Example #1
def update_current_id_player(game_id):
    """This function update 'current_id_player' of the game game_id."""

    list_id_players = db_get_value("games", game_id, "players")
    current_ind_player = list_id_players.index(db_get_value("games", game_id, "current_id_player"))
    next_ind_player = (current_ind_player + 1) % len(list_id_players)
    db_update_value("games", game_id, "current_id_player", list_id_players[next_ind_player])
Example #2
def post_mp3(game_id):
    """This function creates the mp3file depending on roles of players.
        - method: GET
        - route: /<game_id>/mp3
        - payload example:
        - response example: response.mpga

    # find role of each player
    name_roles = "-".join(sorted(
        [db_get_value("players", player_id, "role") for player_id in db_get_value("games", game_id, "players") \
         if db_get_value("players", player_id, "role") not in ("blue", "merlin", "perceval", "red")]

    return send_file("resources/_{}.mp3".format(name_roles),
Example #3
def quest_unsend(game_id):
    """This function sends new quest of the game <game_id>.
        - method: POST
        - route: /<game_id>/quest_unsend
        - payload example: None
        - response example: board

    if r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()["nb_quest_unsend"] < 4:
        db_update_value("games", game_id, "nb_quest_unsend", db_get_value("games", game_id, "nb_quest_unsend") + 1)

        return game_get(game_id)

    if r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()["nb_quest_unsend"] == 4:
        db_update_value("games", game_id, "nb_quest_unsend", db_get_value("games", game_id, "nb_quest_unsend") + 1)
            {"result": {"status": False}},

        return game_get(game_id)

    if r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()["nb_quest_unsend"] == 5:
        return make_response("Game is over because 5 consecutive laps have been passed : Red team won !", 400)
Example #4
def quest_put(game_id, quest_number):

    game = r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()
    if not game:
        return make_response("Game's id {} does not exist !".format(game_id), 400)

    quest = r.RethinkDB().table("quests").get(game["quests"][quest_number]).run()

    if game["nb_quest_unsend"] == 5:
        return make_response("Game is over because 5 consecutive laps have been passed : Red team won !", 400)

    if "result" in game:
        return make_response("Game is over !", 400)

    if game["current_quest"] != quest_number:
        return make_response("Vote number {} is already established !".format(quest_number), 400)

    if ("status" in quest or "votes" in quest) and quest["status"] != None:
        return make_response("Only vote number {} is allowed !".format(game["current_quest"]), 400)

    if game["nb_quest_unsend"] == 5:
        return make_response("Game is over because 5 consecutive laps have been passed : Red team won !", 400)

    for player_id in request.json:
        if player_id not in game["players"]:
            return make_response("Player {} is not in this game !".format(player_id), 400)

    id_quest_number = game["quests"][quest_number]
    nb_players_to_send = db_get_value("quests", id_quest_number, "nb_players_to_send")
    if len(request.json) != nb_players_to_send:
        return make_response(
            "Quest number {} needs {} votes !".format(quest_number, nb_players_to_send),

    if "status" in quest:
        r.RethinkDB().table("quests").get(id_quest_number).update({"votes": None}).run()

    return jsonify(
                "votes": {player_id: None for player_id in request.json},
                "status": None
Example #5
def guess_merlin(game_id):

    if len(request.json) != 1:
        return make_response("Only 1 vote required ('assassin') !", 400)

    game = r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()
    if not game:
        return make_response("Game's id {} does not exist !".format(game_id),

    if game["nb_quest_unsend"] == 5:
        return make_response(
            "Game is over because 5 consecutive laps have been passed : Red team won !",

    assassin_id = list(request.json)[0]
    vote_assassin = request.json[assassin_id]

    if assassin_id not in game["players"]:
        return make_response(
            "Player {} is not in this game !".format(assassin_id), 400)

    if "assassin" not in r.RethinkDB().table("players").get(assassin_id).run():
        return make_response(
            "Player {} is not 'assassin' !".format(assassin_id), 400)

    if vote_assassin not in game["players"]:
        return make_response(
            "Player {} is not in this game !".format(vote_assassin), 400)

    game = r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).run()
    if not game:
        return make_response("Game's id {} does not exist !".format(game_id),

    result = game.get("result")
    if not result:
        return make_response("Game's status is not established !", 400)

    if not result["status"]:
        return make_response(
            "Games's status should be 'true' (ie blue team won) !", 400)

    if "guess_merlin_id" in result:
        return make_response("Merlin already chosen !", 400)

    result["guess_merlin_id"] = vote_assassin
    if db_get_value("players", vote_assassin, "role") == "merlin":
        result["status"] = False

    updated_game = r.RethinkDB().table("games").get(game_id).update(
        {"result": result},

        resolve_key_id(table="players", list_id=updated_game["players"]),
        resolve_key_id(table="quests", list_id=updated_game["quests"])

    return jsonify(updated_game)
Example #6
def quest_delete(game_id, quest_number):

    id_quest_number = db_get_value("games", game_id, "quests")[quest_number]

    return r.RethinkDB().table("quests").get(id_quest_number).replace(
        r.RethinkDB().row.without("votes", "status"), return_changes=True)["changes"][0]["new_val"].run()