def getallconferences(json): conn = None cursor = None try: # Get all conferences where you are not participating as type Username = json['username'] Type = json['loginas'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT EventID, [Name] FROM [Event] WHERE EventID NOT IN (SELECT EventID FROM Participates WHERE Username = ? AND Type = ?)""" data = (Username, Type) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def login(username, pwd): conn = None cursor = None try: conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "SELECT Username, Password FROM [User] WHERE Username=?" sql_where = (username) cursor.execute(sql, sql_where) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: # if check_password_hash(row[1], pwd): if row[1] == pwd: return row[0] return None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getusers(json): #get all users exept you conn = None cursor = None try: Username = json['username'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT Username FROM [User] Where Username != ? """ data = (Username) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getallpcmembers(json): # get all users exept you conn = None cursor = None try: eventid = json['eventid'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT Username, ProposalID, Analyze FROM PCmember Where Username IN (SELECT Username From Participates where EventID = ?""" data = eventid cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getallproposals(json): conn = None cursor = None try: # Get all proposals where you are not participating as author Username = json['username'] eventID = json['EventID'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT ProposalID, [Name] FROM Proposal WHERE Proposal.EventId = ? AND Proposal.ProposalID NOT IN (SELECT Proposal.ProposalID FROM Participates inner join Event on Event.EventID = Participates.EventID inner join Proposal on Event.EventID = Proposal.EventId WHERE Participates.Username = ? AND Type = ?)""" data = (eventID, Username, "author") cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getconferences(json): conn = None cursor = None try: Username = json['username'] Type = json['loginas'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT Event.EventID, [Name] FROM [Event] INNER JOIN Participates On Event.EventID = Participates.EventID AND Participates.Username = ? AND Participates.Type = ? """ data = (Username, Type) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getproposalinfo(json): conn = None cursor = None try: Username = json['username'] EventID = json['EventID'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT ProposalID, AbstractID, PaperID from Participates Inner join Event ON Participates.EventID = Event.EventID Inner join Proposal On Event.EventID = Proposal.EventID Where Participates.Username = ? and Event.EventID = ? AND Participates.Type = 'author' """ data = (Username, EventID) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.commit() if row: sql = """SELECT Proposal.Name, Proposal.Topic, PaperInfo, Title, Abstract.Name, Purpose, Methods from Proposal Inner join Paper ON Proposal.PaperID = Paper.PaperID Inner join Abstract ON Proposal.AbstractID = Abstract.AbstractID Where Proposal.ProposalID = ? """ data = (row[0]) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.commit() data = { 'proposalname': row[0], 'propsaltopic': row[1], 'papertext': row[2], 'abstracttitle': row[3], 'abstractname': row[4], 'abstractpurpose': row[5], 'abstractmethods': row[6] } return data else: return None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getconference(json): conn = None cursor = None try: EventID = json['EventID'] sql = "Select * from Event Where EventID = ?" data = (EventID) conn, cursor = establish_db_con() cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.commit() if row: sql = """SELECT [Name], Interval, ProposalDeadline,AbstractDeadline from Event Inner join Deadline ON Deadline.DeadlineID = Event.DeadlineID WHERE EventId = ? """ data = (EventID) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.commit() data = { 'conferencename': row[0], 'conferencetime': row[1], 'conferencecall': row[2], 'conferencedeadlines': row[3] } return data else: return None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def register(email, name, pwd, affiliation): conn = None cursor = None try: conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "INSERT INTO [User] (Username, Email, Password) VALUES(?, ?, ?)" # data = (name, email, generate_password_hash(pwd)[:50]) data = (name, email, pwd) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def createconf(json): conn = None cursor = None try: conn, cursor = establish_db_con() random.seed( sql = "INSERT INTO [Event] (EventID,Interval) VALUES(?,?)" # data = (name, email, generate_password_hash(pwd)[:50]) data = (random.randint(1, 100), json['conferencename']) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def getconferences(): conn = None cursor = None try: conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "SELECT Interval FROM [Event]" sql_where = () cursor.execute(sql, sql_where) row = cursor.fetchone() return row except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def user_exist(email, username): conn = None cursor = None try: conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "SELECT Email FROM [User] WHERE Email=? or Username=?" sql_where = (email, username) cursor.execute(sql, sql_where) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: return True return False except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def addpcmember(json): conn = None cursor = None try: Username = json['username'] ProposalID = json['ProposalID'] Analyze = json['Analyze'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "INSERT INTO PCmember (Username, ProposalID, Analyze) VALUES(?, ?, ?)" data = (Username, ProposalID, Analyze) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def addparticipant(json): conn = None cursor = None try: Username = json['username'] EventID = json['eventid'] Type = json['loginas'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = "INSERT INTO Participates (Username, EventID, Type) VALUES(?, ?, ?)" data = (Username, EventID, Type) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def upproposal(json): conn = None cursor = None try: #Unique Username = json['username'] EventID = json['EventID'] Autors = json['proposalauthors'] #Proposal Name = json['proposalname'] Topic = json['propsaltopic'] #Paper PaperInfo = json['papertext'] #Abstract Title = json['abstracttitle'] AbstractName = json['abstractname'] Purpose = json['abstractpurpose'] Methods = json['abstractmethods'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() sql = """SELECT ProposalID, AbstractID, PaperID from Participates Inner join Event ON Participates.EventID = Event.EventID Inner join Proposal On Event.EventID = Proposal.EventID Where Participates.Username = ? and Event.EventID = ? AND Participates.Type = 'author' """ data = (Username, EventID) cursor.execute(sql, data) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.commit() if row: #update Event ProposalID = row[0] AbstracID = row[1] PaperID = row[2] sql = """UPDATE Proposal SET [Name] = ?, Topic = ? WHERE ProposalId = ?; """ data = (Name, Topic, ProposalID) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() sql = """UPDATE Paper SET PaperInfo = ? WHERE PaperID = ?; """ data = (PaperInfo, PaperID) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() sql = """UPDATE Abstract SET Title = ?, [Name] = ?, Purpose = ?, Methods = ? WHERE AbstractID = ?; """ data = (Title, AbstractName, Purpose, Methods, AbstracID) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() for author in Autors: try: sql = "INSERT INTO [Participates] (Username,EventId,Type) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (author, EventID, 'author') cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) return sql = "INSERT INTO [Paper] (PaperInfo) VALUES(?)" data = (PaperInfo) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() PaperID = get_last_id(conn, cursor) sql = "INSERT INTO [Abstract] (Title,[Name],Purpose,Methods) VALUES(?,?,?,?)" data = (Title, AbstractName, Purpose, Methods) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() AbstracID = get_last_id(conn, cursor) sql = "INSERT INTO [Proposal] (PaperID,EventID,AbstractID,[Name],Topic) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" data = (PaperID, EventID, AbstracID, Name, Topic) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() for author in Autors: try: sql = "INSERT INTO [Participates] (Username,EventId,Type) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (author, EventID, 'author') cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()
def createconf(json): conn = None cursor = None try: #deadline ProposalDeadline = json['conferencecall'] AbstractDeadline = json['conferencedeadlines'] #event Name = json['conferencename'] Interval = json['conferencetime'] PcMembers = json['conferencepc'] #username Username = json['chair'] #EventId EventId = json['EventID'] conn, cursor = establish_db_con() if EventId: sql = """SELECT DeadlineID FROM [Event] WHERE EventID= ? """ data = (EventId) sql = "UPDATE [Event] set [Name] = ?, Interval = ? where EventID = ?" data = (Name, Interval, EventId) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() for pcmember in PcMembers: try: sql = "INSERT INTO [Participates] (Username,EventId,Type) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (pcmember, EventId, 'PCmember') cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) conn.commit() return sql = "INSERT INTO [Deadline] (ProposalDeadline,AbstractDeadline) VALUES(?,?)" data = (ProposalDeadline, AbstractDeadline) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() DeadlineID = get_last_id(conn, cursor) sql = "INSERT INTO [Event] (Name,Interval,DeadlineID) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (Name, Interval, DeadlineID) cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() EventId = get_last_id(conn, cursor) sql = "INSERT INTO [Participates] (Username,EventId,Type) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (Username, EventId, 'chair') cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() for pcmember in PcMembers: try: sql = "INSERT INTO [Participates] (Username,EventId,Type) VALUES(?,?,?)" data = (pcmember, EventId, 'PCmember') cursor.execute(sql, data) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) finally: if cursor and conn: cursor.close() conn.close()