Example #1
def ShortWikipediaTableM(nentries):
    c = GetDBcursor()
    c.execute("SELECT max(ltime) AS mtime, count(*), referrer, reftitle FROM unlog_incoming WHERE refdomain = 'en.wikipedia.org' GROUP BY reftitle ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT %d;" % nentries)
    lres = c.fetchall()
    res = [ ]
    for wpref in lres:
        dt = wpref[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M")
        #res.append((LongDate(dt[:10]), dt[11:], wpref[1], wpref[2], ConvertName(wpref[3])))
        res.append({"timeago":TimeAgo(wpref[0]), "count":wpref[1], "referrer":wpref[2], "title":ConvertName(wpref[3])})
    return res
Example #2
def BigWikipediaTable():
    #wprefs = ReadLogReferrers("logpages_wikipedia.txt")
    c = GetDBcursor()
    c.execute("SELECT max(ltime) AS mtime, min(ltime), count(*), referrer, reftitle FROM unlog_incoming WHERE refdomain = 'en.wikipedia.org' GROUP BY reftitle ORDER BY reftitle;")
    lres = c.fetchall()
    res = [ ] # wikiname, docid, page, date, wikifullurl
    for wpref in lres:
        res.append((wpref[0], wpref[1], wpref[2], wpref[3], ConvertName(wpref[4])))
        #wrefpage = Wikiredirect(mref.group(2))
        #wikifullurl = "%s%s%s" % (mref.group(1), wrefpage, mref.group(3) or "")
        #res.append((ConvertName(wrefpage), wpref[2], wpref[3], wpref[0], wikifullurl))
    return res
Example #3
def WriteRochesterPage():
    WriteGenHTMLhead('Uni Rochester Stuff')
    c = GetDBcursor()
    qsel = "SELECT ldate, nation, un_divisions.docid, un_divisions.href, motiontext, vote FROM un_divisions "
    qlj = "LEFT JOIN un_votes ON un_votes.docid=un_divisions.docid AND un_votes.href=un_divisions.href"
        "%s %s WHERE body='GA' AND vote is not null AND un_divisions.docid REGEXP 'A-49' ORDER BY nation LIMIT 20000"
        % (qsel, qlj))

    rows = c.fetchall()
    print '<table class="special">'
    for row in rows:
        lrow = [str(r) for r in row]
        lrow[4] = '<a href="%s#%s">%s</a>' % (EncodeHref({
            "pagefunc": "meeting",
            "docid": lrow[2]
        }), lrow[3], lrow[4])
        print "<tr><td>", "</td><td>".join(lrow), "</td></tr>"
    print "</table>"
Example #4
def WriteNationHeading(nation, nationdata):
    c = GetDBcursor()
    fnation = re.sub(" ", "_", nation)
        """SELECT nation, date_entered, date_left, continent, missionurl, wikilink, fname 
                 FROM un_nations WHERE fname='%s' or nation="%s" """ %
        (fnation, nation))
    ns = c.fetchone()
    if ns:
        nation = ns[0]
        print '<ul class="nationstats">'
        print '<li>%s has been a member of the United Nations since <em>%s</em></li>' % (
            nation, LongDate(ns[1].isoformat()))
        if ns[2].year != 9999:
            print '<li>%s left or was renamed in <em>%s</em></li>' % (
                nation, LongDate(ns[2].isoformat))
        if ns[4]:
            print '<li>Contact <a href="%s">the ambassador for %s</a></li>' % (
                ns[4], nation)
            print '<li>%s is not in <a href="http://www.un.int/index-en/index.html">the list of countries with webpages</a> at the UN.</li>' % nation
        print '<li>Read the <a href="%s">Wikipedia page for %s</a></li>' % (
            ns[5], nation)
        print '<li>%s is part of the <i>%s</i> block</li>' % (nation, ns[3])

        c.execute("""SELECT count(*), min(ldate), max(ldate) FROM un_votes 
                   LEFT JOIN un_divisions ON un_divisions.docid=un_votes.docid AND un_divisions.href=un_votes.href
                   WHERE nation=\"%s\" AND vote<>'absent'""" % nation)
        a = c.fetchone()
        if a and a[1]:
            print '<li>%s has participated in %d votes since <em>%s</em>,' % (
                nation, a[0], LongDate(a[1].isoformat()))
            print 'most recently on <em>%s</em></li>' % LongDate(

        print '</ul>'

    csvdata = None
    for mp in nationdata:
        if mp["lntype"] == "csvdata":
            csvdata = mp

