Example #1
def channels_listall(token):
    '''List all channels of server'''
    database = db.load_DB()
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError('Invalid Token')

    return dumps({'channels': [channel for channel in database['channels']]})
Example #2
def admin_userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    '''Change a users permissions'''
    u_id = int(u_id)
    permission_id = int(permission_id)

    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    data = db.load_DB()
    token_permission_id = db.get_from_token('permission_id', token, data)

    all_uids = [user['u_id'] for user in data['users']]
    if not u_id in all_uids:
        raise ValueError("u_id does not refer to a valid user")

    if permission_id not in [1, 2, 3]:
        raise ValueError("Permission_id does not refer to a valid permission")

    if token_permission_id not in [1, 2]:
        raise AccessError("The authorised user is not an admin or owner")

    for user in data['users']:
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            user['permission_id'] = permission_id

    return dumps({})
Example #3
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    '''Add ownership rights to a user of a channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    database = db.load_DB()

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel (based on ID) does not exist')

    for channel in database['channels']:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            if u_id in channel['owner_members']:
                raise ValueError('User already owner of this channel')

            if db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database) not in\
             channel['owner_members'] and \
             db.get_from_token('permission_id', token, database) == 3:
                raise AccessError('authorised user is not an owner of \
the slackr, or an owner of this channel')

    return {}
Example #4
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    '''Edit a message'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    data = db.load_DB()
    message_id = int(message_id)
    if message_id not in db.get_all_messages(data):
        raise ValueError('Message doesnt exist')

    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, data)
    cur_message = [msg for msg in data['messages'] if msg['message_id'] == message_id][0]
    channel = [channel for channel in data['channels'] if channel['channel_id'] ==\

    if u_id != cur_message['u_id'] and db.get_from_token('permission_id', token, data) == 3 and\
     u_id not in channel['owner_members']:
        raise AccessError('The authorised user is an admin or owner of this channel or the slackr')

    if message == "":

        cur_message['message'] = message

    return dumps({})
Example #5
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    '''Change a user profile's email'''

    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)

    if database['users']:
        all_emails = [user['email'] for user in database['users']]
        all_emails = []

    if not db.check_mail(email):
        raise ValueError('Email entered is not a valid email')

    if email in all_emails:
        raise ValueError('Email address is already being used by another user')

    for user in database['users']:
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            user['email'] = email

    return {}
Example #6
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    '''Adds existing user to a new channel'''
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    # Raise error if invalid token
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError('Invalid Token.')

    database = db.load_DB()
    # Check if valid channel_id
    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Invalid Channel ID.')

    # Check if authorised user is a member of the channel
    channel = db.get_channel_by_id(database, channel_id)
    if not db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database) in channel['members']:
        raise AccessError('You are not a member of this channel so \
you cannot invite others to join.')

# Check if valid user ID for user to be adde
    if u_id not in db.get_all_users(database):
        raise AccessError('Invalid user id.')

    if u_id in channel['members']:
        raise AccessError('User already part of the channel')


    return dumps({})
Example #7
def message_pin(token, message_id):
    '''Pin existing message in a channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    message_id = int(message_id)

    database = db.load_DB()
    permission_id = db.get_from_token('permission_id', token,
                                      database)  #true or false
    #loop through database for message ID
    if message_id not in db.get_all_messages(database):
        raise ValueError('message_id is not a valid message')
    #check admin of user
    if permission_id not in [1, 2]:
        raise ValueError('The authorised user is not an admin')

