def cancel_listing_btn(self,cr,uid,ids,context={}): inst_lnk = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0]).shop_id.instance_id site_id = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0]).shop_id.site_id if site_id: siteid = site_id.site_id ebay_item_id = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]).name cancel_listing = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]).cancel_listing utc_tm = datetime.utcnow() utc_trunk = str(utc_tm)[:19] difft_time = datetime.utcnow() - if cancel_listing == True: ending_reason = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]).ending_reason if not ending_reason: self.log(cr, uid, ids[0], 'Please Select the Ending Reason \n') return try: if inst_lnk: results =, uid, inst_lnk, 'EndItem',ebay_item_id,ending_reason,siteid) self.log(cr, uid, ids[0], '%s has been Cancelled. \n' % (ebay_item_id)) except Exception, e: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'),e) return False if results: if len(ids): FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' endtime = results.get('EndTime',False) if endtime: end_tm = self.pool.get('ebayerp.instance').openerpFormatDate(endtime) endtime = datetime.strptime(end_tm, FMT) - difft_time ebay_end_tm2 = str(endtime)[:19] ebay_end_tm = ebay_end_tm2 # ebay_end_time = self.write(cr, uid, ids[0],{'ebay_end_time': ebay_end_tm,'is_cancel':True}) cr.execute("UPDATE product_listing SET ebay_end_time='%s',is_cancel='True' where id=%d"%(ebay_end_tm,ids[0],)) cr.commit()
def relativeTime(date): pp(datetime.utcnow()) print "-" pp(date) date = date.replace(tzinfo=None) diff = datetime.utcnow() - date if diff.days > 7 or diff.days < 0: return date.ctime() elif diff.days == 1: return '1 day ago' elif diff.days > 1: return '%d days ago' % diff.days elif diff.seconds <= 1: return 'just now' elif diff.seconds < 60: return '%d seconds ago' % diff.seconds elif diff.seconds < (60 * 2): return '1 minute ago' elif diff.seconds < (60 * 60): return '%d minutes ago' % (diff.seconds / 60) elif diff.seconds < (60 * 60 * 2): return '1 hour ago' else: return '%d hours ago' % (diff.seconds / (60 * 60))
def H_list_upcoming(service, opts): if not opts.args.calId: opts.args.calId = 'primary' if not opts.args.num: opts.args.num = 10 tdargs = tdkwargs(*opts.args.timeargs) now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time later = ( datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(**tdargs) ).isoformat() + 'Z' print(now, later) eventsResult = calendarId=opts.args.calId, timeMin=now, timeMax=later, maxResults=opts.args.num, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() events = eventsResult.get('items', []) if not events: return 1 for event in events: start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date')) print(start, event['summary'])
def _upsert_currency_to_db(cls, currency, rate): """ updates currency to coefficient if exists. if not exists creates that currency :param currency: :param coefficient: :return: """ try: currency = currency.upper() table_name, table = ServicesTables.ensure_currency_exchange_rates_table() query = text("select * from {0} where currency = '{1}'".format(table_name, currency)) response_db = list(ServicesTables.server.execute(query)) if not response_db: insert_obj = \ { "currency": currency, "rate": rate, "date_modified": datetime.utcnow() } table.insert().values(insert_obj).execute() else: query = text("UPDATE {0} SET rate = {1},date_modified='{3}' WHERE currency = '{2}'" .format(table_name, rate, currency, datetime.utcnow())) ServicesTables.server.execute(query) except Exception, e: logger.exception("Cant upsert currency {0} to DB.".format(currency))
def provide_empty_event(): return { 'summary': '', 'location': '', 'description': '', 'start': { 'dateTime': datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Berlin', }, 'end': { 'dateTime': (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=2)).isoformat() + 'Z', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Berlin', }, 'recurrence': [ '' #'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2' ], 'attendees': [ # {'email': '*****@*****.**'}, ], 'reminders': { #'useDefault': False, #'overrides': [ # {'method': 'email', 'minutes': 24 * 60}, # {'method': 'popup', 'minutes': 10}, # ], } }
def create_token(user_id): payload = { 'sub': user_id, 'iat': datetime.utcnow(), 'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=14) } token = jwt.encode(payload, app.config['TOKEN_SECRET']) return token.decode('unicode_escape')
async def on_member_update(before, after): notification_channel = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == 'bot-notifications', after.server.channels) if (str(before.status) == 'offline' and str(after.status) == 'online') or ((str(before.status) == 'online' or str(before.status) == 'idle') and str(after.status) == 'offline'): try: with open('discord_logs.txt', 'r') as f: discord_logs = json.load(f) except: discord_logs = json.loads('{}') if not in discord_logs: discord_logs[] = {"last login": "******", "last logoff": "N/A"} now = str(datetime.utcnow()) if str(after.status) == 'online': discord_logs[]['last login'] = now if str(after.status) == 'offline': discord_logs[]['last logoff'] = now with open('discord_logs.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(discord_logs)) if (str(before.status) == 'offline' and str(after.status) == 'online') or ((str(before.status) == 'online' or str(before.status) == 'idle') and str(after.status) == 'offline'): try: with open('discord_logs.txt', 'r') as f: discord_logs = json.load(f) except: discord_logs = json.loads('{}') if not in discord_logs: discord_logs[] = {"last login": "******", "last logoff": "N/A"} now = str(datetime.utcnow()) if str(after.status) == 'online': discord_logs[]['last login'] = now if str(after.status) == 'offline': discord_logs[]['last logoff'] = now with open('discord_logs.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(discord_logs)) if str(before.status) == 'offline' and str(after.status) == 'online' and bot.check_role(client, after, "Member") == True: x = open("display_names.txt", 'r') disp_names = json.load(x) x.close() if not in disp_names: await client.send_message(after, "My name is Xantha, the DH Discord bot. According to my records, your GW2 Display Name is not listed in our database. Please enter \n`!displayname <GW2 Display name>`\n without the <>, for example \n`!displayname Xantha.1234`\nin Discord. Be sure to use your full name, including the 4 digits at the end. If you need help, please ask an Admin.") leadership_names = [] for x in after.server.members: if bot.check_role(client, x, 'Leadership') == True: leadership_names += [] if not in leadership_names and in leadership_names and bot.check_role(client, after, "Leadership") == False: await client.send_message(after, "I have noticed that you have changed your name to the name of one of our members of leadership. Please take a moment to go to your Discord settings and change your username to something else. Failure to make this change may result in your Discord permissions being revoked.") await client.send_message(notification_channel, "The member with user ID {} has changed their name from {} to {}. They have been asked to change their name.".format(,, if in leadership_names and not in leadership_names and bot.check_role(client, after, "Leadership") == False: await client.send_message(after, "Thank you for changing your username.") await client.send_message(notification_channel, "The member with user ID {} has changed their name from {} to {}.".format(,, if str(before.status) == 'offline' and str(after.status) == 'online' and == "Scottzilla": await client.send_message(after, ":boom: Happy birthday! :boom:")
def set_columns(self, **kwargs): self._changes = self._set_columns(**kwargs) if 'modified' in self.__table__.columns: self.modified = datetime.utcnow() if 'updated' in self.__table__.columns: self.updated = datetime.utcnow() if 'modified_at' in self.__table__.columns: self.modified_at = datetime.utcnow() if 'updated_at' in self.__table__.columns: self.updated_at = datetime.utcnow() return self._changes
def get_datestr(ui): import tkSimpleDialog from datetime import datetime import re ui.datestr = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Flight Date','Flight Date (yyyy-mm-dd):') if not ui.datestr: ui.datestr = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: while not re.match('[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}',ui.datestr): ui.datestr = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Flight Date', 'Bad format, please retry!\nFlight Date (yyyy-mm-dd):') if not ui.datestr: ui.datestr = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ui.ax1.set_title(ui.datestr)
def wsdetailbill(request,billid): if request.method=='GET': reqbody = xmlbill(billid) #url = '' #r =,data=reqbody,headers={'content-type':'application/xml'}) return HttpResponse(reqbody,content_type='application/xml') elif request.method=='POST': requestedbill = Bill.objects.get(id=billid) conttype = request.META['CONTENT_TYPE'] if conttype == 'application/xml': xmlrequest = request.body #dtdstring = StringIO.StringIO('<!ELEMENT factura (idFactura,actores,despachos,costos,fechas,statuses)><!ELEMENT idFactura (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT actores (emisor,pagador)><!ELEMENT emisor (rifEmisor,nombreEmisor,cuenta)><!ELEMENT rifEmisor (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT nombreEmisor (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT cuenta (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT pagador (rifPagador,nombrePagador)><!ELEMENT rifPagador (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT nombrePagador (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT despachos (despacho+)><!ELEMENT despacho (id,productos,tracking,costo)><!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT productos (producto+)><!ELEMENT producto (nombre,cantidad,medidas)><!ELEMENT nombre (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT cantidad (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT medidas (peso,largo,ancho,alto)><!ELEMENT peso (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT largo (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT ancho (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT alto (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT tracking (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT costo (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT costos (subtotal,impuestos,total)><!ELEMENT subtotal (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT impuestos (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT total (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT fechas (fechaEmision,fechaVencimiento,fechaPago)><!ELEMENT fechaEmision (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT fechaVencimiento (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT fechaPago (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT statuses (status+)><!ELEMENT status (#PCDATA)>') #dtd = etree.DTD(dtdstring) root = etree.XML(xmlrequest) #if dtd.validate(root): #associated = root[1] #assoc_found = Associated.objects.filter(rif=associated[0].text,assoc_name=associated[1].text) #if assoc_found.count() == 1: xmlbillid = int(root[0].text) #print xmlbillid #print billid if int(billid) == xmlbillid: paymentcode = int(root[5][0].text) if paymentcode == 1000: msg = 'Pago aceptado' paystat = requestedbill.payment_status if paystat == '00': requestedbill.payment_status = '01' requestedbill.payment_date = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) elif paystat == '02': requestedbill.payment_status = '03' requestedbill.payment_date = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) elif paymentcode == 2000: msg = 'Pago rechazado' print msg return HttpResponse(status=200) #return HttpResponse(msg,content_type='text/plain') else: print 'El identificador de la factura no coincide' return HttpResponse(status=400) #else: # print 'El comercio no se encuentra registrado' # return HttpResponse(status=400) #else: # print 'No pase la validacion contra DTD' # return HttpResponse(status=400) else: return HttpResponse(status=400)
def test_timing_and_serialization(self): from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger('diagnosis.Diagnoser') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) start = datetime.utcnow() import codecs with'test_article.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f: diagnosis = self.my_diagnoser.diagnose( make_json_compat(diagnosis) self.assertLess( (datetime.utcnow() - start), timedelta(seconds=30) )
