def test_unit_conv_mm_to_cm(self):

        # block with fixed decoder operating in mm
        te = dbfunctions.get_task_entry(1762)

        hdf = dbfunctions.get_hdf(te)
        tslice = slice(5, None, 6)
        cursor = hdf.root.task[tslice]['cursor']
        spike_counts = hdf.root.task[tslice]['bins']
        spike_counts = np.array(spike_counts, dtype=np.float64)

        #spike_counts = spike_counts[5::6] # weird indexing feature of the way the old BMI was running

        def run_decoder(dec, spike_counts):
            T = spike_counts.shape[0]
            decoded_state = []
            for t in range(0, T):
                decoded_state.append(dec.predict(spike_counts[t, :]))
            return np.array(np.vstack(decoded_state))

        dec = dbfunctions.get_decoder(te)
        dec_state_mm = 0.1 * run_decoder(dec, spike_counts)
        diff_mm = cursor - np.float32(dec_state_mm[:, 0:3])
        self.assertEqual(np.max(np.abs(diff_mm)), 0)

        dec = dbfunctions.get_decoder(te)
        dec_cm = train.rescale_KFDecoder_units(dec)
        dec_state_cm = run_decoder(dec_cm, spike_counts)
        diff_cm = cursor - np.float32(dec_state_cm[:, 0:3])
        #print np.max(np.abs(diff_cm))
        self.assertEqual(np.max(np.abs(diff_cm)), 0)
    def test_unit_conv_mm_to_cm(self):

        # block with fixed decoder operating in mm
        te = dbfunctions.get_task_entry(1762)
        hdf = dbfunctions.get_hdf(te)
        tslice = slice(5, None, 6)
        cursor = hdf.root.task[tslice]['cursor']
        spike_counts = hdf.root.task[tslice]['bins']
        spike_counts = np.array(spike_counts, dtype=np.float64)
        #spike_counts = spike_counts[5::6] # weird indexing feature of the way the old BMI was running
        def run_decoder(dec, spike_counts):
            T = spike_counts.shape[0]
            decoded_state = []
            for t in range(0, T):
            return np.array(np.vstack(decoded_state))
        dec = dbfunctions.get_decoder(te)
        dec_state_mm = 0.1*run_decoder(dec, spike_counts)
        diff_mm = cursor - np.float32(dec_state_mm[:,0:3])
        self.assertEqual(np.max(np.abs(diff_mm)), 0)
        dec = dbfunctions.get_decoder(te)
        dec_cm = train.rescale_KFDecoder_units(dec)
        dec_state_cm = run_decoder(dec_cm, spike_counts)
        diff_cm = cursor - np.float32(dec_state_cm[:,0:3])
        #print np.max(np.abs(diff_cm))
        self.assertEqual(np.max(np.abs(diff_cm)), 0)
 def load_decoder(self):
     Create the object for the initial decoder
     self.decoder = dbfn.get_decoder(self.te.record)
     self.n_subbins = self.decoder.n_subbins
     self.decoder_state = np.zeros([self.n_iter, self.decoder.n_states, self.n_subbins])    
from db import dbfunctions
from tasks import bmimultitasks
import numpy as np
from riglib.bmi import state_space_models, kfdecoder, train

te = dbfunctions.get_task_entry(1883) # Block with predict and update of kf running at 10Hz
hdf = dbfunctions.get_hdf(te)
dec = dbfunctions.get_decoder(te)

assist_level = hdf.root.task[:]['assist_level'].ravel()
spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['spike_counts']
target = hdf.root.task[:]['target']
cursor = hdf.root.task[:]['cursor']

assert np.all(assist_level == 0)

task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs[:]
update_bmi_msgs = filter(lambda x: x['msg'] == 'update_bmi', task_msgs)
inds = [x[1] for x in update_bmi_msgs]

assert len(inds) == 0

T = spike_counts.shape[0]
error = np.zeros(T)
for k in range(spike_counts.shape[0]):
    if k - 1 in inds:
    st = dec(spike_counts[k], target=target[k], target_radius=1.8, assist_level=assist_level[k])
# coding: utf-8
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn
import numpy as np

task_entry = 2023

dec = dbfn.get_decoder(task_entry)

    dec.bminum = 1

bmi_params = np.load(dbfn.get_bmiparams_file(task_entry))
hdf = dbfn.get_hdf(task_entry)
task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs[:]
update_bmi_msgs = [msg for msg in task_msgs if msg['msg'] == 'update_bmi']
spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['spike_counts']

for k, msg in enumerate(update_bmi_msgs):
    time = msg['time']
    hdf_sc = np.sum(spike_counts[time - dec.bminum + 1:time + 1], axis=0)
    if not np.array_equal(hdf_sc, bmi_params[k]['spike_counts_batch']):
Script to map between new and old assists
infinite horizon LQR feedback controllers are hackishly fit based on arrival times
import numpy as np
from riglib.bmi import feedback_controllers, kfdecoder, ppfdecoder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn

dec = dbfn.get_decoder(2326)

if isinstance(dec, kfdecoder.KFDecoder):
    dt = 1./10
    dec_type = 'kf'
elif isinstance(dec, ppfdecoder.PPFDecoder):
    dt = 1./180
    dec_type = 'ppf'

eff_targ_radius = 1.2

I = np.eye(3)
B = np.bmat([[0*I], 
              [dt/1e-3 * I],
              [np.zeros([1, 3])]])
A = dec.filt.A

