Example #1
    vargrb = 'gh'
    varnc = 'h_plev'

datapath1 = '/scratch3/BMC/gsienkf/whitaker/%s' % expt1
datapath2 = '/scratch3/BMC/gsienkf/whitaker/%s' % expt2
analpath = '/scratch3/BMC/gsienkf/whitaker/ecanl'

if fhour > 9:
    dates = dateutils.daterange(date1, date2, 24)
    dates = dateutils.daterange(date1, date2, 6)
ntime = None
fcsterrspect1 = None
fcsterrspect2 = None
for date in dates:
    datev = dateutils.dateshift(date, fhour)
    # read analysis
    analfile = os.path.join(analpath, 'pgbanl.ecm.%s' % datev)
    grbs = pygrib.open(analfile)
    grb = grbs.select(shortName=vargrb, level=level)[0]
    verif_data = grb.values[::-1, :]
    if fhour > 9:
        fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3longcontrol2_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (datapath1,
                                                                    date, date)
        fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3control2_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (datapath1,
                                                                date, date)
    nc = Dataset(fcstfile)
    if ntime is None:
        times = nc['time'][:].tolist()
Example #2
            ndays = ndaysomo[imonth]
            if iyear % 4 == 0 and imonth == 1: ndays = 29

            for iday in range(1, ndays + 1):
                if iday < 10:
                    cday = '0' + str(iday)
                    cday = str(iday)
                cyyyymmddhh = cyear + cmonthsin[imonth] + cday + '00'
                if cleadb == '00':
                    ishift1 = 6
                    ishift2 = 12
                    ishift1 = 18
                    ishift2 = 24
                iyyyymmddhh_first = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh, ishift1))
                iyyyymmddhh_second = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh, ishift2))
                #print 'will load data for ', iyyyymmddhh_first, iyyyymmddhh_second

                itemindex_first = np.where(
                    yyyymmddhh_anal_end == iyyyymmddhh_first)
                itemindex_second = np.where(
                    yyyymmddhh_anal_end == iyyyymmddhh_second)
                #print 'itemindex_first = ',itemindex_first

                if itemindex_first[0] >= 0 and itemindex_second[0] >= 0:

                    # ---- 12-hourly precip analysis is sum of the two 6-hourly analyses.

                    apcp_anal = np.squeeze(nc.variables['apcp_anal'][itemindex_first[0],:,:] + \
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.stats import gamma
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages


cmodel = 'NCEP' # sys.argv[1] # NCEP, ECMWF, or CMC
cleade = '48' # sys.argv[2] # ending of periods lead time in hours, e.g., '24', '108'
cempirical = '1'
ileade = int(cleade)
date_forecast = '2016050100' # sys.argv[3]
date_end = dateshift(date_forecast,-ileade)
date_begin = dateshift(date_end, -61*24)

date_list = daterange(date_begin, date_end, 24)
ndates = len(date_list)

# ======================================================================
# Part 1:  reading in the daily data and summing up the information over
#          all case days
# ======================================================================

# ---- read in the array dimensions, precip values where gamma 
#      distribution parameters and fraction zero are calculated, and 
#      precipitation thresholds that are boundaries for light, 
#      medium, and heavy precipitation from netcdf file.  These
nclasses = 21  # 0 to 100% probability by 5%
nxa = 464  # CCPA 1/8 degree grid over CONUS
nya = 224  #

# ---- read in precipitation analyses

date_list_anal = daterange(cyyyymmddhh_start, cyyyymmddhh_end, 24)
print 'date_list_anal = ', date_list_anal
ndates = len(date_list_anal)
apcp_anal_t = np.zeros((nxa, nya, ndates), dtype=np.float32)
mninetynine = -99.99 * np.ones((nya, nxa), dtype=np.float32)

for idate, date in zip(range(ndates), date_list_anal):

    print '------------------------- getting precipitation for idate = ', idate, date
    date_fearly = dateshift(date, ileade - 6)
    date_flate = dateshift(date, ileade)
    print 'date_fearly, date_flate = ', date_fearly, date_flate

    # --- read in the first of the two precip analysis files, 6 hourly

    infile = '/data/thamill/Rf2_tests/ccpa_v1/0.125d/ccpa.'+date_fearly[0:8]+\
    #print infile
    fexist1 = os.path.exists(infile)
    if fexist1:
        afile1 = pygrib.open(infile)
        grb1 = afile1.select(
        )[0]  # --- read in the first of the two precip analysis files, 6 hourly

    infile2 = '/data/thamill/Rf2_tests/ccpa_v1/0.125d/ccpa.'+date_flate[0:8]+\
Example #5
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, interp
from dateutils import hrstodate, daterange, dayofyear, \
     splitdate, datetohrs, dateshift, dateto_hrs_since_day1CE
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import cPickle

