def insert_order(order): phone = "" if is None else is_virtual = 1 if phone is not None and (phone.endswith('6583') or phone.endswith('8365')) else 0 purchase_date = "" if order.purchase_date is None \ else order.purchase_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') last_update_date = "" if order.last_update_date is None else order.last_update_date.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')'insert_order: ' + str(is_virtual)) shipment_service = "" if order.shipment_service_level_category is None else order.shipment_service_level_category recipient_name = "" if order.recipient_name is None else order.recipient_name address_line1 = "" if order.address_line1 is None else order.address_line1 address_line2 = "" if order.address_line2 is None else order.address_line2 address_line3 = "" if order.address_line3 is None else order.address_line3 city = "" if is None else county = "" if order.county is None else order.county district = "" if order.district is None else order.district state_or_region = "" if order.state_or_region is None else order.state_or_region postal_code = "" if order.postal_code is None else order.postal_code country_code = "" if order.country_code is None else order.country_code sql = "insert into t_stamps_amazon (amazon_order_id, seller_id, amazon_marketplaceid, purchase_date, " \ "last_update_date, order_status, " \ "shipment_service_level, `name`, address_line1, address_line2, address_line3, city, county, district, " \ "state_or_region, postal_code, country_code,phone, is_virtual) VALUE ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'," \ "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'," \ "'%s', '%s','%s', '%s', %d)" % ( order.amazon_order_id, order.sellerid, order.marketplaceid, purchase_date, last_update_date, order.order_status, shipment_service, MySQLdb.escape_string(recipient_name), MySQLdb.escape_string(address_line1), MySQLdb.escape_string(address_line2), MySQLdb.escape_string(address_line3), MySQLdb.escape_string(city), MySQLdb.escape_string(county), MySQLdb.escape_string(district), MySQLdb.escape_string(state_or_region), postal_code, country_code, phone, is_virtual) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_order_status(): sql = "update amazon_sale.t_stamps_amazon s, mws_sundix.t_order_order o set s.order_status=o.order_status WHERE " \ " s.order_status = 'Unshipped' and o.fulfillment_channel='MFN' and o.order_status != 'Unshipped' " \ "and o.sellerid=s.seller_id and s.amazon_order_id=o.amazon_order_id and o.marketplaceid = s.amazon_marketplaceid" return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_order_item_shop_productid(): sql = 'update t_stamps_amazon_item t, t_amazon_shop_product p set t.shop_product_id=p.shop_product_id where ' \ ' t.shop_product_id = 0 and t.seller_id=p.seller_id and t.amazon_marketplaceid=p.amazon_marketplaceid' \ ' and t.seller_sku=p.seller_sku' return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_order_item_stampsid(): sql = 'update t_stamps_amazon_item t, t_stamps_amazon s set t.stamps_amazon_id=s.amazon_id ' \ 'where t.stamps_amazon_id=0 and t.amazon_order_id=s.amazon_order_id and t.seller_id=s.seller_id' return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def insert_order_item(order, orderitem, quantity=0): sql = "insert into t_stamps_amazon_item (amazon_order_id, seller_id, amazon_marketplaceid, seller_sku, quantity_ordered) " \ "VALUE ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %ld)" % (order.amazon_order_id, order.sellerid, order.marketplaceid, orderitem.seller_sku, quantity) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_order(stampsid, order): last_update_date = "" if order.last_update_date is None \ else order.last_update_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "UPDATE t_stamps_amazon set last_update_date = '%s', order_status = '%s' " \ "WHERE amazon_id=%ld" % (last_update_date, order.order_status, stampsid) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_order_marketplaceid(): sql = 'update t_stamps_amazon s, t_amazon_marketplace m set s.marketplace_id = m.marketplace_id ' \ ' where s.marketplace_id = 0 and s.seller_id = m.seller_id and s.amazon_marketplaceid = m.amazon_marketplaceid ' return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def insert_shop(seller_id, name, brandname, email): sql = "insert into t_amazon_shop (name, brand_name, seller_id, email) " \ "value ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (name, brandname, seller_id, email) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_marketplace_shopid(): sql = "update t_amazon_shop s, t_amazon_marketplace m set m.amazon_shop_id=s.shop_id where " \ " s.seller_id=m.seller_id" return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def insert_marketplace(seller_id, marketplaceid, marketplace): sql = "insert into t_amazon_marketplace (marketplace, seller_id, amazon_marketplaceid) " \ "values ('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (marketplace, seller_id, marketplaceid) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def update_shop_product_marketplaceid(): sql = "update t_amazon_shop_product p, t_amazon_marketplace m set p.marketplace_id = m.marketplace_id " \ " where p.marketplace_id = 0 and p.seller_id = m.seller_id and p.amazon_marketplaceid=m.amazon_marketplaceid" return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)
def insert_shop_product(seller_id, marketplaceid, seller_sku, asin): sql = "insert into t_amazon_shop_product (seller_id, amazon_marketplaceid, seller_sku, asin) " \ " value ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (seller_id, marketplaceid, seller_sku, asin) return db_sales.insert_or_update(sql)