def claim(modem): try: datastore = Datastore() modem.extractInfo() isp = ISP.acquire_isp( operator_code=modem.details["modem.3gpp.operator-code"]) # print("[+] Deduced ISP:", isp) router = False if "isp" in CONFIGS["ROUTER"] and CONFIGS["ROUTER"]["isp"] == isp: router = True # print("[+] ROUTER SET TO: ", router) new_message = datastore.acquire_message( modem_index=modem.index, modem_imei=modem.details["modem.3gpp.imei"], isp=isp, router=router) except Exception as error: raise Exception(error) else: if not new_message == None: sms = SMS(messageID=new_message["id"]) sms.create_sms(phonenumber=new_message["phonenumber"], text=new_message["text"]) return sms else: return None
def get_datastore(self, dsid=None): if dsid is not None: req = self.get_request( 'v1/datastores/{0}'.format(dsid)) return Datastore(**req.json()) req = self.get_request('v1/datastores') return list([Datastore(**res) for res in req.json()])
def build_app(**kwargs): print "Initializing app with flags: {}".format(kwargs) Datastore.initialize() return app
def snapshot(ds: Datastore, newRst: dict) -> None: q = "INSERT INTO sphinxbuilder (owner, name, path, hash) values " for owner, attr in newRst.items(): for path, v in attr['rst'].items(): q += f"('{owner}', '{v['file']}', '{path}', '{v['hash']}'), " ds.execute("DELETE FROM sphinxbuilder") ds.execute(q[:-2])
def build(): ds = Datastore(f'{homeDir}lootnika_tasks_journal.db') try: newRst = check_rst(ds) except Exception as e: log.fatal(f"Error: fail check docs rst: {traceback.format_exc()}") sphinxecutor(newRst) snapshot(ds, newRst) ds.close()
def cu_make_time_serieses(time_resolution, data_store, param_store): """ Generate cumulative Dash bar charts for all root accounts """ preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) params: Params = Params.from_json(param_store) if not time_resolution: time_resolution = params.init_time_res data_store: Datastore() = Datastore.from_json(data_store, params.cu_roots) trans: pd.DataFrame = data_store.trans account_tree: ATree = data_store.account_tree if len(params.cu_roots) > 0: account_list = params.cu_roots else: account_list = [account_tree.root] unit: str = params.unit data_title = params.ds_data_title result: list = [] # make one chart for each item in the Cumulative account filter if not isinstance(account_list, list): app.logger.warning( f"Account list should be a list but isn't: {account_list}") raise PreventUpdate for account in account_list: fig: go.Figure = go.Figure(layout=layouts['base']) fig.update_layout( title={"text": f"{data_title} {account}: Cumulative {unit}"}, xaxis={ "showgrid": True, "nticks": 20 }, yaxis={"showgrid": True}, legend={ "xanchor": "left", "x": 0, "yanchor": "bottom", "y": 0, "bgcolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", }, barmode="relative", ) subaccounts: iter = account_tree.get_children_ids(account) for j, subaccount in enumerate(subaccounts): sub_desc = account_tree.get_descendent_ids(subaccount) sub_desc.append(subaccount) tba = trans[trans["account"].isin(sub_desc)] if len(tba) > 0: fig.add_trace( make_cum_area(tba, subaccount, j, time_resolution)) output = dcc.Graph(id=f"{account}{j}", figure=fig) if len(result) > 0: result.append(output) else: result = [output] return [result]
def get_logs(): return_json = {"status": ""} try: # TODO: Determine ISP before sending messages # datastore = Datastore(configs_filepath="libs/configs/config.ini") datastore = Datastore() logs = datastore.get_logs() return_json["status"] = 200 return_json["logs"] = logs return_json["size"] = len(logs) except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(return_json)
def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore.factory() self.DIGRAM = "DIGRAM" self.WORD2ID = "WORD2ID" self.TOP_N = 5 self.bgm = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures self.SCORER_FN = self.bgm.likelihood_ratio
def init(num): """ Initialization function. Must be explicitly called: globes.init(n) """ global server_num # this server's number (i.e. this instance) global total_servers # the total number of servers in the system (usually 4) global command_sock # this server's UDP socket for sending/receiving commands global reply_sock # this server's UDP socket for receiving reply values/successes global db # this server's Datastore object global delays # delays[i] returns the avg delay from this server to server i global addresses # addresses[i] returns the 'localhost:1500#' of server i global num_replicas # number of replicas for each key global command_counter # counter for the number of commands send global port_offset # offset between a server's command port and reply port server_num = num command_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) reply_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) db = Datastore() # read in the config.json file to initialize delays and addresses config_json = open('config.json') data = json.load(config_json) delays = data['avg_delays'][server_num] # delays is a list of avg delay times addresses = data['addresses'] total_servers = len(addresses) num_replicas = 3 command_counter = 0 port_offset = 100
def __init__(self): """Creates an instance of a Bouncer. Initializes an empty set and an empty dictionary for later use, then reloads previously connected networks from the Datastore. """ self.clients = set() self.networks = dict() try: # Attempt a Datastore Connection self.datastore = Datastore(hostname="localhost", port="6379") except redis.ConnectionError: # Continue Without Persistence self.datastore = None print("Failed to Connect to a Redis Instance.\n" "Continuing Without Persistence.") if self.datastore: if not self.datastore.get_password(): self.datastore.set_password() history = self.datastore.get_networks() for credentials in history.values(): self.add_network(**credentials)