## F = []
## F.append(np.zeros([3, 7]))
## for k in range(num_assist_levels):
Equivalence test for changes to vfb training procedure (riglib.bmi.train._train_KFDecoder_visual_feedback)
import numpy as np
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn
from db.tracker import models
from riglib.bmi import train

te = dbfn.get_task_entry(1844)
dec_record = dbfn.get_decoder_entry(te)
dec = dbfn.get_decoder(te)

training_block = dbfn.get_task_entry(dec_record.entry_id)
datafiles = models.DataFile.objects.filter(
files = dict((, d.get_path()) for d in datafiles)

dec_new = train._train_KFDecoder_visual_feedback(cells=dec.units, binlen=dec.binlen, tslice=dec.tslice, **files)

print("C error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.C - dec_new.kf.C)))
print("Q error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.Q - dec_new.kf.Q)))
print("R error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.R - dec_new.kf.R)))
print("S error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.S - dec_new.kf.S)))
print("T error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.T - dec_new.kf.T)))
print("mFR error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.mFR - dec.mFR)))

dec_new = train._train_PPFDecoder_visual_feedback(cells=dec.units, tslice=dec.tslice, **files)
Example #8
A set of tests to ensure that all the dbfunctions are still functional
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn

id = 4150
te = dbfn.TaskEntry(id)

print dbfn.get_plx_file(id)
print dbfn.get_decoder_name(id)
print dbfn.get_decoder_name_full(id)
print dbfn.get_decoder(id)
print dbfn.get_params(id)
print dbfn.get_param(id, 'decoder')
print dbfn.get_date(id)
print dbfn.get_notes(id)
print dbfn.get_subject(id)
print dbfn.get_length(id)
print dbfn.get_success_rate(id)

id = 1956
print dbfn.get_bmiparams_file(id)

# TODO check blackrock file fns

Equivalence test for changes to vfb training procedure (riglib.bmi.train._train_KFDecoder_visual_feedback)
import numpy as np
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn
from db.tracker import models
from riglib.bmi import train

te = dbfn.get_task_entry(1844)
dec_record = dbfn.get_decoder_entry(te)
dec = dbfn.get_decoder(te)

training_block = dbfn.get_task_entry(dec_record.entry_id)
datafiles = models.DataFile.objects.filter(
files = dict((, d.get_path()) for d in datafiles)

dec_new = train._train_KFDecoder_visual_feedback(cells=dec.units, binlen=dec.binlen, tslice=dec.tslice, **files)

print "C error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.C - dec_new.kf.C))
print "Q error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.Q - dec_new.kf.Q))
print "R error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.R - dec_new.kf.R))
print "S error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.S - dec_new.kf.S))
print "T error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.kf.T - dec_new.kf.T))
print "mFR error: %g" % np.max(np.abs(dec_new.mFR - dec.mFR))

dec_new = train._train_PPFDecoder_visual_feedback(cells=dec.units, tslice=dec.tslice, **files)
 def seed_decoder(self):
     return dbfn.get_decoder(self.record)
Example #11
A set of tests to ensure that all the dbfunctions are still functional
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn
import imp

id = 4150
te = dbfn.TaskEntry(id)

print(dbfn.get_param(id, 'decoder'))

id = 1956

# TODO check blackrock file fns

Example #12
Script to map between new and old assists
infinite horizon LQR feedback controllers are hackishly fit based on arrival times
import numpy as np
from riglib.bmi import feedback_controllers, kfdecoder, ppfdecoder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn

dec = dbfn.get_decoder(2326)

if isinstance(dec, kfdecoder.KFDecoder):
    dt = 1. / 10
    dec_type = 'kf'
elif isinstance(dec, ppfdecoder.PPFDecoder):
    dt = 1. / 180
    dec_type = 'ppf'

eff_targ_radius = 1.2

I = np.eye(3)
B = np.bmat([[0 * I], [dt / 1e-3 * I], [np.zeros([1, 3])]])
A = dec.filt.A

## F = []
## F.append(np.zeros([3, 7]))
## for k in range(num_assist_levels):
##     F_k = np.array(feedback_controllers.LQRController.dlqr(A, B, Q, R, eps=1e-15))
##     F.append(F_k)
# coding: utf-8
from db import dbfunctions as dbfn
import numpy as np

task_entry = 2023

dec = dbfn.get_decoder(task_entry)

    dec.bminum = 1

bmi_params = np.load(dbfn.get_bmiparams_file(task_entry))
hdf = dbfn.get_hdf(task_entry)
task_msgs = hdf.root.task_msgs[:]
update_bmi_msgs = filter(lambda msg: msg['msg'] == 'update_bmi', task_msgs)
spike_counts = hdf.root.task[:]['spike_counts']

for k, msg in enumerate(update_bmi_msgs):
    time = msg['time']
    hdf_sc = np.sum(spike_counts[time-dec.bminum+1:time+1], axis=0)
    if not np.array_equal(hdf_sc, bmi_params[k]['spike_counts_batch']):
        print k