def handleDeviceEntriesToGoogleCalendar(calendar,events,devices): """ Takes a list of FritzBoxDevices and adds them to the provided Calender object. Unique IDs are used to extend existing events and create nw ones accordingly. """ for device in devices: #print device event={ 'summary': + " " + device.ipv4 + " " + device.type, 'location': 'Dresden, Saxony, Germany', 'description': device.UID, 'start': { 'dateTime': str(datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'), 'timeZone': 'Europe/Berlin', }, 'end': { 'dateTime': str((datetime.utcnow()+ timedelta(minutes=5)).isoformat() + 'Z'), 'timeZone': 'Europe/Berlin', }, } #print event found=False for item in events: if item["UID"] == device.UID: found = True try: parsed_time = parser.parse(item["end"]["dateTime"]).astimezone(pytz.utc); #in case the given device has an ending time in the future, we'll extend that event #else it gets an new event created if parsed_time >= pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) : #wierd to localize utcnow to utc #handle if event is currently active calendar.update_event({'id' : item['id'] , 'end': { 'dateTime': str((datetime.utcnow()+ timedelta(minutes=5)).isoformat() + 'Z'), 'timeZone': 'Europe/Berlin', }}) else: #we will create the thing again as a new event found=False #not necessary but easier to read except Exception,e: print "error while handling" print e pprint(item) pass #more stable if (found==False): #print "new device state" #pprint(event) calendar.create_event(event)
def get(self): user = users.get_current_user() if not user: self.redirect(users.create_login_url('/key')) return else: account = Membership.all().filter('username ='******'templates/error.html', locals())) return if account.status != "active": url = ""+SPREEDLY_ACCOUNT+"/subscriber_accounts/"+account.spreedly_token error = "<p>Your Spreedly account status does not appear to me marked as active. This might be a mistake, in which case we apologize. <p>To investigate your account, you may go here: <a href=\""+url+"\">"+url+"</a> <p>If you believe this message is in error, please contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Spreedly+account+not+linked+to+hackerdojo+account\">[email protected]</a></p>"; self.response.out.write(template.render('templates/error.html', locals())) return delta = datetime.utcnow() - account.created if delta.days < DAYS_FOR_KEY: error = "<p>You have been a member for "+str(delta.days)+" days. After "+str(DAYS_FOR_KEY)+" days you qualify for a key. Check back in "+str(DAYS_FOR_KEY-delta.days)+" days!</p><p>If you believe this message is in error, please contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Membership+create+date+not+correct\">[email protected]</a>.</p>"; self.response.out.write(template.render('templates/error.html', locals())) return bc = BadgeChange.all().filter('username ='******'templates/key.html', locals()))
def write( self, cursor, user, ids, sale_data, context=None ): """ Find or Create sale using sale data :param cursor: Database cursor :param user: ID of current user :param ids: array ID of saving Sale :param sale_data: Order Data from sale :param context: Application context :returns: """ # only change OrderDate if SO in draft state boAllowUpdate = True print 'gia tri cap nhat == ', sale_data if (sale_data.has_key('date_order')): boAllowUpdate = False else: for intID in ids: # loop a list. objSale = self.browse(cursor, user, intID, context=context) if (objSale.state != 'draft' ): boAllowUpdate = False if (boAllowUpdate): sale_data['date_order'] = datetime.utcnow() # + timedelta(days=1) # ... time.strptime(strDate, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d-%m-%Y') return super(sale_order, self).write(cursor, user, ids, sale_data, context=context)
def get(x,y,iss): #Lat, long, iss location = ephem.Observer() = x location.lon = y location.elevation = 2198 timenow = datetime.utcnow() #print timenow = timenow #calculate where the ISS is nextpassdata = location.next_pass(iss) try: next = nextpassdata[0] - ephem.Date(timenow) timeseconds = next*86400 timeseconds = timedelta(seconds=timeseconds) d = datetime(1,1,1) + timeseconds returner = "%d:%d:%d" % (d.hour, d.minute, d.second) except: returner = "LOS" #print "This is the nextpassdata array " #print nextpassdata #print "This is the rise time " + str(nextpassdata[0]) #print "This is the current time in emphem format " + str(ephem.Date(timenow)) #print next #print "this is the time remaining in seconds" #print timeseconds #Code from #print ("%d:%d:%d" % (d.hour, d.minute, d.second)) return returner
def pretty_date(dt, default=None): """ Returns string representing "time since" e.g. 3 days ago, 5 hours ago etc. Ref: """ if default is None: default = 'just now' now = datetime.utcnow() diff = now - dt periods = ( (diff.days / 365, 'year', 'years'), (diff.days / 30, 'month', 'months'), (diff.days / 7, 'week', 'weeks'), (diff.days, 'day', 'days'), (diff.seconds / 3600, 'hour', 'hours'), (diff.seconds / 60, 'minute', 'minutes'), (diff.seconds, 'second', 'seconds'), ) for period, singular, plural in periods: if not period: continue if period == 1: return u'%d %s ago' % (period, singular) else: return u'%d %s ago' % (period, plural) return default
def set_dehumidifier(s): """ Load recent samples and determine if the dehumidifier should be switched on or off """ # read all the samples for the past 2 days (LOOKBACK_HOURS may span two days' worth of files) now = time.time() samples = [] for path in [ get_path(datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(days=days)) for days in [1,0] ]: with open(path, "r") as f: for line in csv.reader(f, delimiter=','): sample = parse_sample(line) if sample["ts"] > now - 24*60*60: samples.append(sample) # count number of samples w/ dew or w/ dehumidifier on dew_samples = 0 on_samples = 0 for sample in samples: dew_samples += below_dewpoint(sample) on_samples += bool(sample["status"]) # work out if the dehumidifier should be on now = in_hours = now.hour >= ON_HOURS[0] and now.hour < ON_HOURS[1] should_be_on = in_hours and dew_samples * DEHUMIDIFIER_FACTOR > on_samples try: latest = samples[-1] except IndexError: latest = { "status" : None } # anti-hysterisis check if it's changed lately, before switching if latest["status"] != should_be_on and any(r["status"]==should_be_on for r in samples if r["ts"] > time.time() - ANTI_HYSTERISIS_MINUTES*60): should_be_on = not should_be_on s.write("o" if should_be_on else "f")
def pkmn_time_text(time): s = (time - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds() (m, s) = divmod(s, 60) (h, m) = divmod(m, 60) d = timedelta(hours = h, minutes = m, seconds = s) disappear_time = + d return "Available until %s (%dm %ds)." % (disappear_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"),m,s)
def __init__(self, title, body, category, pub_date=None): self.title = title self.body = body if pub_date is None: pub_date = datetime.utcnow() self.pub_date = pub_date self.category = category
def get(self): locations_query = Location.all().ancestor(location_key()).order("-arrival") locations = locations_query.fetch(10) # remove brother entries who have already left currentlocs = [] # EST = Zone(-5, False, 'EST') for loc in locations: if datetime.utcnow() < loc.departure: tzloc = {} fmat = "%I:%M %p" tzloc["name"] = arrivetime = loc.arrival - timedelta(hours=5) tzloc["arrival"] = arrivetime.strftime(fmat) deptime = loc.departure - timedelta(hours=5) tzloc["departure"] = deptime.strftime(fmat) tzloc["location"] = loc.location tzloc["open_seats"] = loc.open_seats tzloc["other_bros"] = loc.other_bros tzloc["notes"] = loc.notes tzloc["creator"] = loc.creator currentlocs.append(tzloc) url = self.request.relative_url("static/addloc.html") logout = users.create_logout_url("/") template_values = {"locations": currentlocs, "add_loc_url": url, "logout_url": logout} path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "index.html") self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
def _get_iso_datetime(self): tt = datetime.utcnow().timetuple() #time in UTC #add leading zeros if(int(tt[1])<10): mm = "0" + str(tt[1]) else: mm = str(tt[1]) if(int(tt[2])<10): d = "0" + str(tt[2]) else: d = str(tt[2]) if(int(tt[3])<10): h = "0" + str(tt[3]) else: h = str(tt[3]) if(int(tt[4])<10): m = "0" + str(tt[4]) else: m = str(tt[4]) if(int(tt[5])<10): s = "0" + str(tt[5]) else: s = str(tt[5]) return str(tt[0]) + "-" + str(mm) + "-" + str(d) + "T" + str(h) + ":" + \ str(m) + ":" + str(s) + "Z" #2012-07-31T20:44:36Z
def test_from_api_repr_w_loggers_w_logger_match(self): from datetime import datetime from import UTC client = _Client(self.PROJECT) PAYLOAD = 'PAYLOAD' IID = 'IID' NOW = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC) TIMESTAMP = _datetime_to_rfc3339_w_nanos(NOW) LOG_NAME = 'projects/%s/logs/%s' % (self.PROJECT, self.LOGGER_NAME) LABELS = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'} API_REPR = { 'dummyPayload': PAYLOAD, 'logName': LOG_NAME, 'insertId': IID, 'timestamp': TIMESTAMP, 'labels': LABELS, } LOGGER = object() loggers = {LOG_NAME: LOGGER} klass = self._getTargetClass() entry = klass.from_api_repr(API_REPR, client, loggers=loggers) self.assertEqual(entry.payload, PAYLOAD) self.assertEqual(entry.insert_id, IID) self.assertEqual(entry.timestamp, NOW) self.assertEqual(entry.labels, LABELS) self.assertTrue(entry.logger is LOGGER)
def mlk_request(self, url_fragment): timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) nonce = md5("%s" % random.random()).hexdigest() normalized_string = "%s\n" % (self.credentials["access_token"]) normalized_string += "%s\n" % (timestamp) normalized_string += "%s\n" % (nonce) normalized_string += "GET\n" # request method normalized_string += "\n" # host normalized_string += ( "80\n" ) # THIS IS A BUG! port should be 443 but it's not recognizing it, so leave this at 80. normalized_string += url_fragment normalized_string += "\n" digest =["access_token_secret"].encode("ascii"), normalized_string, sha1).digest() signature = base64.encodestring(digest).strip() # we strip the end off because it gives us a \n at the end authorization_string = 'MAC token="%s", timestamp="%s", nonce="%s", signature="%s"' % ( self.credentials["access_token"], str(timestamp), nonce, signature, ) url = "" + url_fragment r = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": authorization_string}) return r
def join(self, user): """ Add a user to our trial. Make sure that the trial has groups, then randomly assign USER to one of those groups. Ensure that this user hasn't already joined the trial, raising AlreadyJoinedError if we have. Ensure that this trial isn't already finished, raising TrialFinishedError if it is. If nobody has joined yet, we go to Group A, else Group A if the groups are equal, else Group B. """ if self.stopped: raise exceptions.TrialFinishedError() if Participant.objects.filter(trial=self, user=user).count() > 0: raise exceptions.AlreadyJoinedError() part = Participant(trial=self, user=user).randomise() if self.instruction_delivery == self.IMMEDIATE: part.send_instructions() if self.instruction_delivery == self.HOURS: eta = datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60*60*self.instruction_hours_after) tasks.instruct_later.apply_async((, eta=eta) return
def city_pace_count_rest(): current_server_time = datetime.utcnow() #current_client_date = timezone(tz).fromutc(current_server_time) if City_Pace.objects.all().order_by('city_pace_date').last(): last_date_counted = City_Pace.objects.all().order_by('city_pace_date').last().city_pace_date mytime = datetime.strptime('2130','%H%M').time() last_date_counted = datetime.combine(last_date_counted, mytime) else: #aware - абсолютное время, так как берётся из БД last_date_counted = Measurement.objects.all().order_by('measurement_date').first().measurement_date current_server_time = timezone(tz).fromutc(current_server_time) if != for a_date in range((current_server_time - last_date_counted).days): new_pace = 0. + timedelta(days = a_date + 1)) for a_bin in Bin.objects.all(): new_date = last_date_counted + timedelta(days = a_date + 1) new_date = timezone('UTC').fromutc(new_date) new_pace += a_bin.bin_generate_volume_pace_of_date(new_date) + timedelta(days = a_date + 1)))"{0:.2f}".format(new_pace * 24 / 1000))) new_city_pace = City_Pace(city_pace_date = last_date_counted + timedelta(days = a_date + 1), city_pace_value = new_pace * 24 / 1000)
def facebook_authorized(resp): next_url = request.args.get('next') or url_for('index') if resp is None: flash('You denied the login') return redirect(next_url) session['fb_access_token'] = (resp['access_token'], '') me = facebook.get('/me') user = Users.query.filter_by(['id']).first() if user is None: fb_id =['id'] if['username']: fb_username =['username'] else: fb_username =['name'] fb_email =['email'] user = Users(fb_username, 'temp',fb_email) user.fb_id =['id'] user.activate = True user.created = datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() session['user_id'] = user.uid flash('You are now logged in as %s' % user.username) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def _update_tenant_info_cache(tenant_info): tenant_id = tenant_info['tenant'] try: tenant = models.TenantInfo.objects\ .select_for_update()\ .get(tenant=tenant_id) except models.TenantInfo.DoesNotExist: tenant = models.TenantInfo(tenant=tenant_id) = tenant_info['name'] tenant.last_updated = datetime.utcnow() types = set() for type_name, type_value in tenant_info['types'].items(): try: tenant_type = models.TenantType.objects\ .get(name=type_name, value=type_value) except models.TenantType.DoesNotExist: tenant_type = models.TenantType(name=type_name, value=type_value) types.add(tenant_type) tenant.types = list(types)