    #check if message_id is pinned
    for message in database['messages']:
        if message['message_id'] == message_id:
            if message['is_pinned']:
                raise ValueError('Message is already pinned')
            message['is_pinned'] = True

    return dumps({})
Example #8
def channels_list(token):
    '''List all the channels of a certain user'''
    database = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)

    return dumps({'channels': [channel for channel in database['channels'] \
    if u_id in channel['members']]})
Example #9
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    '''Remove react from message'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    if not message_id:
        raise ValueError('Invalid message_id')

    if react_id != '1':
        raise ValueError('Invalid react id')

    message_id = int(message_id)
    react_id = int(react_id)

    data = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, data)

    if message_id not in db.get_all_messages(data):
        raise ValueError('Invalid message_id')

    reactusers = db.get_react_users(data, u_id, message_id, react_id, False)
    if u_id not in reactusers:
        raise AccessError('Message with ID message_id does not contain\
 an active React with ID react_id')

    cur_message = [
        msg for msg in data['messages'] if msg['message_id'] == message_id
    for react in cur_message['reacts']:
        if react['react_id'] == react_id:
    return dumps({})
Example #10
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code, new_password, testing=False):
    '''Reset a users password to a new password'''
    reset_code = int(reset_code)
    data = db.load_DB()

    if len(new_password) < 6:
        raise ValueError('Password entered is not a valid password.')

    valid = False
    for user in data['users']:
        if 'psw_code' in user.keys():
            if user['psw_code'] == reset_code:
                cur_user = user
                valid = True

    if testing:
        return dumps({})
    if not valid:
        raise ValueError('Reset Code is not a valid reset code.')

    cur_user["password"] = db.hash_password(new_password)

    return dumps({})
Example #11
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    '''Change a user profile's handle'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)
    users = database['users']

    if len(handle_str) > 20 or len(handle_str) < 3:
        raise ValueError('handle_str must be between 3 and 20 characters')

    #check if handle_str is already used
    if users:
        all_handle = [user['handle_str'] for user in users]
        all_handle = []

    if handle_str in all_handle:
        raise ValueError('handle is already used by another user')

    for user in database['users']:
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            user['handle_str'] = handle_str

    return {}
Example #12
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent, testing=False):
    '''Send a message at a later point in time'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    time_sent = float(time_sent)
    all_channel_ids = [channel['channel_id'] for channel in database['channels'] if \
    channel_id == channel['channel_id']]

    if channel_id not in all_channel_ids:
        raise ValueError('Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError('Message is greater than 1000')

    if time_sent < datetime.now().timestamp():
        raise ValueError('Time sent is a time in the past')

    length = time_sent - datetime.now().timestamp()

    timer = Timer(length,
                  args=(token, channel_id, message, testing))
    return dumps({})
Example #13
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    '''Remove ownership rights from user of a channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    u_id = int(u_id)
    database = db.load_DB()

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel (based on ID) does not exist')

    tok_u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)
    channel = db.get_channel_by_id(database, channel_id)
    user = [user for user in database['users'] if user['u_id'] == tok_u_id][0]

    for channel in database['channels']:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            if u_id not in channel['owner_members']:
                raise ValueError('User not owner of this channel')

            if tok_u_id not in channel['owner_members'] and \
            db.get_from_token('permission_id', token, database) == 3:
                raise AccessError('authorised user is not\
         an owner of the slackr, or an owner of this channel')


    return {}
Example #14
def message_send(token, channel_id, message, testing=False):
    '''Send message to a channel'''
    if testing:
        return dumps({'message_id': 1})

    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    data = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, data)

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError('Message cannot contain more than 1000 characters')

    channel = [
        ch for ch in data['channels'] if ch['channel_id'] == channel_id

    if u_id not in channel['members']:
        raise AccessError(
            'Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id')

