Example #1
class DatasetItem:
    id = attrib(converter=lambda x: str(x).replace('\\', '/'),
    annotations = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
    subset = attrib(converter=lambda v: v or DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME, default=None)
    path = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))

    image = attrib(type=Image, default=None)

    def _image_validator(self, attribute, image):
        if callable(image) or isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            image = Image(data=image)
        elif isinstance(image, str):
            image = Image(path=image)
        assert image is None or isinstance(image, Image)
        self.image = image

    attributes = attrib(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))

    def has_image(self):
        return self.image is not None

    def wrap(item, **kwargs):
        return attr.evolve(item, **kwargs)
Example #2
    class Category:
        # Names for specific points, e.g. eye, hose, mouth etc.
        # These labels are not required to be in LabelCategories
        labels: List[str] = field(factory=list,

        # Pairs of connected point indices
        joints: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = field(factory=set,
Example #3
class DatasetItem:
    id: str = field(converter=lambda x: str(x).replace('\\', '/'),
    annotations: List[Annotation] = field(factory=list,
    subset: str = field(converter=lambda v: v or DEFAULT_SUBSET_NAME,

    # TODO: introduce "media" field with type info. Replace image and pcd.
    image: Optional[Image] = field(default=None)
    # TODO: introduce pcd type like Image
    point_cloud: Optional[str] = field(
        converter=lambda x: str(x).replace('\\', '/') if x else None,
    related_images: List[Image] = field(default=None)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        if (self.has_image and self.has_point_cloud):
            raise ValueError("Can't set both image and point cloud info")
        if self.related_images and not self.has_point_cloud:
            raise ValueError("Related images require point cloud")

    def _image_converter(image):
        if callable(image) or isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            image = Image(data=image)
        elif isinstance(image, str):
            image = Image(path=image)
        assert image is None or isinstance(image, Image), type(image)
        return image

    image.converter = _image_converter

    def _related_image_converter(images):
        return list(map(__class__._image_converter, images or []))

    related_images.converter = _related_image_converter

    def _point_cloud_validator(self, attribute, pcd):
        assert pcd is None or isinstance(pcd, str), type(pcd)

    attributes: Dict[str, Any] = field(factory=dict,

    def has_image(self):
        return self.image is not None

    def has_point_cloud(self):
        return self.point_cloud is not None

    def wrap(item, **kwargs):
        return attr.evolve(item, **kwargs)
Example #4
class Annotation:
    id = attrib(default=0, validator=default_if_none(int))
    attributes = attrib(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))
    group = attrib(default=0, validator=default_if_none(int))

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        assert isinstance(self.type, AnnotationType)

    def type(self) -> AnnotationType:
        return self._type  # must be set in subclasses

    def wrap(self, **kwargs):
        return attr.evolve(self, **kwargs)
Example #5
class _Shape(Annotation):
    # Flattened list of point coordinates
    points: List[float] = field(converter=lambda x: \
        np.around(x, COORDINATE_ROUNDING_DIGITS).tolist())

    label: Optional[int] = field(converter=attr.converters.optional(int),

    z_order: int = field(default=0,

    def get_area(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_bbox(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
        "Returns [x, y, w, h]"

        points = self.points
        if not points:
            return None

        xs = [p for p in points[0::2]]
        ys = [p for p in points[1::2]]
        x0 = min(xs)
        x1 = max(xs)
        y0 = min(ys)
        y1 = max(ys)
        return [x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0]
Example #6
class _Shape(Annotation):
    points = attrib(
        converter=lambda x: [round(p, _COORDINATE_ROUNDING_DIGITS) for p in x])
    label = attrib(converter=attr.converters.optional(int),
    z_order = attrib(default=0, validator=default_if_none(int), kw_only=True)

    def get_area(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_bbox(self):
        points = self.points
        if not points:
            return None
        print("----p----", p)
        print(" print(" - ---points - --- ",points)", points)
        xs = [p for p in points[0::2]]
        ys = [p for p in points[1::2]]
        x1 = [p for p in points[3]]
        y1 = [p for p in points[4]]
        z1 = [p for p in points[5]]
        print("___x---->y--->z", x, "--->", y, "--->", z)
        x0 = min(xs)
        x1 = max(xs)
        y0 = min(ys)
        y1 = max(ys)
        return [x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0]
Example #7
class LabelCategories(Categories):
    class Category:
        name = attrib(converter=str, validator=not_empty)
        parent = attrib(default='', validator=default_if_none(str))
        attributes = attrib(factory=set, validator=default_if_none(set))

    items = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
    _indices = attrib(factory=dict, init=False, eq=False)

    def from_iterable(cls, iterable):
        """Generation of LabelCategories from iterable object

            iterable ([type]): This iterable object can be:
            1)simple str - will generate one Category with str as name
            2)list of str - will interpreted as list of Category names
            3)list of positional argumetns - will generate Categories
            with this arguments