def twitter_daily_aggregate(retrievaldate): #Date Retrieval d=[] dt = parser.parse(retrievaldate) + timedelta(days=-1) d.append(dt) d.append(d[-1] + timedelta(days=1)) #DataFrame Init ctrend = DataFrame() while d[-1] < datetime.utcnow(): print 'processing ', d[-1], ' ..........' #Daily Mention Count mnts = twitter_count(d, mentions) #User Follower Count usrs = twitter_follower(d,users) #Join trend = mnts.join(usrs) trend['Date'] = Period(d[-1],'D') #Append to DataFrame ctrend = concat([ctrend,trend]) #Extend Dates d.append(d[-1] + timedelta(days=1)) #Join DataFrames and Fill NAs ctrend = ctrend.fillna(0) #Save print 'printing the file' ctrend.to_csv('twitter_trend.csv') return ctrend
def test_get_active_pbheviors(self): now = datetime.utcnow() pbehavior_1 = deepcopy(self.pbehavior) pbehavior_2 = deepcopy(self.pbehavior) pbehavior_1.update({ 'eids': [self.entity_id_1], 'name': 'pb1', 'tstart': timegm(now.timetuple()), 'tstop': timegm((now + timedelta(days=2)).timetuple()), 'rrule': None }) pbehavior_2.update({'eids': [self.entity_id_3], 'name': 'pb2', 'tstart': timegm(now.timetuple())}) self.pbm.pb_storage.put_elements( elements=(pbehavior_1, pbehavior_2) ) self.pbm.context._put_entities(self.entities) tab = self.pbm.get_active_pbehaviors([self.entity_id_1, self.entity_id_2]) names = [x['name'] for x in tab] self.assertEqual(names, ['pb1'])
def utc_to_local(utc): """ Converts a datetime object in UTC to local time """ offset = - datetime.utcnow() return (utc + offset).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
async def setDefaultConfig(ctx, dbQuery, configName, configValue): em = discord.Embed(color=embedColor) em.set_author(name=f'Results') try: resultValue = dbQuery['Items'][0]['mpaConfig'] except KeyError: em = discord.Embed(color=failEmbedColor) em.add_field(name='Nothing found!', value='Nothing was found.') await ctx.send('', embed=em) return # Probably not the best way to determine if a key is a role list or not if 'role' in configName.lower(): if len(ctx.message.role_mentions) > 0: foundRole = ctx.message.role_mentions[0] configValue = else: try: foundRole = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=int(configValue)) if foundRole is None: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setDefaultConfig.__name__, configName) return except ValueError: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidDefaultConfigRoleSet', setDefaultConfig.__name__, configName) return if str(configValue) in resultValue[f'{configName}']: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'ItemAlreadyExists', setDefaultConfig.__name__, configName) return else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidDefaultConfigRoleSet', setDefaultConfig.__name__, configName) return await ctx.send('', embed=em) return else: if (checkConfigSyntax(ctx, configName, configValue)) is not None: updateDB = tonkDB.updateConfig(, 'default', configName, configValue, str(datetime.utcnow())) else: updateDB = None if updateDB is not None: em.add_field(name=f'Success', value=f'Set {configName} to {configValue}', inline=False) else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidDefaultConfigSet', setDefaultConfig.__name__, configName) return await ctx.send('', embed=em) return
def __call__(self, context): the_og_base_url = '' BASE_URL = '' FPS = 30 ''' Distance to line in road: ~0.025 miles ''' ROAD_DIST_MILES = 0.025 ''' Speed limit of urban freeways in California (50-65 MPH) ''' HIGHWAY_SPEED_LIMIT = 65 # Initial background subtractor and text font fgbg = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN centers = [] # y-cooridinate for speed detection line Y_THRESH = 240 blob_min_width_far = 6 blob_min_height_far = 6 blob_min_width_near = 18 blob_min_height_near = 18 frame_start_time = None # Create object tracker tracker = Tracker(80, 3, 2, 1) # Capture livestream cap = cv2.VideoCapture('input.mp4') while True: centers = [] frame_start_time = datetime.utcnow() ret, frame = orig_frame = copy.copy(frame) # Draw line used for speed detection cv2.line(frame, (0, Y_THRESH), (640, Y_THRESH), (255, 0, 0), 2) # Convert frame to grayscale and perform background subtraction gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) fgmask = fgbg.apply(gray) # Perform some Morphological operations to remove noise kernel = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8) kernel_dilate = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(fgmask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) dilation = cv2.morphologyEx(opening, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel_dilate) _, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(dilation, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Find centers of all detected objects for cnt in contours: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) if y > Y_THRESH: if w >= blob_min_width_near and h >= blob_min_height_near: center = np.array([[x + w / 2], [y + h / 2]]) centers.append(np.round(center)) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) else: if w >= blob_min_width_far and h >= blob_min_height_far: center = np.array([[x + w / 2], [y + h / 2]]) centers.append(np.round(center)) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) if centers: tracker.update(centers) for vehicle in tracker.tracks: if len(vehicle.trace) > 1: for j in range(len(vehicle.trace) - 1): # Draw trace line x1 = vehicle.trace[j][0][0] y1 = vehicle.trace[j][1][0] x2 = vehicle.trace[j + 1][0][0] y2 = vehicle.trace[j + 1][1][0] cv2.line(frame, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 255, 255), 2) try: ''' TODO: account for load lag ''' trace_i = len(vehicle.trace) - 1 trace_x = vehicle.trace[trace_i][0][0] trace_y = vehicle.trace[trace_i][1][0] # Check if tracked object has reached the speed detection line if trace_y <= Y_THRESH + 5 and trace_y >= Y_THRESH - 5 and not vehicle.passed: cv2.putText(frame, 'I PASSED!', (int(trace_x), int(trace_y)), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) vehicle.passed = True load_lag = (datetime.utcnow() - frame_start_time).total_seconds() time_dur = (datetime.utcnow() - vehicle.start_time ).total_seconds() - load_lag time_dur /= 60 time_dur /= 60 vehicle.mph = ROAD_DIST_MILES / time_dur # If calculated speed exceeds speed limit, save an image of speeding car if vehicle.mph > HIGHWAY_SPEED_LIMIT: print('UH OH, SPEEDING!'), (int(trace_x), int(trace_y)), 20, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(orig_frame, 'MPH: %s' % int(vehicle.mph), (int(trace_x), int(trace_y)), font, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imwrite( 'speeding_%s.png' % vehicle.track_id, orig_frame) print('FILE SAVED!') if vehicle.passed: # Display speed if available cv2.putText(frame, 'MPH: %s' % int(vehicle.mph), (int(trace_x), int(trace_y)), font, 1, (0, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) else: # Otherwise, just show tracking id cv2.putText(frame, 'ID: ' + str(vehicle.track_id), (int(trace_x), int(trace_y)), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) except: pass # Display all images cv2.imshow('original', frame) ''' cv2.imshow ('opening/dilation', dilation) cv2.imshow ('background subtraction', fgmask) ''' # Quit when escape key pressed if cv2.waitKey(5) == 27: break # Sleep to keep video speed consistent time.sleep(1.0 / FPS) # Clean up cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() # remove all speeding_*.png images created in runtime for file in glob.glob('speeding_*.png'): os.remove(file) return context
def get(self): arguments = {'currency': 'USD', 'nonStop': False} if not request.args.get('origin'): return {'error': 'Origin city is mandatory', 'status': 400}, 400 if not request.args.get('uuid'): return {'error': 'UUID is mandatory', 'status': 400}, 400 arguments['origin'] = request.args.get('origin') uuid = request.args.get('uuid') if request.args.get('budget'): arguments['maxPrice'] = abs(int(request.args.get('budget'))) if request.args.get('start_date'): if not check_date(request.args.get('start_date')): return { 'error': 'Start date is not using the right format', 'status': 400 }, 400 arguments['departureDate'] = request.args.get('start_date') if request.args.get('end_date') and request.args.get('start_date'): if not check_date(request.args.get('end_date')): return { 'error': 'End date is not using the right format', 'status': 400 }, 400 start_date = datetime.strptime(request.args.get('start_date'), '%Y-%m-%d').date() end_date = datetime.strptime(request.args.get('end_date'), '%Y-%m-%d').date() if start_date > end_date: return { 'error': 'End date is earlier than the start day', 'status': 400 }, 400 difference = end_date - start_date arguments['duration'] = difference.days if request.args.get('num_passengers'): num_passengers = abs(int(request.args.get('num_passengers'))) else: num_passengers = 1 arguments_hash = hashlib.sha256( str(arguments).encode('ascii')).hexdigest() db_cursor.execute( "SELECT query_id, time FROM QUERIES WHERE query_hash=? AND uuid==?", (arguments_hash, uuid)) result = [] query_cache_result = db_cursor.fetchone() if query_cache_result and datetime.strptime( query_cache_result[1], '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') + timedelta( minutes=cache_timeout) > datetime.utcnow(): db_cursor.execute( "SELECT PLAN.start_date, PLAN.end_date, PLAN.origin, PLAN.destination, PLAN.price FROM PLAN WHERE PLAN.query_id=?", (query_cache_result[0], )) for query_result in db_cursor.fetchall(): flight = { 'departureDate': query_result[0], 'returnDate': query_result[1], 'origin': query_result[2], 'destination': query_result[3], 'price': { 'total': query_result[4], } } db_cursor.execute('SELECT image FROM IMAGES WHERE iata_name=?', (flight['destination'], )) flight['image'] = random.choice(db_cursor.fetchall())[0] result.append(flight) else: try: flights = **arguments).result status_code = 200 except NotFoundError: return {'flights': []}, 201 except ServerError: return { 'error': 500, 'status': 'Server Error', 'message': 'Probably the city does not exist' }, 500 query_id = int(random.getrandbits(256)) % (2 << 63 - 1) db_cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO QUERIES VALUES(?,?,?,strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S','now'),?,?,?,?,?,?)", (query_id, arguments_hash, uuid, status_code, arguments['origin'], request.args.get('budget') if request.args.get('budget') else None, request.args.get('start_date') if request.args.get('start_date') else None, request.args.get('end_date') if request.args.get('end_date') else None, num_passengers)) db_cursor.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO USERS (uuid, last_query) VALUES (?,?)", (uuid, query_id)) db_cursor.execute("UPDATE USERS SET last_query=? WHERE uuid=?", (query_id, uuid)) for flight in flights['data']: db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO PLAN VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', ( flight['departureDate'], flight['returnDate'], flight['origin'], flight['destination'], flight['price']['total'], flight['links']['flightOffers'], None, query_id, )) db_cursor.execute('SELECT image FROM IMAGES WHERE iata_name=?', (flight['destination'], )) query_result = db_cursor.fetchall() if query_result == []: """ destination_name = amadeus.reference_data.locations.get( keyword=flight['destination'], subType=Location.CITY ) if len(destination_name.result['data']) > 0: destination_name = destination_name.result['data'][0]['address']['cityName'].lower() else: destination_name = flight['destination'] """ destination_name = requests.get( "" + os.getenv('IATA_API') + "&code=" + flight['destination'], verify=False).json() if 'response' in destination_name: destination_name = destination_name['response'][0][ 'name'].lower() else: destination_name = flight['destination'] """ json_response = requests.get(f'{destination_name}/images/') try: json_response = json_response.json() if 'status' not in json_response: if len(json_response['photos']) > 0: image_url = json_response['photos'][0]['image']['mobile'] else: image_url = json_response['photos']['image']['mobile'] else: image_url = '' except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: image_url = '' """ place_id = gmaps.find_place(destination_name, 'textquery')['candidates'] images = [] if len(place_id) > 0: place_id = place_id[0]['place_id'] place_details = place_id, random.getrandbits(256), ['photo', 'rating', 'geometry']) if place_details['result'] != {}: if 'photos' in place_details['result']: for photo in place_details['result']['photos']: image_url = '' + photo[ 'photo_reference'] + '&key=' + os.getenv( 'GOOGLE_MAPS_SERVER_KEY') images.append(image_url) else: images.append('') db_cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO CITIES VALUES(?,?,?,?)', ( flight['destination'], destination_name, place_details['result']['geometry'] ['location']['lat'], place_details['result']['geometry'] ['location']['lng'], )) else: images.append('') db_cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO CITIES VALUES(?,?,?,?)', ( flight['destination'], destination_name, None, None, )) else: images.append('') db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO CITIES VALUES(?,?,?,?)', ( flight['destination'], destination_name, None, None, )) for image in images: db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO IMAGES VALUES(?,?)', (flight['destination'], image)) image_url = random.choice(images) else: image_url = random.choice(query_result)[0] flight['image'] = image_url del flight['type'] del flight['links'] if image_url != '': result.append(flight) for flight in result: flight['price']['passenger'] = float(flight['price']['total']) flight['price']['total'] = round( float(flight['price']['total']) * num_passengers, 2) db_cursor.execute('SELECT city_name FROM CITIES WHERE iata_name=?', (flight['destination'], )) city_name = db_cursor.fetchone()[0] flight['destination_name'] = city_name.title() db_connection.commit() return {'flights': result}
