Example #1
 def send_message(self, stanza, to, body, log = False):
     """ 发送消息
         `stanza`   - 消息节
         `to`       - 接收人 接收人不在线发送离线消息
         `body`     - 消息主体
         `log`      - 记录历史消息
     if log:
         add_history(stanza.from_jid, to, body)
     if is_online(to):
         mode = get_info('mode', to)
         if mode == 'talk' or not mode:
             if isinstance(to, (str, unicode)):
                 to = JID(to)
             self.logger.debug("send '{0}' to {1!r}".format(body, to))
             typ = stanza.stanza_type
             self._stream.send(self.make_message(to, typ, body))
         body = NOW() + ' ' + body
         self.logger.debug("store offline message'{0}' for {1!r}"
                                 .format(body, to))
         offline_message = get_info('offline_message', to, '')
         offline_message += '\n' +  body
         add_info('offline_message', offline_message, to)
Example #2
    def send_all_msg(self, stanza, body):
        """ 给除了自己的所有成员发送消息 """
        if cityid(body.strip()):
            return self.send_command(stanza, '-_tq ' + body.strip())
        if body.strip() == 'help':
            return self.send_command(stanza, '-help')
        if body.strip() == 'ping':
            return self.send_command(stanza, '-_ping')
        mode = get_info('mode', stanza.from_jid)
        if mode == 'quiet':
            body = u'你处于{0},请使用-cd命令切换到 {1} '\
                    u'后发言'.format(MODES[mode], MODES['talk'])
            return self.send_back_msg(stanza, body)

        add_history(stanza.from_jid, 'all', body)
        members = get_members(stanza.from_jid)
        current = get_info('channel', stanza.from_jid, 'main')
        members = [m for m in members
                   if get_info('channel', m, 'main') == current]
        self.logger.info("{0} send message {1} to {2!r}"
                            .format(stanza.from_jid, body, members))
        nick = get_nick(stanza.from_jid)
        body = "[{0}] {1}".format(nick, body)
        [self.send_message(stanza, m, body) for m in members]