def ret_task(update, context): """Return task to the vacant pool""" user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = user_id = try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() task_id = user_data['task id'] success = handler.rem_worker(task_id, chat_id, user_id) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to return task to the vacant pool') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете отказаться от этой задачи', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('Вы отказались от задачи', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context)
def rem_deadline(update, context): """Removes task deadline""" user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = user_id = try: task_id = user_data['task id'] handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() success = handler.set_deadline(task_id, chat_id, user_id) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to remove task deadline') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: update.message.reply_text( 'Вы не можете изменить срок выполнения для этой задачи', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('Срок выполнения отменен', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context)
def update_deadline(update, context): """Updates task deadline""" handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() user_id = user_data = context.user_data try: task_id = user_data['task id'] task_info = handler.task_info(task_id) success = (task_info['creator_id'] == user_id or user_id in task_info['workers'] or not task_info['workers']) except (ValueError, ConnectionError, KeyError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to update deadline') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: update.message.reply_text( 'Вы не можете установить срок ' 'для этой задачи', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text( 'Пожалуйста, выберите дату', reply_markup=calendar_keyboard.create_calendar()) return CHOOSING_DL_DATE
def take_task(update, context): """Assign task to the current user""" user_id = user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() task_id = user_data['task id'] success = handler.assign_task(task_id, chat_id, user_id, [user_id]) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to add worker') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете взять эту задачу', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('Задача взята на исполнение', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context)
def close_task(update, context): """Mark the task as closed""" handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() user_id = user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = try: admin = user_id in except TelegramError: admin = False try: task_id = user_data['task id'] success = handler.close_task(task_id, chat_id, user_id, admin) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to close task') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете закрыть эту задачу', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('Задача успешно закрыта', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context)
def get_list(update, context, for_user=False, free_only=False): """Sends the task list""" chat = user_id = if for_user and user_id != msg = 'Список Ваших задач доступен в личном диалоге' update.message.reply_text(msg) return try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() if for_user: rows = handler.get_user_tasks(user_id) else: rows = handler.get_tasks(, free_only=free_only) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to get list of tasks') return if not rows: resp_text = 'Ваш список задач пуст!', text=resp_text, disable_notification=True) return tasks_lst = _compile_list(rows, chat,, for_user=for_user) context.chat_data['pages'] = tasks_lst context.chat_data['page ind'] = 0 if len(tasks_lst) > 1: r_nav = 'nav:r' r_text = '>>' else: r_nav = 'nav:-' r_text = ' ' cl_nav = 'nav:cl' keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton(' ', callback_data='-'), InlineKeyboardButton('Закрыть', callback_data=cl_nav), InlineKeyboardButton(r_text, callback_data=r_nav) ]] markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) _clean_msg(update, context, keys=('rem lst', )) msg =, text=tasks_lst[0], parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, disable_web_page_preview=True, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=markup) context.chat_data['rem lst'] = {msg.message_id}
def deadline_cal_handler(update, context): selected, full_date, update.message = \ calendar_keyboard.process_calendar_selection(update, context) if selected: user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = user_id = full_date = full_date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) full_date = DEF_TZ.localize(full_date) try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() task_id = user_data['task id'] success = handler.set_deadline(task_id, chat_id, user_id, full_date) del user_data['task id'] except (ValueError, ConnectionError, KeyError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to add task') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: msg = 'Вы не можете установить срок для этой задачи' update.message.reply_text(msg, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context) else: user_data['deadline'] = full_date user_data['dl task'] = task_id, update.message.message_id) user_name = update.callback_query.from_user.username msg = (f'@{user_name}, Вы выбрали дату ' f'{full_date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")}\n' 'Для уточнения времени отправьте его в формате "hh:mm" ' 'в ответном сообщении'), msg, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ForceReply(selective=True)) return TYPING_DL_TIME
def add_task(update, context): """Adds new task to the list""" chat_id = creator_id = msg_text = update.message.text.strip() if not msg_text: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете добавить пустую задачу') return end_conversation(update, context) try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() task_id = handler.add_task(chat_id, creator_id, msg_text) context.user_data['task id'] = task_id except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to add task') return end_conversation(update, context) update.message.reply_text('Задача успешно добавлена.\n' f'Управление доступно по команде /act_{task_id}') return act_task(update, context, newly_created=True)