from datetime import datetime import aiohttp import dogehouse import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from covid import Covid from dogehouse import DogeClient, command, event from dogehouse.entities import BaseUser, Context, Message, User, UserPreview from keep_alive import keep_alive DOGETOKEN = os.getenv('DOGEHOUSE_TOKEN') DOGEREFRESHTOKEN = os.getenv('DOGEHOUSE_REFRESH_TOKEN') ownerid = "de27447e-a633-484d-afaa-8377887dda7b" launch_time = datetime.utcnow() # this is for the uptime command print(launch_time) class Client(DogeClient): @event async def on_ready(self): try: keep_alive() print("Keep Alive initiated") print(f"Successfully connected as {self.user}") await self.join_room("87d9cc48-370f-47e7-9d15-6449557cfcf2") except Exception as e: print(e) async def bot_info_get(self):
def stop(self): self.stopped = datetime.utcnow() return self.pool.close()
def stream_events(self, inputs, ew): # djs 01/20 # Load parameters associated with this modular input. self.input_name, self.input_items = inputs.inputs.popitem() session_key = self._input_definition.metadata["session_key"] unused, inputNameS = self.input_name.split("://") username = self.input_items["username"] password = self.input_items['password'] rest_url = self.input_items["rest_url"] crefresh = int(self.input_items["crefresh"]) interval = int(self.input_items["interval"]) try: # If the password is not masked, mask it. if password != self.MASK: self.encrypt_password(username, password, session_key) self.mask_password(session_key, rest_url, username, crefresh) except Exception as e: ew.log("ERROR", "Error: %s" % str(e)) # djs 12/19 # Establish a file state store object based on part of the input name. state_store = FileStateStore(inputs.metadata, self.input_name) # djs 01/20 # Create a default time for a cookie 80 hours in the past. Read cookie from # state store, but if none present, use the default_time. defaultTime = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=80) lastCookieTime = state_store.get_state( inputNameS + "_Velo_cookie_time") or str(defaultTime) lastCookieTime_obj = datetime.strptime(lastCookieTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') ew.log("INFO", "Cookie time read: " + lastCookieTime + " " + inputNameS) # djs 01/20 # Read in a clear text version of the cookie from password db. # Userid is VCO input name + Velo_Cookie clearCookie = self.get_password(session_key, inputNameS + "_Velo_cookie") ew.log('INFO', "Cookie read from Password DB for: " + inputNameS + " ") cookie = {'velocloud.session': clearCookie} # djs 12/19 # If last cookie time is beyond cookie refresh interval or 0, we need to # auth for a new cookie. if lastCookieTime_obj < (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=crefresh)) or crefresh == 0: ew.log('INFO', "Cookie required for: " + inputNameS) # djs 12/19 # Obtain a clear text password for call to VCO and login. clearPassword = self.get_password(session_key, username) data = {'username': username, 'password': clearPassword} veloLoginUrl = rest_url + "/portal/rest/login/enterpriseLogin" # djs 01/20 # If successful, we received a response from VCO. respC =, data=data, verify=False) # djs 12/29 # Save cookie to password db. veloCookie = respC.cookies['velocloud.session'] self.encrypt_password(inputNameS + "_Velo_cookie", veloCookie, session_key) ew.log('INFO', "Cookie Stored in Password DB: " + " for: " + inputNameS) # djs 12/29 # Save cookie time to state store. currentCookieTime = datetime.utcnow() state_store.update_state(inputNameS + "_Velo_cookie_time", str(currentCookieTime)) ew.log( 'INFO', "Current Cookie Time Stored: " + str(currentCookieTime) + " for: " + inputNameS) cookie = {'velocloud.session': veloCookie} else: ew.log('INFO', "No Cookie required for: " + inputNameS) if cookie: # djs 12/19 # We read last position or 0. # We read last time logged or default to 180 days ago. lastPosition = state_store.get_state(inputNameS + "_Velo_last_pos") or 0 ew.log( 'INFO', "Last Position read is: " + str(lastPosition) + " for: " + inputNameS) lastTimeLogged = state_store.get_state( inputNameS + "_Velo_last_time") or ( datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=(1))).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') lastTime_obj = datetime.strptime( lastTimeLogged, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') - timedelta(seconds=interval) lastTime = lastTime_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') ew.log( 'INFO', "Last Time Logged is: " + str(lastTime) + " for: " + inputNameS) # djs 12/19 # Format the api call to velocloud vco to obtain event data. eventStart = lastTime eventEnd = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') data = {"interval": {"end": eventEnd, "start": eventStart}} ew.log('INFO', "Request to VCO is: " + str(data) + " for: " + inputNameS) veloEventUrl = rest_url + "/portal/rest/event/getEnterpriseEvents" # djs 01/20 # If successful, we received a response from VCO. respE =, cookies=cookie, data=json.dumps(data), verify=False) # djs 01/20 # Debugging only. # ew.log('INFO', "Response from VCO: " + respE.text) # djs 12/19 # The data response from the velocloud api call is in resp.text outputS = collections.OrderedDict() output = json.loads(respE.text) respE = '' try: # djs 12/19 # Each log entry in json response is in data section identified by id. # Using id as key, write to a ordered dictionary so we can sort. for entry in output['data']: thisId = entry['id'] outputS[thisId] = entry ew.log( 'INFO', str(len(outputS)) + " records returned from VCO Request for: " + inputNameS) if len(outputS) > 0: # djs 12/19 # From VeloCloud, records are in the wrong order so we # re-sort the ordered dictionary so oldest events first. outputSr = collections.OrderedDict( reversed(list(outputS.items()))) # djs 12/19 # For each event, write to splunk using ew.write_event and event object # Note assumption is key is always getting larger. We dont handle wrapping. highId = 0 eventCount = 0 for key_str, value in outputSr.items(): key = int(key_str) if key > highId: highId = key if key > int(lastPosition): event = Event() event.stanza = inputNameS = json.dumps(value) eventCount += 1 ew.write_event(event) # djs 12/19 # Write the highest event id back to the file state store if highId > 0: try: # djs 01/20 # Save the last time and position we wrote to splunk in state store. state_store.update_state( inputNameS + "_Velo_last_pos", str(highId)) ew.log( 'INFO', "Last Position out is: " + str(highId) + " for: " + inputNameS) state_store.update_state( inputNameS + "_Velo_last_time", str(eventEnd)) ew.log( 'INFO', "Last Time out is: " + str(eventEnd) + " for: " + inputNameS) except Exception as e: raise Exception, "Something did not go right: %s" % str( e) ew.log( 'INFO', str(eventCount) + " VeloCloud events written to log for: " + inputNameS) except Exception as e: raise Exception, "Something did not go right. Likely a bad password: %s" % str( e)
def get_utc_milli_ts(): return long(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) * 1000
# Convert the value of the sensor into a temperature def read_temp(): lines = read_temp_raw() # Read the temperature 'device file' # While the first line does not contain 'YES', wait for 0.2s # and then read the device file again. while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES': time.sleep(0.2) lines = read_temp_raw() # Look for the position of the '=' in the second line of the # device file. equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=') # If the '=' is found, convert the rest of the line after the # '=' into degrees Celsius, then degrees Fahrenheit if equals_pos != -1: temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos + 2:] temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0 return temp_c # Print out the temperature until the program is stopped. with open(outfile, 'a') as f: while True: f.write(datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + ',' + str(read_temp()) + '\n') #write the data to a string and to the output file f.flush() #force the system to write the file to disk time.sleep(30)
def main(): global sensor, verbose, testsrc ##++++++++++++++++ Configuration section +++++++++++++++++++++++## ingestDir = "/data_store/dropbox" downloadDir = "/data_store/download" minPixelCount = 60000 # minimum number of pixels for image to be valid minPixelRange = 50 # minimum range of pixel values for valid image ##++++++++++++++++++ end configuration ++++++++++++++++++++++++## # ###### definitions base on command line input args = _process_command_line() verbose = args.verbose # turns on verbose output satellite = args.satellite # specifies single satellite platform testsrc = args.test # directs data requests to test NRT stream matchstr = args.match # directs data requests to test NRT stream if args.noingest: doingest = 0 else: doingest = 1 # if testsrc: datasrc = "nrt-test" else: datasrc = "nrt-prod" level = args.level # bgntime = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=args.backmins) endtime = datetime.utcnow() bgnsecs = bgntime.strftime("%s") bgnstr = bgntime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d+%H%M") endstr = endtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d+%H%M") #print "format={} satellite={}".format(level, satellite) ###### dset_count = { "modis": 0, "viirs": 0, "avhrr": 0, "metop": 0, "atms": 0, "amsr2": 0 } # if verbose: print "Dates: ", bgnstr, " / ", endstr # downloads = 0 for sensor in args.sensor: print "Requesting: {}".format(sensor) # if satellite == 'all': listurl = "http://{0}[]={1}&processing_levels[]={2}&start_date={3}&end_date={4}".format( datasrc, sensor, level, bgnstr, endstr) else: listurl = "http://{0}[]={1}&sensors[]={2}&processing_levels[]={3}&start_date={4}&end_date={5}".format( datasrc, satellite, sensor, level, bgnstr, endstr) # print "URL=", listurl sock = urllib.urlopen(listurl) htmlSource = sock.close() if verbose: print "BEGIN HTML =======================================================" print htmlSource print "END HTML =========================================================" rtnval = len(htmlSource) print "HTML String length = {}".format(rtnval) # instantiate the parser and feed it the HTML page parser = MyHTMLParser() parser.feed(htmlSource) # change working location to the download scratch directory if doingest: os.chdir(downloadDir) # now parse the file name and retrieve the recent files cnt = 0 dcount = 0 ingcount = 0 totsize = 0 for fileurl in parser.satfile: # the test location for files is different than the operational location if testsrc: fileurl = fileurl.replace("", "") if verbose: print "Downloading: {}".format(fileurl) filename = "{}".format(fileurl.split("/")[-1]) if matchstr: #print "looking for matchstr=[{}]".format(matchstr) if matchstr in filename: print "Found: {}".format(filename) else: continue print "FILENAME={}".format(filename) urllib.urlretrieve(fileurl, filename) if os.path.isfile(filename): fsize = os.path.getsize(filename) dcount += 1 nameseg = filename.split('.') basenm = nameseg[0] if verbose: print "Basename = {}".format(basenm) # use base name to create a new name with "Alaska" prefix and ".nc" extension if args.regionalsat: newfilename = "Alaska_{}.nc".format(basenm) print "Adding prefix: {}".format(newfilename) else: newfilename = filename # now look for ".gz" in file name to determine if compression is needed if ".gz" in filename: # open compressed file and read out all the contents inF = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb') s = inF.close() # now write uncompressed result to the new filename outF = file(newfilename, 'wb') outF.write(s) outF.close() # make sure the decompression was successful if not os.path.exists(newfilename): print "Decompression failed: {}".format(filename) raise SystemExit # redirected compression copies to a new file so old compressed file needs to be removed os.remove(filename) # if verbose: print "File decompressed: {}".format(newfilename) elif ".nc" in filename: move(filename, newfilename) # # set the filename variable to the new uncompressed name filename = newfilename ############################################### # last step is to do QC checks on the data if args.qcfilter: if qc_image_file(filename, minPixelCount, minPixelRange): print "Moving {} to {}".format(filename, ingestDir) move(filename, ingestDir) ingcount += 1 else: print "QC failed. Removing: {}".format(filename) os.remove(filename) ############################################### else: # Check whether this is nucaps sounding which needs # file modification for AWIPS if level == 'nucaps_level2': print "NUCAPS: {}".format(filename) if "NUCAPS-EDR" in filename: origFilename = filename print "fix nucaps file" filename = fix_nucaps_file(origFilename) print "new filename = {}".format(filename) if os.path.exists(filename): # a new converted file has been made so remove the original file print "Removing: {}".format(origFilename) #move(origFilename,"/home/awips/testscripts/testdata") os.remove(origFilename) else: print "Removing: {}".format(filename) os.remove(filename) continue # Now check if the file already exists ingest directory ingestfilename = "{}/{}".format(ingestDir, filename) if os.path.exists(ingestfilename): print "File already exists in Ingest Dir...removing: {}".format( filename) os.remove(filename) continue elif doingest: # OK, ready to move the file to the ingest directory print "Moving {} to {}".format(filename, ingestDir) try: move(filename, ingestDir) except: print "************ Unable to move file to ingest: {}".format( filename) continue else: print "No ingest for {}".format(filename) ingcount += 1 print "INGEST CNT = {}".format(ingcount) # else: fsize = 0 totsize += fsize downloads += 1 dset_count[sensor] += 1 cnt += 1 for sensor in args.sensor: print "{} files downloaded={}".format(sensor, dset_count[sensor]) print "Total files downloaded={} ingested={} total size={}".format( downloads, ingcount, totsize)
