def servePage(self, view, url, params): print("Special function:", url) if url == "/selectprofilepic": # Get home directory for file dialog homedir = os.path.expanduser("~/") fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(view, I18nManager.getText("gui.dialogtitle.openimage"), homedir, I18nManager.getText("gui.fileselection.filetypes.jpg")) if fname:"updateProfilePic('" + fname + "');") elif url == "/friendstorm": if not DbClient.hasFriends():"window.alert('No friends :(');") return # Launch a storm = Brainstorm(I18nManager.getText("contacts.storm.title")) storm = Storm() # Build up Nodes and Edges using our contact list and if possible our friends' contact lists myTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId() friends = {} friendsOfFriends = {} for c in DbClient.getContactList(): #print("Contact:", c['torid'], "'", c['displayName'], "'") nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId() torid = c['torid'] friends[torid] = nodeid storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, c['displayName'])) friendsOfFriends[torid] = c.get('contactlist', "") for torid in friends: if torid != myTorId: storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[myTorId]) for torid in friendsOfFriends: if torid != myTorId: ffList = friendsOfFriends[torid] if ffList: for ff in ffList.split(","): if ff and len(ff) > 16: ffTorid = ff[:16] ffName = ff[16:] if ffTorid != myTorId: if not friends.get(ffTorid, None): # Friend's friend is not in the list yet - add it nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId() friends[ffTorid] = nodeid storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, ffName)) # Add edge from torid to ffTorid storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[ffTorid])
def testGetProfile(self): # Delete whole profiles table DbClient._getProfileTable().remove({}) self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 0, "Profiles table should be empty") # Add own profile myTorId = "ABC123DEF456GH78" myprofile = {"name" : "Constantin Taylor", "keyid" : "someKeyId", "displayName" : "Me", "status" : "self", "ownprofile" : True} DbClient.updateContact(myTorId, myprofile) self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have my profile in it") profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(None) self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve own profile") profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(myTorId) self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using own id") # Initiate contact with a new person otherTorId = "PQR123STU456VWX78" otherName = "Olivia Barnacles" DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "untrusted", "keyid" : "donotknow", "name" : otherName}) self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 2, "Profiles table should have 2 profiles") self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 messageable") self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 trusted") profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(otherTorId) self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using other id") self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("name", None), otherName, "Profile name doesn't match what was stored") self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("status", None), "untrusted", "Profile status doesn't match what was stored") # Update existing record, change status DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "trusted"}) self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 2, "Profiles table should still have 2 profiles") profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(otherTorId) self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using other id") self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("status", None), "trusted", "Profile status should have been updated") self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 messageable") self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 trusted") # Delete other contact DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "deleted"}) self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 messageable") self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 trusted") self.assertFalse(DbClient.hasFriends(), "Shouldn't have any friends any more")
def servePage(self, view, url, params): print("Compose: %s, params %s" % (url, ",".join(params))) if url == "/start": self.requirePageResources(['default.css']) parentHash = params.get("reply", None) recpts = params.get("sendto", None) # Build list of contacts to whom we can send userboxes = [] for p in DbClient.getMessageableContacts(): box = Bean() box.dispName = p['displayName'] box.torid = p['torid'] userboxes.append(box) pageParams = {"contactlist":userboxes, "parenthash" : parentHash if parentHash else "", "webcachedir":Config.getWebCacheDir(), "recipientids":recpts} contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("composemessage.title"), 'pageBody' : self.composetemplate.getHtml(pageParams), 'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"}) view.setHtml(contents) # If we've got no friends, then warn, can't send to anyone if not DbClient.hasFriends():"window.alert('No friends :(');") elif url == "/send": print("Submit new message with params:", params) msgBody = params['messagebody'] # TODO: check body isn't empty, throw an exception? parentHash = params.get("parenthash", None) recpts = params['sendto'] # Make a corresponding message object and pass it on msg = message.RegularMessage(sendTo=recpts, messageBody=msgBody, replyToHash=parentHash) msg.recipients = recpts.split(",") DbClient.addMessageToOutbox(msg) # Save a copy of the sent message sentMessage = {"messageType":"normal", "fromId":DbClient.getOwnTorId(), "messageBody":msgBody, "timestamp":msg.timestamp, "messageRead":True, "messageReplied":False, "recipients":recpts, "parentHash":parentHash} DbClient.addMessageToInbox(sentMessage) # Close window after successful send contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("messages.title"), 'pageBody' : self.closingtemplate.getHtml(), 'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"}) view.setHtml(contents)