def update_status_on_ds_tab_content(data_store: str, param_store: str): """When the loaded files change, and the data source tab is open, then presumably the files changed because of user input to the tab controls. So, show feedback. If the loaded files change through the URL mechanism, and the data source tab isn't open, then this callback is ignored.""" preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) data_store: Datastore() = Datastore.from_json(data_store) params = Params.from_json(param_store) trans: pd.DataFrame = data_store.trans preventupdate_if_empty(trans) trans_filename = params.ds_data_title c1: pd.DataFrame = trans.iloc[0] r1: list = [ c1.account, c1.amount,, c1.get("desc"), c1.get("full account name"), c1.get("parent account"), ] # As quick hack to get linebreaks in Dash for pre-formatted text, generate status info as lists, # then render lists into Divs earliest_trans: datetime64 = trans["date"].min() latest_trans: datetime64 = trans["date"].max() trans_summary: list = [ f"{trans_filename}: {len(trans)} records loaded, between {pretty_date(earliest_trans)} and {pretty_date(latest_trans)}" ] # NOQA atree = data_store.account_tree atree_summary: str = None atree_display: str = None if atree and len(atree) > 0: atree_summary: str = ( f"{len(atree)} accounts loaded, {atree.depth()} levels deep") atree_display: str = atree.show_to_string() eras = data_store.eras eras_summary: str = None if len(eras) > 0: eras_summary: str = f"{len(eras)} reporting eras" return r1 + [trans_summary, atree_summary, atree_display, eras_summary]
def apply_burst_click( burst_clickData, burst_figure, pe_selection_store, data_store: str, param_store: str, time_resolution: int, time_span: str, ): """Clicking on a slice in the Sunburst updates the transaction list with matching transactions burst_figure Input is used only to guarantee a trigger on initial page load. """ preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) preventupdate_if_empty(pe_selection_store) trans, atree, eras, dstore = Datastore.get_parts(data_store) preventupdate_if_empty(trans) earliest_trans = dstore.earliest_trans latest_trans = dstore.latest_trans # get the selection parameters from the master time series, via an intermediary store. date_start: np.datetime64 = pd.to_datetime( pe_selection_store.get("start", earliest_trans)) date_end: np.datetime64 = pd.to_datetime( pe_selection_store.get("end", latest_trans)) max_trans_count: int = pe_selection_store.get("count", 0) click_accounts: list = pe_selection_store.get("accounts", []) # Figure out which accounts to use to filter transactions. If any # account(s) were selected in the sunburst click, they override # the selection passed through from master_time_series if burst_clickData: raw_click_account = burst_clickData["points"][0]["id"] # strip any SUFFFIXes from the label that were added in the sunburst hack if CONST["leaf_suffix"] in raw_click_account: click_accounts = [ raw_click_account.replace(CONST["leaf_suffix"], "") ] elif CONST["subtotal_suffix"] in raw_click_account: click_accounts = [ raw_click_account.replace(CONST["subtotal_suffix"], "") ] else: click_accounts = [raw_click_account] if len(click_accounts) > 0: sub_accounts: list = [] for account in click_accounts: sub_accounts = atree.get_descendent_ids(account) sel_accounts = click_accounts + sub_accounts sel_trans = trans[trans["account"].isin(sel_accounts) & (trans["date"] >= date_start) & (trans["date"] <= date_end)] num_trans = len(sel_trans) account_text = f"{num_trans} selected for {', '.join(click_accounts)}" if (len_sub := len(sub_accounts)) > 0: account_text = account_text + f" and {len_sub} sub-accounts"
class DuplicatesFilter(object): ''' Filters duplicate urls Assigns each url a unique id Sets url -> id and id -> url in redis Indexes inlinks and outlinks ''' def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.ID2URL = "ID2URL" self.URL_SET = "URL_SET" self.URL_CTR = "URL_CTR" self.MEM_THRESHOLD = 10 * (10 ** 9) self.redis_process = None self.scrapy_process = None #self.r.set(self.URL_CTR, -1) for i in psutil.process_iter(): if"redis-server") >= 0: self.redis_process = i if"scrapy") >= 0: self.scrapy_process = i def process_item(self, item, spider): if not item: raise DropItem print "DuplicatesFilter:", item['url'] if self.redis_process.get_memory_info().rss + self.scrapy_process.get_memory_info().rss > self.MEM_THRESHOLD: self.r.set("POWER_SWITCH", "OFF") item['shutdown'] = True if item['shutdown']: return item if not item['link_set']: raise DropItem else: self.buildURLIndex(item) return item def buildURLIndex(self, item): '''
def send_sms(modem, sms): datastore = Datastore() send_status = None try: messageLogID = datastore.new_log(messageID=sms.messageID) except Exception as error: raise (error) else: try: send_status = modem.send_sms(modem.set_sms(sms)) if send_status is None: logging.warning("[-] Send status failed with sys error") elif not send_status["state"]: logging.warning("[-] Failed to send...") datastore.release_message(messageID=sms.messageID, status="failed") modem.remove_sms(sms) else:"[+] Message sent!") except Exception as error: print("[+] Exception as:", error) raise Exception(error) else: datastore.update_log(messageLogID=messageLogID, status=send_status["status"], message=send_status["message"]) print(">>send status:", send_status) return send_status["state"]
def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.WORD_SET = "WORD_SET" self.WORD2ID = "WORD2ID" self.WORD_IN = "WORD_IN" self.WORD_CTR = "WORD_CTR" #self.r.set(self.WORD_CTR, -1) self.stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer() self.stopwords = set([self.clean(x) for x in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')])