    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    timestamp = time.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()

    msg_id = db.new_message_id(data)
    data['messages'].append({'message_id' : msg_id, 'u_id' : u_id, 'message' : message, \
    'time_created' : timestamp, 'reacts' : [], 'is_pinned' : False, 'in_channel' : channel_id, \
    'is_unread' : True})
    return dumps({'message_id': msg_id})
Example #15
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    '''Join existing user to a new channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    database = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel (based on ID) does not exist')

    channel = db.get_channel_by_id(database, channel_id)
    if not channel['is_public']:
        if db.get_from_token('permission_id', token, database) not in [1, 2]:
            raise AccessError('channel_id refers to a channel that is private \
    (when the authorised user is not an admin)')

    for channel in database['channels']:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            if not u_id in channel['members']:

    return {}
Example #16
def removeToken(token):
    data = db.load_DB()
    email = db.get_from_token('email', token, data)

    for user in data['users']:
        if user['email'] == email:
Example #17
def test_user_profile_validUser():
    data = db.load_DB()
    auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'pas123456', 'Bob', 'Smith')
    token = Token.generateToken('*****@*****.**')
    u_id = db.new_u_id(data)
    user_profile_sethandle(token, 'Baggins')
    assert (user_profile(token, u_id) != {})
Example #18
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    '''Get user profile details'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise ValueError("Not a valid token!")

    data = db.load_DB()
    user = [user for user in data['users'] if user['u_id'] == int(u_id)][0]
    return dumps(user)
Example #19
def users_all(token):
    '''Get a list of all users on the server'''
    data = db.load_DB()
    users = data['users']

    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    return dumps({'users': users})
Example #20
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    '''Load and return all messages from a channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    start = int(start)

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    if database['messages']:
        if int(start) > len([message for message in database['messages'] \
        if message['in_channel'] == channel_id]):
            raise ValueError('start is greater than or equal to the total\
     number of messages in the channel')
    u_id = db.get_from_token("u_id", token, database)

    if database['messages']:
        messages = [
            msg for msg in database['messages']
            if msg['in_channel'] == channel_id
        messages = sorted(messages,
        end = start + 50

        fmessages = []
        for message in messages:
            d = {}
            d['message_id'] = message['message_id']
            d['u_id'] = message['u_id']
            d['message'] = message['message']
            d['time_created'] = message['time_created']
            d['is_pinned'] = message['is_pinned']

            reacts = []
            for react in message['reacts']:
                d2 = {}
                d2['react_id'] = react['react_id']
                d2['u_ids'] = react['u_ids']
                d2['is_this_user_reacted'] = db.get_user_reacted(database, \
                u_id, message['message_id'], react['react_id'])

            d['reacts'] = reacts

        if len(messages) < 50:
            end = -1
        fmessages = []
        end = -1

    return dumps({'messages': fmessages, 'start': start, 'end': end})
Example #21
def isValid(token):
        decoded = decodeToken(token)
        if decoded:
            tokens = db.get_from_token('tokens', token, db.load_DB())
            # print("tokens in db:", tokens)
            # print("token given", token)
            if token in tokens:
                return True
         return False
Example #22
def generateToken(email):
    newtoken = jwt.encode({'email' : email, 'timestamp': datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()}, get_secret(), algorithm='HS256').decode('utf-8')
    data = db.load_DB()
    tokens = db.get_from_token('tokens', newtoken, data)

    for user in data['users']:
        if user['email'] == email:
            user['tokens'] = tokens
    return newtoken
Example #23
def auth_passwordreset_request(email):
    '''Let a user request a password reset'''
    data = db.load_DB()
    allmails = [user['email'] for user in data['users']]

    if email in allmails:
        code = randint(999, 9999)
        for user in data['users']:
            if user['email'] == email:
                user['psw_code'] = code

        return (True, code)

    return (False, 0000)
Example #24
def search(token, query_str):
    '''Search all messages on server by keyword'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError('Invalid Token.')

    data = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, data)

    channels = [
        ch['channel_id'] for ch in data['channels'] if u_id in ch['members']

    messages = []
    for channel in channels:
        messages.extend([msg for msg in data['messages'] if msg['in_channel'] == \
        channel if query_str in msg['message']])

    return dumps({'messages': messages})
Example #25
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    '''Change a user profile's name'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    if len(name_first) > 50 or len(name_first) < 0:
        raise ValueError('Your First Name cannot be more than 50 characters.')

