class CoRoTId(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') def fromfile(self, filename=None): import pyfits if filename is None: filename = '/work2/jwe/NGC2236/NGC2236corotid.fits' hdulist = = hdulist[1].data hdulist.close() def todatabase(self): for d in print d['starid'], d['corotid_2'] self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE ngc2236 SET corotid = %d WHERE starid = '%s';""" % (d['corotid_2'], d['starid']), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
class StackedPhot(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost) def fromfile(self, filename=None): import pyfits hdulist = = hdulist[1].data self.keys = [] for col in hdulist[1].columns: self.keys.append( hdulist.close() def todatabase(self): for d in print d['starid'] record = {} for key in self.keys: record[key] = d[key] query = """UPDATE ngc2236 SET vmag = %(VMAG)f, bmag = %(BMAG)f, bv = %(BMAG)f-%(VMAG)f, nv = %(V_FLAGS)d, nb = %(B_FLAGS)d, vmag_err = %(VMAG_ERR)f, bmag_err = %(BMAG_ERR)f, member=TRUE WHERE starid = '%(starid)s';""" % record self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
class TwoMass(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') def fromfile(self, filename=None): import pyfits if filename is None: filename = '/work2/jwe/m48/data/2MASS.fits' hdulist = = hdulist[1].data hdulist.close() def todatabase(self): for d in print d['starid'], d['ra_cone'], d['dec_cone'] self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET ra = %f, dec = %f WHERE starid = '%s';""" % (d['ra_cone'], d['dec_cone'], d['starid']), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
class Yadav(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost) def fromfile(self, filename=None): hdulist = = hdulist[1].data self.keys = [] for col in hdulist[1].columns: self.keys.append( hdulist.close() def todatabase(self): for d in print(d['seq']) record = {} for key in self.keys: record[key] = d[key] if np.isnan(record[key]): record[key] = 'NULL' query = """INSERT INTO m67 (seq, ra, dec, vmag, bmag, icmag, pmra, pmdec, pmb, hrv) VALUES (%(Seq)d, %(RAJ2000)f, %(DEJ2000)f, %(Vmag)s, %(Bmag)s, %(Icmag)s, %(pmRA)f, %(pmDE)f, %(Pmb)f, %(HRV)s);""" % record self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
def doimport(self): '''import the file and shove it into the database''' from datasource import DataSource from astronomy import hms2dd, dms2dd from StringIO import StringIO f = open(self.filename, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() # skip header information and compendium lines = lines[71:247] print lines[0] values = '' for l in lines: id = l[0:9].strip() ra = hms2dd(l[9:19].strip()) dec = dms2dd(l[20:31].strip()) s = l[32:33] try: ucac2 = int(l[34:42]) except ValueError: ucac2 = None tyc2 = l[43:54] v = float(l[56:61]) remarks = l[62:].rstrip() print id,ra,dec,s,ucac2,tyc2,v,remarks values += '%s\t%f\t%f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%f\t%s\n' % (id,ra,dec,s,ucac2,tyc2,v,remarks) values = values.replace('None', '\N') f = StringIO(values) print values wifsip = DataSource(host = 'pina', database = 'wifsip', user = '******') wifsip.cursor.copy_from(f, 'ngc2281ref', columns=('id','ra','dec','s','ucac2','tyc2','vmag', 'remarks')) wifsip.commit() wifsip.close()
def store(self, star, period=None, theta=None): from datasource import DataSource from numpy import isnan wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******') query = "UPDATE ngc2281stars" if not period is None: query += " SET period=%f" % period if not ((theta is None) or isnan(theta)): query += ", theta=%f" % theta query += " WHERE id like '%s';" % star try: wifsip.execute(query) wifsip.commit() finally: wifsip.close()
def update_db(self): from datasource import DataSource import StringIO wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') columns = ['star', 'rem', 'vmag', 'bv', 'ub', 'n', 'code', 'ra', 'dec'] values = '' for s in self.stars: values += '%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\n' % \ (s['star'], s['rem'], s['V'], s['B-V'], s['U-B'], s['n'], s['code'], s['RA'], s['Dec']) f = StringIO.StringIO(values) print values try: wifsip.cursor.copy_from(f, 'turner', columns=columns) finally: wifsip.commit() wifsip.close()
def todatabase(self): """ puts Gabriels data on the stella database """ import StringIO filename = '/work2/jwe/Projects/NGC6633/data/tallrefavgcal_fields.dat' with open(filename, 'rt') as infile: lines = infile.readlines() valarray = [] field = 0 lastid = 0 for l in lines[1:]: splitted = l.rstrip('\n').replace('NaN', '000').split() curid = int(splitted[0]) if curid < lastid: field += 1 lastid = curid splitted[0] = str(field * 100000 + curid) print splitted[0] assert (len(splitted) == 9) #print '(%s,%s)' % (splitted[1], splitted[2]) splitted.append('(%s,%s)' % (splitted[1], splitted[2])) valline = '\t'.join(splitted) valarray.append(valline) values = '\n'.join(valarray) f = StringIO.StringIO(values) from datasource import DataSource columns = [ 'id', 'ra_j2000', 'dec_j2000', 'imag', 's_imag', 'vmag', 's_vmag', 'bmag', 's_bmag', 'coord' ] stellads = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost) stellads.cursor.copy_from(f, 'ngc6633gab', columns=columns, null='nan') stellads.commit() stellads.close()
class PhotDatabase(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, filtercol): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost, dictcursor=True) if not filtercol in ['u', 'v', 'b', 'y', 'hbn', 'hbw', 'I']: raise (ValueError) self.__filtercol = filtercol print self.__filtercol def fromfile(self, filename=None): import pyfits hdulist = = hdulist[1].data self.keys = [] for col in hdulist[1].columns: self.keys.append( hdulist.close() def todatabase(self): for d in record = {} for key in self.keys: record[key] = d[key] record['filter'] = self.__filtercol if self.__filtercol == 'I': record['filter'] = 'imag' query = """UPDATE ngc2236 SET %(filter)s = %(MAG_ISOCOR)f, %(filter)s_err = %(MAGERR_ISO)f WHERE circle(coord,0) <@ circle(point(%(ALPHAWIN_J2000).11f,%(DELTAWIN_J2000).11f), 0.6/3600.0);""" % record self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
def todatabase(self): from datasource import DataSource import StringIO values = '' for t in self.table: values = values + 'APASS%(recno)d\t%(RAJ2000).6f\t%(DEJ2000).6f\t%(Bmag).3f\t%(Vmag).3f\t%(rmag).3f\t%(imag).3f\n' % t wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='') f = StringIO.StringIO(values) columns = ['starid', 'ra', 'dec', '"B"', '"V"', '"R"', '"I"'] wifsip.cursor.copy_from(f, 'referencestars', columns=columns, null='nan') wifsip.commit() wifsip.close()
class Ngc2236(object): def __init__(self): """Constructor""" from cluster import Cluster from astronomy import mag_distance from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') self.stars = [] c = Cluster('NGC 2236') self.age = 10**c['logage']/1e6 # in Myr self.ebv = c['ebv'] = mag_distance(c['d'])- 4.83 def clearperiods(self): """ reset the periods in the database table """ if not raw_input('press Y to erase the periods in table ')=='Y': return query="""UPDATE ngc2236 SET period=NULL, period_err=NULL, amp=NULL, amp_err=NULL WHERE period>0; """'resetting periods ...') self.wifsip.execute(query) def getstars(self): """ build up a list of stars, where we do not have periods yet """ query = """SELECT starid FROM ngc2236 WHERE NOT corotid IS NULL;"""'fetching stars ...') result = self.wifsip.query(query)'... %d stars found' % len(result)) print '... %d stars found' % len(result) self.stars = [s[0] for s in result] def analysis(self, show=False): """perform a PDM analysis on each lightcurve""" from matplotlib import rcParams from functions import sigma_clip, phase print 'Analysis' fig_width = 18.3/2.54 # width in inches, was 7.48in fig_height = 23.3/2.54 # height in inches, was 25.5 fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] #set plot attributes params = {'backend': 'Agg', 'axes.labelsize': 12, 'axes.titlesize': 12, 'font.size': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'figure.figsize': fig_size, 'savefig.dpi' : 300, '': 'sans-serif', 'axes.linewidth' : 0.5, 'xtick.major.size' : 2, 'ytick.major.size' : 2, } rcParams.update(params) for starid in self.stars: star = NGC2236Star(starid) print '%-24s '% starid, lc = star.lightcurve() meanflux = np.nanmean(lc.flux) lc.flux /= meanflux lc.flux *= meanflux lc.rebin(0.0125) lc.interpolate() lc.normalize() raw_time, raw_flux = (lc.time, lc.flux) lc.medfilter() lc.jmpflt() lc.detrend() time, flux = (lc.time, lc.flux) time -= min(time) # convert to magnitudes mag = -2.512*np.log10(meanflux*flux) + 24 # remove the mean so we are around 0.0 magnitudes mag -= np.mean(mag) # perform a 3sigma clipping time, mag = sigma_clip(time, mag) # calculate fourier spectrum with zero padding n = len(mag) n2 = 8*n ft = np.fft.rfft(mag, n2) #amp = abs(ft)/n power = abs(ft)**2/n freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n2, d=lc.dt()) # apply a bessel filter to eliminate runlength artifacts from scipy import signal b, a = signal.butter(4, 2./max(time), 'high', analog=True) _, h = signal.freqs(b, a, worN=freq[1:n]) filt_pwr = abs(ft[1:n]*h)**2/n i = np.argmax(filt_pwr)+1 maxfreq = freq[i] period = 1./maxfreq from pdm import pdm #refine period using pdm pdm_periods, pdm_thetas = pdm(time, mag, period/1.5, period*1.5, 0.0125) i = np.argmin(pdm_thetas) period = pdm_periods[i] print 'P = %5.2f' % period, star['period'] = period periods = 1./freq[1:n] periods = periods[::-1] filt_pwr = filt_pwr[::-1] norm = np.mean(filt_pwr) print '%.1f' % (max(filt_pwr)/norm) power[1:n] /= norm filt_pwr /= norm star['amp'] = max(filt_pwr)/norm ph_time, ph_mag = phase(time, mag, period) num = len(ph_time)/round(max(time)/period) rph_mag, _ = signal.resample(ph_mag, num, t = ph_time) rph_time = np.linspace(min(ph_time),max(ph_time),num) bv = star['bv'] if bv is None: bv=-99 plt.subplot(411) ################################################## plt.title('%s (%d) B-V=%.2f' % (starid, star['corotid'], bv)) plt.scatter(raw_time-min(raw_time), raw_flux, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5, s=3, color='k') plt.ylim(min(raw_flux),max(raw_flux)) plt.xlim(0,max(time)) plt.subplot(412) ################################################## plt.plot(time, -mag, 'k') plt.ylim(min(-mag),max(-mag)) plt.xlim(0,max(time)) plt.subplot(413) ################################################## plt.plot(1./freq[1:n], power[1:n], 'k') plt.plot(1./freq[1:n], filt_pwr, 'g') #plt.plot(1./w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) plt.axvline(period) #plt.axhline(np.mean(filt_pwr[1:n])) plt.xlim(0.1, max(time)) plt.subplot(414) ################################################## plt.plot(rph_time, -rph_mag,color='k') plt.plot(rph_time+period, -rph_mag,color='k') #plt.plot(phased_time, phased_mag, 'g') #plt.plot(phased_time+period, phased_mag, 'g') plt.axvline(period, linestyle='--') plt.xlabel('P = %.2f' % period) plt.xlim(0., period*2) #plt.grid() if show: else: plt.savefig(config.plotpath+'%s(%d).pdf' % (starid,star['corotid'])) plt.close() def set_tab_column(self): self.wifsip.execute('UPDATE ngc2236 set tab=NULL;') query = """SELECT starid FROM ngc2236 WHERE NOT bv IS NULL ORDER BY vmag;""" result = self.wifsip.query(query) starids = [r[0] for r in result] for starid in starids: tab = starids.index(starid)+1 print '%4d %s' % (tab,starid) query = "UPDATE ngc2236 set tab=%d WHERE starid='%s';" % (tab,starid) self.wifsip.execute(query) def update_coordinates(self): from datasource import DataSource corot = DataSource(database='corot', user='******', host='') query = """SELECT corotid FROM ngc2236 WHERE NOT corotid IS NULL ORDER BY vmag;""" corotids = [c[0] for c in self.wifsip.query(query)] for corotid in corotids: query = """SELECT alpha, delta FROM corot WHERE corotid = %d;""" % corotid ra, dec = corot.query(query)[0] print corotid,ra,dec record = dict(zip(['corotid','ra','dec'], [corotid,ra,dec])) query = """UPDATE ngc2236 SET ra = %(ra)f, dec = %(dec)f, coord = point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f) WHERE corotid = %(corotid)d;""" % record self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False) self.wifsip.commit()
class Stetson(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='') def fromfile(self, filename=None): import pyfits hdulist = = hdulist[1].data self.keys = [] for col in hdulist[1].columns: self.keys.append( hdulist.close() print self.keys def todatabase(self): for d in print d['ID_1'] query = """INSERT INTO ngc6633ref (starid, ra, dec, dx, dy, x, y, bmag, bsigma, nb, vmag, vsigma, nv, imag, isigma, ni, coord) VALUES ('%(ID_1)s', %(RA)f, %(DEC)f, %(dX)f, %(dY)f, %(X)f, %(Y)f, %(B)f,%(sigmaB)f,%(NB)f,%(V)f,%(sigmaV)f,%(NV)f,%(I)f,%(sigmaI)f,%(NI)f, point(%(RA)f,%(DEC)f));""" % d self.wifsip.execute(query, commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() def readpos(self, filename='NGC6633.pos'): posfile = open(filename, 'rt') data = np.genfromtxt(posfile, dtype=None, names=('RA', 'DEC', 'HH', 'MM', 'SS', 'DD', 'DM', 'DS', 'dX', 'dY', 'X', 'Y', 'ID')) for d in data: #print ">%(ID)s<" % d query = """UPDATE ngc6633ref SET ra=%(RA).11f,dec=%(DEC).11f, coord=point(%(RA).11f,%(DEC).11f) WHERE starid='%(ID)s';""" % d print query self.wifsip.execute(query) posfile.close() def setucac4(self, filename=''): import pyfits hdulist = ucac = hdulist[1].data hdulist.close() print ucac.columns print ucac['ucacid'] #clear existing coordinates self.wifsip.execute('UPDATE ngc6633ref SET coord=NULL;') ra = ucac['raj2000'] dec = ucac['dej2000'] x = ucac['X'] y = ucac['Y'] A = np.vstack([x, y, np.ones(len(x))]).T wcsra = np.linalg.lstsq(A, ra)[0] wcsdec = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dec)[0] print wcsra print wcsdec dx1, dy1, cx = wcsra dx2, dy2, cy = wcsdec param = { 'dx1': dx1, 'dy1': dy1, 'cx': cx, 'dx2': dx2, 'dy2': dy2, 'cy': cy } query = """UPDATE ngc6633ref SET coord=point(X*%(dx1).11g+Y*%(dy1).11g+%(cx).11f, X*%(dx2).11g+Y*%(dy2).11g+%(cy).11f);""" % param print query self.wifsip.execute(query) def calibrate(self): from tools import log ffield = {'V': 'vmag', 'B': 'bmag', 'I': 'imag'} for filtercol in ['V', 'B', 'I']: query = """SELECT objid FROM frames WHERE object LIKE 'NGC 6633 BVI %%' AND filter = '%s';""" % filtercol frames = self.wifsip.query(query) for frame in frames: params = {'objid': frame[0], 'filterfield': ffield[filtercol]} query = """SELECT starid, mag_isocor, magerr_isocor, %(filterfield)s, mag_isocor - %(filterfield)s FROM phot, ngc6633ref WHERE objid = '%(objid)s' AND circle(phot.coord,0) <@ circle(ngc6633ref.coord, 1.0/3600.0) AND NOT %(filterfield)s IS NULL AND flags<4;""" % params result = self.wifsip.query(query) if len(result) > 0: ocs = np.array([r[4] for r in result]) errs = np.array([r[2] for r in result]) weights = 1 / errs std = np.std(ocs) i = np.where(abs(ocs - np.mean(ocs)) < std)[0] #for r in result: # log(config.logfile, '%-11s %.4f %.4f %.3f %6.3f' % r) corr = 0.0 if len(i) > 4: corr = np.average(ocs[i], weights=weights[i]) std = np.std(ocs[i]) log(config.logfile, '%-19s %1s %-7.4f %.3f %3d %3d' % \ (frame[0], filtercol, corr, std, len(i), len(ocs))) params['corr'] = corr params['good'] = 'NULL' if std < 0.05: params['good'] = 'TRUE' else: params['good'] = 'FALSE' query = """UPDATE frames SET corr=%(corr)f, good=%(good)s WHERE objid ='%(objid)s';""" % params else: query = """UPDATE frames SET corr=NULL, good=FALSE WHERE objid ='%(objid)s';""" % params self.wifsip.execute(query) def calibratebv(self): '''drop view ngc6633match; create view ngc6633match as SELECT ngc6633ref.starid, ngc6633.vmag, ngc6633.bmag, ngc6633ref.vmag "vmag_ref", ngc6633ref.bmag "bmag_ref" FROM ngc6633, ngc6633ref WHERE circle(ngc6633.coord,0) <@ circle(ngc6633ref.coord, 1.0/3600.0);''' from dbtable import DBTable match = DBTable( self.wifsip, 'ngc6633match', condition= 'NOT vmag_ref IS NULL AND NOT bmag_ref IS NULL AND vmag>12') vmag = match['vmag'] bmag = match['bmag'] bv = bmag - vmag vmagref = match['vmag_ref'] bmagref = match['bmag_ref'] bvref = bmagref - vmagref A = np.vstack([vmag, bv, np.ones(len(vmag))]).T vcorr = np.linalg.lstsq(A, vmagref)[0] B = np.vstack([bmag, bv, np.ones(len(bmag))]).T bcorr = np.linalg.lstsq(B, bmagref)[0] print vcorr print bcorr