class KeywordExtractor(object): ''' Extracts keywords from title, extracted_text, meta_description ''' def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.WORD_SET = "WORD_SET" self.WORD2ID = "WORD2ID" self.WORD_IN = "WORD_IN" self.WORD_CTR = "WORD_CTR" #self.r.set(self.WORD_CTR, -1) self.stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer() self.stopwords = set([self.clean(x) for x in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')]) def process_item(self, item, spider): if item['shutdown']: return item print item['url'] text = item['title'] + " . " + item['extracted_text'] + " . " + item['meta_description'] words = [self.clean(x) for x in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text)] item['ordered_words'] = words cleaned_words = set(words) - self.stopwords cleaned_words = [self.clean(w) for w in cleaned_words if w.isalnum() and len(w) > 1 and not w.isdigit()] item['words'] = cleaned_words if not item['words']: raise DropItem self.buildWordIndex(item) return item def buildWordIndex(self, item): ''' Get current url id For each word in current url's text, add the url to the set of urls which contain that word ''' url_id = self.r.get("%s:%s" % (self.URL2ID, hashxx(item['url']))) word_id = "" for word in item['words']: if self.r.sadd(self.WORD_SET, word): word_id = str(self.r.incr(self.WORD_CTR, 1)) self.r.set("%s:%s" % (self.WORD2ID, word), word_id) else: word_id = self.r.get("%s:%s" % (self.WORD2ID, word)) self.r.sadd("%s:%s" % (self.WORD_IN, word_id), url_id) def clean(self, s): return self.stemmer.stem(s.lower())
def pe_load_params(trigger: str, data_store: str, param_store: str): """ When the param store changes and this tab is visible, update the top params""" preventupdate_if_empty(param_store) params = Params(**json.loads(param_store)) tr_options = CONST["time_res_options"] if data_store and len(Datastore.from_json(data_store).eras) > 0: tr_options = [CONST["time_res_era_option"]] + tr_options return [ params.init_time_res, tr_options, params.init_time_span, params.start_date, params.end_date ]
def __init__(self): self.f_url = open("data/url.txt", "a+") self.f_key = open("data/keywords.txt", "a+") self.f_mat = open("data/matrix.mtx", "a+") self.f_cla = open("data/classes.txt", "a+") self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.ID2URL = "ID2URL" self.PROCESSED_CTR = "PROCESSED_CTR" '''l = enumerate(os.listdir("/home/nvdia/kernel_panic/core/config_data/classes_odp"))
class RequestsLimiter(object): def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() #self.r.flushdb() self.DOMAIN = "DOMAIN" self.LIMIT = 200 self.DOMAIN_SET = "DOMAIN_SET" def process_request(self, request, spider): try: domain = urlparse(request.url).hostname if int(self.r.get(self.DOMAIN + ":" + domain) or 0) < self.LIMIT: self.r.sadd(self.DOMAIN_SET, domain) self.r.incr(self.DOMAIN + ":" + domain, 1) return None else: log.msg("DOMAIN limit Crossed:%s" % request.url, level=log.CRITICAL) raise IgnoreRequest except TypeError as e: raise IgnoreRequest def process_response(self, request, response, spider): try: if 'text/html' not in response.headers['Content-Type'] and 'text/plain' not in response.headers['Content-Type']: log.msg("Non-HTML/Plain:%s" % request.url, level=log.CRITICAL) raise IgnoreRequest if langid.classify(response.body)[0] != 'en': log.msg("Non-English:%s" % request.url, level=log.CRITICAL) raise IgnoreRequest except KeyError: log.msg("KeyError(Content-Type):%s" % request.url, level=log.CRITICAL) raise IgnoreRequest del request return response
def get_locality(county_id, state_fips): ds = Datastore('/tmp/ansi.db') c = ds.connect() c.execute( """SELECT state_id, county_id, county_name FROM Ansi WHERE state_id=? AND county_id=?""", ( state_fips, county_id, ) ) row = dict(c.fetchone()) id = "".join([str(row['state_id']),str(row['county_id']).rjust(3,'0')]) name = row['county_name'] ds.close() return (id,name,)
def list_users(): filters = [] ds = Datastore() res = [] territory = request.args.get('territory', default='', type=str) los = request.args.get('line_of_service', default='', type=str) last_name = request.args.get('last_name', default='', type=str) ids = request.args.getlist('id', type=None) if territory: filters.append(('territory', '=', territory)) if los: filters.append(('line_of_service', '=', los)) if last_name: filters.append(('last_name', '=', last_name)) if ids: for every in ids[0].split(','): for user in ds.list_users('test', [('id', '=', every)]): res.append(dict(user)) return Response(json.dumps(res), mimetype='application/json') users = ds.list_users('test', filters) for user in users: res.append(dict(user)) return Response(json.dumps(res), mimetype='application/json')
def start(): global DATASTORE, URL, KEY default_tmp = "/tmp/itzod" if sys.platform.startswith('win'): default_tmp = "C:\\temp\\itzod" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", help="Web server Host address to bind to", default="", action="store", required=False) parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="Web server Port to bind to", default=8000, action="store", required=False) parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", help="Itzod User APIKey for accessing json urls", action="store", required=True) parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="Base itzod URL for accessing api", default="", action="store", required=False) parser.add_argument("-d", "--datadir", help="Data directory to store state", default=default_tmp, action="store", required=False) args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig() DATASTORE = Datastore(args.datadir) URL = args.url KEY = args.key t = Timer(60, poll, ()) t.start() run(, port=args.port, reloader=True)
def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.ID2URL = "ID2URL" self.URL_SET = "URL_SET" self.URL_CTR = "URL_CTR" self.MEM_THRESHOLD = 10 * (10 ** 9) self.redis_process = None self.scrapy_process = None #self.r.set(self.URL_CTR, -1) for i in psutil.process_iter(): if"redis-server") >= 0: self.redis_process = i if"scrapy") >= 0: self.scrapy_process = i