            LabelCategories: LabelCategories object
        temp_categories = cls()

        if isinstance(iterable, str):
            iterable = [[iterable]]

        for category in iterable:
            if isinstance(category, str):
                category = [category]

        return temp_categories

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):

    def _reindex(self):
        indices = {}
        for index, item in enumerate(self.items):
            assert item.name not in self._indices
            indices[item.name] = index
        self._indices = indices

    def add(self, name: str, parent: str = None, attributes: dict = None):
        assert name not in self._indices, name

        index = len(self.items)
        self.items.append(self.Category(name, parent, attributes))
        self._indices[name] = index
        return index

    def find(self, name: str):
        index = self._indices.get(name)
        if index is not None:
            return index, self.items[index]
        return index, None
Example #8
class PointsCategories(Categories):
    class Category:
        labels = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
        joints = attrib(factory=set, validator=default_if_none(set))

    items = attrib(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))

    def from_iterable(cls, iterable):
        """Generation of PointsCategories from iterable object

            iterable ([type]): This iterable object can be:
            1) list of positional argumetns - will generate Categories
                with these arguments

            PointsCategories: PointsCategories object
        temp_categories = cls()

        for category in iterable:
        return temp_categories

    def add(self, label_id, labels=None, joints=None):
        if joints is None:
            joints = []
        joints = set(map(tuple, joints))
        self.items[label_id] = self.Category(labels, joints)
Example #9
class MaskCategories(Categories):
    def make_default(cls, size=256):
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import generate_colormap
        return cls(generate_colormap(size))

    colormap = attrib(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))
    _inverse_colormap = attrib(default=None,

    def inverse_colormap(self):
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import invert_colormap
        if self._inverse_colormap is None:
            if self.colormap is not None:
                self._inverse_colormap = invert_colormap(self.colormap)
        return self._inverse_colormap

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not isinstance(other, __class__):
            return False
        for label_id, my_color in self.colormap.items():
            other_color = other.colormap.get(label_id)
            if not np.array_equal(my_color, other_color):
                return False
        return True
Example #10
class PointsCategories(Categories):
    Describes (key-)point metainfo such as point names and joints.
    @attrs(slots=True, order=False)
    class Category:
        # Names for specific points, e.g. eye, hose, mouth etc.
        # These labels are not required to be in LabelCategories
        labels: List[str] = field(factory=list,

        # Pairs of connected point indices
        joints: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = field(factory=set,

    items: Dict[int, Category] = field(factory=dict,

    def from_iterable(
        cls, iterable: Union[Tuple[int, List[str]],
                             Tuple[int, List[str], Set[Tuple[int, int]]], ]
    ) -> PointsCategories:
        Create PointsCategories from an iterable.

            - iterable - An Iterable with the following elements:
                - a label id
                - a list of positional arguments for Categories

            PointsCategories: PointsCategories object
        temp_categories = cls()

        for args in iterable:
        return temp_categories

    def add(self,
            label_id: int,
            labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
            joints: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]] = None):
        if joints is None:
            joints = []
        joints = set(map(tuple, joints))
        self.items[label_id] = self.Category(labels, joints)

    def __contains__(self, idx: int) -> bool:
        return idx in self.items

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Category:
        return self.items[idx]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.items)
Example #11
class Categories:
    A base class for annotation metainfo. It is supposed to include
    dataset-wide metainfo like available labels, label colors,
    label attributes etc.

    # Describes the list of possible annotation-type specific attributes
    # in a dataset.
    attributes: Set[str] = field(factory=set,
Example #12
class Annotation:
    A base annotation class.

    Derived classes must define the '_type' class variable with a value
    from the AnnotationType enum.