# --- Read input data from command line.  Get beginning and ending lead time 
#     in hours and the name of the file with the dates we want

# --- queries from command line

cyyyymmddhh = sys.argv[1]  # the initial date/time of the forecast

# ---- read in the associated analysis
iyyyymmddhh_anal_end = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh,0))
iyyyymmddhh_anal_begin = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh,-6))
print 'iyyyymmddh_anal_end, iyyyymmddh_anal_begin = ',\
    iyyyymmddhh_anal_end, iyyyymmddhh_anal_begin 
# ---- read in ccpa precip analysis data for this date 
#      (12-h accum, generated from two 6-hourly files)

infilename = '/Projects/Reforecast2/netcdf/NationalBlend/precip_analyses_ccpa_v1_'+\
print infilename
nc = Dataset(infilename)
yyyymmddhh_anal_list = nc.variables['yyyymmddhh_anal_end'][:]
lons_anal = nc.variables['lons_anal'][:,:]
lats_anal = nc.variables['lats_anal'][:,:]
conusmask = nc.variables['conusmask'][:,:]
Example #6
        ndates = len(iyyyymmddhh_list)
        usethisdate = np.zeros((ndates),dtype=np.int16)

        for iyear in range(2002, 2017):
            # ---- find yyyymmddhh that is approximately at the center of the month
            if cleadtime_begin == '12' and cleadtime_end == '00':
                cyyyymmddhh_center = str(iyear) + cmono + '1500'
            elif cleadtime_begin == '00' and cleadtime_end == '12':
                cyyyymmddhh_center = str(iyear) + cmono + '1512'
                print 'invalid begin, end times for accumulation period.  Stopping'
            cyyyymmddhh_begin = dateshift(cyyyymmddhh_center,-24*31)
            cyyyymmddhh_end = dateshift(cyyyymmddhh_center,24*31)
            date_list = daterange(cyyyymmddhh_begin, cyyyymmddhh_end, 24)
            # ---- go thru the list of dates that are in the data set, and 
            #      flag the elements that correspond to date_list.  These
            #      represent the indices for the first of two times we read in.
            for cdate in date_list:
                idate = int(cdate)
                idx = np.where(iyyyymmddhh_list == idate)
                if idx >= 0: usethisdate[idx] = 1

        # ---- estimate the climatology from relative frequency for selected thresholds

        ktr = 0    
    'Nov', 'Dec'
cmonth = cmonths[mm - 1]
iyyyymmddhh = int(cyyyymmddhh)

# ---- read in precipitation analysis

filename = data_directory + 'precip_analyses_ccpa_v1_2002010100_to_2016123100.nc'
print 'reading ', filename
nc = Dataset(filename)
lats_anal = nc.variables['lats_anal'][:]
lons_anal = nc.variables['lons_anal'][:]
nya, nxa = np.shape(lats_anal)
iyyyymmddhh_list = nc.variables['yyyymmddhh_anal_end'][:]
cyyyymmddhh_list = str(iyyyymmddhh_list)
cdate_anal_late = dateshift(cyyyymmddhh, ileade)
cdate_anal_early = dateshift(cyyyymmddhh, ileade - 6)
idate_anal_late = int(cdate_anal_late)
idate_anal_early = int(cdate_anal_early)
idx_late = np.where(iyyyymmddhh_list == idate_anal_late)[0]
idx_early = np.where(iyyyymmddhh_list == idate_anal_early)[0]
print 'idx_late, idx_early = ', idx_late, idx_early
apcp_anal = nc.variables['apcp_anal'][idx_late[0],:,:] + \
mninetynine = -99.99 * np.ones((nya, nxa), dtype=np.float32)

# ---- read in the precipitation forecast probability at various
#      stages of its production

infile = data_directory+cmodel+'/'+\
Example #8
        lon = linesplit[7]
        if lon[-1] == 'E':
            lon = 0.1 * float(lon[:-1])
            lon = -0.1 * float(lon[:-1])
        minp = int(linesplit[9])
        fcstracks[storm][fhour] = (lat, lon, minp)
#print 'fcst tracks'
#print fcstracks