class Photometry(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, filtercol='V'): ''' Constructor ''' from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', host='pina', user='******') if filtercol in ('B', 'V'): self.filtercol = filtercol else: raise (ValueError) self.frames = [] print 'filter %s' % self.filtercol def createtable(self): ''' create table for the photometry ''' if not raw_input('press Y to erase m48stars') == 'Y': return query = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS m48stars; CREATE TABLE m48stars( starid varchar(25), bv real, vmag real default 0, vmag_err real, bmag real default 0, bmag_err real, period real, period_err real, theta real, amp real, amp_err real, nv integer default 0, nb integer default 0, ra double precision, dec double precision, coord point, PRIMARY KEY (starid)); GRANT SELECT ON m48stars TO public; CREATE INDEX idx_m48stars_coords ON m48stars USING GIST (circle(coord,1.0/3600.)); """ self.wifsip.execute(query) print "table 'm48stars' created" def cleartable(self): if not raw_input('press Y to clear m48stars') == 'Y': return query = """ UPDATE m48stars SET vmag = 0, vmag_err = NULL, bmag = 0, bmag_err =NULL, nv = 0, nb = 0, bv = NULL; """ self.wifsip.execute(query) print "table 'm48stars' cleared" def getframes(self): for field in ['C', 'NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'SE']: query = """SELECT object, objid, abs(corr) FROM frames WHERE object LIKE 'M 48 BVI %s' AND filter LIKE '%s' AND NOT corr IS NULL ORDER BY abs(corr) limit 5;""" % (field, self.filtercol) result = self.wifsip.query(query) if len(result) == 0: print 'no frames found!' for r in result: print '%s\t%s\t%.3f: ' % r objid = r[1] self.filltable(objid) self.frames.append(objid) self.wifsip.dropview('phot1') self.update_magnitudes() #print '\n'.join(self.frames) def filltable(self, objid): #get the stars from the phot table ... query = """ SELECT phot.objid ||'#'|| star, mag_auto-corr, alphawin_j2000 , deltawin_j2000 FROM phot,frames WHERE frames.objid='%s' AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND flags<8;""" % (objid) result = self.wifsip.query(query) #... and inject them into the m48stars stars = len(result) if stars > 400: print '%5d stars: ' % stars, oldstars = 0 newstars = 0 for r in result: ostars = self.addstar(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) if ostars == 0: newstars += 1 else: oldstars += 1 print '%5d old , %5d new' % (oldstars, newstars) self.wifsip.commit() else: print 'not enough stars (%d)' % stars #value = '%s\t%f\t%f\t%f' % r #print value def addstar(self, starid, mag, ra, dec): # identify by coordinates, if the star is already in table query = """SELECT starid FROM m48stars WHERE circle(point(%f,%f),0)<@circle(coord,1.0/3600.) ORDER BY point(%f,%f)<->coord LIMIT 1;""" % (ra, dec, ra, dec) result = self.wifsip.query(query) oldstar = 0 # if not: append new star if len(result) == 0: oldstar = 0 if self.filtercol == 'B': query = """INSERT INTO m48stars (starid, bmag, nb, ra, dec, coord) VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % ( starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec) elif self.filtercol == 'V': query = """INSERT INTO m48stars (starid, vmag, nv, ra, dec, coord) VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % ( starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec) # if star exists: add up magnitudes, increase counter else: oldstar = 1 oldid = result[0][0] if self.filtercol == 'B': query = """UPDATE m48stars SET bmag = bmag + %f, nb = nb + 1 WHERE starid = '%s'; """ % (mag, oldid) elif self.filtercol == 'V': query = """UPDATE m48stars SET vmag = vmag + %f, nv = nv + 1 WHERE starid = '%s'; """ % (mag, oldid) self.wifsip.execute(query) return oldstar def update_magnitudes(self): if self.filtercol == 'B': query = """UPDATE m48stars SET bmag=bmag/nb WHERE nb>1; UPDATE m48stars SET bmag=NULL WHERE nb=0;""" elif self.filtercol == 'V': query = """ UPDATE m48stars SET vmag=vmag/nv WHERE nv>1; UPDATE m48stars SET vmag=NULL WHERE nv=0;""" self.wifsip.execute(query) def update_sigmas(self): import numpy as np if self.filtercol == 'V': field = 'vmag' elif self.filtercol == 'B': field = 'bmag' query = """SELECT starid, coord FROM m48stars WHERE (NOT bv IS NULL) AND (%s_err IS NULL);""" % (field) starlist = self.wifsip.query(query) for star in starlist: print '%5d ' % starlist.index(star), print '%-24s: %-25s' % star, query = """SELECT phot.objid, mag_auto-corr FROM phot, frames WHERE object like 'M 48 BVI %%' AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND filter='%s' AND flags<8 AND point%s <@ circle(phot.coord,1./3600.) ORDER BY abs(corr) LIMIT 5;""" % (self.filtercol, star[1]) result = self.wifsip.query(query) mags = np.array([r[1] for r in result]) try: err = np.std(mags) print mags, print '%.3f %.4f' % (np.mean(mags), err) if np.isfinite(err): query = "UPDATE m48stars SET %s_err=%f WHERE starid='%s';" % ( field, err, star[0]) self.wifsip.execute(query) except TypeError: print 'no data' def update_bv(self): query = "UPDATE m48stars SET bv = bmag-vmag;" self.wifsip.execute(query)
class NGC6633cat(object): ''' fill the ngc6633table in the database ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='') def load_positions(self, filename=config.datapath + ''): import pyfits hdulist = data = hdulist[2].data i = np.argsort(data['MAG_ISO']) self.stars = data[i] hdulist.close() print self.stars.columns print "%d stars loaded" % len(self.stars) def load_fromdb(self): query = """SELECT starid, ra, dec from ngc6633 order by vmag;""" result = self.wifsip.query(query) self.stars = [] for starid, ra, dec in result: record = { 'starid': starid, 'ALPHAWIN_J2000': ra, 'DELTAWIN_J2000': dec } self.stars.append(record) print "%d stars loaded from database" % len(self.stars) def build(self, filtercol='V', update=False): from psycopg2 import IntegrityError if update: print 'updating filter ', filtercol for star in self.stars: #print star['NUMBER'],star['MAG_ISO'], params = { 'ra': star['ALPHAWIN_J2000'], 'dec': star['DELTAWIN_J2000'], 'filtercol': filtercol } query = """SELECT phot.objid || '#' ||, mag_isocor, corr, magerr_isocor FROM phot, frames WHERE object like 'NGC 6633 BVI %%' AND phot.objid = frames.objid AND filter = '%(filtercol)s' AND good = True AND circle(phot.coord,0) <@ circle(point(%(ra).11f,%(dec).11f), 0.6/3600.0) AND flags<5;""" % params result = self.wifsip.query(query) #print result if len(result) == 0: continue elif len(result) == 1: starid, mags, corr, err = result[0] mag = mags - corr std = err n = 1 elif len(result) > 1: mags = np.array([r[1] for r in result]) corrs = np.array([r[2] for r in result]) errs = np.array([r[3] for r in result]) # take the first (random) identifier, just to have a starid starid = result[0][0] mags -= corrs std0 = np.std(mags) # remove outliers i = np.where(abs(mags - np.mean(mags)) < std0) mags = mags[i] errs = errs[i] std = np.std(mags) try: mag = np.average(mags, weights=1. / errs) except TypeError: print mags, corrs, errs continue except ZeroDivisionError: print mags, corrs, errs mag = np.mean(mags) std = np.std(mags) n = len(mags) params['mag'] = mag params['std'] = std params['n'] = n filterletter = filtercol.lower() params['magfield'] = filterletter + 'mag' params['errfield'] = filterletter + 'mag_err' params['numfield'] = 'n' + filterletter if not update: params['starid'] = starid query = """INSERT INTO ngc6633 (starid,ra,dec,%(magfield)s,%(errfield)s,%(numfield)s) VALUES ('%(starid)s', %(ra).11f, %(dec).11f, %(mag)f, %(std)f, %(n)d);""" % params query = query.replace('nan', 'NULL') try: self.wifsip.execute(query) except IntegrityError: # star already exists continue else: params['starid'] = star['starid'] query = """UPDATE ngc6633 SET (%(magfield)s,%(errfield)s,%(numfield)s) = (%(mag)f, %(std)f, %(n)d) WHERE starid = '%(starid)s';""" % params query = query.replace('nan', 'NULL') self.wifsip.execute(query) print '%(starid)-25s, %(ra).6f, %(dec).6f, %(mag).4f, %(std).4f, %(n)3d' % params self.wifsip.commit()