    if nation in scpermanentmembers:
        print '<p>%s is a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council#Permanent_members">permanent member</a> of the Security Council.</p>' % nation
    if currentscyear not in scelectedmembersyear:
        print '<p>List of elected members not yet updated; please remind [email protected] to do it.</p>'
    elif nation in scelectedmembersyear[currentscyear]:
        print '<p>%s is an <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council#Elected_members">elected member</a> of the Security Council.</p>' % nation
Example #5
def WriteSpeechInstances(snation, person, nationdata):
    c = GetDBcursor()
    print '<h3>Speeches by the ambassador whose name matches "%s"</h3>' % person
    print '<ul>'
    prevdocid = ""
    for mp in nationdata:
        if mp["lntype"] == "ambassador" and DownPersonName(
                mp["name"]) == person and mp["docid"] != prevdocid:
            href = EncodeHref({
                "pagefunc": "meeting",
                "docid": mp["docid"],
                "gid": mp["gid"]
            desc, sdate = LookupAgendaTitle(mp["docid"], mp["gid"], c)
            print '<li>%s %s <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (
                mp["sdate"], mp["name"], href, desc or mp["sdate"])
            prevdocid = mp["docid"]
    print '</ul>'

    recs = XapLookup("nation:%s name:%s class:spoken" % (snation, person))
    if not recs:
        print '<p>No results found</p>'

    print '<ul>'
    for rec in recs:
        srec = rec.split("|")
        gidspeech = srec[0]
        docid = srec[1]
        gidsubhead = srec[4]
        agtitle, sdate = LookupAgendaTitle(docid, gidspeech, c)
        href = EncodeHref({
            "pagefunc": "meeting",
            "docid": docid,
            "gid": gidspeech
        print '<li>%s <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (sdate or "", href, agtitle
                                                   or docid)
    print '</ul>'
Example #6
def WriteMinorityVotes(nation, nationdata):
    c = GetDBcursor()
    qsel = "SELECT un_divisions.docid, un_divisions.href, ldate, motiontext, vote, favour, against, abstain, absent FROM un_divisions "
    qlj = "LEFT JOIN un_votes ON un_votes.docid=un_divisions.docid AND un_votes.href=un_divisions.href AND un_votes.nation=\"%s\"" % nation
        "%s %s WHERE body='GA' AND vote is not null ORDER BY minority_score LIMIT 20"
        % (qsel, qlj))

    minority = c.fetchall()

    minorityvotes = []
    scminorityvotes = []
    for mp in nationdata:
        if mp["lntype"] == "minorityvote":
        elif mp["lntype"] == "scminorityvote":
    if not minorityvotes and not scminorityvotes:

    print '<h3 style="clear:both">Minority votes in the General Assembly</h3>'
    print '<p>Sometimes these votes highlight an issue where there is a difference from the majority of the international community.</p>'
    print '<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>%s...</b></p>' % nation

    print '<table class="minorityvote">'
    for mp in minority:
        print '<tr><td class="col1">'
        (docid, href, ldate, motiontext, vote, favour, against, abstain,
         absent) = mp
        mvotes = favour + against + abstain
        if vote == "against":
            print 'voted %s <b>against</b>' % MinorityVoteWordsOutOf(
                against, mvotes)
        elif vote == "favour":
            print 'voted %s <b>in favour</b> of ' % MinorityVoteWordsOutOf(
                favour, mvotes)
        elif vote == "abstain":
            print 'voted %s to <b>abstain</b> on' % MinorityVoteWordsOutOf(
                abstain, mvotes)
        elif vote == "absent":
            print 'was <b>absent</b> with <b>%d</b> other nation%s when %d voted' % (
                absent - 1 or "zero", absent != 2 and "s" or "", mvotes)
            print ' error vote ', vote, ':::'
        print '</td>'
        print '<td class="col3"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>' % (EncodeHref(
                "pagefunc": "meeting",
                "docid": docid,
                "gid": href
            }), motiontext)
        print '<td class="col2"><i>%s</i></td>' % LongDate(
        print '</tr>'
    print '</table>'

    #print '<ul>'
    #for mp in minorityvotes:
    #    print '<li>%s - <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (LongDate(mp["date"]), EncodeHref({"pagefunc":"meeting", "docid":mp["docid"], "gid":mp["gid"]}), mp["description"])
    #print '</ul>'

    if not scminorityvotes:

    print '<h3 style="clear:both">Minority votes in the Security Council</h3>'
    print '<p>For a permanent member a vote against constitutes a veto.</p>'
    print '<ul class="scminorityvote">'
    for mp in scminorityvotes:
        sdesc = "Description"
        c.execute("SELECT heading, ldate FROM un_scheadings WHERE docid='%s'" %
        a = c.fetchone()
        if a:
            sdesc = re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", a[0]).strip()
            if not sdesc:
                sdesc = "Ediscription"
        print '<li>%s - <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (
                "pagefunc": "meeting",
                "docid": mp["docid"],
                "gid": mp["gid"]
            }), sdesc)
    print '</ul>'
Example #7
def WritePDFpreview(docid, pdfinfo, rfr, bscrapedoc):
    parsed = (pdfinfo.mgapv or pdfinfo.mscpv)