    if len(name_last) > 50 or len(name_last) < 0:
        raise ValueError('Your Last Name cannot be more than 50 characters.')
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)

    for user in database['users']:
        if u_id == user['u_id']:
            user['name_first'] = name_first
            user['name_last'] = name_last

    return {}
Example #26
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    '''Remove existing user from a channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    database = db.load_DB()

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel (based on ID) does not exist')

    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, database)
    channel = db.get_channel_by_id(database, channel_id)

    for channel in database['channels']:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            if u_id in channel['members']:
    return {}
Example #27
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    '''Join existing user to a new channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    if not message_id:
        raise ValueError('Invalid message_id')

    if react_id != "1":
        raise ValueError('Invalid react id')

    message_id = int(message_id)
    react_id = int(react_id)
    data = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token('u_id', token, data)

    if message_id not in db.get_all_messages(data):
        raise ValueError('Invalid message_id')

    if u_id in db.get_react_users(data, u_id, message_id, react_id, False):
        raise AccessError('Message with ID message_id already\
 contains an active React with ID react_id')

    cur_message = [
        msg for msg in data['messages'] if msg['message_id'] == message_id
    channel = [channel for channel in data['channels'] if channel['channel_id'] ==\

    valid = False
    for react in cur_message['reacts']:
        if 'react_id' in react.keys():
            if react['react_id'] == react_id:
                valid = True

    if not valid:
        cur_message['reacts'].append({'react_id': react_id, 'u_ids': \
        db.get_react_users(data, u_id, message_id, react_id)})
    return dumps({})
Example #28
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last):
    '''Register a user'''
    data = db.load_DB()
    users = data["users"]

    if users:
        all_emails = [user['email'] for user in users]
        all_emails = []

    if not db.check_mail(email):
        raise ValueError('Email is not a valid email adress')

    if email in all_emails:
        raise ValueError('Email address is already being used by another user')

    if len(password) < 6:
        raise ValueError('Password entered is not a valid password.')

    if len(name_first) > 50 or not name_first:
        raise ValueError('Your First Name cannot be more than 50 characters.')

    if len(name_last) > 50 or not name_last:
        raise ValueError('Your Last Name cannot be more than 50 characters.')

    u_id = db.new_u_id(data)
        'tokens': [],
        'handle_str': name_first + name_last,
        'u_id': u_id,
        'email': email.lower(),
        'password': db.hash_password(password),
        'name_first': name_first,
        'name_last': name_last,
        'permission_id': 3
    return dumps({'u_id': u_id, 'token': Token.generateToken(email)})
Example #29
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    '''Gets the details of the channel'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")

    database = db.load_DB()
    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    if channel_id not in db.get_all_channels(database):
        raise ValueError('Channel ID is not a valid channel')

    channel = db.get_channel_by_id(database, channel_id)

    if db.get_from_token("u_id", token, database) not in channel['members']:
        raise AccessError('Not authorised to view this channel')

    return dumps({
        "name" : channel['name'],
        "all_members" : [user for user in database["users"] if user['u_id'] in channel['members']],
        "owner_members" : [user for user in database["users"] if \
        user['u_id'] in channel['owner_members']]
Example #30
def user_profiles_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end,
    '''Allow a user to upload a photo'''
    if not Token.isValid(token):
        raise AccessError("Not a valid token!")
    data = db.load_DB()
    u_id = db.get_from_token("u_id", token, data)
    print("URL ==", img_url)
    resp = urllib.request.urlopen(img_url)
    image = np.asarray(bytearray(resp.read()), dtype="uint8")
    image = cv2.imdecode(image, -1)
    crop = image[int(y_start):int(y_end), int(x_start):int(x_end)]
    cv2.imwrite(f'imgurl/{u_id}.jpg', crop)

    for user in data['users']:
        if user['u_id'] == u_id:
                'profile_img_url'] = f'{port}/imgurl?id={u_id}'


    return dumps({})