class WHydra(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, field_name = 'M67field'): ''' Constructor ''' self.field_name = field_name self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost) kpno = ephem.Observer() #31.958036,-111.600578 kpno.lon, = '-111.600578', '31.958036' kpno.horizon = '-0:34' kpno.elevation = 2096 tzi = pytz.timezone('MST') #fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z' obsdate = datetime.datetime(2015,2,10,4,0,0, tzinfo=tzi) = obsdate + datetime.timedelta(7*ephem.hour) d = self.input_epoch = 2000 self.current_epoch = d.year + d.timetuple().tm_yday/365. # LST at mid-exposure in decimal hours lst = kpno.sidereal_time() print('local siderial time: ', lst) self.siderial_time = ast.hms2hh(str(lst)) self.exposure_length = 40.0/60.0 # in hours self.wavelength = 5125 # in Angstroem self.cable = 'BLUE' self.weighting = 'STRONG' self.guidewave = 6000 = self._get_center() c = Cluster('NGC 2682') self.ebv = c['ebv'] = ast.distance_modulus(c['d']) target = {} self.table = [] target['id'] = 6000 target['name'] = 'M67center' target['ra'] =[0] target['dec'] =[1] target['class'] = 'C' self.table.append(target) self.targeted = [] # number of sky fibers self.skies = 6 # number of field orientation probes self.fops = 6 self.tweakcenter = False self.tweakangle = False print('center', print('E(B-V)', self.ebv) print('DM', def _get_center(self): data = self.wifsip.query("""select avg(ra),avg(dec) from m67;""") return (data[0][0],data[0][1]) def priorities(self, verbose = False): """updates the priorities in the m67 table""" def makeplot(bv, v, p, filename=None): """plot the priorities""" import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.scatter(bv, v, c=p, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75) pyplot.xlim(0.4,1.0) pyplot.ylim(16.5,12.0) pyplot.title('M 67') pyplot.xlabel('B - V') pyplot.ylabel('V mag') if filename is None: else: pyplot.savefig(filename, dpi=300) pyplot.close() def plotradec(ra, dec, p, filename=None): """plot the priorities""" import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.scatter(ra, dec, c=p, edgecolor='none', alpha=0.75) pyplot.title('M 67') pyplot.xlabel('R.A.') pyplot.ylabel('Dec') if filename is None: else: pyplot.savefig(filename, dpi=300) pyplot.close() print('calculate priorities ...') self.wifsip.execute("UPDATE m67 SET priority=NULL, pointing=NULL;") self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m67 SET priority=1.0 WHERE bmag-vmag>0.6 and bmag-vmag<1.0 AND vmag>13.5 and vmag<16 and pmb>0;""") data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT seq, vmag, bmag-vmag, pmb FROM m67 WHERE bmag-vmag>0.6 AND bmag-vmag<0.75 AND vmag>13.5 and vmag<16 ORDER BY pmb DESC;""") seq = [d[0] for d in data] v = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) bv = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) pmb = np.array([d[3] for d in data]) p1 = scaleto(pmb, [0.0, 1.0]) print(len(seq), 'stars brighter V<16') for i in range(len(seq)): if verbose: print('%4d: %.3f --> %.3f' % (seq[i], v[i], p1[i])) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m67 SET priority = priority * %f WHERE seq = %d;""" % (p1[i], seq[i]), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT bmag-vmag, vmag, priority FROM m67 WHERE priority > 0.0 ORDER BY seq;""") bv = np.array([d[0] for d in data]) vmag = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) p = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) makeplot(bv,vmag, p, filename=config.plotpath+'priorities.pdf') def setpointing(self, pointing): """set pointings according to hydrasim output""" #TODO: to be redone! targets = ",".join([str(t) for t in self.targeted]) print(targets) query = """UPDATE m67 SET pointing=%d WHERE seq in (%s)""" % (pointing,targets) self.wifsip.execute(query) def from_database(self, maglimit=16.5): """ load targets from database that have not priority set yet and are within the maglimit """ data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT seq, ra, dec, vmag FROM m67 WHERE priority > 0.0 AND vmag<%f AND pointing IS NULL ORDER BY priority DESC;""" % maglimit) for d in data: target = {} target['id'] = int(d[0]) target['name'] = 'Star%04dm%.2f' % (int(d[0]),float(d[3])) target['ra'] = float(d[1]) target['dec'] = float(d[2]) target['class'] = 'O' self.table.append(target) """ hydrawiynmanual.pdf p.41: The stars selected for use by the FOPs should fall in the magnitude range 10<V<14. If possible, keep the range in magnitude of your FOPs sample in each field to 3 magnitudes or less so that the intensity of each star falls within the dynamic range of the FOPs TV camera. Including the FOPs star magnitudes in the configuration file may also be useful later when setting up the field at the telescope. """ query = """SELECT vmag, ra, dec, seq FROM m67 WHERE vmag>10 and vmag<13 ORDER BY vmag;""" fops = self.wifsip.query(query) print(len(fops), 'FOPs stars') for f in fops: target = {} target['id'] = 6001 + int(f[3]) target['name'] = 'FOP%dm%.2f' % (int(f[3]),float(f[0])) target['ra'] = float(f[1]) target['dec'] = float(f[2]) target['class'] = 'F' self.table.append(target) #extra targets query="""select vmag, ra, dec, seq FROM m67 WHERE NOT bmag-vmag IS NULL ORDER BY vmag LIMIT 999;""" extra = self.wifsip.query(query) print(len(extra), 'extra stars') for d in extra: target = {} target['id'] = 7000 + int(d[3]) target['name'] = str(d[0]) target['ra'] = float(d[1]) target['dec'] = float(d[2]) target['class'] = 'E' self.table.append(target) def skyfile(self, filename='/work2/jwe/M67/skyfile.txt'): """ load the sky positions """ from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord ras = [132.686, 132.703, 132.820, 132.965] decs = [11.591, 11.745, 11.849, 11.869, 12.091] skypos = [] for ra in ras: for de in decs: skypos.append((ra,de)) print(len(skypos), 'sky positions') for radec in skypos: target = {} target['id'] = 9000 + skypos.index(radec) target['name'] = 'Sky'+str(target['id']) target['ra'] = radec[0] target['dec'] = radec[1] target['class'] = 'S' self.table.append(target) def tofile(self, filename = None, verbose=False): """ writes the .ast file that finally goes into whydra for processing """ import astronomy as ast if filename is None: filename = hydrapath+self.field_name+'.ast' f = open(filename,'w') f.write('FIELD NAME: %s\n' % self.field_name) f.write('INPUT EPOCH: %.2f\n' % self.input_epoch) f.write('CURRENT EPOCH: %.2f\n' % self.current_epoch) f.write('SIDERIAL TIME: %.3f\n' % self.siderial_time) f.write('EXPOSURE LENGTH: %.2f\n' % self.exposure_length) f.write('WAVELENGTH: %.0f.\n' % self.wavelength) f.write('CABLE: %s\n' % self.cable) f.write('WEIGHTING: %s\n' % self.weighting) f.write('GUIDEWAVE: %.0f.\n' % self.guidewave) f.write('#0000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555\n') f.write('#2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123\n') for t in self.table: ra = ast.dd2hms(t['ra']) dec = ast.dd2dms(t['dec']) s = '%04d %-20s %02d %02d %06.3f %+02.2d %02d %05.2f %1s\n' % \ (t['id'],t['name'],ra[0],ra[1],ra[2], dec[0], dec[1], dec[2], t['class']) if verbose: print(s.rstrip('\n')) f.write(s) f.close() #s = 'pointing\tR.A.\tDec\tmag\tcomment' def fromfile(self, filename = None): if filename is None: filename = hydrapath+self.field_name+'.hydra' f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: if l[0]=='#': l = '' #if l.find('FIELD NAME:')>=0: # self.field_name = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('INPUT EPOCH:')>=0: self.input_epoch = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('CURRENT EPOCH:')>=0: self.current_epoch = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('SIDERIAL TIME:')>=0: self.siderial_time = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('EXPOSURE LENGTH:')>=0: self.exposure_length = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('WAVELENGTH:')>=0: self.wavelength = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('CABLE:')>=0: self.cable = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('WEIGHTING:')>=0: self.weighting = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('GUIDEWAVE:')>=0: self.guidewave = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if len(l.strip())>=53: target = { 'id': int(l[0:4]), 'name': l[5:25], 'ra': ast.hms2dd(l[26:38]), 'dec': ast.dms2dd(l[39:51]), 'class': l[52]} if l.find('STATUS=')>=55: status=l[55:66].strip() if target['class'] in ['O','E']: if (status=='STATUS=OK' or status=='STATUS=EDGE'): self.table.append(target) else: self.targeted.append(target['id']) elif target['class'] in ['C','F','S']: self.table.append(target) def make_plot(self, filename): plt.figure(figsize=[18/2.54,18/2.54]) fov = plt.Circle(([0],[1]), 0.5, facecolor='none', edgecolor='g') fig = plt.gcf() fig.gca().add_artist(fov) # plt.scatter(ra,dec, marker=',', c='k', s=0.1) for t in self.table: if t['class']=='O': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='o', c='g', edgecolor='none') if t['class']=='E': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker=',', c='gray', edgecolor='none') if t['class']=='F': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='^', c='r', edgecolor='none') if t['class']=='S': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='h', c='b', edgecolor='none') if t['class']=='C': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='+', c='k', edgecolor='none') plt.xlim([[0]+0.55,[0]-0.55]) plt.ylim([[1]-0.55,[1]+0.55]) plt.xlabel('R.A.') plt.ylabel('Dec') plt.grid() plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) plt.close() def dohydra(self): """ write the commands file and execute the shell script """ f = open('/home/jwe/bin/hydra_simulator/cmds.%s' % self.field_name,'wt') f.write('%s.ast\n' % self.field_name) f.write('%s\n' % self.field_name) f.write('%d\n' % self.fops) f.write('%d\n' % self.skies) if self.tweakangle: f.write('y\n') else: f.write('n\n') if self.tweakcenter: f.write('y\n') else: f.write('n\n') f.close()['/home/jwe/bin/hydra_simulator/',self.field_name]) def getconcentricities(self): """ fetches the current concentricities file from the WIYN web page """ response = urlopen('') html = f = open(hydrapath+'concentricities','wt') f.write(html) f.close()
