Example #1
    def test_300_compare(self):
        greg1 = GregorianCalendar(2, 3, 4)
        greg2 = GregorianCalendar(2, 3, 4)
        assert greg1 == greg2
        assert greg1 <= greg2
        assert greg1 >= greg2
        assert not greg1 != greg2
        assert not greg1 < greg2
        assert not greg1 > greg2

        for year, month, day in (3, 3, 3), (2, 4, 4), (2, 3, 5):
            greg3 = GregorianCalendar(year, month,
                                      day)  # this is larger than greg1
            assert greg1 < greg3
            assert greg3 > greg1
            assert greg1 <= greg3
            assert greg3 >= greg1
            assert greg1 != greg3
            assert greg3 != greg1
            assert not greg1 == greg3
            assert not greg3 == greg1
            assert not greg1 > greg3
            assert not greg3 < greg1
            assert not greg1 >= greg3
            assert not greg3 <= greg1
Example #2
 def test_420_day_of_year(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         doy = test_row[3]
         assert GregorianCalendar(year, month, day).day_of_year() == doy
Example #3
 def test_410_weekday(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         weekday = test_row[1]
         assert GregorianCalendar(year, month, day).weekday() == weekday
Example #4
 def test_400_to_rata_die(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         rd = test_row[0]
         assert GregorianCalendar(year, month, day).to_rata_die() == rd
Example #5
    def test_310_compare_invalid_types(self):
        class SomeClass:

        greg = GregorianCalendar(2, 3, 4)

        # exception with non-numeric types
        for par in ("1", (1, ), [1], {1: 1}, (), [], {}, None):
            assert not greg == par
            assert greg != par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg < par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg > par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg <= par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg >= par
        # exception with numeric types (all invalid) and other objects
        for par in (1, 1.0, Fraction(1, 1), Decimal(1), 1j, 1 + 1j, INF, NAN,
            assert not greg == par
            assert greg != par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg < par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg > par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg <= par
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                greg >= par
Example #6
 def test_020_invalid_values(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_invalid_data:
         year = test_row[0]
         month = test_row[1]
         day = test_row[2]
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
Example #7
 def test_000_constructor(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert (greg.year, greg.month, greg.day) == (year, month, day)
Example #8
 def test_100_write_attribute(self):
     greg = GregorianCalendar(1, 1, 1)
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         greg.year = 3
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         greg.month = 3
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         greg.day = 3
Example #9
 def test_436_replace_invalid_values(self):
     greg1 = GregorianCalendar(11, 10, 9)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     for month in (4, 6, 9, 11):
         greg2 = GregorianCalendar(11, month, 9)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         greg3 = GregorianCalendar(11, 10, 31)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     for day in (29, 30, 31):
         greg4 = GregorianCalendar(11, 3, day)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         greg5 = GregorianCalendar(11, 2, 4)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     for day in (30, 31):
         greg6 = GregorianCalendar(4, 3, day)  # leap year
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         greg7 = GregorianCalendar(4, 2, 4)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #10
 def test_560_cformat_percent(self):
     greg = GregorianCalendar(1, 2, 3)
     assert greg.cformat('%') == '%'
     assert greg.cformat('%%') == '%'
     assert greg.cformat('%%%') == '%%'
     assert greg.cformat('abcd%') == 'abcd%'
     assert greg.cformat('%k') == '%k'
     assert greg.cformat('a%k') == 'a%k'
     assert greg.cformat('%k%') == '%k%'
Example #11
    def test_320_hash_equality(self):
        greg1 = GregorianCalendar(2000, 12, 31)
        # same thing
        greg2 = GregorianCalendar(2000, 12, 31)
        assert hash(greg1) == hash(greg2)

        dic = {greg1: 1}
        dic[greg2] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[greg1] == 2
        assert dic[greg2] == 2

        greg3 = GregorianCalendar(200, 12, 31).replace(year=2000)
        assert hash(greg1) == hash(greg3)