class DataWriter(object): def __init__(self): self.f_url = open("data/url.txt", "a+") self.f_key = open("data/keywords.txt", "a+") self.f_mat = open("data/matrix.mtx", "a+") self.f_cla = open("data/classes.txt", "a+") self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" self.ID2URL = "ID2URL" self.PROCESSED_CTR = "PROCESSED_CTR" '''l = enumerate(os.listdir("/home/nvdia/kernel_panic/core/config_data/classes_odp")) l = [(x[0] + 1, x[1]) for x in l] self.classes = dict(l)''' def process_item(self, item, spider): if item['shutdown']: self.f_url.close() self.f_key.close() self.f_mat.close() self.f_cla.close() self.r.set("POWER_SWITCH", "KILL") return item self.writeURL(item) self.writeKeywords(item) self.writeWebMatrix(item) #self.writeClasses(item) self.r.incr(self.PROCESSED_CTR, 1) return item def writeURL(self, item): self.f_url.write(item['url'] + "\n") def writeKeywords(self, item): for k in item['words']: self.f_key.write("%s," % k) self.f_key.write("\n") def writeWebMatrix(self, item): ''' Builds web graph in matrix market format file ''' u = self.r.get("%s:%s" % (self.URL2ID, hashxx(item['url']))) v = 0 for link in set(item['link_set']): v = self.r.get("%s:%s" % (self.URL2ID, hashxx(link))) self.f_mat.write("%s\t%s\t1\n" % (u, v)) def writeClasses(self, item): self.f_cla.write("%s:%s\n" % (item['title'], self.classes[item['predict'][0]]))
def __init__(self): self.datastore = getattr(g, '_datastore', None) if not self.datastore: info("Creating connection to datastore") self.minio_host = "" self.minio_key = "test_key" self.minio_secret = "test_secret" self.minio_bucket = "seismic" self.datastore = g._datastore = Datastore(self.minio_host, self.minio_key, self.minio_secret, self.minio_bucket) self.metadata = getattr(g, '_metadata', None) if not self.metadata: info("Creating connection to Metadata DB") self.crate_endpoints = ["localhost:4200"] self.metadata = g._metadata = Metadata(self.crate_endpoints) self.metadata.create_tables()
def new_messages(): if request.method == 'POST': request_body = request.json if not 'text' in request_body: return jsonify({"status": 400, "message": "missing text"}) if not 'phonenumber' in request_body: return jsonify({"status": 400, "message": "missing phonenumber"}) text = request_body["text"] phonenumber = isp.rm_country_code(request_body["phonenumber"]) dec_isp = isp.deduce_isp(phonenumber) # TODO: authenticate min length # TODO: put logger in here to log everything print( f"[+] New sending message...\n\t-text: {text}\n\t-phonenumber: {phonenumber},\n\t-isp: {dec_isp}" ) return_json = {"status": ""} try: # TODO: Determine ISP before sending messages # datastore = Datastore(configs_filepath="libs/configs/config.ini") datastore = Datastore() messageID = datastore.new_message(text=text, phonenumber=phonenumber, isp=dec_isp, _type="sending") return_json["status"] = 200 return_json["messageID"] = messageID except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc()) elif request.method == 'GET': print("[?] Fetching messages....") return_json = {"status": "", "tstate": ""} try: # datastore = Datastore(configs_filepath="libs/configs/config.ini") datastore = Datastore() messages = datastore.get_all_received_messages() return_json["status"] = 200 return_json["messages"] = messages return_json["size"] = len(messages) except Exception as err: print(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(return_json)
class NoFilter(BaseDupeFilter): """Request Fingerprint duplicates filter""" def __init__(self, path=None): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID" @classmethod def from_settings(cls, settings): return cls(job_dir(settings)) def request_seen(self, request): print "filter:", request.url uid = self.r.get("%s:%s" % (self.URL2ID, hashxx(request.url))) if not uid or int(uid) > 0: pass else: log.msg("FILTER SEEN:%s" % request.url, level = log.CRITICAL) return True def close(self, reason): pass
def pe_make_master_time_series(time_resolution: int, time_span: str, start_date: str, end_date: str, data_store: str, param_store: str): """ Generate a Dash bar chart figure from transactional data """ preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) params: Params() = Params.from_json(param_store) if not time_resolution: time_resolution = params.init_time_res if not time_span: time_span = params.init_time_span trans, atree, eras, dstore = Datastore.get_parts(data_store, params.pe_roots) unit = params.unit chart_fig: go.Figure = go.Figure(layout=layouts["periodic"]) # get everything, remembering that it's already been pre-filtered by pe_roots root_account_id: str = atree.root selected_accounts = atree.get_children_ids(root_account_id) factor = Ledger.prorate_factor(time_span, ts_resolution=time_resolution) for i, account in enumerate(selected_accounts): try: bar = periodic_bar(trans, atree, account, time_resolution, time_span, factor, eras, i, deep=True, positize=True, unit=unit, sel_start_date=start_date, sel_end_date=end_date) if bar: chart_fig.add_trace(bar) except LError: pass return [chart_fig]
def __init__(self): self.r = Datastore() #self.r.flushdb() self.DOMAIN = "DOMAIN" self.LIMIT = 200 self.DOMAIN_SET = "DOMAIN_SET"
""" import yaml from flask import Flask, jsonify, make_response, request, url_for, abort import flask_httpauth from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth from datastore import Datastore API_SERVER_VERSION = "0.0.1" LISTEN_PORT = 5000 api_app = Flask(__name__) # pylint disable=invalid-name http_auth = HTTPBasicAuth() # pylint disable=invalid-name app_users = {} # pylint disable=invalid-name db = Datastore() # pylint disable=invalid-name ############################################################################# # Error handlers ############################################################################# @api_app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): """Error handler for 404 (pastie not found) errors.""" return make_response(jsonify({ 'error': 'Not Found', 'details': error }), 404)
def pe_time_series_selection_to_sunburst_and_transaction_table( figure, selectedData, time_resolution, time_span, data_store, param_store): """Selecting specific points from the time series chart updates the account burst and the detail labels. Reminder to self: When you think selectedData input is broken, remember that unaltered default action in the graph is to zoom, not to select. Note: all of the necessary information is in figure but that doesn't seem to trigger reliably. Adding selectedData as a second Input causes reliable triggering. """ params: Params() = Params.from_json(param_store) preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) trans, atree, eras, dstore = Datastore.get_parts(data_store, params.pe_roots) if not time_resolution: time_resolution = params.init_time_res if not time_span: time_span = params.init_time_span if len(trans) == 0: app.logger.error( "Tried to make burst figure from transactions, but no transactions provided." ) raise PreventUpdate() unit = params.unit ts_label = CONST["time_span_lookup"].get(time_span)["label"] min_period_start: np.datetime64 = None max_period_end: np.datetime64 = None selected_accounts = [] selected_trans = pd.DataFrame() desc_account_count = 0 colormap = {} # Get the names and colors of all accounts in the Input figure. # If anything is clicked, set the selection dates, accounts, and transactions. if figure: for trace in figure.get("data"): account = trace.get("name") points = trace.get("selectedpoints") colormap[account] = trace.get("marker").get("color") if not points: continue selected_accounts.append(account) for point in points: point_x = trace["x"][point] period_start, period_end = period_to_date_range( time_resolution, point_x, eras) if min_period_start is None: min_period_start = period_start else: min_period_start = min(min_period_start, period_start) if max_period_end is None: max_period_end = period_end else: max_period_end = max(max_period_end, period_end) desc_accounts = atree.get_descendent_ids(account) desc_account_count = desc_account_count + len(desc_accounts) subtree_accounts = [account] + desc_accounts new_trans = (trans.loc[trans["account"].isin( subtree_accounts)].loc[trans["date"] >= period_start].loc[ trans["date"] <= period_end]) new_trans = Ledger.positize( new_trans) # each top-level account should net positive if len(selected_trans) > 0: selected_trans = selected_trans.append(new_trans) else: selected_trans = new_trans selected_count = len(selected_trans) if selected_count > 0 and len(selected_accounts) > 0: # If there are selected data, describe the contents of the sunburst # TODO: desc_account_count is still wrong. description = Burst.pretty_account_label( selected_accounts, desc_account_count, selected_count, ) else: # If no trans are selected, show everything. Note that we # could logically get here even if valid accounts are # selected, in which case it would be confusing to get back # all trans instead of none, but this should never happen haha # because any clickable bar must have $$, and so, trans description = f"Click a bar in the graph to filter from {len(trans):,d} records" selected_trans = trans min_period_start = trans["date"].min() max_period_end = trans["date"].max() title = f"{ts_label} {unit} from {pretty_date(min_period_start)} to {pretty_date(max_period_end)}" pe_selection_store = { "start": min_period_start, "end": max_period_end, "count": len(selected_trans), "accounts": selected_accounts, } duration = round( pd.to_timedelta((max_period_end - min_period_start), unit="ms") / np.timedelta64(1, "M")) factor = Ledger.prorate_factor(time_span, duration=duration) try: sun_fig = Burst.from_trans(atree, selected_trans, time_span, unit, factor, colormap, title) except LError as E: text = f"Failed to generate sunburst. Error: {E}" app.logger.warning(text) description = text return (sun_fig, title, description, pe_selection_store)
def __init__(self, path=None): self.r = Datastore() self.URL2ID = "URL2ID"
def setupdb(filepath, config): print "Creating database..." datastore = Datastore(filepath) cursor = datastore.connect() cleanup(cursor) datastore.commit() create_tables(cursor) datastore.commit() ansi = Datastore('/tmp/ansi.db') c = ansi.connect() cleanup(c) load_ansi(c, 'national.txt') ansi.commit() ansi.close() load_data(cursor, config) datastore.commit() update_data(cursor) datastore.commit() datastore.close()
import csv import pandas as pd from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for,\ make_response, jsonify import predictor from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache from config_handler import ConfigHandler from pathlib import Path from datastore import Datastore, PickledDatastore config = ConfigHandler() if config.has('redis') and config.get('redis'): cache = Datastore() config = ConfigHandler(PickledDatastore(cache)) else: cache = SimpleCache() config = ConfigHandler(cache) app = Flask(__name__) data = {} if config.has('input', 'ieee'): data['ieee'] = pd.read_csv(config.get('input', 'ieee')) if config.has('input', 'acm'): acm_data = pd.read_csv(config.get('input', 'acm')) acm_data['url'] = acm_data['id'].apply( "{}&preflayout=flat#abstract".format ) acm_data['title'] = acm_data['title'].fillna(acm_data['booktitle'])
def setUp(self): self.datastore = Datastore()
def test_index_already_exists(self): message = 'INDEX|cloog|gmp,isl,pkg-config\n' dependency_map = {'cloog':[], 'ceylon':['cloog']} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map) self.assertEqual(str(Message.OK), datastore.process_message(message))
from task_worker import TaskWorker from datastore import Datastore from cloud_storage import CloudStorage from cloudwatch import CloudWatch import threading import pika ENTITY_KIND = 'job' QUEUE = 'queue' AMQP_URL = '' DATASTORE = Datastore() STORAGE = CloudStorage() CLOUDWATCH = CloudWatch() def publish_queue_length(channel): try: count = channel.queue_declare(queue=QUEUE, durable=True).method.message_count CLOUDWATCH.publish_queue_length(count) finally: threading.Timer(5, publish_queue_length, [channel]).start() def callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: entity = DATASTORE.get(ENTITY_KIND, long(body)) worker = TaskWorker(DATASTORE, STORAGE, entity) worker.start() finally:
