def calculatingMission():
	cid = db.getMissionCid()
	if cid != False:
		print 'Processing calculating mission: cid = %d ...' % (cid)
		db.changeStatus('calculation', 'cid', cid, 'status', 1)

		data = db.fetchMissionData(cid)
		path = data['path']
		inputData = dict()
		for item in data['input']:
			inputData[item['name']] = item['value']
		print 'Copying plugin files into run/'
		if os.path.exists('run'):
			os.popen('rm -rf run')
		shutil.copytree(path, 'run')
		print 'Plugin copied.'
		filename = 'input_%d.json' % time.time()
		print 'Creating input file: %s into run/' % filename
		f = open('run/%s' % (filename), 'w')
		inputStr = f.write(json.dumps(inputData, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8'))
		print 'Input file writed.'
		print 'Start running program...........'
		value = os.system('python run/core/ < run/%s > run/output' % (filename)) >> 8
		f = open('run/output', 'rb')
		output =
		print 'Returned value:', value
		print 'Output:', output
		print 'Deleting folder run/ ....'
		os.popen('rm -rf run')
		print 'Deleted'
		print 'Writing calculation result into MySQL ...'
		if value != 0:
			output = '[程序返回错误代码:' + str(value) + ']\n' + output
		output = urllib.quote_plus(output)
		db.writeResult(cid, output)
		print 'Writed'

		status = value
		if value == 0:
			status = 2
			if value == 1:
				status = 3
				status = 5
		db.changeStatus('calculation', 'cid', cid, 'status', status)
		print 'Calculation mission %d completed!' % (cid)
def downloadEp():
    print "Downloading..."
    show_list = db.getShowList()
    flag = 0
    for show in show_list:
        show_table_name = show[3]
        undone_list = db.getSpecificEpList(show_table_name, 0)
        if undone_list:
            for ep in undone_list:
                print "Try: %s" % (ep[0])
                with open("log.out", "a+") as f:
                    Popen(["transmission-gtk", ep[1]], stderr=f)
                    flag = 1
                db.changeStatus(show_table_name, ep[0], 1)
    if not flag:
        print "Clear, nothing downloaded."
Example #3
async def addToGroup(group, arr):
    errores = 0
    for user in arr:
        id_user = int(user[0])
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        print("Agregando a ", user)
            await client(InviteToChannelRequest(group, [id_user]))
            db.changeStatus((id_user, ))
        except (UserPrivacyRestrictedError):
            errores += 1
            print(user, ": Usuario no permite por su configuracion")
            db.changeStatusError((id_user, ))
        except (UserNotMutualContactError):
            errores += 1
            print(user, ":The provided user is not a mutual contact")
            db.changeStatusError((id_user, ))
        except (UserBotError):
            errores += 1
            print(user, ":The provided user is a bot")
            db.changeStatusError((id_user, ))
    print('Usuarios con errores> ', errores)
def confirmPendingEps():
    show_list = db.getShowList()
    flag = 0
    for show in show_list:
        show_table_name = show[3]
        pending_list = db.getSpecificEpList(show_table_name, 2)
        if pending_list:
            for ep in pending_list:
                flag = 1
                ep_name = ep[0]
                print "Do you want to download: %s?[y/n]" % (ep_name)

                while True:
                    user_input = raw_input("==>")
                    if user_input == "n":
                        db.changeStatus(show_table_name, ep_name, 1)
                    elif user_input == "y":
                        db.changeStatus(show_table_name, ep_name, 0)
                        print "Invalid input, please try again."
    if not flag:
        print "Clear nothing pending."
def gittingMission():
	pid = db.getGittingPid()
	if pid != 0:
		print 'Processing gitting mission: pid = %d' % (pid)
		db.changeStatus('plugin', 'pid', pid, 'gitStatus', 3)
		path, git = db.fetchPluginData(pid)
		print 'Git:', git
		print 'Folder:', path
		if os.path.exists('%s' % (path)):
			print 'Path exists, deleting...'
			os.popen('rm -rf %s' % (path))
			print 'Deleted.'
		value = os.system('git clone %s %s' % (git, path)) >> 8
		if value == 0:
			db.changeStatus('plugin', 'pid', pid, 'gitStatus', 1)
			db.changeStatus('plugin', 'pid', pid, 'gitStatus', 4)
Example #6
def echo_message(message):
	# Getting status
	status = db.getStatus(
	if status == const.status[const.UNACTIVE]:
		# If user is 'unactive'
		bot.send_message(, "Ась?Не слышу!")

	elif status == const.status[const.ADDING_LINK]:
		message.text = message.text.lower()

		if message.text == "отмена":
			# If the cancel the action
			db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.UNACTIVE])
			bot.send_message(, "Добавление группы отменено.")

		# If a person wants to add a group, then you need to analyze it and display the answer
		if checkURL(message.text):
			# Changinst status + add a group
			db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.UNACTIVE])
			# Checking status
			linkStatus = db.addLink(pathParser(message.text).path[1:],
			if linkStatus == 0:
				# "All" is ok
				bot.send_message(, "Группа успешно добавлена ✅")
			elif linkStatus == 1:
				bot.send_message(, "Группа уже была добавлена")
			elif linkStatus == -1:
				bot.send_message(, "Произошла ошибка во время добавления группы")

			bot.send_message(, "Проверьте правильность введенный данных.\nДля выхода введите <strong>'Отмена'</strong>", parse_mode="HTML")

	elif status == const.status[const.REMOVING_LINK]:
		message.text = message.text.lower()

		if message.text == "отмена":
			# If we canceled all actions
			db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.UNACTIVE])
			bot.send_message(, "Добавление группы отменено.")

		# If a person wants to delete a group, then you need to analyze it and display a response
		if checkURL(message.text):
			# Changes the status, if it finds a group, then deletes it
			db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.UNACTIVE])

			linkStatus = db.removeLink(pathParser(message.text).path[1:])
			if linkStatus == 0:
				# All is ok
				bot.send_message(, "Группа успешно удалена ✅")
			elif linkStatus == 1:
				# Did not find such a group
				bot.send_message(, "Такой группы нет 😲")
			elif linkStatus == -1:
				# If error
				bot.send_message(, "Произошла ошибка во время добавления группы")				
			bot.send_message(, "Проверьте правильность введенный данных.\nДля выхода введите <strong>'Отмена'</strong>", parse_mode="HTML")

		bot.send_message(, "Ась?Не слышу!")
Example #7
def removelink(message):
	bot.send_message(, "Введите URL группы, которую Вы хотели бы удалить?")
	db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.REMOVING_LINK])
Example #8
def addlink(message):
	bot.send_message(, "Введите URL группы, которую Вы хотели бы добавить?")
	db.changeStatus(, const.status[const.ADDING_LINK])