def set_marked_status(update, context): user_data = context.user_data if 'chat id' in user_data: chat_id = user_data['chat id'] else: chat_id = user_id = try: task_id = user_data['task id'] handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() marked = not handler.task_info(task_id)['marked'] success = handler.set_marked_status(task_id, chat_id, user_id, marked) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to update task marked status') return end_conversation(update, context) if not success: if marked: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете отметить эту задачу', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text( 'Вы не можете снять отметку ' 'с этой задачи', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: if marked: update.message.reply_text('Отметка успешно добавлена', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('Отметка успешно удалена', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context)
def get_dl_time(update, context): user_data = context.user_data try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() chat_id = user_data['chat id'] user_id = task_id = user_data['dl task'] due_date = user_data['deadline'] try: time ='\d{1,2}:\d{2}', update.message.text).group() hours = int(time[:time.find(':')].strip()) minutes = int(time[time.find(':') + 1:].strip()) due_date = due_date.replace(hour=hours, minute=minutes, second=0, tzinfo=None) except (ValueError, AttributeError): msg = 'Извините, введенное Вами время не соответствует формату' update.message.reply_text(msg, disable_notification=True) return end_conversation(update, context) due_date = DEF_TZ.localize(due_date) success = handler.set_deadline(task_id, chat_id, user_id, due_date) if not success: update.message.reply_text( 'Вы не можете установить срок для этой задачи.', disable_notification=True) else: update.message.reply_text('Время выполнения установлено', disable_notification=True) except (ValueError, ConnectionError, AttributeError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True) _LOGGER.exception('Unable to process task deadline time') return end_conversation(update, context)
def act_task(update, context, newly_created=False): handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() chat_id = user_id = user_data = context.user_data try: text_task_id = _get_task_id(update.message.text) if text_task_id and not newly_created: task_id = int(text_task_id) user_data['task id'] = task_id else: task_id = user_data['task id'] task_info = handler.task_info(task_id) user_data['chat id'] = task_info['chat_id'] task_chat =['chat_id']) if != chat_id and user_id not in task_info['workers']: update.message.reply_text('Вы не можете управлять этой задачей', disable_notification=True, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return end_conversation(update, context) if task_chat.type == 'private': is_admin = False else: is_admin = user_id in [ for admin in task_info['chat_id']) ] buttons = [[]] cols = 0 if (user_id in task_info['workers'] or is_admin or task_info['chat_id'] == chat_id and not task_info['workers'] or task_info['creator_id'] == user_id): buttons[-1] += ['Закрыть задачу'] cols += 1 if user_id in task_info['workers']: cols += 1 buttons[-1] += ['Отказаться'] elif task_info['chat_id'] == chat_id and not task_info['workers']: if not cols % 2: buttons.append([]) cols += 1 buttons[-1] += ['Взять'] if task_info['creator_id'] == user_id or is_admin: if task_info['deadline']: buttons.append([]) buttons[-1] += ['Изменить срок'] buttons[-1] += ['Удалить срок'] cols = 0 else: if not cols % 2: buttons.append([]) buttons[-1] += ['Установить срок'] cols += 1 if not cols % 2: buttons.append([]) if task_info['marked']: buttons[-1] += ['Снять отметку'] else: buttons[-1] += ['Отметить'] cols += 1 if not cols % 2: buttons.append([]) buttons[-1] += ['Создать напоминание'] buttons.append([]) buttons[-1] += ['Покинуть меню'] markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(buttons, selective=True, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) if newly_created: msg = 'Вы можете выбрать действие для этой задачи' else: msg = 'Выберите действие с задачей' except (ValueError, ConnectionError, TelegramError, KeyError): update.message.reply_text(_ERR_MSG, disable_notification=True) log_msg = 'Unable to create task action menu' _LOGGER.exception(log_msg) return end_conversation(update, context) update.message.reply_text(msg, reply_markup=markup, disable_notification=True) return CHOOSING_COMMAND
def _compile_list(rows, chat, bot, for_user=False): """ Creates list of task pages for the chat :raises TelegramError if some chat does not exist :raises Value error if rows are corrupted :returns List of strings with task info """ lines_lim = 20 line_len = 30 task_lst = [''] cur_lines = 0 for row in (sorted(rows, key=_row_sort_key)): task_chat_id = row['chat_id'] if 'chat_id' in row else resp_text = '' task_lines = 0 task_mark = u'<b>[ ! ]</b> ' if row['marked'] else u'\u25b8 ' resp_text += f'{task_mark} {html.escape(row["task_text"])}\n\n' task_lines += len(resp_text) // line_len task_lines += 1 if len(resp_text) % line_len else 0 if for_user: try: task_chat = bot.get_chat(task_chat_id) if task_chat.title: resp_text += f'<b>Чат:</b> {task_chat.title}\n' task_lines += 1 except TelegramError: _LOGGER.exception('Could not get chat info') # Parse workers list if row['workers']: workers = '' for w_id in row['workers']: try: w_info = chat.get_member(w_id) f_name = w_info['user']['first_name'] l_name = w_info['user']['last_name'] username = w_info['user']['username'] tg_link = f'{username}' workers += f'<a href="{tg_link}">{l_name} {f_name}</a>\n' except TelegramError: # Worker is no longer in this chat try: handler = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() handler.rem_worker(row['id'], task_chat_id, w_id) except (ValueError, ConnectionError): _LOGGER.exception('Could not remove invalid worker') if workers: resp_text += f'<b>Исполнитель:</b> {workers}' task_lines += 1 # Localize UTC time if row['deadline']: dl_format = ' %a %d.%m' today = if today.year != row['deadline'].year: dl_format += '.%Y' if row['deadline'].second == 0: # if time is not default dl_format += '.%H:%M' dl = row['deadline'].astimezone(DEF_TZ).strftime(dl_format) resp_text += f'<b>Срок:</b> <code>{dl}</code>\n' task_lines += 1 resp_text += f'<b>Действия:</b> /act_{row["id"]}\n' resp_text += u'-' * 16 + '\n\n' task_lines += 2 if cur_lines and cur_lines + task_lines > lines_lim: task_lst.append(resp_text) cur_lines = task_lines else: task_lst[-1] += resp_text cur_lines += task_lines return task_lst
def setUp(self): self.db = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() self.db._log = MagicMock()
def setUpClass(cls): cls.db = db_connector.DataBaseConnector() cls.db._log = MagicMock() cls.chat_id = 1 cls.user_id = 1 cls.task_id = cls.db.add_task(cls.chat_id, cls.user_id, 'Test task')