# read observed tracks
obtracks = makehash()
for fhour in range(0, 168, 6):
    datev = dateshift(date, fhour)
        for line in open('/lfs1/projects/gfsenkf/tcvitals/tcvitals.%s.txt' %
            linesplit = line.split()
            storm = linesplit[1].lstrip()
            lat = linesplit[5]
            lon = linesplit[6]
            if lat[-1] == 'N':
                lat = 0.1 * float(lat[:-1])
                lat = -0.1 * float(lat[:-1])
            if lon[-1] == 'E':
                lon = 0.1 * float(lon[:-1])
                lon = -0.1 * float(lon[:-1])
Example #9
            infilename = data_directory + 'ccpa2p5.' + cyearmo + '.nc'  # 1st day in 2002 may be corrupt
            nc = Dataset(infilename)
            yyyymmddhh_anal_end = nc.variables['anal_date_12h'][:]
            ndays = ndaysomo[imonth]
            if iyear % 4 == 0 and imonth == 1: ndays = 29
            for iday in range(1, ndays + 1):
                if iday < 10:
                    cday = '0' + str(iday)
                    cday = str(iday)
                cyyyymmddhh = str(iyear) + cmonthsin[imonth] + cday + '00'
                if cleadb == '00':
                    ishift = 12
                    ishift = 24
                iyyyymmddhh = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh, ishift))
                itemindex = np.where(yyyymmddhh_anal_end == iyyyymmddhh)
                #print 'reading precip data, index = ',itemindex[0]
                if itemindex[0] >= 0:

                    # ---- 12-hourly precip analysis is sum of the two 6-hourly analyses.

                    apcp_anal = np.squeeze(
                        nc.variables['apcp_anal_12h'][itemindex[0], :, :])
                    if np.max(apcp_anal) >= 0:
                        #print 'apcp_anal[61,1335] = ',apcp_anal[61,1335]
                        sumx = np.where(apcp_anal * conusmask_in > 0,
                                        sumx + apcp_anal, sumx)
                        sumlnx = np.where(apcp_anal * conusmask_in > 0,
                                          sumlnx + np.log(apcp_anal), sumlnx)
                        npositive = np.where(apcp_anal * conusmask_in > 0,
Example #10
center = sys.argv[2] # ECMWF, NCEP, or CMC currently
cleade = sys.argv[3] # the ending lead time of the forecast in hours, e.g. 24 = 24h

if center == 'CMCE' or center == 'CMC':
    exchangeable = False  # need to tally the fcst stats member by member
    exchangeable = True   # ok to tally fcst stats over all members

ileade = int(cleade)
ileadb = ileade - 12

print 'processing day = ',cyyyymmddhh,' center = ',center,' lead = ', cleade

# ---- read in the associated analysis
iyyyymmddhh_anal_end = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh,ileade))
iyyyymmddhh_anal_begin = int(dateshift(cyyyymmddhh,ileade-6))
# ---- read in ccpa precip analysis data for this date 
#      (12-h accum, generated from two 6-hourly files)

infilename = '/Projects/Reforecast2/netcdf/NationalBlend/precip_analyses_ccpa_v1_'+\
print infilename
nc = Dataset(infilename)
yyyymmddhh_anal_list = nc.variables['yyyymmddhh_anal_end'][:]
lons_anal_in = nc.variables['lons_anal'][:,:]
lats_anal_in = nc.variables['lats_anal'][:,:]
conusmask_in = nc.variables['conusmask'][:,:]
nya, nxa = lons_anal_in.shape
datapath2 = '/scratch2/BMC/gsienkf/whitaker/%s' % expt2
analpath = '/scratch2/BMC/gsienkf/whitaker/ecanl'

if fhour > 9:
    dates = dateutils.daterange(date1, date2, 24)
    dates = dateutils.daterange(date1, date2, 12)
ntime = None
fcsterrspect1 = None
fcsterrspect2 = None
ncount = 0
err1 = 0
err2 = 0

for date in dates:
    datei = dateutils.dateshift(date, -fhour)
    # read analysis
    analfile = os.path.join(analpath, 'pgbanl.ecm.%s' % date)
    grbs = pygrib.open(analfile)
    grb = grbs.select(shortName=vargrb, level=level)[0]
    verif_data = grb.values[::-1, :]
    if fhour > 9:
        fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3longcontrol2_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (
            datapath1, date, datei)
        fcstfile = '%s/%s/fv3ensmean_historyp_%s_latlon.nc' % (datapath1, date,
    nc = Dataset(fcstfile)
    if ntime is None:
        times = nc['time'][:].tolist()
     hh = (d[2].split('(')[1]).split(':')[0]
 if varshort not in ['psi','chi']:
     varin = f.variables[ecvarname]
     varinu = f.variables[ecvarnameu]
     varinv = f.variables[ecvarnamev]
 datefcsts = daterange(date1,date2,12)
 fcsts_2 = np.zeros((len(datefcsts),nlats,nlons),np.float32)
 fcsts_1 = np.zeros((len(datefcsts),nlats,nlons),np.float32)
 anals = np.zeros((len(datefcsts),nlats,nlons),np.float32)
 if levels[0] is not None:
     eclevels = (0.01*f.variables['lv_ISBL0'][:]).tolist()
     nlevec = eclevels.index(level)
 for ntime,date in enumerate(datefcsts):
     dateverif = dateshift(date,int(fhr))
     nt = dates.index(dateverif)
     if varshort in ['chi','psi']:
         if fhr=='0':
             grbfile_1 =\
             grbfile_2 =\
             grbfile_1 =\
             grbfile_2 =\
         f2 = nio.open_file(grbfile_2+'.grib')
         levels = f2.variables['lv_ISBL3'][:].tolist()
         nlev = levels.index(level)
print 'in plotens_FIM_GFS.py: nmembers: ', nmembers
print 'in plotens_FIM_GFS.py: nanals: ', nanals
ifhr = int(fhr)
ifhrinc = 6
print 'in plotens_FIM_GFS.py: fhr: ', fhr
print 'in plotens_FIM_GFS.py: ifhr: ', ifhr
expname = os.getenv('EXPT')
if expname is None:
    expname = 'hybda_realtime2014'
hr = date[8:10]
#datapath = '/lfs1/projects/rtfim/tcvitals'
run = 'gdas1'
datapathcv = '/lfs1/projects/gfsenkf/bufr/%s/' % run
yyyy, mm, dd, hh = splitdate(date)
julday = dayofyear(yyyy, mm, dd) + 1
datev = dateshift(date, int(fhr))

