Example #1
		name_row = export_tools.empty_row()
		name_row[0] = abbrev_of_status(name.status)
		name_row[1] = abbrev_of_age(txn.age)
		name_row[3] = txn.full_name()
		fill_in_name(name_row, name)
		sprsh.add_row(name_row, status=name.status)

	# Add children
	for child in txn.sorted_children():
		export_taxon(child, sprsh, recurse=recurse)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Export the database into ODS files')

	parser.add_argument('--taxon', '-t', help="Taxon to export")
	parser.add_argument('--recursive', '-r', action='store_true', help="Perform the whole export in a single process")
	args = parser.parse_args()

	if args.recursive:
		root = Taxon.get(Taxon.rank == ROOT)
		export_spreadsheet(root, recurse=True)
	elif args.taxon:
		print "Exporting", args.taxon
		root = Taxon.get(Taxon.valid_name == args.taxon)
		export_spreadsheet(root, recurse=False)
		taxa = Taxon.filter(Taxon.is_page_root == True)
		for taxon in taxa:
			cmd = ' '.join(['python', 'export.py', '--taxon', taxon.valid_name])
			subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
Example #2
def read_file(filename):
	with codecs.open(filename, mode='r') as file:
		reader = csv.reader(file)
		first_line = reader.next()

		# name of parent of root taxon should be in cell A1
		root_name = first_line[0]
		if root_name:
			root_parent = Taxon.filter(Taxon.valid_name == root_name)[0]

			# maintain stack of taxa that are parents of the current taxon
			stack = [root_parent]
			stack = []

		# current valid taxon (for synonyms)
		current_valid = None
		# whether current taxon should be marked as root of a page
		is_page_root = True
		error_occurred = False
		for row in reader:
				# ignore blank rows
				if row[3] == '' and row[0] == '':
				data = parse_row(row)

				if data['status'] == STATUS_VALID:
					# get stuff off the stack
					rank = data['rank']
					# TODO: make this somehow unranked-clade-aware
					while len(stack) > 0 and rank >= stack[-1].rank:
					# create new Taxon
					current_valid = Taxon.create(valid_name=data['valid_name'], age=data['age'],
						rank=data['rank'], is_page_root=is_page_root,
						comments=data['comments_taxon'], data=data['data_taxon'])
					if len(stack) > 0:
						current_valid.parent = stack[-1]
					if is_page_root:
						is_page_root = False
				# create new Name
				data['taxon'] = current_valid
				assert current_valid.valid_name == data['valid_name'], \
					"Valid name %s does not match expected %s" % (data['valid_name'], current_valid.valid_name)

				data['data'] = helpers.fix_data(data['data'])

				# Detect whether a name object is already present (Principle of Coordination)
				nm = None
				if data['root_name'][0:4] == 'see ':
					seen = data['root_name'][4:]
					nm = Taxon.get(Taxon.valid_name == seen).base_name

				# create a new Name if none was found
				if nm is None:
					nm = Name.create(**data)

				# set base_name field
				if data['status'] == STATUS_VALID:
					current_valid.base_name = nm

			except Exception:
				print('Error parsing row: %s' % row)
				error_occurred = True
				# ignore error and happily go on with the next
	return not error_occurred