Example #1
    def getMesh(handler, meshId):
        meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(int(meshId))

        if meshDb == None:
            return None

        return meshDb.toJSON(reduced=False)
Example #2
    def getMesh(handler, meshId):
        meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(int(meshId))

        if meshDb == None:
            return None

        return meshDb.toJSON(reduced = False)
Example #3
    def updateMesh(handler, jsonMesh, rename = False):
        if "undeletable" not in jsonMesh:
            jsonMesh["undeletable"] = False

        # This basically says to prefer the userId in the input
        if 'user_id' in jsonMesh:
            userId = jsonMesh['user_id']
            userId = handler.user.user_id()

        if "id" in jsonMesh:
            meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(jsonMesh["id"])
            name = jsonMesh["name"]
            # Make sure name isn't taken, or build one that isn't taken
            if "name" in jsonMesh:
                name = jsonMesh["name"]
                usedNames = set([x.name for x in db.Query(MeshWrapper).filter('user_id =', userId).run()])
                if name in usedNames:
                    if rename:
                        i = 1
                        name = '{0}_{1}'.format(jsonMesh["name"], i)
                        while name in usedNames:
                            i = i + 1
                            name = '{0}_{1}'.format(jsonMesh["name"], i)
                        raise Exception("Name is required on new meshes")

            meshDb = MeshWrapper()

        meshDb.user_id = userId
        meshDb.name = name
        meshDb.description = jsonMesh["description"]
        meshDb.meshFileId = jsonMesh["meshFileId"]
        meshDb.subdomains = jsonMesh["subdomains"]
        meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = jsonMesh["uniqueSubdomains"]
        meshDb.undeletable = jsonMesh["undeletable"]

        pymodel = pyurdme.URDMEModel(name = 'test')
        meshFileObj = fileserver.FileManager.getFile(handler, meshDb.meshFileId)
        pymodel.mesh = pyurdme.URDMEMesh.read_dolfin_mesh(str(meshFileObj["storePath"]))
        coordinates = pymodel.mesh.coordinates()
        minx = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 0])
        maxx = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 0])
        miny = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 1])
        maxy = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 1])
        minz = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 2])
        maxz = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 2])
        pymodel.add_species(pyurdme.Species('T', 1))

        if len(meshDb.subdomains) == 0:
            meshDb.subdomains = [1] * len(coordinates)
            meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = [1]

        sd = pymodel.get_subdomain_vector()
        vol_accumulator = numpy.zeros(numpy.unique(sd).shape)
        for ndx, v in enumerate(pymodel.get_solver_datastructure()['vol']):
            vol_accumulator[sd[ndx] - 1] += v

        volumes = {}

        for s, v in enumerate(vol_accumulator):
            volumes[s + 1] = v

        meshDb.volumes = volumes
        meshDb.boundingBox = [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy], [minz, maxz]]

        return meshDb.put().id()
Example #4
def setupMeshes(handler):
        base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../static/spatial/'

        files = [ 'coli_with_membrane_mesh.xml',
                  'unit_sphere_with_membrane_mesh.xml' ]
        descriptions = { 'coli_with_membrane_mesh.xml' : 'Simplified E-coli model mesh',
                         'cylinder_mesh.xml' : 'Cylindrical domain',
                         'unit_cube_with_membrane_mesh.xml' : 'Cubic domain of edge length 1.0',
                         'unit_sphere_with_membrane_mesh.xml' : 'Spherical domain with radius 1.0' }
        namesToFilenames = { 'E-coli with membrane' : 'coli_with_membrane_mesh.xml',
                             'Cylinder' : 'cylinder_mesh.xml',
                             'Unit cube' : 'unit_cube_with_membrane_mesh.xml',
                             'Unit sphere' : 'unit_sphere_with_membrane_mesh.xml' }
        converted = set()
        for wrapper in db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM MeshWrapper WHERE user_id = :1", handler.user.user_id()).run():