class M48Phot(object): ''' Import photometry from David James ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' from datasource import DataSource = [] self.table = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') def fromfile(self, filename): f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close p = filename.find('M48-') field = filename[p + 4:p + 6] for l in lines: sl = l.split() record = { 'starid': '%s-%s-%3.3d' % (sl[0], field, int(sl[1])), 'ccdx': float(sl[2]), 'ccdy': float(sl[3]), 'ra': float(sl[10]), 'dec': float(sl[11]), 'vmag': float(sl[12]), 'vmag_err': float(sl[13]), 'bv': float(sl[14]), 'bv_err': float(sl[15]), 'vi': float(sl[16]), 'vi_err': float(sl[17]) } if record['bv'] > 9: record['bv'] = None if record['bv_err'] > 9: record['bv_err'] = None if record['vi'] > 9: record['vi'] = None if record['vi_err'] > 9: record['vi_err'] = None print record def createtable(self): ''' create table for the photometry ''' if not raw_input('press Y to erase m48phot') == 'Y': return query = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS m48phot; CREATE TABLE m48phot( starid varchar(10), ccdx real, ccdy real, ra double precision, dec double precision, vmag real default 0, vmag_err real, bv real, bv_err real, vi real, vi_err real, coord point, PRIMARY KEY (starid)); GRANT SELECT ON m48phot TO public; CREATE INDEX idx_m48phot_coords ON m48phot USING GIST (circle(coord,0)); """ self.table.execute(query) print "table 'm48phot' created" def todatabase(self): import StringIO cur = self.table.cursor def nstr(s): if s is None: return '\N' elif type(s) is str: return str(s) else: return str(s) values = '' for record in valline = '\t'.join([nstr(v) for v in record.values()]) print valline values += valline + '\n' columns = record.keys() f = StringIO.StringIO(values) try: cur.copy_from(f, 'm48phot', columns=columns) finally: self.table.commit()
class Clusters(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.table = DataSource(database=_config.dbname, user=_config.dbuser, host=_config.dbhost) def create_table(self): query = """DROP TABLE clusters; CREATE TABLE clusters ( name varchar(18), ra double precision, dec double precision, class varchar(3), diam real, d int, ebv real, logage real, pmra real, epmra real, pmdec real, epmdec real, nc int, ref1 varchar(3), rv real, erv real, n int, ref2 varchar(4), me real, eme real, nme real, trtyp varchar(8), coord point, PRIMARY KEY (name));""" self.table.execute(query) def fromfile(self, filename='/work2/jwe/SOCS/clusters.txt'): f = open(filename, 'rt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() def nfloat(s): from numpy import nan try: result = float(s) except ValueError: return nan return result def nint(s): from numpy import nan try: result = int(s) except ValueError: return nan return result cur = self.table.cursor values = '' for l in lines: coords = l[18:37] c = SkyCoord(coords, 'icrs', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) # @UndefinedVariable record = {'name': l[0:18].rstrip(), 'ra':, 'dec':, 'class': l[40:43].rstrip(), 'diam': nfloat(l[45:52]), 'd': nint(l[55:60]), 'ebv': nfloat(l[65:70]), 'logage': nfloat(l[73:79]), 'pmra': nfloat(l[84:90]), 'epmra': nfloat(l[92:96]), 'pmdec': nfloat(l[100:106]), 'epmdec': nfloat(l[108:112]), 'nc': nint(l[113:118]), 'ref1': l[119:123].rstrip(), 'rv': nfloat(l[127:134]), 'erv': nfloat(l[138:143]), 'n': nint(l[147:150]), 'ref2': nint(l[155:159]), 'me': nfloat(l[162:168]), 'eme': nfloat(l[171:176]), 'nme': nint(l[177:180]), 'trtyp': l[183:191].rstrip(), 'coord': '(%f,%f)' % (,} # print record def nstr(s): if len(str(s).strip()) == 0: return '\\N' elif type(s) is str: return str(s) else: return str(s) valline = '\t'.join([nstr(v) for v in record.values()]) valline = valline.replace('nan', '\\N') print(valline) values += valline + '\n' columns = record.keys() f = StringIO.StringIO(values) try: cur.copy_from(f, 'clusters', columns=columns) finally: self.table.commit() def query(self): query = """SELECT name, ra, dec, ebv, diam from clusters WHERE (name like 'NGC %' or name like 'IC %') AND diam>10 AND diam<60 AND d<1500 AND dec>-15.0 AND ebv<0.3 AND logage>8.0 AND logage<=9.5 AND abs(rv)>2.0;""" result = self.table.query(query) names = [r[0] for r in result] ra = np.array([r[1] for r in result]) dec = np.array([r[2] for r in result]) ebv = np.array([r[3] for r in result]) diam = np.array([r[4] for r in result]) mycmap ='Reds') # mycmap.set_under('w')fig, ax_f = plt.subplots() _, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) plt.scatter(ra / 15., dec, s=diam * 4, cmap=mycmap, c=ebv) for rai, deci, iname in zip(ra, dec, names): if iname in ['IC 4756', 'NGC 2682', 'NGC 2319', 'NGC 2374', 'NGC 7209', 'NGC 7243', 'NGC 7082', 'NGC 225']: horizontalalignment = 'right' withdash = None dashlength = None elif iname in ['NGC 2413']: horizontalalignment = 'right' withdash = True dashlength = 20.0 else: horizontalalignment = 'left' withdash = None dashlength = None if withdash: plt.text(rai / 15., deci, iname, withdash=withdash, dashlength=dashlength, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment) else: plt.text(rai / 15., deci, iname, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment) # plt.draw() ax2 = ax1.twiny() print(np.arange(13, 0, -1)) ax1.set_xlabel('right ascension') ax1.set_ylabel('declination') ax2.set_xlabel('culmination month') ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(24)) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(-15, 65, 5)) ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 13) + 0.4333) ax2.set_xticklabels(['9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', '12', '11', '10']) ax1.set_xlim(24, 0) # ax2.set_xlim(12, 0) ax1.set_ylim(-15, 65) ax1.grid() plt.minorticks_on() cbar = plt.colorbar() #['0','1','2','>3']) cbar.set_label('E(B - V)', rotation=270) plt.savefig('/work2/jwe/SOCS/plots/cluster_query.pdf') plt.close() print(len(names)) print('\n'.join(names))
class CDSTable(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self.datastruct = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost, dictcursor=True) def savetable2(self): query = """SELECT tab, vmag, bv, p_fin, e_pfin, amp, amp_err, member, simbad, provisional FROM m48stars WHERE good ORDER BY vmag ;""" = self.wifsip.query(query) #Id Vmag B-V P P_er amp amp_e M P Simbad # 1 2 3 4 #1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 # 287 13.597 0.56 2.88 0.10 0.018 0.004 M p BJG 3157 f = open(config.resultpath + 'table2.dat', 'wt') for d in #i = data.index(d)+1 simbad = '' if type(d['simbad']) is str and d['simbad'].find( 'Cl* NGC 2548 ') == 0: simbad = d['simbad'][13:] if str('simbad') == 'None': simbad = '' memstr = '-' if d['member']: memstr = 'M' elif d['member'] == False: memstr = 'N' prostr = '-' if d['provisional']: prostr = 'p' elif not d['provisional']: prostr = 'c' params = d.copy() params['simbad'] = simbad params['memstr'] = memstr params['prostr'] = prostr s = '%(tab)4d %(vmag)6.3f %(bv)4.2f %(p_fin)5.2f %(e_pfin).2f %(amp).3f %(amp_err).3f %(memstr)s %(prostr)s %(simbad)s\n' % params print s, f.write(s) f.close() def saveappendix(self): from numpy import sqrt from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord #TODO: omit simbad column query = """SELECT tab, vmag, vmag_err, bv, bmag_err, coord[0] "ra", coord[1] "dec", member FROM m48stars WHERE not bv IS NULL ORDER BY vmag;""" data = self.wifsip.query(query) f = open(config.resultpath + 'table_a1.dat', 'wt') for d in data: memstr = '-' if d['member']: memstr = 'M' elif d['member'] == False: memstr = 'N' try: bv_err = sqrt(d['vmag_err']**2 + d['bmag_err']**2) except TypeError: bv_err = 0.0 c = SkyCoord(ra=d['ra'] * u.deg, dec=d['dec'] * u.deg, frame='icrs') # @UndefinedVariable ra_str = c.ra.to_string(unit=u.hourangle, sep=' ', pad=True, precision=2) # @UndefinedVariable dec_str = c.dec.to_string(sep=' ', precision=2, pad=True) posstr = c.to_string(precision=5) #if bmag_err is None: bmag_err=0.0 params = d.copy() params['memstr'] = memstr params['bv_err'] = bv_err params['ra_str'] = ra_str params['dec_str'] = dec_str params['posstr'] = posstr if d['vmag_err'] is None: params['vmag_err'] = 0.0 try: s = '%(tab)4d %(posstr)s %(vmag)6.3f %(vmag_err)5.3f %(bv)6.3f %(bv_err)5.3f %(ra_str)s %(dec_str)s %(memstr)s\n' % params print s, f.write(s) except TypeError: print d, len(s) f.close() def update_coords(self, filtercol='V'): import numpy as np from tools import log query = """SELECT starid, ra, dec FROM m48stars WHERE NOT bv IS NULL AND coord IS NULL ORDER BY tab;""" result = self.wifsip.query(query) stars = [] for starid, ra, dec in result: stars.append({'starid': starid, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec}) for star in stars: #print star['NUMBER'],star['MAG_ISO'], params = { 'ra': star['ra'], 'dec': star['dec'], 'filtercol': filtercol } query = """SELECT alphawin_j2000, deltawin_j2000 FROM phot, frames WHERE object like 'M 48 %%' AND phot.objid = frames.objid AND filter = '%(filtercol)s' AND circle(phot.coord,0) <@ circle(point(%(ra).11f,%(dec).11f), 0.3/3600.0) AND flags<5;""" % params result = self.wifsip.query(query) #print result if len(result) == 0: print '%-25s: no data' % star['starid'] query = """UPDATE m48stars SET coord = NULL WHERE starid = '%s';""" % star['starid'] self.wifsip.execute(query) continue elif len(result) == 1: print '%-25s: not enough data' % star['starid'] query = """UPDATE m48stars SET coord = NULL WHERE starid = '%s';""" % star['starid'] self.wifsip.execute(query) continue elif len(result) > 1: ra = np.array([r[0] for r in result]) dec = np.array([r[1] for r in result]) mean_ra = np.mean(ra) mean_dec = np.mean(dec) std_ra = np.std(ra) std_dec = np.std(dec) # remove outliers std = np.sqrt(std_ra**2 + std_dec**2) dist = np.sqrt((ra - mean_ra)**2 + (dec - mean_dec)**2) i = np.where(dist < 2 * std) mean_ra = np.mean(ra[i]) mean_dec = np.mean(dec[i]) std_ra = np.std(ra[i]) std_dec = np.std(dec[i]) n = len(ra[i]) params['starid'] = star['starid'] params['ra'] = mean_ra params['dec'] = mean_dec params['n'] = n params['sra'] = std_ra * 3600.0 params['sdec'] = std_dec * 3600.0 query = """UPDATE m48stars SET coord = point(%(ra).11f,%(dec).11f) WHERE starid = '%(starid)s';""" % params #query = query.replace('nan', 'NULL') self.wifsip.execute(query) log( config.projectpath + 'coords1.log', '%(starid)-25s, %(ra).6f, %(dec).6f, %(sra).2f, %(sdec).2f, %(n)3d' % params) self.wifsip.commit()
class Landolt(object): ''' The famous Landolt class ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' from datasource import DataSource self.table = DataSource(database='stella', user='******', host='') = [] def fromfile(self, filename='table2.dat'): """ load data from file filename: string, table2.dat """ from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import units as u def nfloat(s): from numpy import nan try: result = float(s) except ValueError: return nan return result def nint(s): from numpy import nan try: result = int(s) except ValueError: return nan return result f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close for l in lines: coords = l[12:38] c = SkyCoord(coords, 'icrs', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) # @UndefinedVariable record = {'name': l[0:12].rstrip(), 'ra':, 'dec':, 'vmag': nfloat(l[38:45]), 'bv': nfloat(l[46:51]), 'ub': nfloat(l[52:59]), 'vr': nfloat(l[59:66]), 'ri': nfloat(l[66:73]), 'vi': nfloat(l[73:79]), 'nobs': nint(l[80:83]), 'nnig': nint(l[84:87]), 'e_vmag': nfloat(l[88:94]), 'e_bv': nfloat(l[95:101]), 'e_ub': nfloat(l[102:108]), 'e_vr': nfloat(l[109:115]), 'e_ri': nfloat(l[116:122]), 'e_vi': nfloat(l[123:129]), 'coord': '(%f,%f)' % (,} #print record def todatabase(self): """ write the imported data to the database """ from StringIO import StringIO def nstr(s): if len(str(s).strip())==0: return '\N' elif type(s) is str: return str(s) else: return str(s) values = '' for record in valline = '\t'.join([nstr(v) for v in record.values()]) valline = valline.replace('nan', '\N') print valline values += valline + '\n' columns = record.keys() f = StringIO(values) cur = self.table.cursor try: cur.copy_from(f,'landolt', columns=columns) finally: self.table.commit() def calibrate(self): query = """SELECT frames.datesend, MAX(airmass) "airmass", COUNT(star) "nstar", AVG(mag_auto-vmag) "o-c mag", STDDEV_POP(mag_auto-vmag) "sigma" FROM frames, phot, landolt WHERE object LIKE 'Landolt%' AND filter='V' AND frames.objid=phot.objid AND circle(phot.coord,3./3600.) @> circle(landolt.coord,0) AND frames.objid like '2014%' AND phot.flags=0 GROUP BY frames.datesend ORDER BY frames.datesend;""" result = self.table.query(query) import numpy as np for r in result: print '%s %.2f %2d %+6.3f %.3f' % r import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.array([r[0] for r in result]) n = np.array([r[2] for r in result]) y = np.array([r[3] for r in result]) yerr = np.array([r[4] for r in result]) #print len(x),len(y),len(yerr) plt.scatter(y,yerr, s=n*5, edgecolor='none') plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr) plt.minorticks_on() plt.grid()
class WHydra(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, field_name = 'M48field'): ''' Constructor ''' import ephem import datetime import pytz import astronomy as ast from datasource import DataSource self.field_name = field_name self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', user='******', host='') kpno = ephem.Observer() #31.958036,-111.600578 kpno.lon, = '-111.600578', '31.958036' kpno.horizon = '-0:34' kpno.elevation = 2096 tzi = pytz.timezone('MST') #fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z' obsdate = datetime.datetime(2015,2,9,23,0,0, tzinfo=tzi) = obsdate + datetime.timedelta(7*ephem.hour) d = self.input_epoch = 2000 self.current_epoch = d.year + d.timetuple().tm_yday/365. # LST at mid-exposure in decimal hours lst = kpno.sidereal_time() print 'local siderial time: ',lst self.siderial_time = ast.hms2hh(str(lst)) self.exposure_length = 40.0/60.0 # in hours self.wavelength = 6000 # in Angstroem self.cable = 'BLUE' self.weighting = 'STRONG' self.guidewave = 6000 = self._get_center() self.ebv = 0.031 # from Webda = 9.53 # from Webda target = {} self.table = [] target['id'] = 6000 target['name'] = 'M48center' target['ra'] =[0] target['dec'] =[1] target['class'] = 'C' self.table.append(target) self.targeted = [] # number of sky fibers self.skies = 6 # number of field orientation probes self.fops = 6 self.tweakcenter = False self.tweakangle = False def _get_center(self): data = self.wifsip.query("""select avg(ra),avg(dec) from m48stars;""") return (data[0][0],data[0][1]) def priorities(self, verbose = False): """updates the priorieties in the m48stars table""" import numpy as np from functions import scaleto print 'calculate priorities ...' self.wifsip.execute("UPDATE m48stars SET priority=NULL;") self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET priority=1.0 WHERE vmag<16.5 AND NOT tab IS NULL;""") data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, vmag FROM m48stars WHERE not bv is null AND vmag<16.5 ORDER BY tab;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] v = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) p1 = scaleto(v,[1.0, 0.8]) print len(tab),'stars brighter V<16.5' for i in range(len(tab)): if verbose: print '%4d: %.3f --> %.3f' % (tab[i], v[i],p1[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p1[i], tab[i]), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() lengood = self.wifsip.query("select count(starid) from m48stars where good;") print lengood[0],'stars with periods' self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET priority = priority * 0.5 WHERE NOT good;""") self.wifsip.commit() iso = IsoChrone('/work2/jwe/m48/data/output256520738433.dat') x = iso['V'] + y = iso['B-V'] + self.ebv data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, vmag, bv FROM m48stars WHERE not bv is null AND vmag<16.5 ORDER BY tab;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] v= np.array([d[1] for d in data]) bv = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) p = np.zeros(len(tab)) print len(tab),'stars for isochrone priority' for i in range(len(tab)): p[i] = np.min(abs(x-v[i])+abs(y-bv[i])) p[p > 0.4] = 0.4 p = scaleto(p, [1.0, 0.0]) for t in tab: i = tab.index(t) if verbose: print '%d: V=%.3f B-V=%.3f p=%.3f' % (t, v[i], bv[i], p[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p[i], t), commit=False) self.wifsip.commit() data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, ra, dec