Example #1
    def postgis_path_to_uri(path):
        """Convert layer path from QgsBrowserModel to full QgsDataSourceURI.

        :param path: The layer path from QgsBrowserModel
        :type path: string

        :returns: layer uri.
        :rtype: QgsDataSourceURI

        connection_name = path.split('/')[1]
        schema = path.split('/')[2]
        table_name = path.split('/')[3]

        settings = QSettings()
        key = "/PostgreSQL/connections/" + connection_name
        service = settings.value(key + "/service")
        host = settings.value(key + "/host")
        port = settings.value(key + "/port")
        if not port:
            port = "5432"
        db = settings.value(key + "/database")
        use_estimated_metadata = settings.value(
            key + "/estimatedMetadata", False, type=bool)
        sslmode = settings.value(
            key + "/sslmode", QgsDataSourceURI.SSLprefer, type=int)
        username = ""
        password = ""
        if settings.value(key + "/saveUsername") == "true":
            username = settings.value(key + "/username")

        if settings.value(key + "/savePassword") == "true":
            password = settings.value(key + "/password")

        # Old save setting
        if settings.contains(key + "/save"):
            username = settings.value(key + "/username")
            if settings.value(key + "/save") == "true":
                password = settings.value(key + "/password")

        uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
        if service:
            uri.setConnection(service, db, username, password, sslmode)
            uri.setConnection(host, port, db, username, password, sslmode)


        # Obtain the geometry column name
        connector = PostGisDBConnector(uri)
        tables = connector.getVectorTables(schema)
        tables = [table for table in tables if table[1] == table_name]
        if not tables:
            return None
        table = tables[0]
        geom_col = table[8]

        uri.setDataSource(schema, table_name, geom_col)
        return uri
    def postgis_path_to_uri(path):
        """Convert layer path from QgsBrowserModel to full QgsDataSourceURI.

        :param path: The layer path from QgsBrowserModel
        :type path: string

        :returns: layer uri.
        :rtype: QgsDataSourceURI

        connection_name = path.split('/')[1]
        schema = path.split('/')[2]
        table_name = path.split('/')[3]

        settings = QSettings()
        key = "/PostgreSQL/connections/" + connection_name
        service = settings.value(key + "/service")
        host = settings.value(key + "/host")
        port = settings.value(key + "/port")
        if not port:
            port = "5432"
        db = settings.value(key + "/database")
        use_estimated_metadata = settings.value(
            key + "/estimatedMetadata", False, type=bool)
        sslmode = settings.value(
            key + "/sslmode", QgsDataSourceURI.SSLprefer, type=int)
        username = ""
        password = ""
        if settings.value(key + "/saveUsername") == "true":
            username = settings.value(key + "/username")

        if settings.value(key + "/savePassword") == "true":
            password = settings.value(key + "/password")

        # Old save setting
        if settings.contains(key + "/save"):
            username = settings.value(key + "/username")
            if settings.value(key + "/save") == "true":
                password = settings.value(key + "/password")

        uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
        if service:
            uri.setConnection(service, db, username, password, sslmode)
            uri.setConnection(host, port, db, username, password, sslmode)


        # Obtain the geometry column name
        connector = PostGisDBConnector(uri)
        tables = connector.getVectorTables(schema)
        tables = [table for table in tables if table[1] == table_name]
        if not tables:
            return None
        table = tables[0]
        geom_col = table[8]

        uri.setDataSource(schema, table_name, geom_col)
        return uri