Example #1
""" Module classes for Scan and Sessions """
import os
import shutil
import smtplib
import logging
import XnatUtils
from datetime import datetime
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from dax_settings import DAX_Settings
SMTP_HOST = DAX_SETTINGS.get_smtp_host()
SMTP_FROM = DAX_SETTINGS.get_smtp_from()
SMTP_PASS = DAX_SETTINGS.get_smtp_pass()
#Logger for logs
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('dax')

class Module(object):
    """ Object Module to create a module for DAX
        Module runs directly during a build on a session or scan
        to generate inputs data for scans/sessions
    def __init__(self, mod_name, directory, email, text_report):
        Entry point of the Base Module Class.
        :param mod_name: Name of the module
        :param directory: Temp directory to store data
        :param email: email address to send report
        :param text_report: string to write at the beggining of the report email
        :return: None