FROM m48stars WHERE not ra is NULL AND not dec is NULL AND priority > 0.0 ORDER BY TAB;""") tab = [d[0] for d in data] print len(tab),'stars for distance priority' ra = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) dec = np.array([d[2] for d in data]) dist = np.sqrt(([0])**2+([1])**2) # only rank stars where distance greater than 0.5 degrees i = np.where(dist > 0.5) p = scaleto(dist, [1.0, 0.0]) for t in tab: i = tab.index(t) try: if verbose: print '%d: d=%.3f p=%.3f' % (t,dist[i],p[i]) self.wifsip.execute("""UPDATE m48stars SET priority = priority * %f WHERE tab = %d;""" % (p[i], t), commit=False) except TypeError: print t self.wifsip.commit() def setpointing(self, pointing): """set pointings according to hydrasim output""" #TODO: to be redone! targets = ",".join([str(t) for t in self.targeted]) print targets query = """UPDATE m48stars SET pointing=%d WHERE tab in (%s)""" % (pointing,targets) self.wifsip.execute(query) def from_database(self, maglimit=16.5): """ load targets from database that have not priority set yet and are within the maglimit """ data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, starid, ra, dec, vmag FROM m48stars WHERE priority > 0.0 AND vmag<%f AND pointing IS NULL ORDER BY priority DESC;""" % maglimit) for d in data: target = {} target['id'] = int(d[0]) target['name'] = 'Star%04dm%.2f' % (int(d[0]),float(d[4])) target['ra'] = float(d[2]) target['dec'] = float(d[3]) target['class'] = 'O' self.table.append(target) """ hydrawiynmanual.pdf p.41: The stars selected for use by the FOPs should fall in the magnitude range 10<V<14. If possible, keep the range in magnitude of your FOPs sample in each field to 3 magnitudes or less so that the intensity of each star falls within the dynamic range of the FOPs TV camera. Including the FOPs star magnitudes in the configuration file may also be useful later when setting up the field at the telescope. """ #TODO: import at most 2000 twomass coordinates fops = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT tab, ra, dec,vmag FROM m48stars WHERE vmag>10 AND vmag<13 AND (priority < 0.3 OR priority IS NULL) AND tab is NOT NULL ORDER BY vmag LIMIT 2000;""") print len(fops),'FOPs stars' for f in fops: target = {} target['id'] = 6001 + int(f[0]) target['name'] = 'FOP%dm%.2f' % (int(f[0]),float(f[3])) target['ra'] = float(f[1]) target['dec'] = float(f[2]) target['class'] = 'F' self.table.append(target) #extra targets extra = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT starid, ra, dec FROM m48phot WHERE vmag<6.5*bv+10.4 and vmag>5*bv+10 AND vmag<%f ORDER BY vmag;""" % maglimit) print len(extra),'extra stars' for d in extra: target = {} target['id'] = 7000+extra.index(d) target['name'] = str(d[0]) target['ra'] = float(d[1]) target['dec'] = float(d[2]) target['class'] = 'E' self.table.append(target) def skyfile(self, filename='/work2/jwe/m48/data/sky_positions.txt'): """ load the sky positions """ from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() print len(lines),'sky positions' for l in lines: try: c = SkyCoord(l, 'icrs', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) # @UndefinedVariable except ValueError: print 'empty line' else: target = {} target['id'] = 9000 + lines.index(l) target['name'] = 'Sky'+str(target['id']) target['ra'] = target['dec'] = target['class'] = 'S' self.table.append(target) def tofile(self, filename = None, verbose=False): """ writes the .ast file that finally goes into whydra for processing """ import astronomy as ast if filename is None: filename = hydrapath+self.field_name+'.ast' f = open(filename,'w') f.write('FIELD NAME: %s\n' % self.field_name) f.write('INPUT EPOCH: %.2f\n' % self.input_epoch) f.write('CURRENT EPOCH: %.2f\n' % self.current_epoch) f.write('SIDERIAL TIME: %.3f\n' % self.siderial_time) f.write('EXPOSURE LENGTH: %.2f\n' % self.exposure_length) f.write('WAVELENGTH: %.0f.\n' % self.wavelength) f.write('CABLE: %s\n' % self.cable) f.write('WEIGHTING: %s\n' % self.weighting) f.write('GUIDEWAVE: %.0f.\n' % self.guidewave) f.write('#0000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555\n') f.write('#2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123\n') for t in self.table: ra = ast.dd2hms(t['ra']) dec = ast.dd2dms(t['dec']) s = '%04d %-20s %02d %02d %06.3f %+02.2d %02d %05.2f %1s\n' % \ (t['id'],t['name'],ra[0],ra[1],ra[2], dec[0], dec[1], dec[2], t['class']) if verbose: print s.rstrip('\n') f.write(s) f.close() #s = 'pointing\tR.A.\tDec\tmag\tcomment' def fromfile(self, filename = None): import astronomy as ast if filename is None: filename = hydrapath+self.field_name+'.hydra' f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for l in lines: if l[0]=='#': l = '' #if l.find('FIELD NAME:')>=0: # self.field_name = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('INPUT EPOCH:')>=0: self.input_epoch = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('CURRENT EPOCH:')>=0: self.current_epoch = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('SIDERIAL TIME:')>=0: self.siderial_time = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('EXPOSURE LENGTH:')>=0: self.exposure_length = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('WAVELENGTH:')>=0: self.wavelength = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if l.find('CABLE:')>=0: self.cable = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('WEIGHTING:')>=0: self.weighting = l[l.find(':')+1:].strip() if l.find('GUIDEWAVE:')>=0: self.guidewave = float(l[l.find(':')+1:]) if len(l.strip())>=53: target = { 'id': int(l[0:4]), 'name': l[5:25], 'ra': ast.hms2dd(l[26:38]), 'dec': ast.dms2dd(l[39:51]), 'class': l[52]} if l.find('STATUS=')>=55: status=l[55:66].strip() if target['class'] in ['O','E']: if (status=='STATUS=OK' or status=='STATUS=EDGE'): self.table.append(target) else: self.targeted.append(target['id']) elif target['class'] in ['C','F','S']: self.table.append(target) def make_plot(self, filename): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=[18/2.54,18/2.54]) fov = plt.Circle(([0],[1]), 0.5, facecolor='none', edgecolor='g') fig = plt.gcf() fig.gca().add_artist(fov) # plt.scatter(ra,dec, marker=',', c='k', s=0.1) for t in self.table: if t['class']=='O': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='o', c='g') if t['class']=='E': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker=',', c='gray') if t['class']=='F': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='^', c='r') if t['class']=='S': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='h', c='b') if t['class']=='C': plt.scatter(t['ra'], t['dec'], marker='+', c='k') plt.xlim([[0]+0.55,[0]-0.55]) plt.ylim([[1]-0.55,[1]+0.55]) plt.xlabel('R.A.') plt.ylabel('Dec') plt.grid() plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) plt.close() #data = self.wifsip.query("""SELECT vmag, bv, priority # FROM m48stars # WHERE priority>0.1;""") #v= np.array([d[0] for d in data]) #bv = np.array([d[1] for d in data]) #p = [d[2] for d in data] #from matplotlib import pyplot #pyplot.scatter(bv, v, c=p) #pyplot.xlim(-0.1,1.6) #pyplot.ylim(16.5,7.5) #plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) #plt.close() def dohydra(self): """ write the commands file and execute the shell script """ import subprocess f = open('/home/jwe/bin/hydra_simulator/cmds.%s' % self.field_name,'wt') f.write('%s.ast\n' % self.field_name) f.write('%s\n' % self.field_name) f.write('%d\n' % self.fops) f.write('%d\n' % self.skies) if self.tweakangle: f.write('y\n') else: f.write('n\n') if self.tweakcenter: f.write('y\n') else: f.write('n\n') f.close()['/home/jwe/bin/hydra_simulator/',self.field_name]) def getconcentricities(self): """ fetches the current concentricities file from the WIYN web page """ import urllib2 response = urllib2.urlopen('') html = f = open(hydrapath+'concentricities','wt') f.write(html) f.close()