def post(self, test, id): query_dict = dict((param, request.args.get(param)) for param in Echo.query_params) datastore = Datastore(test, id,query_dict.get('digits',None)) return Response(, mimetype='text/xml')
def put(self, test, id): query_dict = dict((param, request.args.get(param)) for param in Echo.query_params) datastore = Datastore(test, id, query_dict.get('digits',None), return {"status" : True}
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response, redirect, session from datastore import Datastore from datetime import datetime import wakeword as wa import squat as sq import cv2 import time # Flaskサーバーの初期化 app = Flask(__name__) # データストアの初期化 datastore = Datastore('data.json') # ウェイクワード検知の初期化 wakeword_detector = wa.Detector('./ai_models/wakeword-detection.h5') # 人体検知の初期化 squat_detector = sq.Detector('./ai_models/person_detection.tflite') squat_detector.start() # カウンターの作成 counter = sq.Counter() # ルートパス (/) にアクセスがあれば実行する @app.route('/') def index(): # 直近2週間分のスクワット記録を取得 items = datastore.get_items(days=14) # クライアントに index.html を返す return render_template('index.html', items=items) # /wakeword にアクセスがあれば実行する
def ex_apply_selection(dummy, selectedData, figure, data_store, param_store): """Take the selected account from the main explorer chart and show it in a series of drill-down charts """ preventupdate_if_empty(data_store) data_store: Datastore() = Datastore.from_json(data_store) tree: ATree = data_store.account_tree params: Params() = Params.from_json(param_store) unit: str = params.unit if not selectedData or len(selectedData) == 0: account = tree.root else: for i, indexed_fig in enumerate(figure): try: account = figure[i]["data"][0]["customdata"][ selectedData[i]["points"][0]["pointNumber"]] if account and len(account) > 0: break except TypeError: # happens when clicking on the second or later chart, because # the corresponding selectedData will be empty pass if not account: raise PreventUpdate lineage = tree.get_lineage_ids(account) + [account] charts: list = [] trans: pd.DataFrame = data_store.trans tree: ATree = data_store.account_tree tree = tree.append_sums_from_trans(trans) tree = tree.roll_up_subtotals() palette = cb.Set3 selection_color = None color_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["account", "color"]) # iterate through the lineage and make a new stacked bar chart for each level. for i, node in enumerate(lineage): palette_mod = 12 - i # compensate for shrinking palette drill_data = pd.DataFrame( columns=["account", "child_id", "child_tag", "color", "amount"]) children = tree.children(node) level_selection = [] if len(children) > 0: try: level_selection = [ x.identifier for x in children if x.identifier == lineage[i + 1] ] except IndexError: pass for j, point in enumerate(children): point_id = point.identifier color = palette[j % palette_mod] color_data = color_data.append(dict(account=point_id, color=color), ignore_index=True) if len(level_selection) > 0: # If there is a selection … if point_id == level_selection[0]: selection_color = color else: color = "rgba(100, 100, 100, .5)" drill_data = drill_data.append( dict( account=node, child_id=point.identifier, child_tag=point.tag, color=color,["total"], ), ignore_index=True, ) else: continue try: drill_data = drill_data.sort_values("amount") node_bar: go.Bar = go.Bar( y=drill_data["account"], x=drill_data["amount"], marker_color=drill_data["color"], textposition="inside", text=drill_data["child_tag"], texttemplate="%{text}<br>" + unit + "%{value:,.0f}", hovertemplate="%{text}<br>" + unit + "%{value:,.0f}<extra></extra>", customdata=drill_data["child_id"], orientation="h", ) fig: go.Figure = go.Figure(data=node_bar) fig.update_layout(layouts["drill"]) fig.update_traces(traces["drill"]) if selection_color and len(selection_color) > 0: # Don't reuse selected colors in later bars. palette = list(set(cb.Set3) - set([selection_color])) if i > 0: fig.update_layout(title_text=node, title_x=0, title_y=0.98) charts = charts + [ dcc.Graph(figure=fig, id={ "type": "ex_chart", "index": i }) ] except Exception as E: charts = charts + [html.Div(f"Error making {node}: {E}")] if len(lineage) > 1: selected_accounts = tree.get_descendent_ids(lineage[-1]) + [lineage[i]] sel_trans = trans[trans["account"].isin(selected_accounts)] color_data = color_data.set_index("account") sel_trans["color"] = sel_trans["color"] = sel_trans["color"].fillna("darkslategray") else: sel_trans = trans sel_trans["color"] = "darkslategray" wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=40) def brfill(text, TW): return "<br>".join(TW.wrap(text)) sel_trans["wrap"] = sel_trans["description"].apply(brfill, TW=wrapper) sel_trans["pretty_value"] = sel_trans["amount"].apply("{:,.0f}".format) sel_trans["customdata"] = (sel_trans["account"] + "<br>" + sel_trans["date"].astype(str) + "<br>" + sel_trans["pretty_value"] + "<br>" + sel_trans["wrap"]) dot_fig = px.scatter( sel_trans, x="date", y="amount", color="color", color_discrete_map="identity", ) dot_fig.update_layout(layouts["dot_fig"]) dot_fig.update_traces(traces["dot_fig"]) dot_fig.update_traces(customdata=sel_trans["customdata"], hovertemplate="%{customdata}<extra></extra>") charts = charts + [dcc.Graph(figure=dot_fig, id="ex_dot_chart")] return [charts]
import sys sys.path.append("../") from datastore import Datastore r = Datastore.factory() DEFAULT = "../cusp/b_cpu" RANK = "RANK" SORTED_WORD_IN = "SORTED_WORD_IN" WORD2ID = "WORD2ID" FOUND_IN = "FOUND_IN" try: f = open (sys.argv[1]) except IndexError: f = open (DEFAULT) for i, l in enumerate(f): r.set(RANK + ":" + str(i + 1), l.strip()) f.close () for word in r.smembers("WORD_SET"): word_id = r.get(WORD2ID + ":" + word) for url_id in r.smembers(FOUND_IN + ":" + word_id): rank = r.get(RANK + ":" + url_id) r.zadd(SORTED_WORD_IN + ":" + word_id, url_id, float(rank)) # to be commented if everything screws up for word in r.smembers("WORD_SET"): word_id = r.get(WORD2ID + ":" + word)
