class Entity(DatastoreEntity):
    updated_by = EntityValue(None)
    created_by = EntityValue()

    # Not an EntityValue
    extra_prop = "Extra"

    __kind__ = 'my_entity'
Example #2
class User(DatastoreEntity):
    username = EntityValue(None)
    email = EntityValue(None)

    __kind__ = 'User'

    # call the super class here
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Example #3
def test_none_value():
    Check that when EntityValue is initialized without a
    value, it defaults to `None`
    entity_value = EntityValue()
    assert entity_value.value is None
Example #4
def test_value_passed():
    Check that the value passed to EntityValue is what is returned
    value = "foobar"
    entity_value = EntityValue(value)
    assert entity_value.value == value
Example #5
class Post(DatastoreEntity):
    subject = EntityValue(None)
    text = EntityValue(None)
    user_id = EntityValue(None)
    date_created = EntityValue(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    img_name = EntityValue(None)

    __kind__ = "post"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Post, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Post {}>'.format(self.text)

    def get_subject(self):
        return self.subject.__getattribute__()
def test_dynamic_attrs_added_on_the_fly_are_used_as_entity_properties():
    Attributes to be used as entity properties can be added after intitialization.
    This allows for entity properties that are not part of model
    definition to be dynamically added.
    entity = Entity(conn=False)
    entity.attr_on_the_fly = EntityValue("Dynamic Value")

    assert isinstance(entity.attr_on_the_fly, EntityValue)
Example #7
class User(DatastoreEntity, UserMixin):
    id = EntityValue(None)
    user_name = EntityValue(None)
    password = EntityValue(None)
    user_img_name = EntityValue(None)
    # specify the name of the entity kind.
    __kind__ = "user"
    __exclude_from_index__ = ['password']

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def set_password(self, password):
        self.password = password

    def check_password(self, password):
        return self.password == password

    def set_avatar(self):
        self.user_img_name =[-1] + '.jpg'

    def get_avatar(self):
        return self.user_img_name
class ModelMissingKind(DatastoreEntity):
    username = EntityValue('foo')
    password = EntityValue(None)
    date_created = EntityValue(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
class DBModel(DatastoreEntity, UserMixin):
    username = EntityValue('foo')
    password = EntityValue(None)
    date_created = EntityValue(datetime.datetime.utcnow())

    __kind__ = 'user'