def __init__(self, id, username=None): = id self.username = username self.connected_at = datetime.utcnow() self.rooms = [] self.messages = Queue()
def attendance(password, user, period, start=None, end=None): """ Retrieves timesheet and totals it for the current month. """ from datetime import datetime import pytz import holidays def colored_diff(title, diff, notes=None, invert=False): positive_color = 'green' negative_color = 'magenta' if invert: positive_color = 'magenta' negative_color = 'green' if not notes: notes = '' else: notes = f' ! {notes}' color = negative_color if diff[0] == '-' else positive_color click.echo('{title}\t', fg='blue') +, fg=color) +, fg='magenta')) if password is None: password = get_pass() check_config() with Settings() as config: client = Client(username=config['username'], password=password, database=config['database'], host=config['host']) client.connect() if not user: user_id = filters = [('', '=', user_id)] # Add the start filter if start: filters.append(('check_in', '>=', start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))) elif period == 'month': filters.append( ('check_in', '>=','%Y-%m-01 00:00:00'))) elif period == 'year': filters.append( ('check_in', '>=','%Y-01-01 00:00:00'))) # Add optional end filter if end: filters.append(('check_out', '<', end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))) attendance_ids ='hr.attendance', filters) attendances ='hr.attendance', attendance_ids) weeks = {} # @TODO Assumes user is in Finland local_holidays = holidays.FI() # Faux data to test holidays # attendances.append({ # 'check_in': '2018-01-01 00:00:00', # 'check_out': '2018-01-01 02:00:00', # 'worked_hours': 2 # }) for attendance in attendances: # Get a localized datetime object # @TODO This assumes the server returns times as EU/Helsinki date = pytz.timezone('Europe/Helsinki').localize( datetime.strptime(attendance['check_in'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) # If there is no checkout time, sum to now if attendance['check_out'] == False: # @TODO Same as above now = pytz.timezone('Europe/Helsinki').localize(datetime.utcnow()) attendance['worked_hours'] = (now - date).seconds / 3600 # Get the day and week index keys (Key = %Y-%m-%d) day_key = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Counts weeks from first Monday of the year week_key = date.strftime('%W') if week_key not in weeks: weeks[week_key] = {} if day_key not in weeks[week_key]: # @TODO Assumes 7.5 hours per day weeks[week_key][day_key] = { 'allocated_hours': 7.5, 'worked_hours': 0, 'holiday': None } if day_key in local_holidays: # This day is a holiday, no allocated hours weeks[week_key][day_key]['holiday'] = local_holidays.get(day_key) weeks[week_key][day_key]['allocated_hours'] = 0 # Sum the attendance weeks[week_key][day_key]['worked_hours'] += attendance['worked_hours'] total_diff = 0 total_hours = 0 day_diff = 0 click.echo( f'Balance as of {("seconds"))} (system time)', fg='blue')) click.echo('Day\t\tWorked\tDifference', fg='blue')) for week_number, week in sorted(weeks.items()): for key, day in sorted(week.items()): diff = day['worked_hours'] - day['allocated_hours'] colored_diff(f'{key}\t{(day["worked_hours"]):.2f}', f'{diff:+.2f}', day['holiday']) if key =='%Y-%m-%d'): day_diff += day['worked_hours'] - day['allocated_hours'] else: total_diff += day['worked_hours'] - day['allocated_hours'] total_hours += day['worked_hours'] today ='%Y-%m-%d') this_week ='%W') hours_today = 0 allocated_today = 0 if today in weeks.get(this_week, {}): hours_today = weeks[this_week][today]['worked_hours'] allocated_today = weeks[this_week][today]['allocated_hours'] click.echo('---\t\t------\t-----', fg='blue')) colored_diff(f'Totals:\t\t{total_hours:.2f}', f'{(total_diff + day_diff):+.2f}') print() colored_diff('Balance yesterday:', f'{total_diff:+.2f}') colored_diff('Balance now:\t', f'{(total_diff + day_diff):+.2f}') colored_diff('Allocated hours today:', f'{(allocated_today - hours_today):+.2f}', invert=True)
def getUnix(): d = datetime.utcnow() unixtime = calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()) return unixtime
def lambda_handler(event, _context): # Get Current DateTime utcDateTime = datetime.utcnow() logger.debug(f'utcDateTime: {utcDateTime}') # Get all EC2 instances session = boto3.Session() ec2Client = session.client('ec2', region_name='us-east-1') try: logger.debug(f'Describing All Instances...') allInstances = ec2Client.describe_instances() # logger.debug(f'allInstances: {allInstances}') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to describe_instances') raise e # Check each EC2 instance and take action for Shutdowns'### Checking for ShutDown Tags ###') for instances in allInstances['Reservations']: for instance in instances['Instances']: try: if instance['InstanceId'] == 'i-0de01bff49c78f2ee': instanceId = instance['InstanceId'] for tag in instance['Tags']: # Check AutoShutDown8pm Tag Value (Old way) if 'AutoShutDown8pm' in (tag.get('Key')): autoShutDownValue = (tag.get('Value'))'AutoShutDown8pm Tag found on: {instanceId}') # Shutdown if AutoShutDown == EST (currentTime +4) if 'EST' in autoShutDownValue and utcDateTime.hour == 00:'Shutting down instance: {instanceId}') ec2Client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedShutdown', 'Value': str( utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be shutdown at 8pm EST'}]) # Shutdown if AutoShutDown == EST (currentTime +5) elif 'CST' in autoShutDownValue and utcDateTime.hour == 1:'Shutting down instance: {instanceId}') ec2Client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedShutdown', 'Value': str( utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be shutdown at 8pm CST'}]) # Shutdown if AutoShutDown == EST (currentTime +6) elif 'MST' in autoShutDownValue and utcDateTime.hour == 2:'Shutting down instance: {instanceId}') ec2Client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedShutdown', 'Value': str( utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be shutdown at 8pm MST'}]) # Shutdown if AutoShutDown == EST (currentTime +7) elif 'PST' in autoShutDownValue and utcDateTime.hour == 3:'Shutting down instance: {instanceId}') ec2Client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedShutdown', 'Value': str( utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be shutdown at 8pm PST'}]) else:'No Shutdown Action take on: {instanceId}') # Delete Variable del autoShutDownValue # Check ShutDownInstanceAt Tag Value (New way) if 'ShutDownInstanceAt' in (tag.get('Key')):'ShutDownInstanceAt Tag found on: {instanceId}') ShutDownInstanceAtValue = (tag.get('Value')) logger.debug(f'ShutDownInstanceAtValue: {ShutDownInstanceAtValue}') shutDownInstanceAtHour = ShutDownInstanceAtValue.split(' ')[0] logger.debug(f'shutDownInstanceAtHour: {shutDownInstanceAtHour}') if 'pm' in shutDownInstanceAtHour: shutDownInstanceAtHour = (int(shutDownInstanceAtHour.split('pm')[0]) + 12) logger.debug(f'shutDownInstanceAtHour: {shutDownInstanceAtHour}') elif 'am' in shutDownInstanceAtHour: shutDownInstanceAtHour = int(shutDownInstanceAtHour.split('am')[0]) logger.debug(f'shutDownInstanceAtHour: {shutDownInstanceAtHour}') logger.debug(f'utcDateTime.hour: {utcDateTime.hour}') # Shutdown instance if the current UTC hour == the shutDownInstanceHour if shutDownInstanceAtHour == utcDateTime.hour:'Shutting down instance: {instanceId}') ec2Client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedShutdown', 'Value': str(utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be shutdown at ' + ShutDownInstanceAtValue}]) else:'No Shutdown Action take on: {instanceId}') # Delete Variable del ShutDownInstanceAtValue except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed executing Shutdown actions') raise e # Check each EC2 instance and take action for PowerOn'### Checking for PowerOn Tags ###') for instances in allInstances['Reservations']: for instance in instances['Instances']: try: if instance['InstanceId'] == 'i-0de01bff49c78f2ee': instanceId = instance['InstanceId'] for tag in instance['Tags']: # Check PowerOnInstanceAt Tag Value if 'PowerOnInstanceAt' in (tag.get('Key')):'PowerOnInstanceAt Tag found on: {instanceId}') PowerOnInstanceAtValue = (tag.get('Value')) logger.debug(f'PowerOnInstanceAtValue: {PowerOnInstanceAtValue}') PowerOnInstanceAtHour = PowerOnInstanceAtValue.split(' ')[0] logger.debug(f'PowerOnInstanceAtHour: {PowerOnInstanceAtHour}') if 'pm' in PowerOnInstanceAtHour: PowerOnInstanceAtHour = (int(PowerOnInstanceAtHour.split('pm')[0]) + 12) logger.debug(f'PowerOnInstanceAtHour: {PowerOnInstanceAtHour}') elif 'am' in PowerOnInstanceAtHour: PowerOnInstanceAtHour = int(PowerOnInstanceAtHour.split('am')[0]) logger.debug(f'PowerOnInstanceAtHour: {PowerOnInstanceAtHour}') logger.debug(f'utcDateTime.hour: {utcDateTime.hour}') # PowerOn instance if the current UTC hour == the PowerOnInstanceAtHour if PowerOnInstanceAtHour == utcDateTime.hour:'Powering on instance: {instanceId}') response = ec2Client.start_instances(InstanceIds=[instanceId]) logger.debug(f'response: {response}') ec2Client.create_tags(Resources=[instanceId], Tags=[{'Key': 'LastAutomatedPowerOn', 'Value': str(utcDateTime) + ' - The server was requested to be powered on at ' + PowerOnInstanceAtValue}]) else:'No PowerOn Action take on: {instanceId}') # Delete Variable del PowerOnInstanceAtValue except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed executing PowerOn actions') raise e