    # Describes an identifier of the annotation
    # Is not required to be unique within DatasetItem annotations or dataset
    id: int = field(default=0, validator=default_if_none(int))

    # Arbitrary annotation-specific attributes. Typically, includes
    # metainfo and properties that are not covered by other fields.
    # If possible, try to limit value types of values by the simple
    # builtin types (int, float, bool, str) to increase compatibility with
    # different formats.
    # There are some established names for common attributes like:
    # - "occluded" (bool)
    # - "visible" (bool)
    # Possible dataset attributes can be described in Categories.attributes.
    attributes: Dict[str, Any] = field(factory=dict,

    # Annotations can be grouped, which means they describe parts of a
    # single object. The value of 0 means there is no group.
    group: int = field(default=NO_GROUP, validator=default_if_none(int))

    def type(self) -> AnnotationType:
        return self._type  # must be set in subclasses

    def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        "Returns a dictionary { field_name: value }"
        return asdict(self)

    def wrap(self, **kwargs):
        "Returns a modified copy of the object"
        return attr.evolve(self, **kwargs)
Example #13
class MaskCategories(Categories):
    Describes a color map for segmentation masks.
    def generate(cls, size: int = 255, include_background: bool = True) \
            -> MaskCategories:
        Generates MaskCategories with the specified size.

        If include_background is True, the result will include the item
            "0: (0, 0, 0)", which is typically used as a background color.
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import generate_colormap
        return cls(
            generate_colormap(size, include_background=include_background))

    colormap: Colormap = field(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))
    _inverse_colormap: Optional[Dict[RgbColor, int]] = field(
        default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(dict))

    def inverse_colormap(self) -> Dict[RgbColor, int]:
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import invert_colormap
        if self._inverse_colormap is None:
            if self.colormap is not None:
                self._inverse_colormap = invert_colormap(self.colormap)
        return self._inverse_colormap

    def __contains__(self, idx: int) -> bool:
        return idx in self.colormap

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> RgbColor:
        return self.colormap[idx]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.colormap)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not isinstance(other, __class__):
            return False
        for label_id, my_color in self.colormap.items():
            other_color = other.colormap.get(label_id)
            if not np.array_equal(my_color, other_color):
                return False
        return True
Example #14
class Mask(Annotation):
    _type = AnnotationType.mask
    _image = attrib()
    label = attrib(converter=attr.converters.optional(int),
    z_order = attrib(default=0, validator=default_if_none(int), kw_only=True)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        if isinstance(self._image, np.ndarray):
            self._image = self._image.astype(bool)

    def image(self):
        if callable(self._image):
            return self._image()
        return self._image

    def as_class_mask(self, label_id=None):
        if label_id is None:
            label_id = self.label
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import make_index_mask
        return make_index_mask(self.image, label_id)

    def as_instance_mask(self, instance_id):
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import make_index_mask
        return make_index_mask(self.image, instance_id)

    def get_area(self):
        return np.count_nonzero(self.image)

    def get_bbox(self):
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import find_mask_bbox
        return find_mask_bbox(self.image)

    def paint(self, colormap):
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import paint_mask
        return paint_mask(self.as_class_mask(), colormap)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not isinstance(other, __class__):
            return False
        return \
            (self.label == other.label) and \
            (self.z_order == other.z_order) and \
            (np.array_equal(self.image, other.image))
Example #15
class PointsCategories(Categories):
    Category = namedtuple('Category', ['labels', 'joints'])

    items = attrib(factory=dict, validator=default_if_none(dict))

    def from_iterable(cls, iterable):
        """Generation of PointsCategories from iterable object

            iterable ([type]): This iterable object can be:
            1)simple int - will generate one Category with int as label
            2)list of int - will interpreted as list of Category labels
            3)list of positional argumetns - will generate Categories
            with this arguments

            PointsCategories: PointsCategories object
        temp_categories = cls()

        if isinstance(iterable, int):
            iterable = [[iterable]]

        for category in iterable:
            if isinstance(category, int):
                category = [category]
        return temp_categories

    def add(self, label_id, labels=None, joints=None):
        if labels is None:
            labels = []
        if joints is None:
            joints = []
        joints = set(map(tuple, joints))
        self.items[label_id] = self.Category(labels, joints)
Example #16
class Categories:
    attributes = attrib(factory=set, validator=default_if_none(set), eq=False)
Example #17
 class Category:
     labels = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
     joints = attrib(factory=set, validator=default_if_none(set))
Example #18
class LabelCategories(Categories):
    Category = namedtuple('Category', ['name', 'parent', 'attributes'])

    items = attrib(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
    _indices = attrib(factory=dict, init=False, eq=False)

    def from_iterable(cls, iterable):
        """Generation of LabelCategories from iterable object

            iterable ([type]): This iterable object can be:
            1)simple str - will generate one Category with str as name
            2)list of str - will interpreted as list of Category names
            3)list of positional argumetns - will generate Categories
            with this arguments

