Example #1
async def _alias_match_name(name: str):
    Searches the alias table for aliases that match the name

    :param name: The name to find the alias of

    params = (name, ) * 2
    sql = 'SELECT * ' \
          'FROM aliases ' \
          'JOIN _items ON item_id = id ' \
          'WHERE alias LIKE %s ' \
          'OR SOUNDEX(alias) LIKE SOUNDEX(%s) ' \
          'LIMIT 1'
    alias = await objects.execute(Alias.raw(sql, *params))

    # No alis found
    if not alias:
        return None

    # Building item from join
    item = Item()
    item.name = alias.name
    item.id = alias.id
    item.members = alias.members
    item.high_alch = alias.high_alch
    item.low_alch = alias.low_alch
    item.description = alias.description
    item.price = alias.price
    item.category = alias.category
    item.last_updated = alias.last_updated
    item.runeday = alias.runeday

    return item
Example #2
async def fuzzy_match_name(name: str):
    Fuzzy matches a "Maybe" partial name

    :param name: The name to match
    The item and name of the matched item or none if the name was not matched

    # Checking DB first
    ret = await objects.execute(
            'SELECT * '
            'FROM _items '
            'WHERE name LIKE %s '
            'OR SOUNDEX(name) LIKE SOUNDEX(%s) '
            'ORDER BY sys.jaro_winkler(Name, %s) DESC '
            'LIMIT 1', name, name, name))

    # Returning if name was matched to something
    if ret:
        return ret[0]

    # Trying aliases
    ret = await objects.execute(
            'SELECT * '
            'FROM aliases '
            'JOIN _items ON item_id = id '
            'WHERE alias LIKE %s '
            'OR SOUNDEX(alias) LIKE SOUNDEX(%s) '
            'LIMIT 1', name, name))

    if ret:
        ret = ret[0]
        item = Item()
        item.name = ret.name
        item.id = ret.id
        item.members = ret.members
        item.high_alch = ret.high_alch
        item.low_alch = ret.low_alch
        item.description = ret.description
        item.price = ret.price
        item.category = ret.category
        item.last_updated = ret.last_updated
        item.runeday = ret.runeday

        return item

    # Slowly fuzzy matching DB
    sanitized = db.get_conn().escape_string(name)
    ret = await objects.execute(
            'SELECT * '
            'FROM _items '
            'WHERE name LIKE \'%%{}%%\''
            'ORDER BY sys.jaro_winkler(name, %s) DESC '
            'LIMIT 1'.format(sanitized), name))

    if not ret:
        return None

    return ret[0]