def refresh_database(refresh_method='system', truncate=False, truncateDate=None): run_time = datetime.utcnow() athlete_info = app.session.query(athlete).filter( athlete.athlete_id == 1).first() processing = app.session.query(dbRefreshStatus).filter( dbRefreshStatus.refresh_method == 'processing').first() # Add record for refresh audit trail refresh_record = dbRefreshStatus( timestamp_utc=run_time, refresh_method=refresh_method, truncate=True if truncate or truncateDate else False) app.session.add(refresh_record) app.session.commit() if not processing: try: # If athlete settings are defined if and athlete_info.birthday and and athlete_info.weight_lbs and athlete_info.resting_hr and athlete_info.run_ftp and athlete_info.ride_ftp: # Insert record into table for 'processing' db_process_flag(flag=True) # If either truncate parameter is passed if truncate or truncateDate: # If only truncating past a certain date if truncateDate: try: app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_summary') app.session.execute( delete(stravaSummary).where( stravaSummary.start_date_utc >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_samples') app.session.execute( delete(stravaSamples).where( stravaSamples.timestamp_local >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_best_samples') app.session.execute( delete(stravaBestSamples).where( stravaBestSamples.timestamp_local >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug('Truncating stryd_summary') app.session.execute( delete(strydSummary).where( strydSummary.start_date_local >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_readiness_summary') app.session.execute( delete(ouraReadinessSummary).where( ouraReadinessSummary.report_date >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_sleep_summary') app.session.execute( delete(ouraSleepSummary).where( ouraSleepSummary.report_date >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_sleep_samples') app.session.execute( delete(ouraSleepSamples).where( ouraSleepSamples.report_date >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_activity_summary') app.session.execute( delete(ouraActivitySummary).where( ouraActivitySummary.summary_date >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_activity_samples') app.session.execute( delete(ouraActivitySamples).where( ouraActivitySamples.timestamp_local >= truncateDate)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating hrv_workout_step_log') # Delete extra day back so hrv workflow can recalculate the 'completed_yesterday' flag app.session.execute( delete(workoutStepLog).where( >= ( truncateDate - timedelta(days=1)))) app.server.logger.debug('Truncating withings') app.session.execute( delete(withings).where( withings.date_utc >= truncateDate)) app.session.commit() except BaseException as e: app.session.rollback() app.server.logger.error(e) else: try: app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_summary') app.session.execute(delete(stravaSummary)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_samples') app.session.execute(delete(stravaSamples)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating strava_best_samples') app.session.execute(delete(stravaBestSamples)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_readiness_summary') app.session.execute(delete(ouraReadinessSummary)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_sleep_summary') app.session.execute(delete(ouraSleepSummary)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_sleep_samples') app.session.execute(delete(ouraSleepSamples)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_activity_summary') app.session.execute(delete(ouraActivitySummary)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating oura_activity_samples') app.session.execute(delete(ouraActivitySamples)) app.server.logger.debug( 'Truncating hrv_workout_step_log') app.session.execute(delete(workoutStepLog)) app.server.logger.debug('Truncating withings') app.session.execute(delete(withings)) app.server.logger.debug('Truncating fitbod') app.session.execute(delete(fitbod)) app.session.commit() except BaseException as e: app.session.rollback() app.server.logger.error(e) app.session.remove() ### Pull Weight Data ### # If withings credentials in config.ini, populate withings table if withings_credentials_supplied: try:'Pulling withings data...') pull_withings_data() withings_status = 'Successful' except BaseException as e: app.server.logger.error( 'Error pulling withings data: {}'.format(e)) withings_status = str(e) else: withings_status = 'No Credentials' ### Pull Fitbod Data ### # If nextcloud credentials in config.ini, pull fitbod data from nextcloud location if nextcloud_credentials_supplied: try:'Pulling fitbod data...') pull_fitbod_data() fitbod_status = 'Successful' except BaseException as e: app.server.logger.error( 'Error pulling fitbod data: {}'.format(e)) fitbod_status = str(e) else: fitbod_status = 'No Credentials' ### Pull Oura Data ### if oura_credentials_supplied: # Pull Oura Data before strava because resting heart rate used in strava sample heart rate zones try:'Pulling oura data...') oura_status = pull_oura_data() oura_status = 'Successful' if oura_status else 'Oura cloud not yet updated' except BaseException as e: app.server.logger.error( 'Error pulling oura data: {}'.format(e)) oura_status = str(e) else: oura_status = 'No Credentials' ### Pull Stryd Data ### if stryd_credentials_supplied:'Pulling stryd data...') pull_stryd_data() ### This has been moved to crontab as spotify refresh is required more frequently than hourly ### # ### Pull Spotify Data ### # if spotify_credentials_supplied: #'Pulling spotify play history...') # save_spotify_play_history() ### Pull Strava Data ### # Only pull strava data if oura cloud has been updated with latest day, or no oura credentials so strava will use athlete static resting hr if oura_status == 'Successful' or oura_status == 'No Credentials': try:'Pulling strava data...') if strava_connected(): athlete_id = 1 # TODO: Make this dynamic if ever expanding to more users client = get_strava_client() after = config.get('strava', 'activities_after_date') activities = client.get_activities( after=after, limit=0 ) # Use after to sort from oldest to newest athlete_info = app.session.query(athlete).filter( athlete.athlete_id == athlete_id).first() min_non_warmup_workout_time = athlete_info.min_non_warmup_workout_time # Loop through the activities, and create a dict of the dataframe stream data of each activity db_activities = pd.read_sql(sql=app.session.query( stravaSummary.activity_id).filter( stravaSummary.athlete_id == athlete_id).distinct( stravaSummary.activity_id).statement, con=engine) app.session.remove() new_activities = [] for act in activities: # If not already in db, parse and insert if not in db_activities[ 'activity_id'].unique(): new_activities.append(FitlyActivity(act)) 'New Workout found: "{}"'.format( # If new workouts found, analyze and insert if len(new_activities) > 0: for fitly_act in new_activities: fitly_act.stravaScrape( athlete_id=athlete_id) # Only run hrv training workflow if oura connection available to use hrv data or readiness score if oura_status == 'Successful': training_workflow( min_non_warmup_workout_time= min_non_warmup_workout_time, metric=app.session.query(athlete).filter( athlete.athlete_id == 1).first().recovery_metric) app.server.logger.debug('stravaScrape() complete...') strava_status = 'Successful' except BaseException as e: app.server.logger.error( 'Error pulling strava data: {}'.format(e)) strava_status = str(e) else: 'Oura cloud not yet updated. Waiting to pull Strava data' ) strava_status = 'Awaiting oura cloud update' app.server.logger.debug( 'Updating db refresh record with status...') refresh_record = app.session.query(dbRefreshStatus).filter( dbRefreshStatus.timestamp_utc == run_time).first() refresh_record.oura_status = oura_status refresh_record.fitbod_status = fitbod_status refresh_record.strava_status = strava_status refresh_record.withings_status = withings_status refresh_record.refresh_method = refresh_method app.session.commit() # Refresh peloton class types local json file if peloton_credentials_supplied: get_peloton_class_names() db_process_flag(flag=False)'Refresh Complete') app.session.remove() else: 'Please define all athlete settings prior to refreshing data' ) except: # Just in case the job fails, remove any processing records that may have been added to audit log as to not lock the next job db_process_flag(flag=False) else: if refresh_method == 'manual':'Database is already running a refresh job') app.session.remove()
async def mute(self, ctx, member: Greedy[discord.Member], *, time: TimeConverter = None): redmark = "<:redmark:738415723172462723>" #If no members are give if not len(member): e = discord.Embed( description= f"{redmark} __*{}, you have to give a member(s) to mute*__", color=0x420000) await ctx.send(embed=e) return #Get the muted role mute_role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Muted") #If the mute role doesn't exist in the server if not mute_role: e = discord.Embed( description= f"{redmark} __*Couldn't find a [Muted Role](", color=0x420000) await ctx.send(embed=e) return #Empty list of members for us to to store #To unmute later on unmutes = [] for mem in member: #Check if the member(s) aren't muted already if not mute_role in mem.roles: #Check if the bot has the right permissions #To perform the mute if > mem.top_role.position: #Store the role ids role_ids = ",".join([str( for r in mem.roles]) #If an endtime was given #Store it, else None endtime = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( seconds=time) if time else None #Use the function for adding the mute #And storing the member's id, roles, and endtime (if given) await self.db.add_mute(, role_ids, getattr(endtime, "isoformat", lambda: None)(), #Edit the user's roles await mem.edit(roles=[mute_role]) tm = f'{time:,}' if time else 'Indefinite' try: e = discord.Embed( description= f"**You've been muted in {ctx.guild}!**", timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), color=0x420000) e.set_author(name=f"Duration -> {tm}") e.set_footer(text=f"Muted by {}") e.set_thumbnail(url=ctx.guild.icon_url) await mem.send(embed=e) except Exception: pass #Make our embed e = discord.Embed( description=f"🤐 **{mem.mention} has been muted!**", color=0x420000, timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) e.set_author(name=f'Duration -> {tm}') #Send the embed await ctx.send(embed=e) #If a time is given #Append the members #To the list of unmutes if time: unmutes.append(mem) #If the bot doesn't have the right perms else: e = discord.Embed( description= f"{redmark} __*{mem.mention} couldn't be muted due to my permission/role hierarchy*__", color=0x420000) await ctx.send(embed=e) return #If the member's already muted else: e = discord.Embed( description= f"{redmark} __*{mem.mention} is already muted!*__", color=0x420000) await ctx.send(embed=e) return #If a time is given #Wait for that amount of time and #Then unmute after that time passes if len(unmutes): await asyncio.sleep(time) await self.unmute_mem(ctx, member)
def detect() -> None: schema_registry = confluent_kafka.schema_registry.SchemaRegistryClient( {'url': config.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL}) key_serializer = confluent_kafka.schema_registry.avro.AvroSerializer( message_schemas.BAD_PLANS_MESSAGE_KEY_AVRO_SCHEMA, schema_registry) value_serializer = confluent_kafka.schema_registry.avro.AvroSerializer( message_schemas.BAD_PLANS_MESSAGE_VALUE_AVRO_SCHEMA, schema_registry) key_deserializer = confluent_kafka.schema_registry.avro.AvroDeserializer( message_schemas.QUERY_STATS_MESSAGE_KEY_AVRO_SCHEMA, schema_registry) value_deserializer = confluent_kafka.schema_registry.avro.AvroDeserializer( message_schemas.QUERY_STATS_MESSAGE_VALUE_AVRO_SCHEMA, schema_registry) producer_config = { 'bootstrap.servers': config.KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, 'key.serializer': key_serializer, 'value.serializer': value_serializer, '': 100, '': 250, 'compression.codec': 'snappy' } consumer_config = { 'bootstrap.servers': config.KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, '': f'sqlserver_plan_regression_monitor_detect_{socket.getfqdn()}', 'key.deserializer': key_deserializer, 'value.deserializer': value_deserializer, # We manage our own offset seeking and do not use commits in this module: '': False, 'error_cb': lambda evt: logger.error('Kafka error: %s', evt), 'throttle_cb': lambda evt: logger.warning('Kafka throttle event: %s', evt) } kafka_producer = confluent_kafka.SerializingProducer(producer_config) kafka_consumer = confluent_kafka.DeserializingConsumer(consumer_config) kafka_consumer.subscribe([config.STATS_TOPIC], on_assign=partial( common.set_offsets_to_time, config.REFRESH_INTERVAL_MINUTES * 60)) try: while True: # Top level: one per query on a particular DB. Next level: plans seen for that SQL query, keyed by the # plan_handle. 3rd and innermost level: the dict of stats collected for the plan queries = collections.defaultdict(dict) memory_flush_deadline = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( minutes=config.REFRESH_INTERVAL_MINUTES) while datetime.utcnow() < memory_flush_deadline: msg = kafka_consumer.poll(1.0) if msg is None: continue msg_key = dict(msg.key()) msg_val = dict(msg.value()) caught_up = time.time() - (msg_val['stats_query_time'] / 1000) < \ config.MAX_ALLOWED_EVALUATION_LAG_SECONDS query_key = (msg_key['db_identifier'], msg_key['set_options'], msg_key['sql_handle']) queries[query_key][msg_val['plan_handle']] = msg_val queries[query_key][msg_val['plan_handle']]['source_stats_message_coordinates'] = \ common.msg_coordinates(msg) if msg.offset() % 100_000 == 0: f'Reached {common.format_msg_info(msg)}. Caught up = {caught_up}. Queries cached: ' f'{len(queries):,}') if msg.offset() % 1000 == 0: kafka_producer.poll( 0) # serve delivery callbacks if needed if caught_up and len( queries[query_key] ) > 1: # need other plans to compare to be able to call it "bad" bad_plans, prior_plans = find_bad_plans( queries[query_key], msg_val['stats_query_time']) for bad_plan in bad_plans: kafka_producer.poll(0) # serve delivery callbacks bad_plan['prior_plans'] = prior_plans msg_key = message_schemas.key_from_value(bad_plan) kafka_producer.produce( topic=config.BAD_PLANS_TOPIC, key=msg_key, value=bad_plan, on_delivery=common.kafka_producer_delivery_cb) logger.debug( f'Produced message with key {msg_key} and value {bad_plan}' ) 'Clearing %s queries from memory and reloading from source Kafka topic...', len(queries)) common.set_offsets_to_time(config.REFRESH_INTERVAL_MINUTES * 60, kafka_consumer, kafka_consumer.assignment()) except KeyboardInterrupt:'Received interrupt request; shutting down...') finally: kafka_consumer.close() kafka_producer.flush(10)'Clean shutdown complete.')
