def tag(self, message): components = message.split(" ") subcommand = components[0] if subcommand == "add": if len(components[1:]) != 1: return f"invalid syntax: '{message}' had the wrong # of arguments ({len(components[1:])})" t = db.Tag(name=components[1]) self.db.store_tag(t) return f"added tag {}" elif subcommand == "apply": if len(components[1:]) != 2: return f"invalid syntax: '{message}' had the wrong # of arguments ({len(components[1:])})" review_id = components[1] tag_name = components[2] # is this a real tag? tag = self.db.retrieve_tag(tag_name) if not tag: return f"I can't find a tag named {tag_name}!" # OK, it's real, is this review real? review = self.db.retrieve_review(review_id) if not review: return f"I can't find a review with the ID {review_id}!" self.db.tag_review(review=review, tag=tag) return f"tagged review #{review.key} with {}" elif subcommand == "list": tags = [str(t) for t in self.db.retrieve_tags()] if not tags: return "I don't have any tags" return "\n".join(tags)
def tag_added(title, user_id, artwork): if not title: return None title = title.strip() url_name = tag_url_name(title) if len(title) <= 1 or len(title) > 64: return None if hide_bad_language(title) != title: return None global_tag = db.Tag.all().filter('url_name =', url_name).get() if global_tag: if getattr(global_tag, 'count') is not None: global_tag.count = global_tag.count + 1 global_tag.last_date = if not global_tag.cover: global_tag.cover = artwork global_tag.put() else: tag = db.Tag.all().filter('url_name =', url_name).get() if not tag: tag = db.Tag() tag.title = title tag.title_lower = title.lower() tag.url_name = url_name = tag.last_date = tag.cover = artwork tag.count = 1 tag.put() user_tag = db.UserTag.all().filter('user_id =', user_id).filter('url_name', url_name).get() if user_tag: user_tag.count = user_tag.count + 1 user_tag.last_date = if not user_tag.cover: user_tag.cover = artwork user_tag.put() else: user_tag = db.UserTag() user_tag.user_id = user_id user_tag.url_name = url_name user_tag.cover = artwork user_tag.title = title user_tag.title_lower = title.lower() = user_tag.last_date = user_tag.count = 1 user_tag.put() cache.delete(cache.MC_TAG + url_name) return url_name
def tag_by_url_name(url_name): cache_tag = cache.get(cache.MC_TAG + url_name) if cache_tag: return cache_tag else: tag = db.Tag.all().filter('url_name =', url_name).get() if tag: cache.add(cache.MC_TAG + url_name, tag) else: tag = db.Tag() tag.url_name = url_name tag.title = url_name tag.title_lower = url_name return tag
def add_edit_tags(id_article, tags): try: article_res = db.session.query( == id_article).one_or_none() if not article_res or len(article_res) == 0: raise ArticleDoesntExist except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() raise ArticleAlreadyExistsException try: tag_res = db.session.query( db.Tag).filter(db.Tag.id_article == id_article).all() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() raise TagsDoesentExist if not check_tags(tags): raise TagsNotValidException if tag_res or len(tag_res) != 0: for i in tag_res: if i.tag in tags: tags.remove(i.tag) try: for tag in tags: aid = randomword(10, 'id') tag = db.Tag(aid, id_article, tag) db.session.add(tag) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() raise TagsInsertErrorException return True
new_db.session.add(o) new_db.session.commit() except Exception, e: log.error(e) continue medium_mapper[i[0]] = o.medium_id # tags tag_mapper = {} old_cursor.execute("SELECT id, name FROM tags;") for i in old_cursor.fetchall(): o = new_db.session.query(db.Tag).filter_by(name=i[1]).first() if o is not None: tag_mapper[i[0]] = o.tag_id else: o = db.Tag(name=i[1]) try: new_db.session.add(o) new_db.session.commit() except Exception, e: log.error(e) continue tag_mapper[i[0]] = o.tag_id # movies movie_mapper = {} old_cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, volume_id, collection_id, original_title, title, director, number, image, plot, country, year, runtime, classification, genre, studio, site, imdb, actors, trailer, rating, loaned, media, num_media, obs, seen, region, condition, color, layers