def import_dataset(dataset_name, namespace, csv_path, default_variable_display, source_name): with connection as c: db = DBUtils(c) # Check whether the database is up to date, by checking the # - last modified date of the Grapher file # - last modified date of the database row # # This is not bulletproof, but it allows for flexibility – authors could manually update # the repo, and that would trigger a database update too. (db_dataset_id, db_dataset_modified_time) = db.fetch_one( """ SELECT id, dataEditedAt FROM datasets WHERE name = %s AND namespace = %s """, [dataset_name, namespace]) db_dataset_modified_time = db_dataset_modified_time.replace( tzinfo=tz_db) file_modified_time = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.stat(csv_path).st_mtime).replace(tzinfo=tz_local) if file_modified_time <= db_dataset_modified_time: print(f"Dataset is up to date: {dataset_name}") sys.exit(0) print("Updating database...") # Load dataset data frame df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) # Check whether all entities exist in the database. # If some are missing, report & quit. entity_names = list(df['Country'].unique()) db_entities_query = db.fetch_many( """ SELECT id, name FROM entities WHERE name IN %s """, [entity_names]) db_entity_id_by_name = {name: id for id, name in db_entities_query} # Terminate if some entities are missing from the database missing_entity_names = set(entity_names) - set( db_entity_id_by_name.keys()) if len(missing_entity_names) > 0: print_err( f"Entity names missing from database: {str(missing_entity_names)}" ) sys.exit(1) # Fetch the source (db_source_id, ) = db.fetch_one( """ SELECT id FROM sources WHERE datasetId = %s """, db_dataset_id) # Check whether all variables match database variables. id_names = ["Country", "Year"] variable_names = list(set(df.columns) - set(id_names)) db_variables_query = db.fetch_many( """ SELECT id, name FROM variables WHERE datasetId = %s """, [db_dataset_id]) db_variable_id_by_name = {name: id for id, name in db_variables_query} # Remove any variables no longer in the dataset. This is safe because any variables used in # charts won't be deleted because of database constrant checks. variable_names_to_remove = list( set(db_variable_id_by_name.keys()) - set(variable_names)) if len(variable_names_to_remove): print(f"Removing variables: {str(variable_names_to_remove)}") variable_ids_to_remove = [ db_variable_id_by_name[n] for n in variable_names_to_remove ] db.execute( """ DELETE FROM data_values WHERE variableId IN %(ids)s; DELETE FROM variables WHERE id IN %(ids)s; """, {'ids': variable_ids_to_remove}) # Add variables that didn't exist before. Make sure to set yearIsDay. variable_names_to_insert = list( set(variable_names) - set(db_variable_id_by_name.keys())) if len(variable_names_to_insert): print(f"Inserting variables: {str(variable_names_to_insert)}") for name in variable_names_to_insert: db_variable_id_by_name[name] = db.upsert_variable( name=name, code=None, unit='', short_unit=None, source_id=db_source_id, dataset_id=db_dataset_id, display=default_variable_display) # Delete all data_values in dataset print("Deleting all data_values...") db.execute( """ DELETE FROM data_values WHERE variableId IN %s """, [tuple(db_variable_id_by_name.values())]) # Insert new data_values print("Inserting new data_values...") df_data_values = df.melt(id_vars=id_names, value_vars=variable_names, var_name='variable', value_name='value').dropna(how='any') for df_chunk in chunk_df(df_data_values, 50000): data_values = [(row['value'], int(row['Year']), db_entity_id_by_name[row['Country']], db_variable_id_by_name[row['variable']]) for _, row in df_chunk.iterrows()] db.upsert_many( """ INSERT INTO data_values (value, year, entityId, variableId) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """, data_values) # Update dataset dataUpdatedAt time & dataUpdatedBy db.execute( """ UPDATE datasets SET dataEditedAt = NOW(), dataEditedByUserId = %s WHERE id = %s """, [USER_ID, db_dataset_id]) # Update source name ("last updated at") db.execute( """ UPDATE sources SET name = %s WHERE id = %s """, [source_name, db_source_id]) # Update chart versions to trigger rebake db.execute( """ UPDATE charts SET config = JSON_SET(config, "$.version", config->"$.version" + 1) WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT chart_dimensions.chartId FROM chart_dimensions JOIN variables ON = chart_dimensions.variableId WHERE variables.datasetId = %s ) """, [db_dataset_id]) # Enqueue deploy if DEPLOY_QUEUE_PATH: with open(DEPLOY_QUEUE_PATH, 'a') as f: f.write( json.dumps({ 'message': f"Automated dataset update: {dataset_name}" }) + "\n") print("Database update successful.") send_success(channel='corona-data-updates' if not os.getenv('IS_DEV') else 'bot-testing', title=f'Updated Grapher dataset: {dataset_name}')
db_variable_id_by_name = {name: id for id, name in db_variables_query} # Remove any variables no longer in the dataset. This is safe because any variables used in # charts won't be deleted because of database constrant checks. variable_names_to_remove = list( set(db_variable_id_by_name.keys()) - set(variable_names)) if len(variable_names_to_remove): print(f"Removing variables: {str(variable_names_to_remove)}") variable_ids_to_remove = [ db_variable_id_by_name[n] for n in variable_names_to_remove ] db.execute( """ DELETE FROM data_values WHERE variableId IN %(ids)s; DELETE FROM variables WHERE id IN %(ids)s; """, {'ids': variable_ids_to_remove}) # Add variables that didn't exist before. Make sure to set yearIsDay. variable_names_to_insert = list( set(variable_names) - set(db_variable_id_by_name.keys())) if len(variable_names_to_insert): print(f"Inserting variables: {str(variable_names_to_insert)}") for name in variable_names_to_insert: db_variable_id_by_name[name] = db.upsert_variable( name=name, code=None, unit='',