async def setConfig(ctx, dbQuery, configName, configValue, channelID: str = 'currentChannel'): em = discord.Embed(color=embedColor) if channelID == 'currentChannel': channelID = str( em.set_author(name=f'Results for config {configName}') else: em.set_author(name=f'Results for config {configName} {channelID}') # Sets all keys to lowercase, making search arguments case insensitive try: resultValue = dbQuery['Items'][0]['mpaConfig'][f'{channelID}'] except KeyError: em = discord.Embed(color=failEmbedColor) em.add_field(name='Nothing found!', value='Nothing was found.') await ctx.send('', embed=em) return # Probably not the best way to determine if a key is a role list or not if 'role' in configName.lower(): if len(ctx.message.role_mentions) > 0: foundRole = ctx.message.role_mentions[0] configValue = else: try: foundRole = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=int(configValue)) if foundRole is None: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return except ValueError: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return try: if str(configValue) in resultValue[f'{configName}']: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'ItemAlreadyExists', setConfig.__name__, configName) return else: updateDB = tonkDB.updateRoleList(, channelID, configName, configValue, str(datetime.utcnow())) if updateDB is not None: em.add_field(name=f'Success:', value=f'added {foundRole.mention} (ID: {configValue}) to {configName}', inline=False) else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return except KeyError: keyExists = "false" updateDB = tonkDB.updateRoleList(, channelID, configName, configValue, str(datetime.utcnow()), keyExists) if updateDB is not None: em.add_field(name=f'Success:', value=f'added {foundRole.mention} (ID: {configValue}) to {configName}', inline=False) else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return await ctx.send('', embed=em) return else: try: if str(configValue) in resultValue[f'{configName}']: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'ItemAlreadyExists', setConfig.__name__, configName) return else: if (checkConfigSyntax(ctx, configName, configValue)) is not None: updateDB = tonkDB.updateConfig(, channelID, configName, configValue, str(datetime.utcnow())) else: updateDB = None if updateDB is not None: em.add_field(name=f'Success', value=f'Set {configName} to {configValue}', inline=False) else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return except KeyError: if (checkConfigSyntax(ctx, configName, configValue)) is not None: keyExists = "false" updateDB = tonkDB.updateConfig(, channelID, configName, configValue, str(datetime.utcnow()), keyExists) else: updateDB = None if updateDB is not None: em.add_field(name=f'Success', value=f'Set {configName} to {configValue}', inline=False) else: await sendErrorMessage.invalidArguments(ctx, 'invalidChannelConfigSet', setConfig.__name__, configName) return await ctx.send('', embed=em) return
def test_write_entries_w_extra_properties(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements from datetime import datetime from google.logging.type.log_severity_pb2 import WARNING from import LogEntry from import UTC, _pb_timestamp_to_datetime NOW = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC) TEXT = 'TEXT' SEVERITY = 'WARNING' LABELS = { 'foo': 'bar', } IID = 'IID' REQUEST_METHOD = 'GET' REQUEST_URL = '' STATUS = 200 REQUEST_SIZE = 256 RESPONSE_SIZE = 1024 REFERRER_URL = '' USER_AGENT = 'Agent/1.0' REMOTE_IP = '' REQUEST = { 'requestMethod': REQUEST_METHOD, 'requestUrl': REQUEST_URL, 'status': STATUS, 'requestSize': REQUEST_SIZE, 'responseSize': RESPONSE_SIZE, 'referer': REFERRER_URL, 'userAgent': USER_AGENT, 'remoteIp': REMOTE_IP, 'cacheHit': False, } PRODUCER = 'PRODUCER' OPID = 'OPID' OPERATION = { 'producer': PRODUCER, 'id': OPID, 'first': False, 'last': True, } ENTRY = { 'logName': self.LOG_PATH, 'resource': {'type': 'global'}, 'textPayload': TEXT, 'severity': SEVERITY, 'labels': LABELS, 'insertId': IID, 'timestamp': NOW, 'httpRequest': REQUEST, 'operation': OPERATION, } gax_api = _GAXLoggingAPI() api = self._make_one(gax_api, None) api.write_entries([ENTRY]) entries, log_name, resource, labels, partial_success, options = ( gax_api._write_log_entries_called_with) self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1) entry = entries[0] self.assertIsInstance(entry, LogEntry) self.assertEqual(entry.log_name, self.LOG_PATH) self.assertEqual(entry.resource.type, 'global') self.assertEqual(entry.text_payload, TEXT) self.assertEqual(entry.severity, WARNING) self.assertEqual(entry.labels, LABELS) self.assertEqual(entry.insert_id, IID) stamp = _pb_timestamp_to_datetime(entry.timestamp) self.assertEqual(stamp, NOW) request = entry.http_request self.assertEqual(request.request_method, REQUEST_METHOD) self.assertEqual(request.request_url, REQUEST_URL) self.assertEqual(request.status, STATUS) self.assertEqual(request.request_size, REQUEST_SIZE) self.assertEqual(request.response_size, RESPONSE_SIZE) self.assertEqual(request.referer, REFERRER_URL) self.assertEqual(request.user_agent, USER_AGENT) self.assertEqual(request.remote_ip, REMOTE_IP) self.assertEqual(request.cache_hit, False) operation = entry.operation self.assertEqual(operation.producer, PRODUCER) self.assertEqual(, OPID) self.assertFalse(operation.first) self.assertTrue(operation.last) self.assertIsNone(log_name) self.assertIsNone(resource) self.assertIsNone(labels) self.assertEqual(partial_success, False) self.assertIsNone(options)
def now_datetime(): from datetime import datetime return convert_utc_to_user_timezone(datetime.utcnow())
async def warn(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason: Optional[str] = "No Reason Provided"): #If a member isn't provided if not member: await ctx.send("You have to give a reason to warn this member") return #If the reason is too long if len(reason) > 350: await ctx.send("Reason has to be less than 350 Characters") return #If the author's top role #Is under the member's top role if < member.top_role.position: await ctx.send("You don't have permissions to warn this member") return #If the author tries to warn the owner #Of the server if != await ctx.send("You can't warn the Owner of the Server") return #If the author tries to warn #Themselves if == member: await ctx.send("You can't warn yourself") return #Add to member's total warns await self.db.add_warns(,, reason, #Embed to try and send to member #Wrapped in try/except in case #It tries to send to a bot try: #Get member's total warns total_warns = len(await self.db.get_warns(, e = discord.Embed( color=0x420000, title=f"⚠️ **You've been Warned in {ctx.guild}!**") #Make fields fields = [("__*Warned By*__",, True), ("__*Reason*__", reason, True), ("__*Total Warns*__", total_warns, True)] #Add fields for n, v, i in fields: e.add_field(name=n, value=v, inline=i) e.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() await member.send(embed=e) except Exception as e: pass #Get member's total warns total_warns = len(await self.db.get_warns(, #Make embed e = discord.Embed( color=0x420000, description= f"⚠️ **{member}** has been warned. They now have **{total_warns} warn(s)**" ) #Make embed fields fields = [("__*Warned by*__",, True), ("__*Reason*__", reason, True)] for name, value, inline in fields: e.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline) e.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() e.set_footer(text=member, icon_url=member.avatar_url) await ctx.send(embed=e)
#!/usr/bin/env python import spidev import opc import datetime, time from datetime import datetime,timedelta import os.path, sys, os import serial import signal from time import sleep datadir='/var/data/OPC' filenm='opc' IDstacji=30100 presentTime=datetime.utcnow() # Open a SPI connection on CE0 spi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0) # Set the SPI mode and clock speed spi.mode = 1 spi.max_speed_hz = 500000 def date2matlab(dt): ord = dt.toordinal() mdn = dt + timedelta(days = 366)
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle # Inputs SECS_IN_MIN = 60 MINS_IN_HOUR = 60 HRS_IN_DAY = 24 missingValue = -999. # ARCHIVE MODE #start_date = '20211229' #stop_date = '20220121' # REALTIME MODE now = datetime.utcnow() twelve_hrs_ago = now - timedelta(hours=12) start_date = twelve_hrs_ago.strftime("%Y%m%d") stop_date = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") #csv_dir = '/home/disk/funnel/impacts/data_archive/asos_isu' csv_dir = '/home/disk/bob/impacts/raw/asos_isu' # Get sitelist pickle_jar = '/home/disk/bob/impacts/bin/pickle_jar/' infile = open(pickle_jar + "sitelist.pkl", 'rb') #infile = open(pickle_jar + "sitelist_test.pkl",'rb') sitelist = pickle.load(infile) infile.close() # FOR TESTING #sitelist = ['KPIA']
def get_current_time(): utcmoment_naive = datetime.utcnow() utcmoment = utcmoment_naive.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) tz = os.environ.get("TZ", "Asia/kolkata") return utcmoment.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz))
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description='Dieser Command ist Deaktiviert.') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= 'Du darfst diesen Command nicht in Privatnachrichten nutzen.') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance( error, commands.BadArgument or commands.ArgumentParsingError or commands.BadBoolArgument): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= f'Dein angegebenes Argument ist fehlerhaft.\n`{error}`') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument or commands.TooManyArguments): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description=f'Dein angegebenes Argument ist fehlerhaft.') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions or commands.BotMissingPermissions): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= f'Du besitzt nicht die benötigten Rechte ({error.missing_perms}), andernfalls besitze ich nicht die benötigten Rechte!' ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance(error, commands.NotOwner): embed = discord.Embed( title='Hey! Was machst du da?', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= 'Du kannst mich mit diesem Befehl __stark beschädigen__!') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= f'Du **musst {"%.2f" % round(error.retry_after, 2)}sek. warten**, bevor du den Command erneut benutzen kannst' ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): embed = discord.Embed( title='Hey! Was machst du da?', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description=f'Du erfüllst nicht die benötigten Rechte.') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError): if isinstance(error.original, Utils.CreditError): embed = discord.Embed(title='', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description=f'{error.__context__}') embed.set_author(name="Credit Bank", icon_url=Utils.YamlContainerManagement.gce( "Images", "Credits")) embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() return elif isinstance(error.original, Utils.MusicError): embed = discord.Embed( title= f'{Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL("Embed", "HTitle")}', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= f'Etwas in der Rubrik: `Enhanced Music` ist schiefgelaufen. Versuche es erneut.\n`{error}`' ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() return if isinstance(error.original, Utils.UccountError): embed = discord.Embed(title='-Uccount-', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description=f'{error.__context__}') embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() return else: embed = discord.Embed( title='ACHTUNG!', colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red), description= 'Der Command ist **korrumpiert**!\nTritt dieser Fehler erneut auf, ' 'kontaktiere **dringend** den Support: **!s**') embed.add_field(name='**LOG:**', value=f'```css\n[{error}]\n```', inline=True) embed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: url = "" webhook = Webhook.from_url( url, adapter=AsyncWebhookAdapter(session)) timestamp = datetime.utcnow() trace = traceback.format_exception(None, error, error.__traceback__) b = 0 erembed = discord.Embed( title= "\u200b\nEin schwerwiegender Fehler ist aufgetreten!\n\u200b", colour=discord.Colour(Utils.Farbe.Red)) erembed.set_author( name=f"{timestamp.strftime(r'%I:%M %p')}", icon_url=Utils.YamlContainerManagement.get_yamlCGL( "Bilder", "Clock")) erembed.add_field( name='**OPERATOR:**', value=f'```fix\n[{} / {}]\n```', inline=False) try: erembed.add_field( name='**SERVER:**', value=f'```fix\n[{}]\n```', inline=False) erembed.add_field( name='**KANAL:**', value=f'```fix\n[{}]\n```', inline=False) except AttributeError: pass erembed.add_field( name='**COMMAND:**', value= f'```fix\n[{self.client.command_prefix}{ctx.command.qualified_name}]\n```', inline=False) erembed.add_field( name='**NACHRICHT:**', value=f'```fix\n[{ctx.message.content}]\n```', inline=False) erembed.add_field( name='**ERROR:**', value=f'```css\n[{error}]\n```\n\n\u200b', inline=False) erembed.add_field(name='**TRACEBACK:**', value=f'\u200b', inline=False) erembed.set_thumbnail(url=self.client.user.avatar_url) for o in trace: erembed.add_field(name='\u200b', value=f'```python\n{trace[b]}\n```', inline=False) b += 1 await webhook.send( username="******", avatar_url=self.client.user.avatar_url, embed=erembed) try: await ctx.message.delete() m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete() except discord.HTTPException: m = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(15) await m.delete()
