def console_add_record(a_user):
    """Allows the user to add a Record to a day. Calls the console_create_record function to do so.

    :param a_user: User

    good_format = False     # Will not allow the user to continue without a valid date format.
    while not good_format:
        date_string = input("Enter date for record (MM/DD/YYYY, 0 for today: ")

        # If the user entered a date of their own, check it for validity.
        if date_string != "0":
                date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%m/%d/%Y').date()
                good_format = True
            except ValueError:
                print("Accepted inputs are 0 or the format MM/DD/YYYY. Try again.")

        # Otherwise, set the date to today's date.
            good_format = True
            date_obj =

    current_day = Day(date_of_day=date_obj)     # Create a new Day object.

    # Attempt to insert the day into the user's doubly-linked list of Days.
    if not a_user.insert_day_in_list(current_day):
        # If the date was already there, find the appropriate day instead of inserting a new one.
        current_day = a_user.last_day
        while current_day.date_of_day != date_obj:
            current_day = current_day.previous_day

    # Display menu for adding records.
    print("Add record for:")
    print("1. Morning")
    print("2. Afternoon")
    print("3. Evening")
    print("4. Back")

    choice = int(input("\nEnter number: "))

    while choice < 1 or choice > 4:
        print("Invalid entry.")
        choice = int(input("Enter number:"))

    if choice != 4:
        if choice == 1:
            current_day.morning_record = console_create_record()
        elif choice == 2:
            current_day.afternoon_record = console_create_record()
            current_day.evening_record = console_create_record()
    def add_record(self, time, new_entry_window, close_on_add=True):
        """Strips date and Record from new_entry_window. Inserts Record into appropriate spot in the_user's
        doubly-linked list of Days. (adds spot if not found)

        :param time: int (represents Morning (1), Afternoon (2), Evening (3)
        :param new_entry_window: tkinter.Toplevel (specifically a _new_or_view_base window)
        :param close_on_add: bool (defaults to True)

        # Strip date from window
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            new_entry_window.date_entry_box.get(), "%m/%d/%Y").date()

        # Strip Record from window
        record_to_add = self._create_record(new_entry_window)

        # Creates a Day object with the appropriate date
        current_day = Day(date_of_day=date)

        # Inserts day in list (unless it is already there)
        if not the_user.insert_day_in_list(current_day):
            # Navigates to appropriate day in the list
            current_day = the_user.last_day
            while current_day.date_of_day != date:
                current_day = current_day.previous_day

        # Inserts record in appropriate spot of Day
        if time == 1:
            current_day.morning_record = record_to_add
        elif time == 2:
            current_day.afternoon_record = record_to_add
        elif time == 3:
            current_day.evening_record = record_to_add
            raise ValueError("Time of day not set.")

        # Closes window upon successfully adding record if close_on_add is true
        if close_on_add: