Example #1
def saveLabels():
    ''' Code to post tagged data to PostGresDBase  and update tag list and remove those tagged in RedisDBase'''

    #Get the string object passed from the form where data was tagged
    tagdataString = request.form['toSave']

    #Convert the data into a json object
    tagdata = json.loads(tagdataString)

    #Use try to handle excpetions

        #Create a connection to PostGres Database  and save the tagged data in the Postgres database
        dbase = dbaseops.PostGresDBase()
        # dbase.postTags(tagdata)

        #Get the tag_sessionid as stored in Redis database
        tag_sessionid = url_for('session_code',

        #Create a connection to Redis Database
        dbase = dbaseops.RedisDBase()

        #Get the whole session details. We want to get initial list of comments that needed to be tagged from Redis
        session_info = dbase.getUserSessionInfo(tag_sessionid)

        #List comes back as a string, so convert it to a proper list
        session_comments = eval(session_info['comments_to_tag'])

        #Loop through the list that was posted as tagged from web form and remove them the original Redis list
        for tag_item in tagdata['tags']:

        # Update the RedisDBase to remove saved tags
        # dbase.updateUserSessionTagList(tag_sessionid, session_comments)

        # Return and display success message. If all data has been tagged go to main page else ask if they want to continue
        if len(session_comments):
            message = '''<span><p>Tags Saved!</p></span><br><br><span>Do you want to save more tags? Click <a href="/create
                 ">here</a> to continue tagging</span>'''
            message = '<span><p>Tags Saved!</p></span><br><br>Tagging Sesssion is now complete... Thank you for your submissions!'

        #Show message and open page with confirmation that tags have been saved.
        return url_for('complete')

    # If we encounter any errors. Show the error message
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Error ({0})'.format(e)})
Example #2
def load_session_data(tag_sessionid):
    '''' Code to read session information from the Redis'''
        user_session = '/sessions/' + tag_sessionid
        dbase = dbaseops.RedisDBase()
        session_info = dbase.getUserSessionInfo(user_session)

        # Raise an exception when session information has not been found
        if not session_info:
            raise NameError(
                '<br><br><span>Session {0} has not been found<span>'.format(

        # Get the tagging question and keys from Redis using session_id
        tag_qst, tag_keys = dbase.getSessionInfo(session_info['tag_qst_id'])

        # Comment ID formatting to remove unicode
        tag_keys = eval(tag_keys)

        # Create the comments list as a string by removing array characters
        comments_list = str(session_info['comments_to_tag']).strip('[]')

        # Raise an exception when the comments list is empty
        if not comments_list:
            raise NameError(
                '<br><br>Tagging Sesssion {0} is complete. Thank you for your submissions!'

        # Get the comment records from the PostGres database
        dbase = dbaseops.PostGresDBase()
        comments_data = dbase.getComments(comments_list)

        # Return the updated session with actual comment data
        session_info['comments_to_tag'] = comments_data

        session_info['tag_qst'] = tag_qst
        session_info['tag_keys'] = tag_keys

        return jsonify(session_info)

    # Code to handle Exceptions
    except NameError as detail:
        # Return the error message and go to form for completion
        return url_for('complete')

    except Exception as detail:
        # Return error message on current form for any other errors
        return jsonify({'error': detail})
Example #3
def postSessions():
    ''' --------------------------------- Code to create sessions -------------------------------------- '''

        sessions_to_create = {}
        start_position = 0

        details_string = request.form['sessionsObject']
        sessions_details = (json.loads(details_string))['taggers_info']

        total_tags = sum(item['number_to_tag']
                         for item in sessions_details['taggers'])

        dbase = dbaseops.PostGresDBase()
        comments_to_tag = dbase.getToTag(total_tags)

        #Save the tagging session details to Redis
        dbase = dbaseops.RedisDBase()
        tag_qstid = dbase.postSessionInfo(sessions_details)

        #Create individual user tagging sessions with list of comment ids
        with mail.connect() as conn:
            for user_session in sessions_details['taggers']:

                user_session['tag_qst_id'] = tag_qstid

                end_position = start_position + user_session['number_to_tag']
                user_session['comments_to_tag'] = comments_to_tag[

                # Move position where to start slicing the list of comments_to_tag
                start_position += user_session['number_to_tag']

                # Create the random path for the tagging session
                tag_session_url = url_for(

                # Add to the object of sessions to create for posting in the RedisDBase
                sessions_to_create[tag_session_url] = user_session
                ''' --------------------------------- Code to create and send the emails to the users -------------------------------------- '''
                message = '''Hello, %s. \n\nPlease tag the data in response to the question\n\n %s\n\n 
                            Find the tagging session at .\n\nThanks,''' \
                             % (user_session['user_to_tag'], sessions_details['tag_qst'],  tag_session_url)
                subject = 'Request to tag data'
                msg = Message(recipients=[user_session['user_email']],

            ''' --------------------------------- Save each user session details to Redis -------------------------------------- '''

        #Show message and open page with confirmation that tags have been saved.
        message = '''<span><p>Sessions Created!</p></span><br><br><span>Do you want to save more tags? Click <a href="' + tag_sessionid +
            '">here</a> to continue tagging</span>'''

        return url_for('complete')
        # return jsonify(sessions_to_create)

    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({
            'Creating tagging sessions has this error ({0})'.format(e)