            LabelCategories: LabelCategories object
        temp_categories = cls()

        if isinstance(iterable, str):
            iterable = [[iterable]]

        for category in iterable:
            if isinstance(category, str):
                category = [category]

        return temp_categories

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):

    def _reindex(self):
        indices = {}
        for index, item in enumerate(self.items):
            assert item.name not in self._indices
            indices[item.name] = index
        self._indices = indices

    def add(self, name, parent=None, attributes=None):
        assert name not in self._indices, name
        if attributes is None:
            attributes = set()
            if not isinstance(attributes, set):
                attributes = set(attributes)
            for attr in attributes:
                assert isinstance(attr, str)
        if parent is None:
            parent = ''

        index = len(self.items)
        self.items.append(self.Category(name, parent, attributes))
        self._indices[name] = index
        return index

    def find(self, name):
        index = self._indices.get(name)
        if index is not None:
            return index, self.items[index]
        return index, None
Example #19
class Categories:
    attributes = attrib(factory=set,
Example #20
 class Category:
     name: str = field(converter=str, validator=not_empty)
     parent: str = field(default='', validator=default_if_none(str))
     attributes: Set[str] = field(factory=set,
Example #21
class Mask(Annotation):
    Represents a 2d single-instance binary segmentation mask.

    _type = AnnotationType.mask
    _image = field()
    label: Optional[int] = field(converter=attr.converters.optional(int),
    z_order: int = field(default=0,

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        if isinstance(self._image, np.ndarray):
            self._image = self._image.astype(bool)

    def image(self) -> BinaryMaskImage:
        image = self._image
        if callable(image):
            image = image()
        return image

    def as_class_mask(self, label_id: Optional[int] = None) -> IndexMaskImage:
        Produces a class index mask. Mask label id can be changed.
        if label_id is None:
            label_id = self.label
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import make_index_mask
        return make_index_mask(self.image, label_id)

    def as_instance_mask(self, instance_id: int) -> IndexMaskImage:
        Produces a instance index mask.
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import make_index_mask
        return make_index_mask(self.image, instance_id)

    def get_area(self) -> int:
        return np.count_nonzero(self.image)

    def get_bbox(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        Computes the bounding box of the mask.

        Returns: [x, y, w, h]
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import find_mask_bbox
        return find_mask_bbox(self.image)

    def paint(self, colormap: Colormap) -> np.ndarray:
        Applies a colormap to the mask and produces the resulting image.
        from datumaro.util.mask_tools import paint_mask
        return paint_mask(self.as_class_mask(), colormap)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False
        if not isinstance(other, __class__):
            return False
        return \
            (self.label == other.label) and \
            (self.z_order == other.z_order) and \
            (np.array_equal(self.image, other.image))
Example #22
 class Category:
     name = attrib(converter=str, validator=not_empty)
     parent = attrib(default='', validator=default_if_none(str))
     attributes = attrib(factory=set, validator=default_if_none(set))
Example #23
class LabelCategories(Categories):
    @attrs(slots=True, order=False)
    class Category:
        name: str = field(converter=str, validator=not_empty)
        parent: str = field(default='', validator=default_if_none(str))
        attributes: Set[str] = field(factory=set,

    items: List[str] = field(factory=list, validator=default_if_none(list))
    _indices: Dict[str, int] = field(factory=dict, init=False, eq=False)

    def from_iterable(
        cls, iterable: Iterable[Union[str, Tuple[str], Tuple[str, str],
                                      Tuple[str, str, List[str]], ]]
    ) -> LabelCategories:
        Creates a LabelCategories from iterable.

            iterable: This iterable object can be:
                - a list of str - will be interpreted as list of Category names
                - a list of positional arguments - will generate Categories
                with these arguments

        Returns: a LabelCategories object

        temp_categories = cls()

        for category in iterable:
            if isinstance(category, str):
                category = [category]

        return temp_categories

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):

    def _reindex(self):
        indices = {}
        for index, item in enumerate(self.items):
            assert item.name not in self._indices
            indices[item.name] = index
        self._indices = indices

    def add(self,
            name: str,
            parent: Optional[str] = None,
            attributes: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> int:
        assert name
        assert name not in self._indices, name

        index = len(self.items)
        self.items.append(self.Category(name, parent, attributes))
        self._indices[name] = index
        return index

    def find(self, name: str) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[Category]]:
        index = self._indices.get(name)
        if index is not None:
            return index, self.items[index]
        return index, None

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Category:
        return self.items[idx]

    def __contains__(self, value: Union[int, str]) -> bool:
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return self.find(value)[1] is not None
            return 0 <= value and value < len(self.items)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.items)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Category]:
        return iter(self.items)