    WriteGenHTMLhead('%s %s' % (pdfinfo.pdfc, pdfinfo.desc))
    code = pdfinfo.pdfc
    if bscrapedoc:
        from unscrapedoc import ScrapePDFdoc
        mess = ScrapePDFdoc(code, pdfinfo.pdffile)
        print mess

    pdfpreviewf = os.path.join(pdfpreviewdir, code + ".jpg")
    if os.path.isfile(pdfpreviewf):
        pass #print '<img style="float:right" src="/pdfpreviewjpg/%s">' % code

    resurl, reswref = GenWDocLink(pdfinfo, None, None)

    if rfr == 'wikipedia':
        print '<div id="rightdoclinks">'
        print '<p>Links for wikipedians</p>'
        print '<ul>'
        print '<li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_United_Nations">WikiProject United Nations</li>'
        print '<li><a href="http://www.undemocracy.com/incoming">Other wikipedia articles</a> which link to undemocracy.com</li>'
        print '<li><a href="/">Front page of undemocracy.com</a></li>'
        print '<li><a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/mar/13/internet.politics">Newspaper article about this project</a>.</li>'
        print '</ul>'
        print '</div>'

    pdflink = os.path.exists(pdfinfo.pdffile) and EncodeHref({"pagefunc":"nativepdf", "docid":code})
    if pdflink:
        print '<p style="text-align:center; padding-bottom: 2em; padding-top: 2em;"><a class="pdfview" href="%s">' % pdflink
        print '<img style="vertical-align: sub" src="/images/pdficon_large.gif" alt="(PDF)" border="0">' 
        print 'View PDF document' 
        print '</a></p>'
    print '<p>This is a holding page for the official document with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Document_Codes">code</a> <i><b>%s</b></i>.' % code
    print 'The United Nations does not enable direct links to most of their documents.'
    print '</p>'
    print '<p style="padding-top:0.5em">Using this webpage, you can --</p>'
    print '<ul class="d">'
    if pdfinfo.mgapv or pdfinfo.mscpv:
        pfile = os.path.join(htmldir, pdfinfo.pdfc + ".html")
        if os.path.isfile(pfile):
            print '<li class="d">Go to <a href="%s">HTML version</a> of this transcript</li>' % (EncodeHref({"pagefunc":"meeting", "docid":code}))
            print '<li class="d">There is no parsed version for this verbatim report.</li>'

    if pdflink:
        print '<li class="d"><a href="%s">View as PDF</a></li>' % pdflink

        print '<li class="d">Or click on individual pages--</li>'
        print '<li class="d">'
        npages = pdfinfo.pages == -1 and 5 or pdfinfo.pages
        for n in range(npages):
            print '<a href="%s">Page %d</a>' % (EncodeHref({"pagefunc":"pdfpage", "docid":code, "page":(n+1)}), n + 1),
        if pdfinfo.pages == -1:
            print '(Accurate page-count unknown.)'
        print '</li>'
    lundlink = re.sub('[\-"]', "/", pdfinfo.pdfc)
    if re.match("S/PV/\d", lundlink):   # handle mistaken dash in these cases
        lundlink = re.sub('PV/', 'PV.', lundlink)
    undlink = "http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=" + lundlink
    print '<li class="d">Try linking directly to <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (undlink, undlink)
    if not pdflink:
        print '<li class="d">No document available on undemocracy.com server.',
        if bscrapedoc:
            print '<b>Document scraping attempt failed, unfortunately.</b></li>'
            print 'Click <a href="%s"><b>here</b></a> to try and request it. (new feature!)</li>' % EncodeHref({"pagefunc":"document", "docid":code, "scrapedoc":True})
    print '<li class="d"><a href="http://www.un.org/documents/">UN Documentation Centre</a></li>'

    if pdfinfo.bGA:
        print '<li class="d">See all <a href="/generalassembly/documents">General Assembly documents</a>.</li>'
    if pdfinfo.bSC:
        print '<li class="d">See all <a href="/securitycouncil/documents">Security Council documents</a>.</li>'
    print '<li class="d">Ready-made URL link: <input style="text" readonly value="%s"></li>' % resurl
    print '<li class="d">Ready-made <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Footnotes">wikipedia link</a> '
    print 'using <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:UN_document">Template:UN_document</a>: '
    print '<input style="text" readonly value="%s"></li>' % reswref
    print '</ul>'

    c = GetDBcursor()
    if pdfinfo.pvrefs:
        print '<h3>References to this document</h3>'
        print '<p>List of all post-1994 meetings of the Security Council or General Assembly where this document was specifically mentioned.</p>'
        print '<ul class="docrefs">'
        for pvrefk in sorted(pdfinfo.pvrefsing.keys()):
            mcode = pvrefk[1]
            hmap = { "pagefunc":"meeting", "docid":mcode, "highlightdoclink":code }
            hmap["gid"] = min(pdfinfo.pvrefsing[pvrefk])
            agtitle, sdate = LookupAgendaTitle(mcode, hmap["gid"], c)
            print '<li>%s <a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (pvrefk[0], EncodeHref(hmap), (agtitle or mcode))
        print '</ul>'

    print '</body>'
    print '</html>'