def virality_scraper(USER_ID=None, PASSCODE=None, virality_job=None): start_time = time.time() # Initialize S3 and Mongo DB print("Initializing Mongo DB ...") initializationSuccess = False try: coll = s3_mongo_helper.initialize_mongo() initializationSuccess = True print("Initialized successfully") except Exception as e: print("Initialization failure") print(logging.traceback.format_exc()) if initializationSuccess: updates = 0 failed = 0 today = datetime.utcnow() if virality_job == 1: # Get metrics for t+1 & t+2 start = today - timedelta(days=2) end = today - timedelta(days=1) print( "# Updating virality metrics for posts 1 & 2 day old posts ..." ) elif virality_job == 2: # Get metrics for t+3 ... t+5 start = today - timedelta(days=5) end = today - timedelta(days=3) print("# Updating virality metrics for 3, 4 & 5 day old posts ...") cursor = coll.find({ "scraped_date": { "$gte": start, "$lte": end }, "scraper_type": "fresh" }) for doc in cursor: try: # Get timestamp for day t timestamp = pd.to_datetime(doc["timestamp"]) # Calculate days since t diff = str((today - timestamp).days) # If the post is actually less than 5 days old if int(diff) <= 5: # Get current virality metrics result = sharechat_helper.get_current_metrics( USER_ID, PASSCODE, doc["post_permalink"]) # Update doc coll.update({"_id": doc["_id"]}, { "$set": { "comments_t+" + diff: result[0], "external_shares_t+" + diff: result[1], "likes_t+" + diff: result[2], "reposts_t+" + diff: result[3], "views_t+" + diff: result[4] } }) updates += 1 # For debugging # print(coll.find_one({"_id": doc["_id"]})) # print("") else: # If for some reason the post is older pass except Exception as e: failed += 1 pass print("Scraping complete") print("Updated virality metrics for {} posts".format(updates)) print("{} updates failed".format(failed)) print("Time taken: %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
print "START: {0}, STOP: {1}".format( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', start_time), time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stop_time)) def get_timestamp(d): if isinstance(d, date) and not isinstance(d, datetime): d = datetime.combine(d, datetime.time(0, 0, 0, 0)) msec = str(d.microsecond).rjust(6).replace(' ', '0') return float('%s.%s' % (calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()), msec)) five_min = timedelta(minutes=5) stop_time2_dt = datetime.utcnow() start_time2_dt = stop_time2_dt - five_min print "START: {0}, STOP: {1}".format( start_time2_dt.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), #datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', start_time2_dt), stop_time2_dt.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) #datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stop_time2_dt) ) # stop_time2 = time.gmtime(float(get_timestamp(stop_time2_dt))) # start_time2 = time.gmtime(float(get_timestamp(start_time2_dt))) # timestamp
parser.add_argument( '-save', '--save', type=int, help= 'Save blocks to disk how often (in seconds) should be multiple of --delay', default=180) parser.add_argument('-delay', '--delay', type=int, help='recorder delay (in seconds)', default=15) args = parser.parse_args() json_data = [] timeString = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") filename = 'stats_' + timeString + '.json' #Rename existing file try: os.rename('stats.json', 'stats.json.' + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) print('Renaming stats.json ...') except: print('stats.json does not exist, create new file ...') def writeBkup(): global json_data global filename print('Writing to ' + filename + ' ...') try:
async def main(): global json_data global filename global timeString try: with open(filename) as jsonfile: json_data = json.load(jsonfile) except: print(filename + ' does not exist, create new file ...') loop_count = 0 # api-endpoint URL = "http://" + args.node_url + ":" + args.node_port print("Connecting to: " + URL) # defining a params dict for the parameters to be sent to the API data1 = {'action': 'active_difficulty', 'include_trend': 'true'} data2 = {'action': 'confirmation_active'} data3 = {'action': 'stats', 'type': 'objects'} data4 = {'action': 'block_count', 'include_cemented': 'true'} data5 = {'action': 'confirmation_quorum'} data6 = {'action': 'bootstrap_status'} while 1: filename2 = 'stats_' + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '.json' if filename2 != filename: writeBkup() timeString = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") json_data = [] filename = filename2 loop_count += 1 currentTime = time.time() # sending get request and saving the response as response object try: r =, json=data1) r2 =, json=data2) r3 =, json=data3) r4 =, json=data4) r5 =, json=data5) r6 =, json=data6) # extracting data in json format response = r.json() response2 = r2.json() response3 = r3.json() response4 = r4.json() response5 = r5.json() response6 = r6.json() except: print( "Error connecting to RPC server. Make sure you have enabled it in ~/Nano/config.json and check " "./ --help") # print(response2) try: data = {} data['timestamp'] = str(time.time()) data['confirmation_active'] = str(len(response2['confirmations'])) data['network_minimum'] = response['network_minimum'] data['network_current'] = response['network_current'] data['multiplier'] = response['multiplier'] data['difficulty_trend_min'] = str( min(map(float, response['difficulty_trend']))) data['difficulty_trend_max'] = str( max(map(float, response['difficulty_trend']))) data['difficulty_trend_median'] = str( statistics.median(map(float, response['difficulty_trend']))) data['difficulty_trend_mean'] = str( statistics.mean(map(float, response['difficulty_trend']))) data['alarm_operations_count'] = response3['node']['alarm'][ 'operations']['count'] data['ledger_bootstrap_weights_count'] = response3['node'][ 'ledger']['bootstrap_weights']['count'] data['active_roots_count'] = response3['node']['active']['roots'][ 'count'] data['active_blocks_count'] = response3['node']['active'][ 'blocks']['count'] data['active_confirmed_count'] = response3['node']['active'][ 'confirmed']['count'] data['active_cementable_count'] = response3['node']['active'][ 'priority_cementable_frontiers_count']['count'] data['tcp_channels_count'] = response3['node']['tcp_channels'][ 'channels']['count'] data['tcp_channels_attempts_count'] = response3['node'][ 'tcp_channels']['attempts']['count'] data['response_channels_count'] = response3['node'][ 'response_channels']['channels']['count'] data['vote_processor_count'] = response3['node']['vote_processor'][ 'votes']['count'] data['vote_processor_rep1'] = response3['node']['vote_processor'][ 'representatives_1']['count'] data['vote_processor_rep2'] = response3['node']['vote_processor'][ 'representatives_2']['count'] data['vote_processor_rep3'] = response3['node']['vote_processor'][ 'representatives_3']['count'] data['block_processor_state'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['state_blocks']['count'] data['block_processor_blocks'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['blocks']['count'] data['block_processor_hashes'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['blocks_hashes']['count'] data['block_processor_forced'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['forced']['count'] data['block_processor_rolled_back'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['rolled_back']['count'] data['block_processor_generator'] = response3['node'][ 'block_processor']['generator']['state_blocks']['count'] data['block_arrival_count'] = response3['node']['block_arrival'][ 'arrival']['count'] data['online_reps_arrival_count'] = response3['node'][ 'online_reps']['arrival']['count'] data['votes_cache_count'] = response3['node']['votes_cache'][ 'cache']['count'] data['block_uniquer_count'] = response3['node']['block_uniquer'][ 'blocks']['count'] data['vote_uniquer_count'] = response3['node']['vote_uniquer'][ 'votes']['count'] data['confirmation_height_count'] = response3['node'][ 'pending_confirmation_height']['pending']['count'] data['block_count'] = response4['count'] data['unchecked_count'] = response4['unchecked'] data['cemented_count'] = response4['cemented'] data['quorum_delta'] = response5['quorum_delta'] data['online_weight_minimum'] = response5['online_weight_minimum'] data['online_stake_total'] = response5['online_stake_total'] data['peers_stake_total'] = response5['peers_stake_total'] data['peers_stake_required'] = response5['peers_stake_required'] if 'clients' in response6: data['bootstrap_clients'] = response6['clients'] data['bootstrap_pulls'] = response6['pulls'] data['bootstrap_pulling'] = response6['pulling'] data['bootstrap_connections'] = response6['connections'] data['bootstrap_target_connections'] = response6[ 'target_connections'] data['bootstrap_total_blocks'] = response6['total_blocks'] data['bootstrap_lazy_pulls'] = response6['lazy_pulls'] else: data['bootstrap_clients'] = '0' data['bootstrap_pulls'] = '0' data['bootstrap_pulling'] = '0' data['bootstrap_connections'] = '0' data['bootstrap_target_connections'] = '0' data['bootstrap_total_blocks'] = '0' data['bootstrap_lazy_pulls'] = '0' json_data.append(data) except Exception as e: print(e) # print('\nAn error occurred getting data') if loop_count % (round( / args.delay)) == 0: writeBkup() endTime = time.time() print('{} records - '.format(len(json_data)) + 'Time to Process: ' + str(endTime - currentTime) + ' - Active Confirmations: ' + str(len(response2['confirmations']))) if (args.delay - (endTime - currentTime)) < 0: sleep(0) else: sleep(args.delay - (endTime - currentTime))
def start(self): self.started = datetime.utcnow() return self.pool.start()
def get_dates(calendar_id, max_number, categories): # Credentials for Google Calendar API creds = None # The file token.pickle stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first # time. if os.path.exists('token.pickle'): with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token: creds = pickle.load(token) # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in. if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( 'credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) # Save the credentials for the next run with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=creds) # Call the Calendar API now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time print('Getting the upcoming', max_number, 'events') events_result =, timeMin=now, maxResults=max_number, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member events = events_result.get('items', []) if not events: print('No upcoming events found.') return eventList = [] for event in events: evnt = {} # .get() tries to get first argument value from dictionary, second argument is alternative! start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date')) start_dttm = datetime.fromisoformat(start) end = event['end'].get('dateTime', event['end'].get('date')) end_dttm = datetime.fromisoformat(end) evnt['start_dttm_iso'] = start evnt['start_date'] ="%d.%m.%Y") evnt['start_day'] ="%-d") evnt['start_month'] ="%b") evnt['end_dttm_iso'] = end evnt['start_weekday'] = start_dttm.time().strftime("%A") if start_dttm.time().strftime("%H:%M") == "00:00" and end_dttm.time( ).strftime("%H:%M") == "00:00": evnt['start_time'] = "whole day" evnt['end_time'] = "" else: evnt['start_time'] = start_dttm.time().strftime("%H:%M") evnt['end_time'] = end_dttm.time().strftime("%H:%M") evnt['title'] = event['summary'].replace(": ", ":\n", 1) if 'description' in event.keys(): desc = event['description'] evnt['description'] = desc.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n") for category in categories: if category in desc: evnt['type'] = category else: evnt['description'] = event['summary'] evnt['type'] = "" if not 'location' in event.keys(): evnt['location'] = "" else: loc = event['location'] evnt['location'] = loc if len(loc.split(", ", 1)) > 1: evnt['locationName'] = loc.split(", ", 1)[0] evnt['locationAddress'] = loc.split(", ", 1)[1] else: evnt['locationName'] = loc evnt['locationAddress'] = "" evnt[ 'locationMapsSearch'] = "" + evnt[ 'locationName'].replace(" ", "+") eventList.append(evnt) return eventList