domains = []
tclats = makehash()
tclons = makehash()
directories = makehash()

tcvitals2 =\
tcvitals1 = '/pan2/projects/fim-njet/tcvitals/tcvitals.%s.txt' % date

if os.path.exists(tcvitals1):
    tcvitals = tcvitals1
    tcvitals = tcvitals2
rcParams['xtick.labelsize']='x-small' # for colorbar tick labels
rcParams['axes.labelsize']='small'  # for colorbar wording
cmonths = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']

# --- from command line get the initial date and forecast lead time in hours

cyyyymmddhh_init = sys.argv[1] # YYYYMMDDHH format of initial forecast date
iyyyymmddhh_init = int(cyyyymmddhh_init)
cleadb = sys.argv[2]  # enter beginning lead time in hours
cleade = sys.argv[3]  # enter endlead time in hours
cthresh = sys.argv[4] # threshold values must take one from below:
    # 'POP', '1mm', '2p5mm', '5mm', '10mm', '25mm', '50mm', 'q50', 'q67', 'q80', 'q90', 'q95'
csupp = sys.argv[5] # number of supplemental locations, 01 to 20

ilead = int(cleade)
cyyyymmddhh_fcst = dateshift(cyyyymmddhh_init,ilead)
iday = ilead/24
clead_dayb = str(int(cleadb)/24)
clead_daye = str(iday)
cmonth = cyyyymmddhh_init[4:6]
imonth = int(cmonth)
cmonthname = cmonths[imonth-1]

# --- set up inputs and constants

input_data_directory = '/Projects/Reforecast2/netcdf' # where input CCPA and reforecast data stored
analog_data_directory = '/Rf2_tests/ccpa'  # where analog forecast output was stored
nxa = 464  # ccpa grid dimensions
nya = 224
nxf = 128  # reforecast grid surrounding CONUS
nyf = 61
Example #15
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFService
import datetime, sys
from dateutils import dateshift, splitdate

# date to retrieve
date = sys.argv[1]
dateref = dateshift(date, 12)  # wait till 12-h after
if dateref > datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d%H'):
    raise ValueError('data for %s not yet available' % date)
    print "retrieving for %s" % date

# number of vertical levels.
nlevs = 137
levelist = []
for nlev in range(1, nlevs + 1):
    levelist.append('%s/' % nlev)
levelist137 = ''.join(levelist)[:-1]

# output grid
#grid = '0.075/0.075' # lat/lon spacing
grid = 'F640'  # 1280 latitude gaussian grid

# phis/lnps/tmp/spfh/ugrd/vgrd/o3mr
parameters = "129/152/130/133/131/132/203"

# get data one date at a time, all fields at once.
server = ECMWFService('mars')
import time as timey

from get_cdf_precip_anal import get_cdf_precip_anal
from get_cdf_cmc import get_cdf_cmc
from get_cdf_ecmwf_ncep import get_cdf_ecmwf_ncep
from get_quantiles_linear import get_quantiles_linear
from get_quantiles_linear_cmc import get_quantiles_linear_cmc

# --- queries from command line

center = sys.argv[1]
cleade = sys.argv[2]
date_end = sys.argv[3]
idaysbefore = -1 - int(int(cleade) / 24)
ihoursbefore = idaysbefore * 24
date_end_shift = dateshift(date_end, ihoursbefore)
date_begin_shift = dateshift(date_end_shift, -24 * 61)

# --- initialize stuff

date_list = daterange(date_begin_shift, date_end_shift, 24)
print 'date_list = ', date_list
ndates = len(date_list)
date_middle = date_list[ndates / 2]
cmonthno = date_middle[4:6]
imo = int(cmonthno) - 1
cmonths = [
    'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
    'Nov', 'Dec'
cmonth = cmonths[imo]