def auto_sync_loop(): folder_id = lzy.list_dir()['folder_list'][folder_name] print('拉取文件列表...') list_dir = lzy.list_dir(folder_id) cloud_files = list_dir['file_list'] cloud_files.update(list_dir['folder_list']) print('拉取文件列表完成。') while True: local_files = os.listdir(config.zip_save_path) for lf in local_files: f_path = os.path.join(config.zip_save_path, lf) f_size = os.path.getsize(f_path) f_id = lf[:-4] # 文件的修改时间小于10分钟则不进行上传 if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(f_path) < 600: continue # 文件大小超过 99MB 时不上传 # lf_size = os.path.getsize(f_path) # if lf_size > 99 * 1024 * 1024: # continue if lf not in cloud_files and db_helper.exist_download(f_id): print(f'开始上传文件[{lf}]({f_size}b)...') d = db_helper.get_download(f_id) desc = d.title + "\n" + d.description if len(desc) > 159: desc = desc[0:156] + "..." result = lzy.upload2(f_path, folder_id, desc) db_helper.set_download_url(f_id, result['share_url']) os.remove(f_path) cloud_files[lf] = result['file_id'] print("上传完成!") break time.sleep(2)
def build_url(_id): if db_helper.exist_download(_id): dl = db_helper.get_download(_id) if dl.download_url is not None and dl.download_url != '': return dl.download_url url = '{}{}.zip'.format(config.download_server_url, _id) return short_url.get(url)
def __already_download(_id): import db_helper if db_helper.exist_download(_id) and db_helper.get_download( _id).download_url is not None: return True zip_path = os.path.join(zip_save_path, "{0}.zip".format(_id)) if os.path.exists(zip_path): file_name = __get_file_name_in_zip_file(_id) if file_name is not None and not file_name.endswith('.crdownload'): return True return False
def set_all_desc(): folder_id = lzy.list_dir()['folder_list'][folder_name] print('拉取文件列表...') cloud_files = lzy.list_dir(folder_id)['file_list'] print('拉取文件列表完成。') i = 0 for (cf_name, cf_id) in cloud_files.items(): db_id = cf_name[:-4] i = i + 1 if not db_helper.exist_download(db_id): continue d = db_helper.get_download(db_id) desc = d.title + "\n" + d.description if len(desc) > 159: desc = desc[0:156] + "..." suc = lzy.modify_description(cf_id, desc) print(f'[{i}/{len(cloud_files)}]设置{db_id}描述结果:{suc}') print('所有文件描述设置完毕')
async def handle_msg_group(context): global last_cmd global last_arg_str global last_arg_int message = context['message'] if config.need_at_me: if not is_at_me(message): return if is_at_me(message): message = rm_at_me(message) message = message.strip() cmd_args = message.split(' ') cmd = cmd_args[0] args = cmd_args[1:] if len(cmd_args) > 1 else [] def is_all_number(_str: str): if _str is None or _str == '': return False for a in _str: if not '0' <= a <= '9': return False return True arg_int = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 0 and is_all_number(args[0]) else 0 arg_int_2 = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and is_all_number(args[1]) else 0 arg_str = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else '' qq_num = str(context['sender']['user_id']) qq_name = context['sender']['nickname'] if 'card' in context['sender'] and context['sender']['card'] != '': qq_name = context['sender']['card'] qq_group = '-1' if 'group_id' in context: qq_group = str(context['group_id']) if cmd == '-help' or cmd == '-?': msg = '● 个人信息 -personal' msg += '\n● 排行榜 -rank [index]' msg += '\n● 查询文件 -find [keyword]' msg += '\n● 文件信息 -info [id]' msg += '\n● 更多信息 -more' msg += sep_s() msg += '\n* 输入CSDN下载页链接下载' msg += source_code_tail() msg += donate_tail() msg += export_tail() last_cmd = cmd await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-user': await bot.send(context, '查询用户信息中...') helper.init() info = helper.get_user_info() helper.dispose() if info is None: msg = '获取用户信息失败!' else: msg = '{}'.format(info['name']) if info['vip']: msg += '【VIP】' msg += '\n剩余次数:{}次'.format(info['remain']) msg += '\n有效期至:{}'.format(info['date'][:10]) else: msg += '\n剩余积分:{}积分'.format(info['remain']) await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-rank': result = db_helper.rank_qq(arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, arg_int) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-find': result = db_helper.find_all(arg_str, arg_int_2) count = db_helper.count_all(arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, arg_int_2) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int_2 await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_str = arg_str last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) else: await bot.send(context, '文件不存在。') if cmd == '-donors': msg = build_donors(arg_int) last_cmd = cmd last_arg_int = arg_int await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-personal': msg = build_personal(qq_num, qq_group, qq_name) await bot.send(context, msg) if cmd == '-more': if last_cmd == '-find': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.find_all(last_arg_str, last_arg_int) count = db_helper.count_all(last_arg_str) msg = build_find_msg(result, count, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-rank': last_arg_int += 10 result = db_helper.rank_qq(last_arg_int) msg = build_rank_msg(result, last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-info': result = db_helper.get_download(last_arg_int) if result is not None: msg = build_download_detail_info(result) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-donors': last_arg_int += 10 msg = build_donors(last_arg_int) await bot.send(context, msg) if last_cmd == '-help' or last_cmd == '-?': msg = '● 用户信息 -user' msg += '\n● 捐赠名单 -donors' msg += sep_s() msg += '\n* 输入CSDN下载页链接下载' msg += source_code_tail() msg += donate_tail() msg += export_tail() await bot.send(context, msg) download_id = find_csdn_download_id(context['message']) if download_id is not None: if helper.__already_download(download_id) and db_helper.exist_download( download_id): msg = build_download_info(db_helper.get_download(download_id)) await bot.send(context, msg) return download_url = find_csdn_download_url(context['message']) if download_url is not None: can_download, msg = helper.check_download_limit(qq_num, qq_group) if not can_download: await bot.send(context, msg) return if helper.is_busy(): await bot.send(context, '资源正在下载中,请稍后...') return await bot.send(context, '开始下载...') try: helper.init() download_info = helper.auto_download(download_url, qq_num, qq_name, qq_group) msg = download_info['message'] if download_info['success']: result = db_helper.get_download(download_info['info']['id']) msg = build_download_info(result) last_cmd = '-info' last_arg_int = int( elif donate_tail() != '': msg += sep_s() msg += donate_tail() await bot.send(context, msg) finally: helper.dispose()
print('开始修复数据库...') count = 0 helper.init() for i in range(1, 100): helper.get('{}'.format(i)) els = helper.find_all('//div[@class="card clearfix"]/div[2]/h3/a') hrefs = [] for el in els: href = el.get_attribute('href') if href is None: continue hrefs.append(href) for href in hrefs: _id = href[href.rfind('/') + 1:] is_download = helper.__already_download(_id) if not is_download: continue if db_helper.exist_download(_id): continue helper.get(href) info = helper.__get_download_info() info['filename'] = helper.__get_file_name_in_zip_file(info['id']) info['url'] = href info['qq_num'] = '799329256' info['qq_name'] = '菜鸡儿NO.1' db_helper.insert_download(info) count += 1 print('插入数据成功({}),ID:{}'.format(count, info['id'])) helper.dispose() print('修复完成,共修复{}条'.format(count))
def __save_to_db(info): import db_helper if not db_helper.exist_download(info['id']): db_helper.insert_download(info)