def test_index_with_all_indexed_dependencies(self): message = 'INDEX|cloog|gmp,isl,pkg-config\n' dependency_map = {'gmp':[], 'isl':['cmake'], 'pkg-config':[]} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map) self.assertEqual(str(Message.OK), datastore.process_message(message))
class TestDataStore(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the Datastore class.""" def setUp(self): self.datastore = Datastore() def test_can_connect_to_db(self): """Verify that we can connect to the database.""" self.assertTrue(self.datastore.is_connected) def test_can_get_pastie_count(self): """Test that we can get the pastie count and it's a number.""" try: pastie_count = int(self.datastore.get_pasties_count()) except ValueError:"get_pasties_count() returned something non-numeric") self.assertIsNotNone(pastie_count) def test_can_look_up_pasties(self): "Verify that get_pastie works." test_record = self.datastore.get_pastie(1) self.assertIsNotNone(test_record) self.assertEqual(test_record["id"], 1) def test_look_up_undefined_pastie_returns_none(self): """Make sure we get None back when we look up a nonexistent pastie.""" test_record = self.datastore.get_pastie(0) self.assertIsNone(test_record) def test_can_create_pasties(self): """Verify that we can create a new pastie.""" pass def test_new_pasties_fill_in_missing_attrs(self): """Check that missing attributes are filled in on creation.""" pass def test_create_pastie_with_duplicate_id_throws_error(self): """Check that creation enforces unique ids""" pass def test_update_pastie(self): """Verify that we can update a pastie.""" pass def test_update_does_not_change_id(self): """Verify that the ID field is immutable once created.""" pass def test_delete_pastie(self): """Verify that we can delete a pastie""" pass def test_delete_invalid_pastie_returns_error(self): """Verify that we get an error on deleting an invalid pastie ID""" pass def test_pastie_exists(self): """Verify that the pastie_exists method works""" pass def test_list_pasties(self): """Verify that list_pasties works""" pass def test_list_pasties_with_filter(self): """Verify that list_pasties works with a filter expression""" pass def test_list_pasties_with_limit(self): """Verify that list_pasties works with a limit value""" pass def test_list_pasties_with_filter_and_limit(self): """Verify that list_pasties works with a limit and filter""" pass
def test_index_with_no_dependencies(self): message = 'INDEX|ceylon|\n' dependency_map = {} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map) self.assertEqual(str(Message.OK), datastore.process_message(message))
#!/usr/bin/env python import json import time import datetime import os import logging from config import Config from datastore import Datastore config = Config() datastore = Datastore(db=2) def write_event(event_type, message, app_name='global'): try: # Pipeline adding to app event set and then global epoch_timestamp = time.time() message = "Event: {}, Message: {}".format(event_type, message) datastore.writeEvent(app_name, message) except Exception as e: logging.error("Unable to write log event") def get_events(app_name='all'): events_data = datastore.getEvent(app_name) events_formatted = list() for event in events_data: print event message = event[0]
def test_remove_already_doesnt_exist(self): message = 'REMOVE|cloog|\n' dependency_map = {} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map) self.assertEqual(str(Message.OK), datastore.process_message(message))
except ModuleNotFoundError as e: log.fatal(f"Can't initialize picker {pickerType}: {e}") raise SystemExit(1) except AttributeError as e: log.fatal(f'Wrong picker initializing: {e}') raise SystemExit(1) except Exception as e: log.fatal(f'Fail initialize picker: {e}') raise SystemExit(1) if __name__ != "__main__": log.debug("Starting main thread") selfControl = SelfControl() ds = Datastore(f'{homeDir}lootnika_tasks_journal.db') sphinxbuilder.check_rst(ds) from scheduler import Scheduler, first_start_calc startTime, taskCycles, repeatMin = first_start_calc(cfg['schedule']) # Scheduler и Picker должны видеть друг друга scheduler = Scheduler(cfg['schedule']['tasks'], taskCycles, repeatMin, startTime) Picker = load_picker() Thread(name='Scheduler',, args=(Picker, )).start() import restserv Thread( name='RestServer',
def test_remove_exists(self): message = 'REMOVE|cloog|\n' dependency_map = {'gmp':['cmake'], 'cloog':[]} dependents_count = {'cmake':1} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map, dependents_count) self.assertEqual(str(Message.OK), datastore.process_message(message))
def check_rst(ds: Datastore) -> dict: #TODO need refactoring log.debug("Check documentation sources") changed = False try: rows ='SELECT * FROM sphinxbuilder', ) oldRst = { 'lootnika': { 'path': "docs/rst/", 'type': 'lootnika', 'rst': {} } } for row in rows: if row[1] not in oldRst: oldRst[row[1]] = {'rst': {}} oldRst[row[1]]['rst'][row[3]] = {'file': row[2], 'hash': row[4]} newRst = { 'lootnika': { 'path': "docs/rst/", 'type': 'lootnika', 'rst': {} } } for exporter in os.listdir(f'{homeDir}exporters'): path = f"exporters/{exporter}/docs/rst/" ls = os.listdir(f"{homeDir}{path}") if ls == []: log.warning(f"No documentation sources found for {exporter}") continue if exporter not in oldRst:"Found new exporter docs: {exporter}") oldRst[exporter] = { 'path': path, 'type': 'exporter', 'rst': {} } newRst[exporter] = {'path': path, 'type': 'exporter', 'rst': {}} for file in ls: rst = f"{path}{file}" with open(f"{homeDir}{rst}", encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as cnt: hsh = f"{cityhash.CityHash64(}" newRst[exporter]['rst'][rst] = {'file': file, 'hash': hsh} if rst in oldRst[exporter]['rst']: if not oldRst[exporter]['rst'][rst]['hash'] == hsh: changed = True else: changed = True for picker in os.listdir(f'{homeDir}pickers'): path = f"pickers/{picker}/docs/rst/" ls = os.listdir(f"{homeDir}{path}") if ls == []: log.warning(f"No documentation sources found for {picker}") continue if picker not in oldRst:"Found new picker docs: {picker}") oldRst[picker] = {'path': path, 'type': 'exporter', 'rst': {}} newRst[picker] = {'path': path, 'type': 'picker', 'rst': {}} for file in ls: rst = f"{path}{file}" with open(f"{homeDir}{rst}", encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as cnt: hsh = f"{cityhash.CityHash64(}" newRst[picker]['rst'][rst] = {'file': file, 'hash': hsh} if rst in oldRst[picker]['rst']: if not oldRst[picker]['rst'][rst]['hash'] == hsh: changed = True else: changed = True exporter = "lootnika" path = newRst[exporter]['path'] ls = os.listdir(f"{homeDir}{path}") for file in ls: rst = f"{path}{file}" with open(f"{homeDir}{rst}", encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as cnt: hsh = f"{cityhash.CityHash64(}" newRst[exporter]['rst'][rst] = {'file': file, 'hash': hsh} if rst in oldRst[exporter]['rst']: if not oldRst[exporter]['rst'][rst]['hash'] == hsh: changed = True else: changed = True if changed: log.warning( "Found changes in documentations. Start me with <make-doc> key." ) return newRst except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Fail check sources for help documentation: {traceback.format_exc()}" )
def test_query_doesnt_exist(self): message = 'QUERY|cloog|\n' dependency_map = {'gmp':['cmake']} datastore = Datastore(dependency_map) self.assertEqual(str(Message.Fail), datastore.process_message(message))
# Spotless is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. import os from datastore import Datastore from node import Node from utils import generate_hash, walk_directory DB_NAME = 'test.db' if os.path.exists(DB_NAME): os.remove(DB_NAME) ds = Datastore(DB_NAME) ds.clear() print 'Can a Node be added to the Datastore and increase the row count?' node = Node('testdata/hello.txt') ds.add_or_update_node(node) assert(ds.num_items() == 1) print 'PASSED\n' print 'Does a file Node generate an expected hash?' assert(generate_hash(node) == '60fde9c2310b0d4cad4dab8d126b04387efba289') print 'PASSED\n' print 'If we run the Node\'s update_info() method do we see valid attributes set on the Node?' node.update_info(ds) assert(node.hash == '60fde9c2310b0d4cad4dab8d126b04387efba289')
class Bouncer(object): """A singleton that manages connected devices. The Bouncer provides the base functionality needed to instantiate a new Client or Network. It also acts as a bridge between connected Clients and Networks by maintaining an authoritative record of each connected device. Attributes: clients (set of sputnik.Client): A set of connected Clients. datastore (sputnik.Datastore): A Redis interface. networks (dict of sputnik.Network): A dictionary of connected Networks. """ def __init__(self): """Creates an instance of a Bouncer. Initializes an empty set and an empty dictionary for later use, then reloads previously connected networks from the Datastore. """ self.clients = set() self.networks = dict() try: # Attempt a Datastore Connection self.datastore = Datastore(hostname="localhost", port="6379") except redis.ConnectionError: # Continue Without Persistence self.datastore = None print("Failed to Connect to a Redis Instance.\n" "Continuing Without Persistence.") if self.datastore: if not self.datastore.get_password(): self.datastore.set_password() history = self.datastore.get_networks() for credentials in history.values(): self.add_network(**credentials) def start(self, hostname="", port=6667): """Starts the IRC and HTTP listen servers. This creates the IRC server-portion of the Bouncer, allowing it to accept connections from IRC clients. It also starts the HTTP server, enabling browsers to connect to the web interface. Note: This is a blocking call. Args: hostname (str, optional): Hostname to use. Defaults to ``""``. port (int, optional): The port to listen on. Defaults to 6667. """ hport = os.getenv("RUPPELLS_SOCKETS_LOCAL_PORT") if hport: port = int(hport) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = loop.create_server(lambda: Client(self), hostname, port) loop.run_until_complete(coro) HTTPServer(self).start() try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: loop.close() def add_network(self, network, hostname, port, nickname, username, realname, password=None, usermode=0): """Connects the Bouncer to an IRC network. This forms the credentials into a dictionary. It then registers the network in the datastore, and connects to the indicated IRC network. Args: network (str): The name of the IRC network to connect to. hostname (str): The hostname of the IRC network to connect to. port (int): The port to connect using. nickname (str): The IRC nickname to use when connecting. username (str): The IRC ident to use when connecting. realname (str): The real name of the user. password (str, optional): Bouncer password. Defaults to ``None``. usermode (int, optional): The IRC usermode. Defaults to ``0``. """ credentials = { "network" : network, "nickname" : nickname, "username" : username, "realname" : realname, "hostname" : hostname, "port" : port, "password" : password } if self.datastore: self.datastore.add_network(**credentials) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = loop.create_connection(lambda: Network(self, **credentials), hostname, port) asyncio.async(coro) def remove_network(self, network): """Removes a network from the Bouncer. This disconnects the Bouncer from the indicated network and unregisters the network from the datastore. Args: network (str): the name of a network. """ if network in self.networks: self.networks[network].connected = False self.networks[network].transport.close() if self.datastore: self.datastore.remove_network(network)