class Photometry(object): ''' Photometry class has the following tasks: * create the db table * optionally clear the values for recalculation * build up a list of stars * collect B and V magnitudes for each star ''' def __init__(self, objname=None, filtercol='V', dbname=None): ''' Constructor ''' self.wifsip = DataSource(database='wifsip', host='pina', user='******') print(objname) if objname is None: # 'M48 BVI' raise (ValueError, 'objname not set') else: self.objname = objname if filtercol in ('B', 'V', 'R', 'I', 'u', 'v', 'b', 'y', 'hbn', 'hbw'): self.filtercol = filtercol else: raise (ValueError, 'unknown filter color') self.frames = [] if dbname is None: # 'M48stars' raise (ValueError, 'tablename not set') else: self.dbname = dbname print('filter %s' % self.filtercol) def createtable(self): ''' create table for the photometry ''' if not input('press Y to erase ' + self.dbname) == 'Y': return query = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(dbname)s; CREATE TABLE %(dbname)s( starid varchar(25), bv real, vmag real default 0, vmag_err real, bmag real default 0, bmag_err real, period real, period_err real, amp real, amp_err real, nv integer default 0, nb integer default 0, ra double precision, dec double precision, coord point, PRIMARY KEY (starid)); GRANT SELECT ON %(dbname)s TO public; CREATE INDEX idx_%(dbname)s_coords ON %(dbname)s USING GIST (circle(coord,1.0/3600.)); """ % { 'dbname': self.dbname } self.wifsip.execute(query) print("table '%s' created" % self.dbname) def cleartable(self): """ clears photometric values from the table for recalculation """ if not input('press Y to clear ' + self.dbname) == 'Y': return query = """ UPDATE %s SET vmag = 0, vmag_err = NULL, bmag = 0, bmag_err = NULL, nv = 0, nb = 0, bv = NULL; """ % self.dbname self.wifsip.execute(query) print("table '%s' cleared" % self.dbname) def getframes(self, fields=['C', 'NW', 'NE', 'SW', 'SE']): for field in fields: if len(field) > 0: objname = self.objname + ' ' + field else: objname = self.objname query = """SELECT object, objid, abs(corr) FROM frames WHERE object LIKE '%s' AND filter LIKE '%s' AND NOT corr IS NULL ORDER BY abs(corr) limit 5;""" % (objname, self.filtercol) result = self.wifsip.query(query) if len(result) == 0: print('no frames found!') for r in result: print('%s\t%s\t%.3f: ' % r) objid = r[1] self.filltable(objid) self.frames.append(objid) self.wifsip.dropview('phot1') self.update_magnitudes() # print '\n'.join(self.frames) def filltable(self, objid): # get the stars from the phot table ... query = """ SELECT phot.objid ||'#'|| star, mag_auto-corr, alphawin_j2000 , deltawin_j2000 FROM phot,frames WHERE frames.objid='%s' AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND flags<8;""" % (objid) result = self.wifsip.query(query) # ... and inject them into the m48stars stars = len(result) if stars > 400: print('%5d stars: ' % stars, end=' ') oldstars = 0 newstars = 0 for r in result: ostars = self.addstar(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) if ostars == 0: newstars += 1 else: oldstars += 1 print('%5d old , %5d new' % (oldstars, newstars)) self.wifsip.commit() else: print('not enough stars (%d)' % stars) def addstar(self, starid, mag, ra, dec): # identify by coordinates, if the star is already in table query = """SELECT starid FROM %(dbname)s WHERE circle(point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f),0)<@circle(coord,1.0/3600.) ORDER BY point(%(ra)f,%(dec)f)<->coord LIMIT 1;""" % { 'dbname': self.dbname, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec } result = self.wifsip.query(query) oldstar = 0 # if not: append new star if self.filtercol == 'B': mname, nname = ('bmag', 'nb') elif self.filtercol == 'V': mname, nname = ('vmag', 'nv') if len(result) == 0: oldstar = 0 query = """INSERT INTO %s (starid, %s, %s, ra, dec, coord) VALUES ('%s', %f, 1, %f, %f, point(%f,%f))""" % \ (self.dbname, mname, nname, starid, mag, ra, dec, ra, dec) # if star exists: add up magnitudes, increase counter else: oldstar = 1 oldid = result[0][0] query = """UPDATE %(dbname)s SET %(mname)s = %(mname)s + %(mag)f, %(nname)s = %(nname)s + 1 WHERE starid = '%(oldid)s'; """ % { 'dbname': self.dbname, 'mname': mname, 'nname': nname, 'mag': mag, 'oldid': oldid } self.wifsip.execute(query) return oldstar def update_magnitudes(self): if self.filtercol == 'B': magfield, nfield = 'bmag', 'nb' elif self.filtercol == 'V': magfield, nfield = 'vmag', 'nv' query = """UPDATE %(dbname)s SET %(magfield)s=%(magfield)s/%(nfield)s WHERE %(nfield)s>1; UPDATE %(dbname)s SET %(magfield)s=NULL WHERE %(nfield)s=0;""" % \ {'dbname': self.dbname, 'magfield': magfield, 'nfield': nfield} self.wifsip.execute(query) def update_sigmas(self): """ update the photometric erros after the magnitude has been calculated """ import numpy as np if self.filtercol == 'V': field = 'vmag' elif self.filtercol == 'B': field = 'bmag' query = """SELECT starid, coord FROM %s WHERE (NOT bv IS NULL) AND (%s_err IS NULL);""" % (self.dbname, field) starlist = self.wifsip.query(query) for star in starlist: print('%5d ' % starlist.index(star), end=' ') print('%-24s: %-25s' % star, end=' ') query = """SELECT phot.objid, mag_auto-corr FROM phot, frames WHERE object like '%s %%' AND phot.objid=frames.objid AND filter='%s' AND flags<8 AND point%s <@ circle(phot.coord,1./3600.) ORDER BY abs(corr) LIMIT 5;""" % (self.objname, self.filtercol, star[1]) result = self.wifsip.query(query) mags = np.array([r[1] for r in result]) try: err = np.std(mags) print(mags, end=' ') print('%.3f %.4f' % (np.mean(mags), err)) if np.isfinite(err): query = "UPDATE %s SET %s_err=%f WHERE starid='%s';" % \ (self.dbname, field, err, star[0]) self.wifsip.execute(query) except TypeError: print('no data') def update_bv(self): """ just calculate the B-V """ query = "UPDATE %s SET bv = bmag-vmag;" % self.dbname self.wifsip.execute(query)
WHERE corotid = %d;""" % corotid wifsip.execute(query) def set_bad(corotid): query = """UPDATE ngc2236 SET good=False WHERE corotid = %d;""" % corotid wifsip.execute(query) if __name__ == '__main__': from glob import glob from datasource import DataSource wifsip = DataSource(host='pina', database='wifsip', user='******') pdfs = glob('/work2/jwe/NGC2236/plots/good/*.pdf') for p in pdfs: cid = corotid(p) print p, cid, 'good' set_good(cid) pdfs = glob('/work2/jwe/NGC2236/plots/*.pdf') for p in pdfs: cid = corotid(p) print p, cid, 'bad' set_bad(cid) wifsip.commit() wifsip.close()
class ImportRef(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = [] from datasource import DataSource self.wifsip = DataSource(database=config.dbname, user=config.dbuser, host=config.dbhost) def loadfromfile(self, filename=''): """ 1- 5 I5 --- Seq Sequential identification number 7- 8 I2 h RAh Right ascension (J2000) 10- 11 I2 min RAm Right ascension (J2000) 13- 18 F6.3 s RAs Right ascension (J2000) 20- 21 I2 deg DEd Declination (J2000) 23- 24 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (J2000) 26- 30 F5.2 arcsec DEs Declination (J2000) 31- 39 F9.3 arcmin xpos x-frame coordinate in arcmin 40- 48 F9.3 arcmin ypos y-frame coordinate in arcmin 49- 57 F9.3 mag b-y ?=99.99 b-y color index 58- 65 F8.4 mag e_b-y ?=9.99 error in b-y 66- 74 F9.3 mag Vmag ?=99.99 V magnitude 75- 82 F8.4 mag e_Vmag ?=9.99 error in Vmag 83- 91 F9.3 mag m1 ?=99.99 Stroemgren m1 color index 92- 99 F8.4 mag e_m1 ?=9.99 error in m1 100-108 F9.3 mag c1 ?=99.99 Stroemgren c1 color index 109-116 F8.4 mag e_c1 ?=9.99 error in c1 117-125 F9.3 mag Hb ?=99.99 Stroemgren Hbeta color index 126-133 F8.4 mag e_Hb ?=9.99 error in Hbeta 135-136 A2 --- Mem [M NM] Membership label """ self.names = [ 'Seq', 'RAh', 'RAm', 'RAs', 'DEd', 'DEm', 'DEs', 'xpos', 'ypos', 'b-y', 'e_b-y', 'Vmag', 'e_Vmag', 'm1', 'e_m1', 'c1', 'e_c1', 'Hb', 'e_Hb', 'Mem' ] print filename = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype=None, names=self.names, missing_values=('99.990', '9.9900')) def todatabase(self): import StringIO from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord # High-level coordinates @UnresolvedImport import astropy.units as u vallines = [] for d in params = dict(zip(self.names, d)) radec = '%(RAh)s %(RAm)s %(RAs)s %(DEd)s %(DEm)s %(DEs)s' % params c = SkyCoord(radec, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg)) # @UndefinedVariable params['ra'] = c.ra.deg params['dec'] = c.dec.deg params['starid'] = 'M67_BGJ%04d' % params['Seq'] params['source'] = '2007A&A...470..585B' if params['b-y'] == 99.990: params['b-y'] = np.nan if params['m1'] == 99.990: params['m1'] = np.nan if params['c1'] == 99.990: params['c1'] = np.nan if params['Hb'] == 99.990: params['Hb'] = np.nan try: vallines.append( '%(starid)s\t%(ra).7f\t%(dec).7f\t%(b-y).3f\t%(m1).3f\t%(c1).3f\t%(Hb).3f\t%(source)s' % params) except TypeError: print params values = '\n'.join(vallines) # replace NULL values with \N values = values.replace('nan', '\\N') print values f = StringIO.StringIO(values) self.wifsip.cursor.copy_from(f, 'referencestars', columns=('starid', 'ra', 'dec', '"b-y"', 'm1', 'c1', 'beta', 'source')) self.wifsip.commit() self.wifsip.close()