        for name in set(namesToFilenames.keys()) - converted:
            fileName = namesToFilenames[name]
            meshDb = MeshWrapper()
            # To get the subdomains, there is a .txt file stored along with every .xml
            baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
            subdomainsFile = open(os.path.join(base, baseName + '.txt'), 'r')
            subdomains = []

            for line in subdomainsFile.read().split():
                v, s = line.strip().split(',')
                v = int(v)
                s = int(float(s))
                subdomains.append((v, s))


            subdomains = [y for x, y in sorted(subdomains, key = lambda x : x[0])]
            uniqueSubdomains = list(set(subdomains))
            meshFile = open(os.path.join(base, fileName), 'r')
            meshFileId = fileserver.FileManager.createFile(handler, "meshFiles", fileName, meshFile.read(), 777)
            meshDb.user_id = handler.user.user_id()
            meshDb.name = name
            meshDb.description = descriptions[fileName]
            meshDb.meshFileId = int(meshFileId)
            meshDb.subdomains = subdomains
            meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = uniqueSubdomains
            meshDb.undeletable = True

            pymodel = pyurdme.URDMEModel(name = 'test')
            pymodel.mesh = pyurdme.URDMEMesh.read_dolfin_mesh(str(os.path.join(base, fileName)))
            coordinates = pymodel.mesh.coordinates()
            minx = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 0])
            maxx = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 0])
            miny = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 1])
            maxy = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 1])
            minz = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 2])
            maxz = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 2])
            pymodel.add_species(pyurdme.Species('T', 1))
            sd = pymodel.get_subdomain_vector()
            vol_accumulator = numpy.zeros(numpy.unique(sd).shape)
            for ndx, v in enumerate(pymodel.get_solver_datastructure()['vol']):
                vol_accumulator[sd[ndx] - 1] += v

            volumes = {}

            for s, v in enumerate(vol_accumulator):
                volumes[s + 1] = v

            meshDb.volumes = volumes
            meshDb.boundingBox = [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy], [minz, maxz]]
        print "ERROR: Failed to import example public models"
Example #5
 def deleteMesh(handler, meshId):
     meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(meshId)
     meshDb.ghost = True
Example #6
    def updateMesh(handler, jsonMesh, rename=False):
        if "undeletable" not in jsonMesh:
            jsonMesh["undeletable"] = False

        # This basically says to prefer the userId in the input
        if 'user_id' in jsonMesh:
            userId = jsonMesh['user_id']
            userId = handler.user.user_id()

        if "id" in jsonMesh:
            meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(jsonMesh["id"])
            name = jsonMesh["name"]
            # Make sure name isn't taken, or build one that isn't taken
            if "name" in jsonMesh:
                name = jsonMesh["name"]
                usedNames = set([
                    x.name for x in db.Query(MeshWrapper).filter(
                        'user_id =', userId).run()
                if name in usedNames:
                    if rename:
                        i = 1
                        name = '{0}_{1}'.format(jsonMesh["name"], i)

                        while name in usedNames:
                            i = i + 1
                            name = '{0}_{1}'.format(jsonMesh["name"], i)
                        raise Exception("Name is required on new meshes")

            meshDb = MeshWrapper()

        meshDb.user_id = userId
        meshDb.name = name
        meshDb.description = jsonMesh["description"]
        meshDb.meshFileId = jsonMesh["meshFileId"]
        meshDb.subdomains = jsonMesh["subdomains"]
        meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = jsonMesh["uniqueSubdomains"]
        meshDb.undeletable = jsonMesh["undeletable"]

        pymodel = pyurdme.URDMEModel(name='test')
        meshFileObj = fileserver.FileManager.getFile(handler,
        pymodel.mesh = pyurdme.URDMEMesh.read_dolfin_mesh(
        coordinates = pymodel.mesh.coordinates()
        minx = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 0])
        maxx = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 0])
        miny = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 1])
        maxy = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 1])
        minz = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 2])
        maxz = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 2])
        pymodel.add_species(pyurdme.Species('T', 1))