        dic[greg3] = 2
        assert len(dic) == 1
        assert dic[greg3] == 2
Example #12
 def test_550_cformat_week_number(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         WNS = test_row[4]
         WNM = test_row[5]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert greg.cformat('%U') == WNS
         assert greg.cformat('%W') == WNM
Example #13
 def test_900_pickling(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
             pickled = pickle.dumps(greg, protocol)
             derived = pickle.loads(pickled)
             assert greg == derived
Example #14
 def test_430_replace(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data[:
                                         33]:  # take Calendrical Calculations tests data only (other may make replace fail, as in the next tests method)
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert greg.replace() == GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert greg.replace(year=11) == GregorianCalendar(11, month, day)
         assert greg.replace(month=10) == GregorianCalendar(year, 10, day)
         assert greg.replace(day=9) == GregorianCalendar(year, month, 9)
         assert greg.replace(month=10,
                             year=11) == GregorianCalendar(11, 10, day)
         assert greg.replace(day=9,
                             year=11) == GregorianCalendar(11, month, 9)
         assert greg.replace(day=9,
                             month=10) == GregorianCalendar(year, 10, 9)
         assert greg.replace(day=9, month=10,
                             year=11) == GregorianCalendar(11, 10, 9)
Example #15
 def test_500_repr(self):
     import datetime2
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         greg_repr = repr(greg)
         names, args = greg_repr.split('(')
         assert names.split('.') == [
             'datetime2', 'western', 'GregorianCalendar'
         args = args[:-1]  # drop ')'
         for found, expected in zip(args.split(','), (year, month, day)):
             assert int(found) == expected
         assert greg == eval(greg_repr)
Example #16
 def test_530_cformat_numbers(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         wday = test_row[1]
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         doy = test_row[3]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert greg.cformat('%d') == '{:02d}'.format(day)
         assert greg.cformat('%j') == '{:03d}'.format(doy)
         assert greg.cformat('%m') == '{:02d}'.format(month)
         assert greg.cformat('%w') == '{:d}'.format(wday)
         if year >= 0:
             assert greg.cformat('%y') == ('0' + str(year))[-2:]
             assert greg.cformat('%Y') == '{:04d}'.format(year)
             assert greg.cformat('%y') == ('0' + str(-year))[-2:]
             assert greg.cformat('%Y') == '-{:04d}'.format(-year)
Example #17
 def test_010_invalid_parameter_types(self):
     # exception with none, two or four parameters
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         GregorianCalendar(1, 2)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         GregorianCalendar(1, 2, 3, 4)
     # exception with non-numeric types
     for par in ("1", (1, ), [1], {1: 1}, (), [], {}, None):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(par, 1, 1)
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(1, par, 1)
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(1, 1, par)
     # exception with invalid numeric types
     for par in (1.0, Fraction(1, 1), Decimal(1), 1j, 1 + 1j, INF, NAN):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(par, 1, 1)
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(1, par, 1)
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             GregorianCalendar(1, 1, par)
Example #18
    def test_920_subclass(self):
        class G(GregorianCalendar):
            theAnswer = 42

            def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
                temp = kws.copy()
                self.extra = temp.pop('extra')
                GregorianCalendar.__init__(self, *args, **temp)

            def newmeth(self, start):
                return start + self.year + self.month

        greg1 = GregorianCalendar(2003, 4, 14)
        greg2 = G(2003, 4, 14, extra=7)

        assert greg2.theAnswer == 42
        assert greg2.extra == 7
        assert greg1.to_rata_die() == greg2.to_rata_die()
        assert greg2.newmeth(-7) == greg1.year + greg1.month - 7
Example #19
 def test_520_str(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         if year < 0:
             expected = '-'
             year = -year
             expected = ''
         ys = str(year)
         if len(ys) < 4:
             expected += ('000' + ys)[-4:]
             expected += ys
         expected += '-' + ('0' + str(month))[-2:]
         expected += '-' + ('0' + str(day))[-2:]
         assert str(greg) == expected
Example #20
 def test_433_replace_invalid_types(self):
     greg = GregorianCalendar(11, 10, 9)
     # exception for positional parameters
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     # exception with non-numeric types
     for par in ("1", (1, ), [1], {1: 1}, (), [], {}):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     # exception with invalid numeric types
     for par in (1.0, Fraction(1, 1), Decimal(1), 1j, 1 + 1j, INF, NAN):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #21
 def test_540_cformat_names(self):
     weekdays = [
         'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday',
     abbr_weekdays = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
     months = [
         'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
         'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
     abbr_months = [
         'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',
         'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         wday = test_row[1]
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         greg = GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
         assert greg.cformat('%a') == abbr_weekdays[wday - 1]
         assert greg.cformat('%A') == weekdays[wday - 1]
         assert greg.cformat('%b') == abbr_months[month - 1]
         assert greg.cformat('%B') == months[month - 1]
Example #22
 def test_330_bool(self):
     for test_row in gregorian_test_data:
         year = test_row[2][0]
         month = test_row[2][1]
         day = test_row[2][2]
         assert GregorianCalendar(year, month, day)
Example #23
 def test_570_cformat_invalid_type(self):
     greg = GregorianCalendar(1, 2, 3)
     for par in (1, (1, ), [1], {1: 1}, None):
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):