check_score(X, Y)
    print("Train dataset score %f" % (score / len(X)))
    score = network.check_score(X2, Y2)
    print("test dataset score %f" % (score / len(X2)))
    make_submission(network, params, u)
Example #8
def cross_validate(params):
    print('Cross validate with params')
    network = NeuralNetwork(params)
    train, test = load_cross_validation(0.8)
    u = train.pca()
    if params.pca:
        X = train.get_pca_features(u)
        X = train.get_features()
    Y = train.get_labels()
    if params.pca:
        X2 = test.get_pca_features(u)
        X2 = test.get_features()
    Y2 = test.get_labels()
    network.fit(X, Y, X2, Y2)
    score = network.check_score(X, Y)
    print("Train dataset score %f" % (score/len(X)))
    score = network.check_score(X2, Y2)
    print("test dataset score %f" % (score/len(X2)))
    make_submission(network, params, u)