        if len(meshDb.subdomains) == 0:
            meshDb.subdomains = [1] * len(coordinates)
            meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = [1]

        sd = pymodel.get_subdomain_vector()
        vol_accumulator = numpy.zeros(numpy.unique(sd).shape)
        for ndx, v in enumerate(pymodel.get_solver_datastructure()['vol']):
            vol_accumulator[sd[ndx] - 1] += v

        volumes = {}

        for s, v in enumerate(vol_accumulator):
            volumes[s + 1] = v

        meshDb.volumes = volumes
        meshDb.boundingBox = [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy], [minz, maxz]]

        return meshDb.put().id()
Example #7
def setupMeshes(handler):
        base = os.path.dirname(
            os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../static/spatial/'

        files = [
            'coli_with_membrane_mesh.xml', 'cylinder_mesh.xml',

        descriptions = {
            'Simplified E-coli model mesh',
            'Cylindrical domain',
            'Cubic domain of edge length 1.0',
            'Spherical domain with radius 1.0'

        namesToFilenames = {
            'E-coli with membrane': 'coli_with_membrane_mesh.xml',
            'Cylinder': 'cylinder_mesh.xml',
            'Unit cube': 'unit_cube_with_membrane_mesh.xml',
            'Unit sphere': 'unit_sphere_with_membrane_mesh.xml'

        converted = set()
        for wrapper in db.GqlQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM MeshWrapper WHERE user_id = :1",

        for name in set(namesToFilenames.keys()) - converted:
            fileName = namesToFilenames[name]

            meshDb = MeshWrapper()

            # To get the subdomains, there is a .txt file stored along with every .xml
            baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
            subdomainsFile = open(os.path.join(base, baseName + '.txt'), 'r')

            subdomains = []

            for line in subdomainsFile.read().split():
                v, s = line.strip().split(',')

                v = int(v)
                s = int(float(s))

                subdomains.append((v, s))


            subdomains = [y for x, y in sorted(subdomains, key=lambda x: x[0])]
            uniqueSubdomains = list(set(subdomains))

            meshFile = open(os.path.join(base, fileName), 'r')
            meshFileId = fileserver.FileManager.createFile(
                handler, "meshFiles", fileName, meshFile.read(), 777)

            meshDb.user_id = handler.user.user_id()
            meshDb.name = name
            meshDb.description = descriptions[fileName]
            meshDb.meshFileId = int(meshFileId)
            meshDb.subdomains = subdomains
            meshDb.uniqueSubdomains = uniqueSubdomains
            meshDb.undeletable = True

            pymodel = pyurdme.URDMEModel(name='test')
            pymodel.mesh = pyurdme.URDMEMesh.read_dolfin_mesh(
                str(os.path.join(base, fileName)))
            coordinates = pymodel.mesh.coordinates()
            minx = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 0])
            maxx = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 0])
            miny = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 1])
            maxy = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 1])
            minz = numpy.min(coordinates[:, 2])
            maxz = numpy.max(coordinates[:, 2])
            pymodel.add_species(pyurdme.Species('T', 1))
            sd = pymodel.get_subdomain_vector()
            vol_accumulator = numpy.zeros(numpy.unique(sd).shape)
            for ndx, v in enumerate(pymodel.get_solver_datastructure()['vol']):
                vol_accumulator[sd[ndx] - 1] += v

            volumes = {}

            for s, v in enumerate(vol_accumulator):
                volumes[s + 1] = v

            meshDb.volumes = volumes
            meshDb.boundingBox = [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy], [minz, maxz]]

        print "ERROR: Failed to import example public models"
Example #8
 def deleteMesh(handler, meshId):
     meshDb = MeshWrapper.get_by_id(meshId)
     meshDb.ghost = True